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Oliver Danielson Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

01-28-2021, 07:32 PM

Oliver was on a plane, sitting in first class. He was drinking some cabernet while sitting there looking out the window. The stewardess had already gotten him 3 of these drinks. The service was excellent because he was the only one sitting up here. Less Americans were flying these days. This was the first time Oliver had flown commercial in a while though. No private jets today. He’d been suspended with pay for the mess with the XWF. Things had gotten out of hand. Oliver had blown his cover by arresting Baphomet and questioning everyone. He’d thought publicity and getting his name out there would be a good thing but now he was being criticized in the press, the CIA was being criticized.

There was disorder at the CIA right now. The incoming administration was cleaning house. His boss was out of a job. Oliver would be gone with her but he had blackmail material on a few key individuals. Still, he might be out of a job soon. Oliver wasn’t worried. For one, he had some money sitting in a foreign account. Money he’d skimmed off the top of various projects over the years. For another thing, he still had some leads on the Left Hand case.

He couldn’t afford to drop the case. They were threatening his family and following him. They’d had 3 other agents killed already. Oliver was starting to think the Left Hand had thousands of cult members all over the world. Baphomet was in jail but still somehow his group was moving on as if nothing ever happened.

Well Lycana was pretty angry. Oliver knew he should question her but the truth was he was a little afraid. He wanted her to be angry and make a mistake. When Baphomet was arrested he told Lycana to go on without him. Almost as if he was putting her in charge.

The Pale Horse Andrew Logan appeared, and if he was the leader of the Left Hand, that didn’t make sense either. He had already been in the XWF. Is this where it all started? The way it looked, he only recently joined the Left Hand after Baphomet left him a voice mail. It felt like a cover story.

Alias also still seemed suspicious. He acted way too paranoid for a guy that really didn’t know anything about the Left Hand. All he did was talk about them. They attacked him brutally but Oliver still had the sneaking suspicious that he was the one playing with them. Like he knew more than he let on. Oliver still hadn’t really looked into the man’s back story. He looked familiar but he couldn’t place it. He wanted to talk to him but didn’t know his whereabouts. The good thing about the XWF was they had a public schedule, Alias would be in Green Bay Wisconsin soon, he had a match at the pay per view Snowjob. Oliver snickered at the funny name but then winced at the pain in his ribs.

He should talk to these people but Oliver had only recently got out of the hospital and he wasn’t looking to make any more dangerous moves right now. It was bad enough what Baphomet did to him while cuffed. Seven broken ribs and a bruised tailbone. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. He was on his way to meet a different prisoner, but this time he would be sure to talk to him from behind protective glass.

Danny Starr was being held at the Arizona State Prison in Tucson Arizona. Man, it must suck being in prison there, Oliver thought. No air conditioning. It must be ok in January though. Hopefully.

Starr was in prison for a number of offenses, murder, attempted murder, impersonating billionaire philanthropist Eric Rayne. This is why Oliver wanted to get involved in this case originally. Starr was rich, he knew rich people, he had connections. The rich usually never went to jail. Starr must have pissed off the wrong people. Baphomet had been murdering his known associates. In fact, it was a surprise the Left Hand hadn’t killed Starr yet himself. Maybe there was a reason for that. If Baphomet was killing Starr’s men, maybe Starr would want to play ball and give up some info that would help take down the rest of the Left Hand.

Oliver should have done this originally weeks ago. He’d gotten buried in the mess of the XWF. He’d wasted too much time. But the truth was, it took a meticulous mind to let ideas simmer, and only then, when the timing was right, a superior mind strikes like a cobra. Who knew if Starr was being monitored in prison? He’d already been questioned by federal marshals. The fact that Oliver was the only one investigating the Left Hand probably meant that no one else had pieced together the possibility that Starr knew anything. This might be the final piece to this puzzle. Starr might have been the key all along. He must know who the Left Hand is, and who is within their leadership structure.

The stewardess comes by again with her cart which has bottles of wine on it.

Stewardess: More wine?

Oliver: Yes Please. Thank you.

As he raised his glass he decided to check his phone. No new texts or calls. His wife was still mad at him. That was fine. As long as she was safe. She didn’t need to know what he was up to. Oliver decided to check the news. He goes to the youtube app on his phone. When he sees the headline on the first video from NBC News his blood goes cold.

He starts the video.

“Breaking news on this Thursday morning,” Lester Holt interrupts the morning show, “It has been reported from Tucson State Penitentiary in Arizona that Danny Starr has committed suicide and is confirmed deceased despite being under suicide watch. Investigators have confirmed that Starr had managed to inflict fatal injuries to himself using the shards of a pair of sunglasses that were said to have been smuggled in illegally. More on this as information becomes available.”

Jesus, he thought to himself. They got to him too. Or maybe he really did kill himself. Or maybe somehow escaped and got the prison system and media to cover for him? As unlikely as that was, how could this happen, under suicide watch, in a heavily guarded prison, how could they let him have sunglasses? Oliver was pissed that now he was stuck here in the air and headed towards Arizona for what was now a waste of time. He might as well look around and question the guards once he got there. But he’d have to be careful. He was supposed to be off this case and there’d be cameras everywhere.

-Oliver Danielson
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