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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Looking for a FIGHT (or alliance)! Looking to insult each other (or team up)!
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Picking Another Fight!
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JTC Offline
The Phenomenal Bad Guy

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-26-2013, 08:31 PM

Oh the sudden John The Revelator by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers hits in the background in a room of a hotel as they look around with the camera as they come to me wearing my HOA cut as I look in the camera all business as the music stops.
[Image: normal_010_zpsbbef93f8.jpg]
"Andrew Morrison... Swift Ion... Brian Braxton...Adam Rollins that is my hit list. Not in the order. I don't care when it happens and who comes first. As long as I kick all four of those idiots asses."

I smiled cocky.

"Well Swift Ion I already beat once but ever since I beat him he still running his mouth. So I have to shut it up again."

Took a breath.

"Andrew Morrison, a guy who getting the biggest most serious ass kicking of a life time is on his way. Yeah you beat me. So what. War is not over. No its not. You messed with the wrong mother fucker. You want to mess and threaten my wife and my kids. Shit no this war wont be over intill im the last man standing."

Look to the side a little bit.

"Brian Braxton, even though you are the one who attack me a while back making the devil come out of me and realizing shit, you still get payback for that attack."

I look back at the screen.

"Adam Rollins, I just don't like you, So I'm just going to kick your ass for fun."

Now I look serious again and got a little cocky.

"Now the next person I want to kick their ass is SVD. Salman Van Dam.. Long time we been in the ring with each other. Last time it was back in some stupid little federation on the aimoo network. You beat me twice before in the past our matches were phenomenal. but this is my time to shine. And I want to prove to the world that I can beat you. I don't care what show your one. I want to kick you ass."

I took a breath.

"So Mr. Heyman Please let this chump on Madness sometime soon so I can kick his ass or the GM for Warfare let me come to your show. Either way I don't care if it on Madness, Warfare, or a PPV. I want to prove to XWF that I'm all business and if me and SVD step in the ring one more time the rating will hit the roof."

As I walked away as the camera fades.

[Image: try%20one_zpsrw9trzdg.png]
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