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06-26-2013, 07:49 PM
Although I walk in the valley of the shadow of Death; I shall fear no evil.
The scene opens on a snow covered graveyard. Fresh fallen; it is a picturesque image. The camera pans to the left, revealing a man standing over a broken gravestone. A hand; old and wrinkled rests on the ancient stone; caressing it gently back and forth. His head raises; and without revealing his face he begins to speak in a soft;somber tone.
"There is an old saying....'Although I walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Death; I shall fear no Evil; for thou art with me...'..."
His fingers clench the stone; turning near bone white under the pressure of his hand. The only inclination of any emotion he may be feeling at the moment. His voice becomes deeper; darker. A monsters voice.
"But XWF...he does not walk with you; and it is in my valley you walk. It is in my shadow that you tread; and you will learn to fear. You will learn that violence and blood shed are all that await you when the crisp clear bell rings. Some will mock me; and I'm used to that. I come to a new place; and I am mocked. I am mocked until I destroy those that step in my way; I am mocked until they realize that they are in my shadow; and those that look toward confrontation with me only end in despair."
His head fully raises; and he turns to the camera. His face is burnt into a grotesque smile; white and black paint in the shape of a skull covers his face. Black eyes stare out from behind the hood; glinting in the soft winter light.
"Death is coming XWF. Death is coming and there is no avoiding it. You will struggle as all have before you; you will fight with all you have, but you are but mortal; and Death will win. I am The Reaper that has come for your soul; I am the Angel that will tear your heart out and devour it. There is naught you can do but pray for a quick death...."
He grins for a moment; and picks up the Scythe and swings it; slicing it deep into the tree beside him; the tip sticking out the other end as he runs his fingers over the intricately carved handle.
"But your prayers will not be answered. The death of XWF will be slow and painful; piece by piece; wrestler by wrestler I will tear it to shreds; and when all walk within the Valley...The Reaper will be king."
He turns his face to the camera; his face twisting into a grin as the camera slowly fades to black.
OOC: Would apprechiate feedback; am shaking off ring rust.
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AlexandraCallaway (06-26-2013), salmanvandam007 (06-26-2013)