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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Origins: Chapter Twenty
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

05-13-2021, 05:31 PM


OCTOBER 5, 2020

Miss Fury, maskless leads Thunder Knuckles and Bobby Bourbon in the Tampa estate through the front doors. Miss Fury enters first followed by Thunder Knuckles and finally Bobby Bourbon.

[Image: floyd-mayweather-home3.jpg]

Bobby Bourbon: Nice place.

Bobby states as he takes a long look around the foyer and into the living area.

Thunder Knuckles: Wait until you see who owns the mother fucking place. My mind was blown.

Jessica: This way boys.

Jessica leads them through the living area and into the massive kitchen space which leads them outside to the pool area and hot tub. Off to the right of the pool under a massive canopy we see a set of two tables with a black skirt with a buffet step up under closed serving trays that are positioned under a set of warmer burners.

Standing in front of the tables with his back towards Jessica, Thunder Knuckles, and Bobby Bourbon is Chris Page; unknown to Bobby at this time.

Jessica: Bobby Bourbon, meet the man behind the curtain.

Chris Page turns around as he hears the voice of Jessica. He and Bobby Bourbon lock eyes in what is a shocking moment for Bobby as we hear a pumped-up Thunder Knuckles respond with.

Thunder Knuckles: Mother Fucking Chris Page!

Chris walks across the pool pavers towards the group where there is an oval table with a white skirt and four chairs surrounding it. On the table are four place settings as well as two bottles of Dom on ice. Chris reaches out with his right hand towards Bobby who is still sort of speechless.

” Nice to finally meet you.”

Bobby shifts his head towards Thunder Knuckles as he scratches the side of his head. Bobby turns back towards Chris as he reluctantly shakes his hand.

” I know you might be a little confused. Have a seat and I am going to bring everything to light.”

Jessica and Thunder Knuckles take a seat followed by Bobby Bourbon and finally Chris himself.

” Probably not who you were expecting with all things considering?”

Bobby Bourbon: I think I can safely say that this is not what I was expecting. How the hell are you behind this if we cost you the TV Title?

” Bobby I have been playing this game with Robert for over a year now, but this is not all about Robert Main. Jessica and I have been plotting and planning these moves throughout most of the year. I am in the process of building a force that will run rough shot over the XWF for years to come; you are someone that I need in the mix.”

Thunder Knuckles: Hear him out.

Bobby Bourbon: I do not know what I can necessarily bring to the table, and yes this is very shocking to say the very least.

” Bobby there is more you can do than you are even aware of which is exactly why I asked Thunder Knuckles to line you up with this meeting. You have more god-given potential to be more than what the XWF is allowing you to be. Much like Thunder Knuckles you have been held back, you have been mistreated while being used and abused.”

Chris makes firm eye contact with Bobby as he continues.

” Having you a part of BOB is critical on so many different levels to stick it to Robert first and foremost but to the overall success of what I am trying to do. I would love to see you and Thunder Knuckles come together and form this super team to take the tag titles off Robert and myself.”

Bobby Bourbon: So let me make sure I understand you. You have taken it upon yourself to put together this faction alongside Miss Fury in an attempt to take control of the XWF, and you want me?

Jessica reaches into one of the ice buckets and pulls out a bottle of Dom. She breaks the seal shooting the cork across the pool and into the lusciously landscaped fenced-in back yard. Champaign starts to overflow from the bottle as she starts to pour glasses for the four of them.

” You have megastar written all over you, Bobby. You and Thunder Knuckles alike are the future of this federation, and now it is ours for the taking. You are a former Universal Champion, Hart Champion, Tag Champion… you have all the tools needed to be more than what they are allowing you to be. You are like Rodney Dangerfield in the essence that you do not get the respect you deserve for being the caliber talent that you are. Not only can I give you the respect that you deserve I can also get you the opportunities that you have been passed over on.”

Jessica passes out glasses of champagne to everyone as she chimes in.

Jessica: What Chris is saying is that with us you already have the respect that a man such as yourself deserves. We are not a group put together where one person calls the shots. If you are in with this your voice is heard just like everyone else. We all control our own destiny within BOB but there is a handful of us that have a bigger plan in place.”[/b]

Chris reaches over grabbing his glass off the table as Thunder Knuckles said fuck the glass and took the bottle as he chugs down several gulps before placing the near half-empty bottle on the table.

