The scene opens at 78 degrees Pacific time zone on a beautiful, wet day. We find ourselves outside the home of Greggo. Who's outside? Well it's the one we've heard the whispers about in the hallways. The one and only Son of Greggo!
Say hi to our viewers, Son of Greggo!
SOG: Hiya! I'm Son'uh Greggo!
With a wave and a cute little dance, he instantly wins over the viewers, including you.
Tell our viewers a little about yourself, Son of Greggo!
SOG: I'm proud to say I legally identify as a female doughnut! Wheeeeeeeee look at meeeeee!
A random person walking nearby happens to hear this claim and the dude walks over to Son of Greggo, looking him up and down...
Son of Greggo loves eyes on him, just like his daddy's client does.
SOG: Hey hey, eyes on my hole! I'm a doughnut!
Son of Greggo does a cute shuffle but the dude looks super disgusted!
Random Dude: What the fuck is your problem man? And you're not a fucking donut ok?
A sudden blurrrrr of blonde hair and spoiled gold whips past the random dude and corrects him. Some blonde hair and some crusty leather belt straps smack against his face as we all hear...
??(angry female voice)??: He never said he was a donut. He's a doughnut! Reeeeeeeeeee!
Before the dude can even react, the blur is long gone and safe from rebuttal. Son of Greggo giggles at the dude.
SOG: Giggle giggle she sure showed you! Own't!
The dude balls up his fists and is obviously ready to commit a hate crime against freshly baked life but then he notices the cameras everywhere. He acts like he was just going to scratch his head and starts whistling, looking around innocently.
SOG: I'm a doughnut!
Son of Greggo giggles and starts to run towards the dude but the dude runs the fuck away.
Next up we have a car pulling up in front of the house. Son of Greggo is still out there, doing his aerobics. A familiar voice rings out.
Greggo: Guess who! Mmmmm, mmmmm, MMMMM!!!!
Son of Greggo sees his daddy and starts hopping for joy and yelping like a puppy whose owner just got home.
Greggo: Look what I done bought us with mah bonus money from Sarah! We finally got a car! I love you son!
Greggo steps out of the car, over the door. It's a convertible so I guess that makes sense.
Hey Greggo, tell the viewers more about your sweet ride!
Greggo: Mmmmm, mmmmm, well bois n' gurls yer looking at a brand SPANKIN new 1970-ish or 80's car. Not sure what it is. Branding is all took off. Lots of parts swapped out and replaced with weird shit. Doors don't open. No roof. Takes diesel. Won't lock into park so I have to avoid parking on hills. Somethin wrong where engine won't rev up past the first setting but I dunno how to werd it. Basically like riding a 10 speed bike but staying on the shitty slow gear even to go fast. When I go to put in the gas, I have to make sure the car has been turned off and had a chance to cool down for at least an hour or stuff goes wrong. It has brand new state of the art air conditioning to make up for the doors not working, no windows, and no roof. One of the wheels is on backwards. The steering column has been busted up so you can reach yer finger in and pull a piece of metal that starts the car w/out the key, so basically it got keyless start which is so kool! The car has working bumpers but the lighter in the dashboard don't works. The radio plays real good but only picks up static, great bass though. The hood won't pop open but I have a feeling something's dead in the engine because it smells like a BBQ and keeps makin me HANGRY as heck MMMM MMMM GRRR!
Greggo seems to be getting angered by the mere thought of the aroma coming from his car, so we all can imagine how bad it must get while he's driving around, right guys? Yeah. So next Greggo walks over to his son and laughs at him.
Greggo: Heh heh you look stoopid.
SOG: Daddy, I identify as a doughnut now! I got certified!
Greggo's eyes get SO big you know he's getting excited as heck but ohhhhh he slaps his son instead!
Greggo: You think i'da been excite to see my stupid son decide he's a f'n doughnut? I want a son not a bitch. And why'd you no-show when u were s'posed to come clean up at Sarah's place last week you dumb dumb? I got major heat heat HEAT for that! She chastened my skeeter whole!
Greggo goes around back behind the house and Son of Greggo runs after him crying his eyes out and causing some of his frosting to get runny.
SOG: But daddy if guys can decide to be girls, and people think it's cool, why can't I be a doughnut!? Oh and why'd your old buddy Shane get to decide he's a flying dildo?
Greggo grabs some dog shit from the back yard and chases Son of Greggo with it, around to the front of the house again. He flings it but misses his son.
Greggo: Dang it! The only KOOL gurl is me client Sarah "Ultra Lickable Booty" Lacklan so I dunno what yer talk about but as far as Shane he's a big pusseh and a forgot relic. He held me down fer years year YEARS YEEEEARS YEEEEEEEAARRRSSS!!!!111!!!1!!!!
