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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Hangman's Noose
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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-26-2021, 11:32 PM

Hang (absolutely hang, in full view of the people) no fewer than one hundred known kulaks, fatcats, bloodsuckers. Publish their names. Seize all grain from them.
-Vladimir Lenin

Your pleadings have been heard, Thaddeus Duke. You will be judged accordingly.

The shot opens with Demos standing in front of the camera with two championship belts wrapped around his waist. Behind him we see a brick wall with what looks like spray paint on it. In run reddy lettering the acronym ‘DDS’ has been painted on the left side of the wall. A kicked over bucket lays on the asphalt directly in front of the wall. A small pool of red liquid is congealing around a pair of dolphin fins just outside the confines of the pale. The masked man holds a noose firmly in his hands as he stares into the camera.

The Demos finds you guilty.

Thaddeus Duke:

You have been sentenced to death.

Demos holds the noose up with one hand, giving the rope enough slack to let it swing from side to side. He gesticulates with his other hand as he dives into his monologue.

On Savage Saturday Night you will face my judgement.

Once Jim Jimson brings down your last remaining championship belt, your body will be strung up from the very same hook that once held your precious gold. The noose will tighten around your neck when I kick the ladder out from underneath your feet. You will feel a sudden squeeze. Don’t fight it. Don’t kick, don’t scream. It will only make the pain worse. It will be for the best if you just dangle there, high above the ring, for all to see. Slowly losing your life as you try, and fail, to gasp for air.

I hope your neck doesn’t break when the ladder drops. It would be a shame if you passed on without the proper struggle.

The people will cheer while you die, you know? The rowdy crowd will throw hotdogs and half empty beer bottles your way, trying to hit you right in the groin while your life slips away. While Frankie loses his foster daddy….

You’ll really wish you had your invisibility cloak while you swing from the rafters.

It didn’t have to be this way. But you refused to repent. You refused to show the Demos your value to the world. I gave you a week, and in that time you failed to redeem yourself in the eyes of the disposable.

My hands and my conscience are clean.

I only enforce the will of the people.

Demos puts both hands on the rope and gives it a tug. The noose tightened as the rope went taut.

I took your pleadings seriously. Believe me, Thaddeus, I did.

But charity work and well fed servants? This is your contribution to the world?

Demos chuckles as he shakes his head from side to side. His greasy mane falls over his shoulders, leaving a small trail of slimy shampoo along the top of the man’s shirt.

Leave it to the slavemaster to brag about how fit and happy his house negroes are. With all that time you spent writing checks to charities, tell me, did you ever wonder why some people need your charity in the first place? What sick systems have been created that make some people poor? What twisted institutions force the working class to rely on the good graces of their overlords just to get by? I wager that a deeper consideration of the reasons for poverty, homelessness, and despair have so far eluded Thaddeus.

Demos held his head still as he stared once more into the camera.

You can try to fight the decision of the Demos. I suspect you will. But Thaddeus, it will be no use.

You are no match for the champion of the people.

My grasp and my will are ironclad. My soul has been fortified in the fires of righteousness. My flesh is like steel against the swords of the oppressors.

You are not untouchable, Thaddeus Duke. You have been allowed to wallow in your own delusions for far too long.

The lion’s heart is ripe for the plucking.

Demos fell silent for a few moments. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he imagined doing unspeakable things.

Oh Thaddeus, you naive child of privilege.

Demos opened his eyes and lowered his chin so that he was directly facing the camera once more.

It’s a shame your family never taught you the history of your class.

You ramble on and on about the past of the Demos but you seem to know nothing of it. My 17 wins, my record setting reign as television champion, my pay per view main event against Sarah Lacklan…..

It can all be hog piss as far as the tides of history are concerned.

I could be nothing. I could be the shit on the underside of your loafers.

It wouldn’t change the course of history.

What were the Russian peasants before they stormed the winter palace?

The Tsar sure thought himself untouchable up until the very moment he was staring down the barrel of a long rifle.

Tsar Thaddeus, it doesn’t matter who I am or what I have done. The end of your reign is now. Truthfully, the time is long overdue. The tides of history eventually wash away every sand castle on the shore. Even the largest, prettiest, most well developed sand castles always crumble when the Demos storms the gates.

The tides of history are coming to the shores of the wealthy and powerful once more. And now, it is your castle in the sand that is under assault from the waves of revolution.

Demos held the rope with only one hand as he made a fist with the other. Demos grinned toothily as he imagined the ransacking of the Duke home. A few moments passed before his raised fist fell back to his waist. His cocky grin morphed into a welcoming smile as he spoke.

But the Demos is not cruel.