Thunder Knuckles: Ahhhhhhh.

” This is not a dictatorship by any means; you much like Thunder Knuckles are free to go at any point and without any repercussions. What I am offering you is a seat at the table with a much bigger picture; a long-term vision, if you will. With the team that I am trying to recruit there is not a force of nature or an act of God that will be able to stand in our way as we take what belongs to us.”

Bobby intently listens as Chris takes a sip from his glass while Jessica takes a seat on the right arm of Chris’s chair while resting his left arm across his shoulder and back of his neck. She sips her glass in her right hand.

” This entire thing is a win/win for you and for BOB. What do you think?”

All eyes are on Bobby Bourbon as he ponders what has just been put in front of him before starting.

Bobby Bourbon: I hear what you are saying but my nose is drifting off behind me. Is that Lobster?

Chris smirks before responding.

” And steak.”

Bobby shoves his chair back and gets up walking directly over to the two black skirted tables. He pulls the lid off one container to see a tray full of steamed lobsters. He opens a second container with a tray full of streaks; rib eyes, New York Strip, and Porterhouses. He puts the lids down and moves on to the next set where he pulls a lid and there are three sections of shrimp; fried, coconut, and garlic crusted, the next lid comes off to reveal three sections of veggies; corn on the cob, green beans, fried okra.

Bobby starts to salivate over the goodness that lays in front of him as he puts the two lids back on top of the food before moving down to a final container which he opens up to reveal garlic break, wheat rolls, buttered rolls. He puts the cover back on the bread before turning around towards looking over at Chris, Jessica, and Thunder Knuckles.

Bobby Bourbon: I think I am in love.

” Is that a yes?”

Bobby Bourbon: It is a strong maybe; how are you expecting us to win the tag titles if I jump on board?

” It is simple; get the match for High Stakes and during the match, I will show my true colors. I will get my revenge on Robert Main, we will control the tag division before branching off to conquer the rest. I have devised and thought this out every step of the way. We have a golden opportunity to rid the XWF of its biggest problem with Main and establish ourselves as the premier force in the wrestling business. You do not have to give me an answer now, not by any means. Enjoy the food and Champaign, the only thing I need from you today is an “I will think about it.”.”

Bobby Bourbon: I will think about it.



I can feel myself growing more and more eager to get my hands around the neck of good ole John Black on Warfare. How you feel, John? How are you REALLY feeling knowing that this self-confidence you have in yourself for being a glorified curtain jerker is going to be exposed next Wednesday Night? I wish I could say that I commend the efforts thus far but even that would be a lie. I am curious though, do you say anything that runs through that feeble brain of yours because you think it sounds cool, or are you ignorant enough to actually believe them? I ask for no other reason than it seems like you are doing a lot of talking about a bunch of nothing and the little bit of relevance sprinkled in makes me regret that I have given you this spotlight for me not even to be challenged in the slightest.

I am sure by now you can see that I am approaching you a little differently than most by playing this game your way. Normally I would have released two times the promotional material going into a title defense because, again, for those who cry about it, the structure of this division is to go balls out, my friends. It is to show every single person in the locker room and every person that buys a goddamn ticket exactly why you are the man or woman carrying whatever torch. I showed no sympathy towards Big D, Drew Archlye, Demos, or R.L. Edgar that I have shown towards you thus far; and the one thing that I am trying to do for you allows you to believe, allow the locker room to believe that you can pull off the upset of lifetime by not only defeating me… but robbing the fans of the opportunity to see the hottest Main Event for the Universal Title they have seen in two years. Playing by the rules of others is not something that I am accustomed to but in your case, I have found it to be more of a… relief.

A week off if you will.

I knew you would bury yourself like so many others before you before we even get into the meat and potatoes of our little game.

Kind of like how can you remotely try to downplay BOB in any way, shape, or form when The Thugz were on my payroll in the early inception of the faction alongside Miss Fury and Oswald? Thugs for hire sound familiar at all? You played the role you were given when it was needed until you were not, and that is when the checks stopped coming. You were being played then much like you are being played now and you are not even bright enough to realize it. So to sit back and listen to you call BOB goons or is slapping your own self in the goddamn face because you were that “goon” for hire you ignorant cunt.

Are you starting to see why I lead off with the question I lead off with?

