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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
And I’m still a cigarette softly smoking on the edge of a metal ashtray
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Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-30-2021, 08:04 PM

Vs ash rp

Sometime back in early January...

Marf’s footsteps echoed into his slightly muffled ears as he thought to himself in annoyance. An Uber, followed by a boat, and now a damn hike up the side of a mountain. With a bag on his head. What the hell was next? Add to that he had no idea who he was following, literally blindly. There were two of them, he could hear their footsteps alongside his own. Marf comes to a stop as he senses the person in front of him doing the same. He breaths heavily as the bag has limited his air. His chest heaves as he waits now impatiently.

The world suddenly starts shaking under his feet, like a small earthquake. Little pieces of dirt and stone hit him as he tries to avoid them best he can with being able to see anything. Soon enough it stops, and the light presence of fingertips on his spine moves him along. He can hear a soft words, but not what they are. A rustling. A muted exchange. And then footsteps fading away. Marf shifts, wondering what was happening. Long moments pass, when a heavier hand touches his shoulder now, walking him down what he senses to be a long hallway. Lighting flickers, likely candles as they walk along. He is halted, and the bag is removed from his head.

As he is led into a chamber the bag is finally removed from Marf’s head. In front of him sits Baphomet in a large, beautiful throne. Marf looks around to see Andrew Logan moving to a corner to watch them. He holds the bag in his hands now. Marf turns back to Baphomet and nods.

Marf: Damn, I gotta get myself a chair like that.

Baphomet stands to greet Marf, stepping down from the throne before offering Marf to sit in it with an extended arm gesture.

I recommend you sit.

Marf and Baphomet share a handshake before Marf strides over to the throne and takes a seat. A light smirk creeps onto his face as he nods. He gets back up from the massive seat and stands with Baphomet.

Marf: Not bad at all. So what’s going on? Lycana said you would be summoning us for important news...

I recommended that you sit, not for comfort, but for what I must tell you both.

Baphomet begins, a scratching sound echoes through the chamber and startles everyone except their leader. Around the stone throne turns Geri Vayden, her fingers digging into the rock like nails on a chalkboard as she enters the light. Her face covered in angst.

The fucking bitch is dead!

Geri Vayden growls as Marf shifts his gaze to Geri and watches her enter the room. Another movement catches his eyes and he sees Lycana enter as well. He takes one look into her eyes before narrowing his own and turning back to Baphomet.

Marf: Ash betrayed us didn’t she?

Baphomet nods. Geri climbs like a cat to lounge on the arm of Baphomet's thrones, her nails clanking impatiently.

After everything... after everything we did for her!

Geri is vocally angry, Lycana, a quiet drum of gasoline tries to control herself from exploding.

I believe her words were... Fuck the Left Hand.

Baphomet's upperlip tightens up as he repeats it, the mere thought of her betrayal like a thousand daggers in his heart. He gazes into Marf's eyes, he anticipates the fury as he surely thinks back to their history with Ash Quinn... he waits for Marf to remember...

Marf bites down in his lower lip and closes his eyes for a moment as an uncontrollable rage fills his body. He can feel himself actually shivering with anger as he reopens his shiny blue eyes, burning with fury. His breathing has become slow and heavy.

Marf: We were supposed to be a family how could she say...

Marf closes his eyes once again while clenching and unclenching both fists. The news flowing through his body like poison, he is shaking all over now. Once again Marf opens his eyes to Baphomet.

Marf: Why? Why did she do this god dammit!?

She's a child. Baphomet admits, Children make mistakes. Unfortunately, children can't always understand the consequence of their mistakes... and thus, her decision has been made. Now she will endure an unfortunate lesson in consequence.

Let me rip her apart!

Geri stands up above the others, her finger nails out like claws as she pants in rage.

She isn't the only one who plans on betraying us...

Baphomet informs them.

Marf: What is going on!? I’ll snap each and every one of their necks just say the word...

Marf continues to vibrate with rage while practically begging to be unleashed.

Snapping necks is but a quick and sudden penance... Baphomet shakes his head, Our response to this betrayal will be drawn out, grueling, and eternal suffering.

Who else? Who else will receive this suffering? Geri asks.

Tula. Baphomet turns to Geri, But none of us should be surprised, for, I was well aware that with Tula's short-sighted desires, joining us was only natural to gain what she had wanted. Misguided. The debt is heavier than the deed.

Marf turns and growls until it turns into a roar. He yells out in frustration, anger, confusion and everything else. He screams in an attempt to spew out the awful feelings of loss, pain and betrayal.

Marf: They will pay dearly for this. Over and over again.

As many times needed.

Lycana finally breaks her silence as she walks forward, moving to stand next to Marf.

Until they are looking over their shoulders. Until their suffering is the only thing left on their minds. Until their souls... are crushed.

