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A Blue Promo.
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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-28-2020, 07:55 PM

[Image: czwultraviolenttitle.png]

I have a question to ask to those who don’t know me, do you think I have what it takes to be champion? Do I deserve to be placed in this position, where someone else would kill to be in? Do I have in me to promise myself to be holding it down as a targeted man in XWF? All these questions are what makes me ponder myself in this position i’ve been placed in, and I want to take a look at what i’ve done so far within this company.

Ever since i held the belt from the first time in my career, it was over some kinda dispute over the time limit. An arbitrary time limit, that is dedicated to be responsible to be in the position of staying on top of it all. Every time i’ve been pinning people for this belt, I always knew that I feel like I am doing the wrong thing. It’s like, taking that candy or cookie out of that jar and eating it, when you aren’t supposed too. Well, this belt I hold is my cookie jar… a forbidden fruit to have on me at all times.

A belt that many people who fell into deep desperation to hold, and to reach the zenith of that shot of a briefcase to any title they desire. Vacant or not, everyone wants to prove they are the best, as they have to constantly watch their surroundings. It’s like, you can’t even trust a mother or your baby mama who trying to suck the life out of you, that constant nagging, bitching, and complaining about nothing. This is how i see this belt, it’s an extension of that nagging wife who expects so much out of you.

This belt and I, are an unholy matrimony…

Ever since i got this belt from that mysterious entity lady who helped me take out Hanari, my whole life had changed for either the worst or for the better, and i’d say both. Better, it gave me a chance to be wild, free, and expressive as a human. She made me up, so she can truly be responsible for putting me in the spot that I am in today, as a Two time X-Treme champion. She made me feel alive, she made me question everything that in my way. But on the worst, she basically was just a entity who managed to have me focus on the wrong things, you see Lucy turned me into a monster.

Maybe she’s all a figment of my own disturbed desires… all dressed in black, with that veil to cover her face, so she can keep me focused on the wrong things. I guess, that means that i’m afraid of getting myself married to the unknown, which is why I can’t seem to hold down my own love life, since i’m scared of committing to an unknown fate. I guess now, as a two time X-Treme champion, and my newly minted FTX Championship close to me, looks like i’m going to be focusing on being married to game of X-Treme situations.

Until the day Lucy gives herself away to the next victim of the X-Treme championship reign, i guess I have to be loyal and faithful towards her, or risk losing it all. But at the same time, I could lose her if I wanted too, and live the rest of my days not being serenaded with her cold, worn out, and abused body; with the pretenses of being with her just so I can hold her down long enough, to get closer to her sister, Briefanna I can pass off to any belts I choose that’s been abandoned.

Dick Powers, he could have made it all easy and let him become submerged into this constant world of being a target, while being able to dodge all the attackers and deflect them at ease. Have him worry about that time limit, and let someone else watch in the shadows and say “i told you so, it anit easy being a X-Treme champion” as he stands there confused and bewildered over losing the belt and her demonic ways. Dick, I wished you were under Lucy’s spell, but you deiced to stay silent as you do. At this point, you gonna learn how much a monster I can become this Sunday under her spell.

This is new begging for myself as the X-Treme champion, this is my second chance at being able to stay under her spell until the day she moves away from me. This match isn’t just an X-Treme rules… this is straight up brawl to the death. I will put Dick on the shelf until he decides to show his face again in this place, and he knew he had that opportunity to blow it all away, over some miscommunication on who’s the champion. Well, that’s been established and it’s time to show her and these fans in Tombstone what Reggie is all about this Sunday.

This is going to be an unholy alliance with this belt and I….once again.

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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