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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
It only takes a spark, to tear it all apart
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

04-09-2021, 04:07 PM

A whistling wind spins the bed further into the oblivion. A flustered Marf sits, propped on the bed as it flies through time and space. He looks around but can’t really see anything but darkness and shadows all around him. The bed continues to fall endlessly as Marf looks over the sides. A soft chuckle grabs hold of Marf’s attention as he sits back up on the bed and spins around. He looks up and can see a giant pair of all blue eyes glaring down upon him. He shudders as he maintains his eye contact.

Marf: The fuck is going on now?

You are annoyingly vulgar...

Marf: And you’re annoyingly vague now tell me what the fuck is going on!

Silence! You don’t make the rules here, first of all. And secondly, I was going to tell you anyway, so don’t think it’s because you asked.

Marf: Whatever...

This is your last warning. Not only are you making her far too powerful for our liking. You’re getting too close, yourself. You need to disappear, go back to that wretched country you were born.

Marf bursts out laughing as the massive blue eyes that tower over him stare down furiously. Marf climbs to his feet and stands confidently on the bed while staring right back at the giant eyes.

Marf: It’s you isn’t it? You’re at the center of all these fucked up dreams I keep having, aren’t you? You have something to do with all this bullshit. That’s your big end game then is it? Fucking around with my dreams so I become some kind of insomniac? Stop hiding and face me. I’m bored with the nightmares and nonsense, come to me face to face!

Silence! I told you already you don’t make the rules here!

Marf: Yeah and that’s a problem that needs to be fixed...

The enormous full blue eyes widen in shock as Marf flips them off before stepping off of the bed. As Marf falls into the void he starts to laugh once again. He tumbles and flies forward until he finally disappears into the abyss. Marf sails through a bright blue sky now as he continues to fall. An arena in the middle of an endless desert approaches as Marf drops out of the sky. He spins and collapses hard onto the floor of the arena, miraculously not getting injured in any way, shape or form.

Marf hops back up to his feet and slowly looks around. He peers through his black and yellow hood and mask to see hundreds of people in stands, yelling and cheering. Marf looks down at himself, dressed in a matching yellow and black shinobi shozoku before glancing back up at a man standing several feet across from him. The man only has half of a human face, the other half appears to be made out of metal. His metal eye glows red. The grizzled looking man growls at Marf and puts up his fists.

Marf takes one step back and then stands in a Hapkido stance. He makes no sound as the metal faced man slowly starts to walk towards him. He throws a roundhouse kick that Marf blocks. The man suddenly shoots a bolt of red light that strikes Marf’s chest and knocks him back several feet. Marf pulls back his left arm and then throws it forward as a light spear on a rope flies out. It strikes the metal faced man as Marf yells at him to get over here. He pulls the rope and the man stumbles towards Marf before getting levelled with an uppercut.

Marf flexes before going back into a perfect Hapkido stance. The metal faced man coughs up some blood while pushing himself back up. He suddenly curls and lunges forward with a flying somersault that knocks him and Marf to the ground. They both get back up and block one another’s strike attempts. Marf suddenly blocks a forearm and then shoves his arm forward and spears the man up close, stabbing him in the chest. Marf backs up two steps and yells come here! Marf yanks him forward but this time pulls out a small axe and uppercuts it into the metal faced man’s chest.

The axe sits there, wedged deep in the metal faced man’s chest while the blood begins to spill out over the blade. He looks down at it, knees wobbling wildly. Finally he drops to the ground and stops moving as Marf stands over him. The man shivers one last time before going still, a large pool of blood forming all around him. Marf backs away and looks around as the people in the stands are going wild. Suddenly a voice booms overhead.

Finish him!

Marf: Who? This guy isn’t getting up...

Marf looks around in confusion as the body of the metal faced man has gone chalk white from the blood loss. A thud from behind him causes Marf to abruptly turn around. Standing several feet away is someone wearing an identical shinobi shozoku except it is black and blue. Underneath the hood Marf can see a pair of glowing blue eyes glaring back at him. Realizing who it is he takes a step forward but it’s too late. She blasts a ball of ice that hits Marf and completely freezes him in place.

