11-28-2020, 11:45 PM
Kieran's fear has come into the light. Las Vegas, Nevada. Tuesday 24th November. (Off Camera)
It's during that time where Kieran's still getting used to having the responsibility of taking care of his seventeen-year-old brother, Chase Overton. He wanted to be a skateboarder and make it into being a professional one in a few years. It didn't really please Kieran because he wasn't into the sport at all. At the same time, Kieran had to accept Chase's decision and live with it, although it's still difficult for Kieran to have this responsibility still to keep an eye out on Chase.
As he saw, Kieran sat on the bench, watching his brother doing stunts on a skateboard as there were professionals on the ramp today, looking out for new talent which obviously was something Chase wanted to do. Chase had been practising every single day to be one of the top skateboarders of Las Vegas.
There were more kids, coming to sit down with Kieran, watching the skateboarding competition, some who were fans. There was a boy in their early twenties, short blond hair with a cap on back to front wanting to talk to Kieran as he asks a question.
Early Twenties kid: “Do you like skateboarding?”
Kieran Overton: “To be honest, no, I don't. I didn't come here because I wanted to, it's because I had to. See that short black-haired guy there? That's my brother, Chase. He's always wanted to do this sport. It's something he enjoys.”
Early Twenties kid: “That's awesome right, that Chase is down there, doing stunts on the skateboard. He looks pretty good to me.”
Kieran Overton: “Chase's been practising ever since my parents adopted him. They adopted him because I needed to learn to be responsible. That's what they said I had to learn. I'm not sure what to do with a brother.”
It was the first time, Kieran had a socialised conversation with the early twenties kid, he wasn't even sure why the early twenties kid was speaking to Kieran as this sport was well out of Kieran's comfort zone, even if he applauds and claps Chase. He still wasn't able to be himself, being a nasty piece of shit he was in wrestling.
Early Twenties kid: “You kidding me? You take care of Chase. He's your brother, and you should love him to death. Should play games with him or take him out somewhere for a boys night or something. I go out with my boys all the time, even if they are friends.”
Kieran Overton: “Having friends and having a brother to hang out with are two different things. I'm incapable of showing love.”
There was another kid, coming over to Kieran, seeing he spoke about his brother Chase being in there and he was eighteen years old with black hair with a cap on back to front with lots of different skate sponsors on the clothing he had.
Eighteen years old kid: “Are you blind to not even know who this is, Michael?”
Michael: “I don't know who this guy is.”
Eighteen years old kid: “This is The Destructive Beast, Kieran Overton dude. He's a professional wrestler in XWF. Do you not watch wrestling?”
Michael: “I don't, sadly, but I'm glad I know now. This is Oliver, who is a big wrestling fan as well as a skateboarding fan. This guy is saying his brother with short black hair is skating with the sponsored skaters.”
Oliver: “Oh, him? Yeah, I've seen him around before in the skate park. From what I know of him, he's excellent. Thinks he can make it as a pro and I believe him. He dedicates a lot to doing skateboarding. Also, the scores prove it that Chase is on top right now. By the way, may I have your autograph?”
This was where Kieran felt afraid, part of him wanted the kid to leave him alone and tell him to fuck off, but on the other hand, he had to be the responsible brother to Chase. For the first time in his life, despite being afraid, he nods and signed on the back of the advertisement board for the kid who claimed to be a professional wrestling fan.
Oliver: “Thank you.”
Kieran Overton: “You're welcome. Part of me wanted me to tell you to fuck off, but I got responsibilities to for fill.”
Both Oliver and Michael nodded at Kieran, understanding that he was only there to support his brother. The event organisers announce the top three winners, all of which Kieran was far from interested in. However, the winner was as Kieran stood up and clapped for Chase for getting the reward of being sponsored when their parents couldn't be there because of work they had to do.
Chase was getting the chance to skateboard with the top skateboarder of the world, and he was able to do so successfully. Chase was having a blast, and after he finished doing a demo run with the professional skateboarder, he got praised and congratulated by every skater as they bashed their skateboard on the ramp to Chase and the professional skateboarder.
He was asked a few questions as he then brought Kieran to the front. Kieran walked to the ramp and saw that he got thanked by his brother for supporting him today. Chase hugged Kieran hard, in a good way because it was full of joy. Everyone else went home as Chase went off to skate in the streets.
Michael: “You aren't going after him?”
Kieran Overton: “Na, I'm fully sure he'll be alright. He needs time to sink the moment of being a sponsored skater in.”
Oliver: “Good point.”
It did take a very long time however like thirty minutes later; Chase was still not back from skating back as Kieran fears the absolute worse, the fear that has always been on his mind, due to Chase's past, drug dealers. Kieran says to the skateboarding fans.
Kieran Overton: “Wait right here; I'll check out what's going on with my brother.”
Kieran runs where Chase skated and suddenly, from out of nowhere, they weren't drug dealers, but indeed poor people, immediately catching Chase with the cheque he got and they mocked and laughed at him.
Kieran Overton: “Oh shit, I don't know what to do here.”
Chase Overton: “Help me; they are taking my money away and beating me up.”
As much fear Kieran had on being viewed as being a softie for saving someone, he didn't like the situation, but something he had to do as he chased after the guys who took Chase's money from him and Kieran manages to catch them, and he says this.
Kieran Overton: “Going somewhere with that cheque my brother earned from winning a skateboarding competition?”
Homeless kid: “Yeah, we're going to place it in the bank. This brother of yours is far too young for money cheque he got.”
Kieran Overton: “So you don't admit stealing money from anyone, regardless of what age is wrong? I don't want ever to do this, but you guys are messing with the wrong fucking guy here. You don't have a clue what I'm capable of.”
Homeless kid: “With your fat ass? Fuck out of here; you can't do anything with that tub of lard you carry around.”
