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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Cross-Promotional Event Boards » Cross-Promotional Rosters
HONORED GUEST: Here For Cross-Branded Event ALIAS
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ALIAS Offline
Space Jesus

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-24-2020, 10:01 PM


In-Ring Name: ALIAS (stylised in all caps)

Nicknames: Space Jesus (primarily); also, Godkiller, Kingslayer, Legend-Breaker, D'Ville's Bain, Bastard-Tamer, Wolf-Skinner, Soldier-Butcher and in another timeline, The High Lord

Wrestler's Real Name: Unknown

New to XWF or a returning roster member?: Returning

Wrestler Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 235lbs

Hometown: Unknown

Personality: Accidentally babyface. ALIAS is motivated by causes from beyond the tangible sphere. At first it can seem distant, or even unfathomable. Once he is set on his path however, very little can deter him. The lost and the lonely gravitate towards this, and he can often engender a cult following. Cult may even be the correct word, on occasion. Still, he generally believes he is doing the right thing and when people have shown themselves to be 'good', he will support them almost as unwaveringly as he will fight for his own mission.

Is he mentally unstable? Maybe. He certainly was. Every time he rebuilds, however, he becomes stronger. Perhaps even otherwordly. He also may be immune to fire.

Fun fact: Somehow has an incredible knack for languages, and isn't even really aware of when he switches between them. Confirmed languages that he has shown proficiency in to date include: English, Italian, Greek, Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili, German, Russian, Indonesian, Cow, Bird, Korean, and Pig.

Looks Description: Permanently dishevelled. Blue eyes and dusty blonde hair. Above average muscularity, though not exactly jacked. In the ring, usually wearing ripped jeans and an untucked grey or white singlet, and likely to tape his hands up. Outside of the ring, fond of cardigans. Once won a competition against Big Preesh to determine who has the biggest dick in the XWF. Could use a shower.

ALIAS previously wore a glove over a severely burned hand. Miraculously, the hand is now no longer burned and he no longer wears the glove.

Ethnicity: Seemingly Caucasian

Pic Base, if any: Kurt Cobain

Strengths: Unpredictability. Tolerance to pain. Doesn't know when to quit.

Weaknesses: Unpredictability. Lack of technical soundness. Doesn't know when to quit.

Entrance Theme Music: None. Most matches just begin with Alias sitting cross-legged in the ring after a commercial break, before his opponent(s) enter the arena. Any other times he comes out, he just kind of shows up. Same with when he leaves - unless there's an angle happening right after, he just walks off without really celebrating.

Special Entrance (if any): Hit me up for any special entrances.

5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Low blow, Eye rake/poke, DDT, Reverse DDT, Flying bulldog, Running knee, Choke, Monkey flip, Arm drag, Electric chair drop, Multiple forms of backbreaker, Nerve hold, Clawhold, Spinning toe hold, Rear naked choke

Trademark Move: Hand of God
Description: An overpowered open hand slap to the opponent's face.

Trademark Move: Suicide Dive
Description: A suicide dive.

Other Trademark Move(s): Copying his opponent's trademark moves

Finishing Move 1:
For the GIF, you can use this:
<img src="" width="250" height="100">
Description: Close range uppercut from a crouching position, ala the uppercut fatality from Mortal Kombat. Can be done from out of nowhere.

Finishing Move 2: The Dream
Description: Rear-Naked Choke makes opponents go nighty night

Rare Finisher: Eat The Left Hand (used to be more frequent, but with his hand now no longer burned, he doesn't utilise this as frequently)
Description: Mandible Claw

Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Will jump off/through anything. Likes extreme temperatures, e.g. fire and dry ice. Blowtorches are his signature weapon, and he may be immune to the fire himself. Somehow.

Do you have a light?

[Image: 7qdASxF.jpg]
(Banner courtesy of Atara Themis)
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