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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
man's best friend is also man's best training partner
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Dean Rose Offline
glasgows own

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

04-09-2021, 05:31 AM

Dean doesnt walk, he struts.
Dean doesnt drive, he gets driven.
Dean doesnt pay tax, he dodges it.
These are only 3 of 100,000 reasons why Dean Rose is superior to you in every single way possible.

But you cant just be the best without work.
There's no place in this world for people who settle for 2nd best.
Well that's a lie, they have a place.
Its just a shame that place is in the mud.

"And speaking of being in the mud, how's it going Andre?
Im going to be honest, i dont know shit about you.
That's how i do my promos, i dont even look at the persons career.
You know why?
It's cause i dont give a fuck.

But its people like you i dislike, Andre.
You give a fuck and that's why you're so tragic.
You are a pawn for Chris Page to play with.
You are a prime example of an ass kisser.

'Oh please, Chris, please notice me'
Yeah, well he only notices you when you can benefit him, when you are actively helping him achieve things.

Without you, Chris Page is useless.
And without Chris Page, you're useless.
like tapeworms, parasites is what you are.

So Andre, i hope you enjoy getting butt fucked by BOB.
So just like i kicked Big Preesh's ass, i'll kick yours too."

We cut to a clip of Dean Rose, he's in the gym doing pull ups.

"100, 101, 102.
Oh, do i have to speak more?"


So our match, Andre, it's a dog collar match.
It's a hard match to train for.
Do you just choke yourself? do you spend time with dogs? practice your stamina?
Well, you wouldnt know how to train, your chest looks like melted ice cream you fat fuck.

Take a lesson from the master, watch and learn bitch."

We cut to Dean walking into a pet shop.
He's proudly holding Sarah M.G's credit card.
He walks up to the counter.

"Yeah, can i have him please?
He looks like a good boy."

The camera cuts again to Dean in his back garden.
In front of him is a little bulldog.

"Hey, little guy.
You look a lil bit like Andre.
Anyway, can you teach me how to win in a dog collar match."



"Ruff RrrrrUFF WOOF WOOF."

"Oh this is fucking pointless, Sarah's gunna be so mad i bought you for nothing."

Suddenly, the Bulldog jumps up and while doing so, wraps the leash around Dean's neck.

"Ok, buddy
Let go- go of me!"

The Bulldog then begins to tug on the leash, engaging in a game of tug o' war.
Dean finally understands, and for the rest of the day he plays tug of war with his Bulldog.

After many hours, Dean gets back onto the tourbus, and brings his dog with him.
He sits down next to Tim The Cameraman and Sarah M.G

"New pet?"

"I guess, he's a real good boy."

"What're you naming him?"

"Sarah, i mean haha, the dog'd probablyy bark a helluva lot less!"

"Shut up, Dean."

"Bitch, you're the lowest of the low.
You nearly killed us one time."

"Dont worry, i'll try again soon."

"Hey baby, you know you want me."

"Of course i do."

"Can you two NOT?"

"What a party pooper."


"So, how much does dog food, a kennel, a dog walker and going to the doggy hairdresser cost."

"Like 2000 a day."

"Oh, ok."

The camera then cuts to Dean back at the Pet Store.

"Hey, i'd like to return this bulldog.
It's been misbehaving alot."

The woman begins to walk away, but the look in the Bulldog's eyes gives Dean a change of heart.

"Wait, scratch that."

Dean thinks about the dozens of dogs trapped in the store.

"I'll buy your whole stock."

And so, with 35 dogs and a whole lot of Freddie Prinze Jr's money down the drain, Dean walks back onto the tourbus.

"You fucking idiot."

"Shut up, you know you love them."


And so, as Dean sits on the tourbus, surrounded by dogs, he looks at the camera and begins to talk.

]"So, Andre Dixon.
I have an army.
An army of dogs, a beautiful women and a cameraman.
You think you can survive me?

Anyway, i'm getting bored.
Watch out for my next promo on Andre, guys."

Win record: Fuck you
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-09-2021), R.L. Edgar (04-09-2021), Theo Pryce (04-18-2021)

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