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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
I'm shit and i'm sorry.
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Dean Rose Offline
glasgows own

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-10-2021, 01:58 PM

It's not a good day for Dean.
Dean's coming off of one of the worst promos/vignettes in his whole career, and he knows it.
Yknow sometimes when you're in a moment, when your brain is too busy, you think that bad calls are good calls.
It can't be the best television, watching a grown man have family drama, buying puppies, not taking anything seriously.
But now, he's in the right frame of mind.
He knows that this isn't puppy play time, this is Dean motherfucking Rose vs Andre Dixon.

2 guys who will soon be faces of the company, limitless potential, yet going about it in 2 different ways.
And who knows which route is superior, joining a faction or just being a lone wolf dickhead.
Hell, maybe Dean might run off and join some fucking faction.
It's unlikely though.
He'd need some REAL competition to join a bunch of people.


Wrong way of thinking.

Dont talk down, raise up, sell tickets.

Put on a show.

Put on a show.

Put on a show.

We see Dean again, he's standing in a dark and smoke filled room again, nearly obscuring his beautiful face.

"Chris Page you son of a bitch.
Why the hell do you act like being with Miss Fury is some sort of accomplishment?
Answer this you fat fuck.
Tell me who in BOB HASN'T been with that bitch?"

"Its me again.
Dean Rose, the internet champion, the king of the internet, the dream slayer.
That's a good nickname.
Shame it doesn't really fit here.
You know why it doesn't fit?
Because nobody is dreaming about Andre Dixon."

"Nobody gives Andre a second thought.
Not Chris.
Not Fury.
Not BOB.
And especially not even his own uncle."

"See, Andre thinks that by stepping out of his Uncle's shadow, he's cool and rebellious.
And let me tell you boy, you know nothing about rebellion.
Instead of coming off as a bad-ass Andre, you come off as a whiny little brat that's angry at the world because you haven't gotten your allowance."

'We may play around but at the end of the day we are for real and we are cold-blooded killers. Issa takeover...'

"You don't play around?
Let's get shit straight, right.
BOB has a few stars, i will admit.
But 70% of the faction is jobbers, yes, i calculated it.
You claim to be ice cold killers, Big Preesh wasn't even a challenge for me, and i doubt anyone else would be."

"You and your shitty fucking faction are devaluing the Universal Championshit by letting a lazy stoner use that belt as a chastity cage
You fat fuckers are all filth."

'I have to send a message to all the Dean Rose's out there that think they can disrespect BoB and get away with it.'

"Jeeesus christ bro, could you suck BOB's dick any more?
Let's get something out of the way, sucking up to Chris Page will get you nowhere.
You'd probably get on better sucking up to your filthy old fuck Uncle, at least there would be some REAL starpower."

'this is only the beginning of the biggest takeover the industry has ever seen.'


'MY time is now. By the end of the year, I will have made a name for myself here.'

"It takes you a YEAR to get a name for yourself?
I mean, after a month everyone was already screaming my name.
I mean, ask Miss Fury ;)
OR, the whole womans division ;)."

'I don't think anyone who watched my match with Corey was very surprised at the success I had at March Madness.'

"You lost both of those matches, that's not success.
You claim to hang with the best, yet you have a worse ratio of wins to losses than me.
You are sooo pathetic, man.
I don't know why more people don't do what i do.
Show up, make a scene, become champion.
It's THAT easy.
I've literally never wrestled in any promotion before this one, and i'm STILL one of the biggest stars in the XWF.
They say shit like 'take it easy at first, become a student of the game.'
Well listen the fuck up, i'm not the student, i'm not the teacher, not the principal, no, i am DEAAAAN ROOOOSE."

'I competed against some of the best including beating former Universal Champions.'

"FYI, you're not the best if you're a FORMER champion.
The only way to be one of the best is having to vacate the title, through injury or through choice."

'You really are as dumb as you look, aren't you?'

"It's funny that the stupidest people always comment on intelligent.
Also don't talk shit about appearance when you look the way you do.
Andre Dixon has the face of a fat kid with the body of a fat old man.
Your appearance truly is uncanny."

"Let's keep this short and sweet, i don't do long essays of meaningless words, when i speak i say it in a condensed and bitesized way.

I won't lie, Andre.
I hate you.
I hate that you get the all star treatment even though you exclusively lose.
I hate that you have more fans than me.
I hate that you are going around with the Universal champion even though you dont deserve to come close to gold.
I hate that you see my title a below you.
I hate that you are loved backstage by your ragtag gang of dick fucks.
I hate that you exist.
I hate you.

Maybe i should take this match seriously, maybe a loss would have consequences.
But no matter the result, i will ensure that i get the last laugh.
i don't care if i have to sell my soul."

Win record: Fuck you
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-11-2021), Atara Raven (04-10-2021), Charlie Nickles (04-10-2021), Theo Pryce (04-11-2021)

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