SOG: For fuck's sake calm down daddy! Sheesh!
Greggo grabs his doughnut of a son and...
...just kinda rolls him. (lol?)
Yup, you're picturing it right as Son of Greggo just rolls down the middle of the street as far as the eye can see until vanishing into the horizon.
Greggo: Hrmph, that was easy. Should'a done that back when he was shoving all my WCW action figures up his ass. Ah wellz better L8 than never.
With his annoying as shit son out of the way with his stupid ass obsessions about being anything other than a boy, Greggo was now able to properly meditate. He enters his home, clears garbage and dead rodents and roaches away to make a circle in the middle of the living room, and he begins to urinate in the center of the circle on the floor. Once he's done, he sits in the piss and assumes the classic meditation sitting pose that involves him having a dildo in his ass, so we're not really sure what it's called.
Greggo's meditation takes him on a journey across time and space. He is able to enter an alternate reality where he is just some dirty ass bum sucking dick in the alley for loose change and cigarettes. As much as this alternate reality tempts him to remain indefinitely, he knows he's got a job to do back at home and back in the land of the X! Greggo spends a few more days, or at least what feels like days to him, in this alternate reality and sees it through to an end of sucking dick for crack. Once he's got those crack rocks, he returns to here and here he is!
Greggo: I'm back!
He lights up the crack and smokes the living F out of it. We've learned here today that Greggo can apparently meditate and enter alternate realities! Plus he can bring things back with him!
Tell them more about your newly revealed ability, Greggo! Let our viewers know of your talent!
Greggo: Mmmmm, mmmmmm, so when I was a lil' kid I was visited by a goat in a dream. I had relations with the goat and then killed and had relations with it again and then ate it. Then I shitted it outta me. And had relations with it again.
Better stop there, Greggo. Don't want to reveal too much detail about your secret all at once!
Greggo: Good catch, weird narrating voice that might be coming from the guy holding the camera or might be one of the XwF gOdZ that originally assigned me to being the wrestling bizniss's's absolute #1 manager and hypeboi extra ordinaryyyy! Wheeeee!
The focus shifts to Wednesday Warfare as Greggo enters promo mode. He drops some vitamin C into his eyes and snorts some of the piss off the floor that he meditated in. He lets out the mother of all YYYEEEEEAAAAOOOOWWWWW's and runs around screaming for help until he shits himself.
Greggo: This is yer fault FREAK! My opponent fer Warfare in the Flamer table match but guess who else? Ass Quid herself got add as the manager! Or, referee. Yeah that's the one. I'm the manager. Anyway with Assy Ash as the referee it means Freak boi you n' me got a problem. We got 2 trust that tramp to signal for the bell and call it when someone fucks the table! If the guest ruff don't wanna call it, its like it didn't happen.
Greggo tells the camera to cut, and it does, but then we're right back again. Oh look, now Greggo is freshly showered and looking like a million bucks. He's acting very proper! What's this sly dog up to?
Greggo: Well hello there, m'lady.
He tips his princess crown.
Greggo: I'm talking to you, Ashley Quinn. The loveleh yung lady that graced the halls of the X with her beauty presence. Now with that said may I ask a question of thee? Would you mind ignoring it if Freak puts me through a flamer table? It's just, he's so beneath you. He's so UGLY. You can't have anything to do with an ugly freak named Freak winning a match, you know that right hun? So, Ash? It's gonna happen. Like seriously I friggin' suck in the ring LMFAO. Have u seen me wrestle before? The thing is all we need is you to always look away and do something else when I'm going through flaming ass table after flaming ass table. Gurl, if Freak manages to pin me face down on a flamer table and rape me right then and there, I still need you to just look away... look away.
He's wearing whatever kind of suit Ash Quinn finds the hottest and sexiest on a man. He's holding up whatever her favorite drink is and making a toast to their newfound partnership against ugly ass freaks of nature! Oh, and lastly, he's impressing the living hell out of our friendly guest referee by knowing exactly what to offer. Because guess what? He has one more thing to show...
Greggo reaches down and picks up an oak shoe box. He sets it on the table and opens it to reveal...
A piece of paper with red scribbling on it. The old school water color set is seen inside the box, still wet.
Greggo: Ashley, this is yer possibly future shot at my client if u do everything right and impress me and her. This is official contract business. You do what's right and help keep us good lookin' ppl on top and my hot sexy client just might give u the big shot!
There's literally no way to make out the words on the paper, the fowl scratch is just too foul. We're going to take Greggo's word for it that this contract is legitimate, and that if Ash does as requested, she'll get everything she could ever want out of our dear friend Greggo. Let's wrap this up for today, and thank you all for coming!
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