The thing might sound great in your head but the translation bitch smacks you with me putting in that minimal effort for that minimal talent.

Question for you, why would anyone be pissed that you are stepping to the plate to challenge me for the Universal Title when everyone with half a brain knows that I am responsible for this match even happening? Do you not pay any goddamn attention to anything that is said? Let us be a fair homie, if they are pissed at anyone they are pissed at me because when I put you down and retain my Championship yet again you are going to be lumped into the Big D category of defenses that I have made throughout my reign thus far as Universal Champion. Who are you trying to sell this garbage to man? You are not as big of a deal as you think you are but more importantly, the odds of you leaving with the title are slim and none. You are like exhibition bouts for me while my REAL opponent cowards in the shadows taking a month to prepare him for whom, exactly? Me. That is what I bring to the table sunshine, preparation. Something you clearly have no concept of as you attempt; albeit piss poorly, to verbally spar with yours truly.

Hearing you attempt to make some points has been like listening to a kindergartener trying to form a complete sentence.

Are you that aw struck by what is looking you in the face? Are you that intimidated by the force that you are going to have not only to step into the ring with; but step inside a Steel Cage against? You do not strike me as a man that has no fear and part of that is because you are smart enough to know that within this situation you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain... but kid, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, you are going to be locked inside a Cage with the one guy on the roster that can give two fucks if you exit at all. Your biggest problem at this moment rests within how while you can put up this front, I smell the fear exuding from your pores for this sir, this is the single biggest moment of your entire career. There is not a hotter commodity right now in the XWF than Chris Page, and that fact alone eats the shit out of half of this roster. You have guys begging for Alias to cash a briefcase in as opposed to stepping up and TRYING to do it themselves. I am not talking about one or two guys I am talking about a plethora of those so-called “top guys” because even they know they cannot and will not hang with me if the Universal Championship is at stake. If that is not fucking power I do not know what is! Yes, John, you should be wondering two things; one is how bad I am going to embarrass you, and two is am I going to show you the same sympathy when that bell tolls that I have shown you thus far within this little war of the words. I am sorry man, but can you explain how it is out of place for me to talk about Reggie about him beating Robert Main for the Xtreme Title? I am not sure if you quite understand how all of this works, or are you under some mindset that whatever goes on within the federation is off the table unless you are dealing with that person? Where the fuck does that make any sense? I will wait.

[Image: tenor.gif]

That is like saying I cannot comment on Them No Good Bastards wrecking Continuum and making it look easy before thrashing Centurion and Ruby. That my friend is how you put over OTHER people much as I did with your boy Reggie that you just took away by being a fucking idiot and not knowing the difference between an insult and a compliment. But hey, what do I know right? I can do this shit all day brother because you make it that easy especially when you make statements like “he turned on you” about Robert Main.

[Image: giphy.gif]


Just wow.

Over the last several weeks I have seen a lot of people grasping at whatever straw they could but that sir takes the fucking cake. Do your homework the next time you get an opportunity to dance with greatness because you have waited, and waited AND WAITED because of bullshit statements just like that my friend. Who in their right mind is dumb enough to tell me Robert turned on me when I orchestrated an attack that nearly caved his fucking skull in? But yeah, stringing together that shit in your head sounded better than their homie. Keep it there next time because every time you open your mouth you are sounded like a dumber version of Peter Gilmour. It never ceases to amaze me just how far people will go to push their own narrative versus actual facts is completely beyond me. It is almost like you get off on spiting some weak-ass game that equals your game on the female side of the equation. Nonexistent.

It has been awfully hard for me to sit back and let you dictate this pace but I am allowing you to steer this ship so you can have a taste of what it means to be the focal point, and thus far it has been nothing but a disappointment. Now I have to assume the driver’s seat for no other reason than because you have shit the bed in the purest form. Just listening to you try to talk smack sounds like you are trying to convince yourself more than anyone else that you can be some sort of challenge. There was is a reason why you have not broken through your glass ceiling, and only you can dictate why; the obvious reason is the lack of ability to be that world-class talent that is required to be a top-tier talent. You have a LONG way to go in such a short period, my friend. I know that you are not going to lay down, nor would I expect you to, but do not think for one second a mask over your face is going to stop me from breaking it.

Chris Page- 3
John Black- 0

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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