Kieran Overton: “At least this tub of lard has won titles in his profession, at least Chase has won a chance to get sponsored. I'm going to fuck you up so bad you won't even feel a damn thing.”
Kieran grabbed hold of the homeless kid by the throat and beats him up with punches to the ribs and kicking him on the floor, before giving the kid a piledriver on the pavement along with a suplex and a DDT to go along with it. The kid was down and out, having a busted skull from the damage Kieran gave to the homeless kid. He gives the cheque back to Chase who immediately hugs Kieran and cries.
Kieran Overton: “It's alright. It's my fault for being irresponsible. I'll take the blame for this.”
Chase Overton: “No, don't. I was the one who skated off to celebrate being sponsored.”
Kieran Overton: “But I let you do that. Come on; everything is fine now. We better get you home, and it's best if you give me that cheque.”
Chase nods as he was very thankful to have his big brother came around when he did as Kieran held his hand and saw Michael and Oliver came round and saw the bruises on Chase's face and Oliver asked a question.
Oliver: “What happened?”
Kieran Overton: “Some fucking idiots were trying to steal Chase's money and the contract of him being signed as a pro skateboarder away from him.”
Michael: “Sorry if they have a shit life. Chase, you did fantastic out there today. We were watching, and your skills are top-notch. Never allow those sorry assholes ruin your moment.”
Oliver: “Much like those other four bitches Kieran has to deal with that he won't let them win over him. You will be alright.”
Chase Overton: “Thanks to my big brother, I am. Thank you for the complements. I hope to continue skateboarding around here sometimes. For now, this skater is going around the world to dominate against other pro skateboarders.”
Michael: “Damn, right, you will. See you later and good luck with everything in the future, Chase.”
Michael and Oliver left as Kieran held Chase's hand as they walk out of the alleyway and as they were nearly home, Chase had a question to ask Kieran.
Chase Overton: “Did I do good out there today?”
Kieran Overton: “You did fantastically. I will take you home before your parents get home so I can fly to Tombstone, Arizona to wrestle a PPV match against Shawn, Brian and Marf this weekend. Enjoy the moment of being a professional skateboarder now. We'll be Skateboarding and Wrestling champions of the world.”
Chase Overton: “Of course we will. I can't wait to show mum and dad this contract and the amount of money I won. Whooo me going to be a professional skateboarder, none of you fuckers are.”
Kieran pats Chase's chest, showing the love of arrogance from his brother, the way his family was supposed to be. Kieran got his key out and placed it in the door for them to walk in their home, and they relaxed for a while. Kieran placed the cheque on the table for their parents to see what Chase got. Chase also placed the contract signed from a skateboarder on the table and Chase goes upstairs and plays skateboarding music. When the parents get home, Kieran leaves to go to the airport right away to Arizona.
This match is still mine for the taking twitch.com shoot. (On Camera)
“To be frank, I don't give a damn about Brian and Shawn Wylde anymore, they've given me nothing to counter back with so I let them say what they want about me and ten times out of ten, I wouldn't give a shit because it shows both of you lack any commitment on wanting to win this match. One hasn't bothered to mention anything about the match at all and the other spoke about his life story nobody gives a flying fuck about, especially it had nothing to do with wrestling. I don't give a shit what you do out of the ring, keep that shit off camera.
You were the only one that put up a fight, Marf or smarf I should call you because you resemble a lot of that in yourself. Otherwise, why would you call yourself marf when you know it's short being a smarf. It still makes me laugh when I think about it; still, I haven't heard of you either kid, I don't know how the fuck you even got in XWF since I was absent from this company for a bit, but here we are.
HAHA, do you know that fat jokes don't even bother me? Better than being a typical average guy who doesn't even look like a professional wrestler and you aren't the nice guy you claim to be either. What the fuck have you actually done in XWF? Nothing as far as I can count, although I haven't impressed much either, you've had way more matches than me. You are pathetic.
It seems you're fucking happy to be on the pre-show, are you fucking kidding me? Nobody with a ton of talent like you have should be. I'm certainly not, especially not coming from having a Heartless title match against Bobby and some irrelevant fool named Greggo who's named after Greggs bakery place. I still did better than him in the match, and I took advantage of the heartless title opportunity when guys like you didn't.
You preferred to sit on your ass and not take advantage of talking about some crap about sausages. Fact is, I never even knew about the different types of sausages. I had a helping hand from a German wrestler lets say about sausages that led me to a title match. I even forgot I was apart of Savage brand for a second because it's been so god damn long I had a match.
I think you're the biggest fuckwit in this match with your lame ass fat jokes that don't even offend me anymore, not more so you look like someone who's a homeless jealous kid who didn't get anything they deserved when they were younger. I'm going to beat the living shit out of you because I'm a far better wrestler than you, and certainly against Shawn and Brian who again, pose no competition because they didn't even speak about us.
We did, and we're going to go farther than they will. This match essentially is about me and a stupid smurf kid who looks like he comes from a place where smurfs are invented and have a height almost like one as well. I think you'll be the one that will be dropped on your fucking head because your trash talk is complete garbage, much like the silly bitch you are. You're a duckling who has no place to be in this business and is a complete utter joke.
I will be beating all of you because I deserve to be a lot higher up on the card, and I will deliver and show the entire world what violence this destructive beast is all about. I will give you smurf especially since the other two have no interest in actual wrestling to batter the living fuck out of each other, not giving a damn what the fans want. The end of the day smurf, I will be beating you for the three count in the middle of the ring because you won't be able to handle a construction site wrestler like myself. Your speed is the only thing effective against me because I could lift you with one hand. After all, you're so easy to take down. Prepared to be destroyed by the destructive beast, bitch.”
![[Image: krB0tFp.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/krB0tFp.jpg)