Tula will certainly receive what is coming to her... but not until she acts. Baphomet orders, Let her seal her fate... and until that moment, not a moment before.

Marf slowly looks over to Lycana as she places a soft hand on his meaty shoulder. He looks back over to Baphomet again.

Marf: Very well, they will live every day from here on out in fear and regret...

You know me as a man of great conviction... Baphomet says, A man that believes in each and every one of his children. You Geri for your veracity... Marf for your brutality... Lycana for your yearning for torment... and although the outsiders see our atrocities and label us monsters... My love for Ash Quinn was akin to that of a father's love for a daughter... Tula, I expected no less than her betrayal... but Ash has brought me great pain... I want you all to become that pain... and share it with Ash every waking moment until she has suffered as I have suffered.

Marf nods slowly, his jaw quivering now. An actual tear escapes from his left eye and races down the side of his face. He already feels unbearable pain in his heart.

Marf: This won’t be forgotten. It will never be fucking forgotten!

Lycana leans into Marf, offering comfort as she looks to the Baphomet.

Our numbers, they concern me. With the losses, they could make us appear weak.

Geri... Baphomet turns to Vayden with bowlful eyes, and Geri smiles.

Oooh... I feel better already, can I go get her? Geri leaps down to the floor, excitement in her eyes as she awaits Baphomet's permission.

Go ahead, my dear...

Baphomet says and Geri runs from the trio and into the darkness. Marf watches in puzzlement as Geri disappears. She returns almost as quick as she left, but this time, foot steps stagger in the darkness behind her. Lycana moves forward as a curious wolf would approach a potential threat and from the darkness a familiar, but malicious sight comes before him.

Fury! Lycana growls, What is she doing here!

Marf cocks his head and looks over towards the shuffling foot steps.

Miss Fury?

Surprise! Surprise! Miss Fury struts and makes the throne her own, crossing her leg to sit comfortably.

What is this! Lycana is outraged.

Marf, darling, would you ask your wolf girl to sit? Miss Fury laughs.

Our numbers on the surface may seem to be withering to the uninitiated, Baphomet informs them,. But our numbers have never been stronger.

That is right, Baphy. You see, it was I who reached out to The Baphomet like a beacon over troubled waters, and it was I who made way in the XWF for his arrival...

Miss Fury has been a loyal agent of the Left Hand for some time... but her identity must remain hidden from our enemies for the time being.

Baphomet assures them. Marf looks over Miss Fury with a cautious eye while wrapping a comforting arm around Lycana.

Marf: Understood...

As for our future... I must go into the shadows for I am being perused. Focus your sights on vengeance... and never let up.

We fade out as they all stand together, the Left Hand united...

Somewhat present time, a few days after March Madness...

The air conditioner of the clearly below average hotel room rattled and coughed to life as we open to our good friend and colleague, Marf. He is seated firmly at a desk that makes no sense at all being there, but the dark mahogany beauty is there with Marf. There is a dusty old computer that appears to be somehow working, defying more logic why not. Marf is entranced with the video playing, a random compilation of clips showing Ash Quinn and her growth with the Left Hand.

There’s all sorts of quick clips, highlighting Ash Quinn’s feud with Jenny Myst, clips showcasing Ash working hard with the other members of Left Hand to improve and evolve into the Queen of Ashes. Shots of her standing with that left hand raised oh so high. Pride and real purpose plastered all over her face. Clips showing the Left Hand saving Ash Quinn’s ass over and over again. Clips from the locker room of Ash Quinn bawling her eyes out while the group attempt to console her. And finally one last clip of Ash Quinn speaking the words “fuck the left hand” before turning her back for good. Not really sure who put this footage together or how Marf wound up with it but stranger things happen all the time.

That very last clip sends shockwaves of rage rippling under Marf’s skin right down to his core. He sneers and slowly turns the computer off. Taking a long, deep breath Marf sighs and then turns his attention to the camera now. He looks forward, his electric blue eyes burning holes directly into the lens. His entire body is seething at this point. He grabs hold of the old computer suddenly and throws it across the room, watching it shatter and smash into hundreds of little pieces. Finally, he begins to speak.

Marf: Hellooooo, Ash. Ash hellooooo there! I haven’t been able to help notice how hard things have been for you these days. Yet you still have a lot of choice words thrown like daggers at each and every member of the Left Hand, myself included. The very group that helped you rise from nothing to someone that is actually relevant. And that’s alright, that’s your choice, Ash. You have every right to make that poor as that choice may be...

Marf is produce a sarcastic smile before letting it morph into a sneer once again. His eyes look like they’re burning from the inside.