Little Frankie will be looked after. Taken good care of.

He should not reap what you have sowed.

A wonderful woman with two wonderful children of her own will be more than happy to take him under her watchful wing. She owns a nice, modest home in Steubenville with an extra bedroom. I reckon some time in a working class family will do Frankie well.

He will learn to become a leader in his community. To cultivate a truly liberatory culture among his peers. He will not be taught to lash out with violence at every foul word. He will not be trained to be an entitled brat who calls his daddy in to cuss out the principal every time something doesn’t go his way.

Under Connie’s mentorship Frankie will learn to resolve disputes with skillful application of words. He will learn the Juche ideology and become a korean worshipping communist. He will learn to swim among the masses like a fish among a dolphinless ocean. His peers will be in awe of his exceptional skills and talents. He will change their bigoted attitudes with peace, harmony, and persuasion.

Frankie will grow into a better man without your overbearing presence shaping his every thought. He will miss you...for a time. But with enough instruction, Frankie will come to understand that your death was a necessary stepping stone for history’s progression. He will learn to appreciate Jim and I for our service to the glorious cause of Juche communism.

Demos smiles at the camera before looking down at the ground and chuckling. Demos looks back up to the camera after a few seconds pass.

It’s ironic, isn’t?

What they’re going to do with the image of your hanging corpse.

Vinnie Lane’s going to put the image on a T-shirt and sell it for twenty bucks a pop.

Just like Che Guevarra shirts, the revolutionary nature of the image will be commodified and used to turn a profit for some sleazy schmuck.

But I won’t let that fact deter me from delivering justice.

Demos went silent for a few moments as he gazed directly into the camera. He spoke his final words before the battle with a calm assertiveness.

My ceiling, your floor, whatever you wish to call it….

It’s coming out from underneath your feet on Saturday night.

Demos let the noose fall to his calf. He held onto it loosely with one hand as it swung from side to side, caught in the midst of a gentle breeze. The camera fades to black.


Demos shuffles into the study aboard Jimson’s blood guzzling jet. His legs are a bit wobbly as Jimson drifts through turbulence, bouncing the masked man around from bookshelf to bookshelf. As Demos tries to steady himself he accidentally knocks a pair of books to the floor. The pilot’s voice blares out through the loudspeakers.

That’s a 360 barrel roll, folks!

Demos rolls his eyes at Jim’s antic as he crouches to the ground. His hands reach out for the two books laying on the ground.

[Image: Kim-Jong-Il-On-the-Juche-Philosophy-500x500.jpg]

[Image: coverWhatIsToBeDone.jpg]
Demos stands up with a book in each hand. Both books had a sizable heft to them. The blue book was well worn, as if it had been picked up and put down hundreds of times over. The red book, however, was in mint condition. Demos set both books down on the table next to a beautiful golden vase before pulling out the chair and planting his bottom in it. The chair’s skinny legs creaked as Demos leaned into them. The oak chair wobbled underneath the pressure but stood tall.

Charlie Nickles never thought much of scholarly pursuits. From his childhood onwards Charlie Nickles always felt out of place in academic settings. His underfunded school and overworked parents tried their best, but Charlie was still one of the millions of Americans who never could earn that prestigious diploma. Charlie never felt shame for dropping out of high school, but still the lifelong consequences were continually felt in Charlie’s life. Charlie could never find value in literature, art, or history. He was convinced that those subjects were formally closed off to him: as such, he came to view them as empty abstractions with nothing to contribute to his life. Charlie had no time to understand and study the world: he was just trying to survive in it.

But Demos was brought into the world only a few short weeks ago. His thirst for meaning and knowledge came to him as naturally as his need for water. Who is he? What are the ways of the world? How exactly does this thing called life work? Demos hoped that these ancient tomes could provide him insight to these existential questions. Jim had told him that this library contained all the secrets of the world. Demos was intent to discover them.

Demos cracked open Kim Jong Il’s magnum opus and devoured every word. His eyes scanned each line of the state propaganda as if it contained the secrets of human life. Time felt as if it were holding still for Demos at this moment. Kim Jong Il’s words created explosions inside of Demos’ brain that rivaled the bombs dropped on millions of Korean by the US military.

Demos had never heard of North Korea until Jimson came to his house yesterday. It hadn’t been a popular subject in the news over these first few weeks of Demos’ life. Demos had never been exposed to the imperialist narrative around North Korea. Concentration camps? Starvation? Demos knew nothing of these things. All he knew about North Korea was what his tag team partner had told him; and, if it was anything like the blue book had said, Demos was sure it must be the most advanced society on the planet.

