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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Good Friends Are Hard To Find
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-03-2021, 10:49 AM

”Something that I’ve learned over the course of my first year as an active competitor for the XWF is that many may be willing to join your cause, but true friends are hard to find.”

Undisclosed club, New York, NY

We open inside of a nightclub. Loud music, obnoxious people, bad drinks mixed with the cheapest of liquor disguised as the high-end stuff. Not really Fury’s scene, yet there she sits, alone at the bar, sipping on a bloody red concoction as a familiar and unexpected voice calls out to her.

Vita Valenteen: “I can’t believe I agreed to meet with you...”

Miss Fury looks back at Vita and takes a sip of her drink before motioning for VV to take the seat beside her.

Miss Fury: “Please, we have much to discuss.”

Vita is hesitant at first, but eventually pulls the stool out from the bar and takes a seat beside Fury.




[Image: Goof-Friends-Are-Hard-To-Find.jpg]

After the brief intro brought to you by production budget, we rejoin Miss Fury and Vita Valenteen at the bar.

Vita Valenteen: “So, why am I here?”

Fury looks at her inquisitively while taking another sip through her straw.

Miss Fury: “I don’t know Ashley, only you can answer that.”

Vita rolls eyes before standing up to leave.

Vita Valenteen: “You know what, forget it. This was a mistake.”

But Fury reaches out, gently grabbing her arm.

Miss Fury: “No, I’m sorry. Please stay. We should talk.”

Maybe it’s the fact that this woman was her best friend for so long before joining the XWF basically to make her life Hell, or maybe it’s just the manipulative ways of Miss Fury, but something compels Vita to sit back down.

Vita Valenteen: “Fine, but don’t call me Ashley, it’s weird.”

Fury raises an eyebrow at the notion.

Miss Fury: “Really, why? Isn’t that your name?”

Vita Valenteen: “Yeah, but I don’t go by that anymore. I’m Vita Valenteen now!”

Miss Fury: “You’re Vita Valenteen on television dear, do you see any cameras here?”

Vita survey’s her surroundings, finding no obvious camera in sight.

Vita Valenteen: “I guess not...”

Fury sets her drink on the bar and turns to face Vita as she takes her hands into her own.

Miss Fury: “This isn’t the XWF, it’s just a nightclub, and tonight we’re just friends that have some issues to work past. Forget about BOB, forget about Miss Fury. This is Jessica and Ashley, and I called you here because...”

Vita Valenteen: “Because?”

Fury hesitates to even say the words. She’s grown so accustomed to keeping her guard up in order to protect herself in the XWF that she’s almost forgotten how to act “normal”.

Miss Fury: “Because I miss you.”

Vita is taken aback by the revelation. After the initial shock wears off, she snaps back.

Vita Valenteen: “Miss me? How can you miss me when you and your goons have been attacking me all year! I’m sitting out right now because of Jenny Myst attacking me on YOUR behalf and taking me out of Snow Job so that YOU could take my place!”

Fury breaks eye contact for a moment. It’s almost as though she feels remorse for her actions, or she’s a good actor. One of the two!

Miss Fury: “I’m not making excuses. I’ve been cruel to you ever since the day that I debuted in the XWF, but it’s not like you didn’t ask for it!”

Vita jerks her hands away from Fury.

Vita Valenteen: “Asked for it!? You framed me for murder!”

Miss Fury: “And you left me for the hero!”

Fury’s reasoning for her behavior only further infuriates Vita.

Vita Valenteen: “Yeah, well Ruby hasn’t ever tried to end my career!”

Miss Fury: “Perhaps not, but she’s also never tried to save it either, has she?”

Fury’s comment puzzles Vita. Her eyes dart back and forth as she considers what Fury said.

Miss Fury: “You hurt me Ashley. You hurt me and you did it because you thought acting like a bitch was going to propel your career, and when it didn’t, you put on a pretend smile and played goody-goody with the hero. You went on your apology tour and did everything that you could think of to convince the world that you were changed, but did you ever once even consider picking up a phone and trying to make right with me?!”

Vita’s on the ropes, she knows Fury has her dead to rights here, but for the life of her, she can’t remember why she never reached out.

Vita Valenteen: “I… Well, I meant to?”

Miss Fury: “You don’t sound very sure of yourself Ash, but it’s fine,. Water under the bridge.”

Vita snaps out of deep thought and balks at the idea that they can put the last year behind them and somehow go back to the way things were.

Vita Valenteen: “Water under the bridge? Um, no! I may be in the wrong here, but that doesn’t even begin to excuse all the crap that you’ve put me through!”

Miss Fury: “Maybe, maybe not, but it does at least offer some insight as to why I’ve made you the target of my frustrations. Perhaps offering you some sort of understanding of my headspace, but tell me, what is Ruby’s excuse?”

Vita is again puzzled by Fury’s words.

Vita Valenteen: “Ruby’s excuse for what? She’s been nothing but kind to me!”

Miss Fury: “Yes, she has, hasn’t she? And you’ve blindly fallen for her good chum routine, completely ignoring the idea that she only keeps you around to keep you in line. Ask yourself, how many title shots has Ruby offered her good buddy Vita?”

Vita quickly brushes that comment off.

Vita Valenteen: “No, not fair, I didn’t want a shot while Ruby was champion.”

