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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Lost Eagle of Rome
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Osira Themis Offline
Kalon Kakon

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

02-26-2021, 11:56 PM

[Image: vIbTx9q.png]

I've taken you to be religious man Liam. Watched as you've silently marched to the ring week after week and taken beating after beating. I've seen and heard the melancholy in both face and word of the rare promo, each time reminding me of Opus Dei and similiar. I can't help but wonder what you may have done to anger your God that you continually do penance in such way, but I implore you Liam. Go to confession before tomorrow and have those sins absolved. Hail the Christian Venus and beg your heathen overlord of ignorance and hypocrisy to reach down from his theown and strike me dead.

It will take nothing short for you to get the win tomorrow. Stick to your dogma or whatever it is that motivates you to walk down that aisle and I can assure you Fate trumps free will and Saturday Night Savage will bear witness to the most biblical of flagellations. Yours will be an immurement ending only if I grow bored, a cyphonism to lure the rats and vermin from the back.

Would be heroes if they are such inclined.....

[Image: WxckGAF.png]

.....but he won't be. Will you...Andy. No Liam. you're lamb to slaughter, no savior or white knight for you. You bleed neither green or yellow and the mighty legionnaire hides behind a shield of selfishness and indifference.

Or maybe he will...maybe you don't need a banana lime mix in your veins? Since he's given up on obtaining what was Warstein's crown...he's opted on matching Shawn by conquering a Themis instead....

Maybe, but before I forget...

[Image: USa4Tcl.gif]

[Image: fggl7iL.jpg]
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