Jimson’s voice broke through the timeless moment.

We’re getting close! Take your shits and yank your chains now, we’ll need all hands on the poop deck pretty soon for paydirt!

Demos glanced up from the book to check the time. Jeez! It had been so long. He felt as if he had picked up this book only a moment ago, but it seems that the jet had already trekked most of the way to Asia by now! Demos closed the book softly, letting the front cover fall carefully on top of the first page. Demos pushed his chair out from under the desk and was about to stand when a godly voice called out to him.

A self conscious demos is an unstoppable force.

The masked man's head turned on a dime. He sat back in his chair as he laid eyes upon the ghost of Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il.

[Image: srUOkcw.jpg]
The well aged man wore an oversized business jacket and cute little glasses. He seemed rather comfortable seated in a plush white chair that wasn’t there a moment ago. The supreme leader’s warm smile put Demos at ease.

It warms my heart to see brave men like you standing up to the evils of this world.…..

Demos trailed off as the ghost of the supreme leader simply chuckled.

The Supreme Leader? Of course! No need to bow or salute. If we were in public, of course I’d require it. But here? In my final resting place? There’s no need to be formal. resting place?

The ghost points to the gold vase on top of the desk. Demos reaches his hand out and clasps it around the fine piece of pottery. He turns the vase around. A small placard on the vase reads ‘RIP Kimmy’.

Jim Jimson was the only man I could trust to keep my ashes safe. The Jim is a powerful being. He has long embraced the Juche ideology. Inside of that bald head of his is an encyclopedia of historical, religious, political, and literary knowledge. He is one of the most impressive beings I have ever had the honor of knowing. You are blessed to be his tag partner.

You’re kidding, right? Jim seems like a nice man. But all anyone ever says about him is that he is weak and ineffectual. A kind heart, but little else.

HA! They love to underestimate us communists! They treat Jim just like they treat North Korea. Constantly overlooking us, mocking us, belittling us with their every breath. But we always have a little something special up our sleeve just for them. They can mock us all they want, but once our nuclear warhead breaches their skies they will flee for cover and beg for forgiveness! Jim Jimson has a nuclear warhead all his own that will shake the earth and leave the critics burnt to a crisp.


Metaphors, my young ideologue. Jim has his own version of a nuclear weapon. His special attack is even more effective and cunning than launching a warhead, I’d say. Jim has mastered the art of the surprise victory. It’s truly something special to see. It takes a lot out of Jimson, almost everything he has, so he keeps his weapon hidden. I’ve only seen him use his nuclear option once, but when he did… was marvelous. Thaddeus and Corey will never see it coming. While the bourgeois bromance chases you around the ring trying to corner you, Jim will simply climb the ladder and pull the championship belts down. It’s so simple…..but it’s so spectacular. When Corey and Thad see him setting up the ladder, they won’t even think twice. Jim couldn’t possibly beat them, so why should they even worry about the fact that he’s only an arms reach away from the belts?

Kim laughs as he wipes a joyful tear from his eye.

Those imperialist fools. I can’t wait to wallow in their misery.

Do you really think Jim and I can beat The Continuum, Supreme Leader? Everyone is saying it’s a lost cause, a losing effort...

With the power of Juche anything is possible! North Korea is a tiny nation with limited resources. North Korea should be easy pickings for colonizers. When the United States stormed our shores, many were sure that our civilization would crumble beneath fighter jets and artillery shells. But with the power of Juche combined with an unshakeable will, the North Korean people were able to repel the invaders from our lands! Our nation has withstood wars, sanctions, embargoes, and international condemnation. Through it all we have only grown stronger and more resilient. The North Korean people are not magical beings. All we have accomplished comes from the power of embracing Juche ideology.

If the juche ideology can lift a tiny and impoverished nation to victory over the world’s largest army, just imagine what it can do for the Dolphin Destruction Squad! Thaddeus and Corey are impressive figures, this much is true. I would literally have killed to have boys like that in my harem.

But they let their imaginations run wild. They have convinced themselves that they can not be beaten. HA! This is the folly of the capitalists. Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan….all conflicts where defeat was never even a possibility. Until it happened. Now, Demos, it is your turn to join the fight! You and Jim will dethrone the kings of the tag division! Revolution is upon the XWF!

Demos nodded his head excitedly as a wide smile stretched across his face.

Now go! You have a world to win, my champion!

I will! I will fight for you, Supreme Leader! For Juche Communism!

Demos grabbed the two books off of the study before quickly dashing out of the room. The Supreme Leader smiled before slowly dissipating into the air. Demos rushed down the long and confusing halls of the jet, ready to help Jim Jimson conquer the world!

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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