Marf: You don’t control me, do your worst!

I told you...last warning!

The blue and black wearing female strides over and plunges her hand deep into Marf’s gut. She wrangles it around before yanking out what appears to be his intestines. Marf screams under the layer of ice covering while she pulls out several feet of intestines, laughing and playing with them. She dangles them in front of Marf’s eyes before dropping them and then punching her fist higher into his chest. This time she pulls out her hand holding Marf’s heart. She holds it up to his face while he screams wildly. Finally she punches it so hard into his face it breaks his head off of his body.


Marf awakes in the stiff, shoddy bed in a random motel room somewhere in Bridgeport Connecticut. He runs his eyes and clearly looks horrified and confused, trying to figure out what reality he’s currently in. His short brown hair is matted down with sweat and his beard is a complete catastrophe. With his heart finally starting to slow down, Marf gets out of the bed and walks over to the bathroom. His body stops for a moment and he wavers before suddenly lunging towards the toilet and vomiting. Hugging the toilet bowl, Marf looks relieved. Possibly because Lycana is too busy at home with Reika to see how bad a night he was having...

Current time, location unknown...

“It’s time to make a start,
To get to know your heart.
Time to show your face,
Time to take your place.”

We open to the new Television Champion himself, Marf leaning on a wall in who knows where. The championship is resting comfortably on his waist as his grin widens. His jean jacket looks like it was stolen from the set of the Breakfast Club but clearly Marf does not have a stylist to stop him. He slaps the Television title and nods while laughing.

Marf: Hellooooo Savage! Guess who! I’m your new television champion Marf in case you didn’t know. I’m the guy that put an end to Charlie Nickles and Demos reign. To be honest, I’m more of a Warfare guy but now I’m the top guy on Savage. So here I am, tahhh daaahhh! I said I would beat him and take his precious title and I did exactly that. Originally the goal was to just defeat ole Charlie, the title was a bonus, I didn’t actually give a shit about it. Except, now I’m starting to get attached to it. Now I’d like to hold on to it for a while.

Insert Clint Fatwood. Apparently the first in line to get a title shot. While I’ve been on Savage before, this is my first official match on Savage. And it’s against Clint yes my last name really is fucking Fatwood. A big God lovin’ man prepared to fight some so-called good fight. And you know what, part of me is excited at the violence you have the potential to bring to the table in this one. You can give and receive pain on a level I can almost appreciate. I want to look forward to that.

Marf looks like he is practically pleading by the end of that last sentence. He opens his arms and gestures for a moment before folding them back up across his massive chest. He lets out a disappointing sigh, purposely loud. He shakes his head slowly.

Marf: I want to but I can’t, Clint. The odds are just far too much in favour of seeing you barely able to stumble your fat ass to the ring before I beat you silly. There isn’t really a whole lot to say here other than I am going to beat the ever loving shit out of you on Savage. My debut on Saturdays will be marked with the bruises and broken bones of Clint Fatwood. Painted with his blood only the deepest and best shades of red. It really didn’t matter to me if it was Clint Fatwood or some other nonsense named loser from Savage, my in ring debut is their destruction.

And this is only the beginning. Just when you thought Saturdays were safe, the Left Hand has taken hold of your precious Television title. It’s mine now, send your soldiers to come and try to take it from me. One by one they will all fall by my hand. My highly raised left hand. Try your best to push us away, hold us down, disregard us but we will never go away until we’ve destroyed you all. Saturday nights belong to us now. Send your Clints and Clarks and Cunts, I will put each and every one of them down. Come and get me.

Marf raises his arms and smiles sadistically one last time as we fade out.

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 10 users Like Marf's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-18-2021), ALIAS (04-10-2021), Andre Dixon (04-11-2021), Charlie Nickles (04-09-2021), Corey Smith (04-09-2021), Lycana (04-09-2021), nope (04-09-2021), R.L. Edgar (04-09-2021), Sil (04-09-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-12-2021)

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