Marf: So where is it you think you have gotten to since leaving us, Ash? What purpose do you have now? Have you flourished while teaming with your old nemesis and her pal? Staying safe with another group watching your back? Oh wait, I guess not despite all your running around desperately looking for attention and admiration. Trying to create that contagious smile to spread amongst us all while you push forward with a passion to succeed in your own way? Mighty Ash Quinn, the best ass in the XWF!

Please, you weren’t even the best ass in the left hand. You were the baby sister we all had to make sure didn’t hurt herself when she got in over her head. The tiny sibling we all had to convince was actually on the same level as us. Constantly hyping up, consistently having to talk off the ledge, little baby sis Ash. And low and behold, no sooner did the going get tough it was baby Ash leaping from the bandwagon post haste! She received the support she needed and was off! To do big girl things all on her own! And I think we all remember how well that worked out last time.

Wait a second, he damn well said it again didn’t he. Oh yeah, there goes his eyes again...


..... Remember .....

..... Remember.....first match.....

.....I remember when I first showed up in the XWF. My first ever match was slated to be against the lovely Ash Quinn. I’d already heard plenty about her early on. Not to mention she sure could run her mouth with a never ending spew of juvenile half wit chirps that couldn’t strike a chord on a piano with a bowling ball much less get a reaction from me. But she was on some winning streak heading into our match. My debut against a supposedly tough opponent, I really couldn’t ask for much more, or could I?

I remember stepping into that ring with Ash Quinn on my first official night in XWF. Ready for a huge first battle I barely got a thumb war. She was stiff, she moved way too slow for someone her size and I’d seen better punches thrown by paraplegics. This was Ash Quinn? This was my big debut opponent? I’d faced more determined jobbers than her, how in the blue hell was she on a winning streak!? My mind was completely blown before falling into a severe state of disappointment.

The match didn’t even hit double digits. We might have hit the eight minute mark if we’re being generous. After tossing the supposed best ass in xwf around the ring I remember treating it like a mercy killing and ending it quickly. She at least smelled like a mixture of fruit gushers candy and mint ice cream so it wasn’t horrible laying on her for those three seconds. My first match and first win, what a disappointing debut. An easy win to crush a winning streak. I would move on to better things while the best jobber in the xwf moved on to some more losses.

I remember after that match thinking about Ash Quinn. Thinking about how much of an inspiration she now was to me. An inspiration for all the ways I would never choose to be. An inspiration to never be satisfied with a lame tagline and very little revelance. An inspiration to be more than some copycat obsessed only with wins and losses. Ash Quinn was my new inspiration on what not to let myself become. I remember how odd it felt to run into her again in the left hand many weeks later...

... remember...left hand...

... Remember...

Annnnd snap! We’re back to reality, or the closest thing to it. Marf jolts awake from his trance and jumps up, knocking the desk over in the process. He doesn’t seem to care about what’s left of the computer likely being destroyed.

Marf: I remember when I first aligned with the Left Hand how strange it was seeing you there too, Ash. Not once did I ever trust you, there was always something off about you. While everyone else in Left Hand seemed dedicated to the long term, you didn’t. You only whined about not being taken seriously. Always whining about the xwf picking on poor Ash Quinn, about how they were all against her in some wild conspiracy. Always on the verge of tears if not already crying about another loss, as if our records mean anything.

But we all accepted you as who you were. We all listened to you no matter how repetitive it became. We all guided you on how to work with your strengths and also defend your weaknesses. Oh those many weaknesses. We all assisted you in rising from rock bottom to actually being feared by some of the roster. And we all did it because we were all family. All flaws accepted, we all saw one another as family, except of course for you it seems. You, Ash Quinn, were like some kind of adopted child, refusing to care about anyone or anything but themselves.

And as soon as a big enough opportunity to truly prove yourself arose, you jumped ship and abandoned us all. Abandoned the very group that coddled you, trained you, helped you grow into something that was more than the nothing you were. The kicker of it all though has been seeing all the negativity and insults hurled at us, as though we did to you some horrible wrong. Don’t you ever forget, you made this choice Ash Quinn. You were the one to turn their back on the only people that actually had that said back.

Marf is once again shaking all over as he seethes with anger and conviction. He snarls one last time at the camera.

Marf: I made a choice that day as well Ash. The choice to never let you forget who you left behind and who you thought you could get away from. I waited patiently to really get my hands on you. I satisfied the hunger by taking shots at you here and there while your guard was down. While your friends stayed in the back and watched in horror at what we did to you each time. But now finally I get my opportunity to take my pound of flesh from you in that ring.

Regardless of it being a tables match, a submission match, a singles match or whatever, the rules don’t matter to me. When that bell rings, everyone has to sit back and watch as I batter you from post to post. The ring mat once again will be stained in your blood. And when it’s all over, you will finally raise your left hand one last time. And that my dear Ashley Quinn, is a promise.

Marf closes his eyes while a sickening smile spreads across his enraged face. He takes a deep breath as we fade out.

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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