Miss Fury: “Why? Are you scared of the hero?”

Vita seems to take exception to that comment.

Vita Valenteen: “No! Of course not! I just didn’t see the point of trying to interrupt such a positive run!”

Miss Fury: “Sounds like you were scared dear. Either that, or brainwashed playing her game.”

Vita Valenteen: “This isn’t going to work.”

Fury grabs her glass from the bar and takes another sip through the straw.

Miss Fury: “What isn’t going to work?”

Vita Valenteen: “You’re trying to turn me against Ruby. It isn’t going to work! We’re friends, and I know that she only wants the best for me.”

Miss Fury: “Are you sure about that? Because from where I’m sitting, Ruby only wants the best for Ruby. Isn’t that why she’s not prevented any of BOBs attacks on you, or anyone else for that matter? Some hero, right? Can’t even perform the most basic task of her profession.”

Vita Valenteen: “Yeah, okay, or maybe she just doesn’t have a crystal ball! Are you really trying to insinuate that just because she didn’t predict the random attacks against me from your people, that she somehow purposely left me to fend for myself?”

Miss Fury: “Once or twice? No, but how many times have we played this same song and dance only to find you and Ruby separated backstage, giving us ample opportunity to do as we wished? But forget that, maybe you’re right. Maybe it’s unfair of me to judge her for the lack of protection she offered a woman who proudly proclaimed herself a sidekick. That still doesn’t explain why Ruby has never lifted a finger to so much as avenge any of the awful things that BOB has done to you, now does it?”

Vita is genuinely at a loss for words. Fury has a point, Ruby has yet to stand up to Fury and punish them for the things that they’ve done to Vita.

Miss Fury: “This is the real world Ash, heroes are only heroic when it serves them. Ruby does nothing but talk about being good. She’s an afterschool PSA, but when the chips are down and the innocent are in need, she’s nowhere to be found. Is that really who you want as a friend?”

Vita Valenteen: “And what are you proposing, that I just forget everything from the past year, join BOB, and we go back to being besties?”

Miss Fury pushes the straw to the side and downs the last of her drink. She then stands, gathering her belongings. Before leaving, she turns to Vita to say;

Miss Fury: “In a perfect world, right?”

The scene fades as Fury walks out of the scene and Vita is left to digest her words.

...Aaand ACTION!!!

Old brick walls and dingy lighting. We open to a tight shot of the masked Miss Fury glaring into the camera.

Miss Fury: “I stomped the "Face Of Anarchy" into the ground! I'm set to challenge Ruby, a woman I've bested twice before, at March Madness for the Anarchy title! I played Chris Page like a fiddle, and used the exposure to reintroduce BOB to the grander stage, and jump start the creation of a BOB backed alternative wrestling company! I cleanly defeated Kieran Overton in a Fury's rules match to advance in the March Madness Tournament, and now I stare into the face of my next challenge and all that I see is another slave pretending to be a hero."

"Shawn Wylde, also known as The Whyte Spyder". Another hero in the ever expanding superverse of the XWF. Another tainted soul pretending to be as noble as the characters from the funny pages, all while the truth to their actions and true motivations lay out plain as day for the world to see, ignored by all because the role they play doesn't allow for such inconveniences.”

"Shawn Wylde, you are no hero! Just as you are no threat to me in this tournament! Your actions are not noble, they're inspired by the vast frills and benefits that go along with signing your name to the dotted line on an RMI contract. All the money in the world, and in return, your allegiance against any and all enemies of Tommy Romero! You seek to battle The Left Hand, not because of any moral obligations, but simply because your paycheck has instructed you to do so. How is that any different than what I do with BOB, other than not being as forthcoming with what your true role is in this story? Tell me Shawn, would you even give The Left Hand a second thought if not for Tommy's money? If so, why? Other than some satanic imagery, which, let's be honest here, in 2021 is pretty tame, what's is so evil and bad about The left Hand? Baphomet had some people killed? Okay, sure, but what's that have to do with you? Why do YOU care?"

"My take, you don't. I don't even think that you know WHAT you are fighting for. I know the end of this story, and it's beautiful, but you? You know nothing! As Chris Page always says, Chess, not Checkers. I've already outplayed the master at his own game, and you Shawn? You aren't even playing! You are but a pawn playing his role, and unfortunately for you, that role is to be wiped from the board in THIS turn!"

"And how fitting that your end in this tournament comes not only from one you're paid to defeat, but one that you mistakenly thought to be an ally all along? Of course we signed with RMI, why would BOB ever pass up some idiot willing to throw cash around? BOB was built on such concepts! But how could ANYONE have ever believed that ANY member of BOB would be on the up and up, and help RMI face their foes? This battle, Whyte Spyder, be it chance or be it fate, it's one that needed to happen! Not because the fans cry out for it, you're far to irrelevant for that, no this match needed to happen simply to show the world just how weak and powerless RMI really is! You have the power to change nothing because you know nothing, and when I squash the spider next Savage, you will be left with nothing!

The camera pulls back as Fury grabs at her mask from behind. She pulls the pleather mask off of her face and looks into the camera with a smirk.

Miss Fury: “You're role, PAWN, is to be a mere stepping stone to QUEEN FURY!"

"I expect you will play it to perfection.”

We fade transition into this!

[Image: Queen-Fury.jpg]

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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