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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Day 2 RP Board 2020
Shoot For The Stars Part 2
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-24-2020, 12:25 AM

“Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”

Take me I'm alive
Never was a girl with a wicked mind
But everything looks better when the sun goes down

"As a young girl I often read storybooks and fairy tales. Some called it weird, but I looked at it as a niche. Some people traded Pokemon cards, some played Magic The Gatherings, and some got together in rooms to role play their parts in Dungeons and Dragons. All things that are considered "weird" to some, but things that are all niche in their own brilliantly beautiful way. I always enjoyed them because they allowed me to be the escape from the train wreck that was my everyday life, and often led me to believe that I was, even for a moment, part of a world that wasn't my own. I was a part of this world, and every day I lived my life trying to survive in this world, just so I didn't have to survive in my own. I'll admit, I spent most of my younger days running from my problems, albeit running in place. I didn't want to face real life, but would rather get lost in a world of make believe because no matter how cruel and evil it got, it couldn't hold a candlestick to my reality. I was always fascinated with Queen's, especially the evil ones, because they held such control and power. I looked up to them, I respected them, and I most importantly, understood them, as crazy at that sounds. I always found them to be the most exhilarating, because, then again, you can't have a hero without a villain, right? But understanding and relating to, they are two different things. I didn't relate to them because I didn't feel that control or that power. I felt vulnerable. I felt weak. I felt like a nobody. It was their power I so desperately craved, so much so that it became almost an obsession. So when I stepped into the XWF ring for the first time, that is what I wanted to be. A queen. An evil queen, just like the storybooks. But evil is an interpretation, isn't it? Some people may look at Snow White as being bad. Trespassing on the dwarfs property, eating their food, drinking their beverages, using their utensils and furniture, and making herself at home enough to fall asleep. But what about the Marigo version? She is complicit in the murder of her own birth mother, and in harrying her father to marry the woman who would eventually turn on her. What if Mother Gothel was actually the good guy, doing everything in her power to shield her precious Rapunzel from the trials of the cruel world that lie outside the castle walls? Rapunzel never did give her any credit.

My point here is this: From the time girls turn five, me being one of them, they dream of becoming Disney princesses. They have posters of Ariel on bedroom walls. They walk around with lunch pails and backpacks adorned with Disney princesses. They dress up as Elsa for Halloween. So why wouldn’t they dream of actually being one? After all, they all “lived happily, ever after.” Is there one Disney princess story where the protagonist doesn’t win? But none of it is true. These are lies, fabrications. They are making these little girls believe that the world is all sunshine and rainbows and talking rabbits.....when it is a cold and nasty place, devoid of all compassion and designed for them to fail. I wanted to be the Queen, the Evil Queen, because they told it like it is. I related to them because they showed me that the world is an evil place and if I wanted to make something of myself, I would have to get just as vile and nasty as they did. I got my hands dirty, to say the least, but I did what I had to do to sit atop my throne. The world was never sunshine and rainbows for me, it was lava and burning ash. I used my past to shape my future, and I knew it was a marathon, not a sprint. Was I perfect? Not by a long shot, but I kept at it and I have the scars to prove it. I finally understood what it took to be a Queen, and I am learning and growing in my role every single day. Now I sit atop the women's division, having slain the faux queen, and rightfully taken my place as the most dominant force in women's wrestling.

Happily ever after.

Who did you compare me to, Ash? The Queen of Hearts?

[Image: qugks30.gif]

I would also be lying if I said I wasn't a bit confused. This new promo with the whole off with the head thing. Ash, in your first promo you compared me to Marie Antoinette, someone who ACTUALLY lost her head. Now I am someone who gives the orders to lop off a head here and there? You're so desperate for attention you can't even get your insults right. So which one am I, Ash? You haven't figured it out yet because you're incapable of figuring it out. I am going to have to do that for you. Shame, because I thought maybe you were coming along. Maybe you weren't dumber than a second coat of paint. Maybe just one coat. But's two. It's painfully obvious to everyone that your attempt at trash talk is at about the same level as your skill in in the ring.....damn near non existent. You stepped up to the plate in your major league debut and you struck out looking. Now nobody is going to take you serious from this point forward. I'd jump on the Anarchy train if I were you, gobble up one of their fly-by-night titles, and get some practice on the companies C show, because the big leagues and the bright lights have proven they are just too big and bright for Ash Quinn. Your hopes of knocking me off this crown are null and void, and are just that....hopes. I've been toe to toe with the best this business has to offer, male and female. I've taken my lumps, I've had my short comings, and it's made me better in the long run. You aren't ready for this title right now, and to be honest I wasn't either when I was in your shoes. You need more conditioning. You are going to take your lumps, just like I had to, and you are going to come up short yet again, and maybe, jusssssttt maybe, it'll help you get better going forward. Consider this beating a favor.

I am, after all, a generous Queen.

[Image: 0LpKTPH.gif]

[Image: tyl3K5j.png]

The breeze was picking back up a little, she could hear the crushed water bottles and soda cans beginning to skip lightly across the rocky landscape. She felt a single tear run down her face, and she wiped it with her sleeve.

There was a few moments of silence between the two, just some sniffles from the young girl and the sound of breathing from the older man. Somewhere in the distance, a generator kicked on, probably the AC unit for the school. She didn't know what time it was, and she didn't care. She would get home when she got home, and anywhere was better than there.

His voice broke the silence.

" honestly, what do you want to do when you graduate?"

It was a simple and honest question. He was curious. He was curious about all of his students.

"That's assuming I do."

"Oh come're a smart girl. You've got the world in your reach, you just need to grab it. Only you can decide what your future will be..........."

If he only knew how wrong he was.

" really need to have some more confidence in yourself."

She huffed a little. That's the one thing she didn't have, but why would she? A coyote howled somewhere in the black abyss. Black as her soul
"......I really should get going."

"You're already way out here. What's a few more minutes gonna hurt?"

She paused a few more moments. What would it hurt? What would it hurt if she stayed out here, became one with the desert. Would anyone miss her. Would she miss herself?

"I really must. 'Father' doesn't know I have the car. I'm already in enough trouble."

He sighed. It was a deep, concerned sounding sigh. He wished she'd be more open.

She slid off the hood and fumbled around for the keys in the darkness. She had on a pair of short shorts to go with her hoodie, and when she dropped them out of her shaky hands, she quickly bent down to pick them up.

She didn't give any thought as to where her backside was facing.

After a few seconds of feeling around on the rocky dirt, she grabbed them. Turning around, she put them in the door. She turned back towards Coach Dawson.

He was breathing heavier than before. It was tough to make out from the dim glow of the near-distant street lights but it seemed like........his hand was......down his pants.

Had he watched her bend over to get her keys, and now..........

She took a big inhale, her hands up and palms out, eyes beginning to roll.

Exhaling she turned towards her 'fathers' car, jiggling the handle open.

"Jen......" he said. The darkest hid the sick look on her face as she swallowed and answered him sharply.


He paused a few moments. He knew she'd seem him. She could hear the crickets and the bullfrogs in the thicket just behind them, singing their melody. So peaceful and innocent.

His voice was smooth, but his hand was still in the same spot.

"Jen, everyone who comes out here comes for a different reason. We all have our own reasons. Nobody is perfect, even if we try to be. It's impossible. All we can hope to do is be better every day and maybe one day, we will finally get what we so adamantly long for."

"Yep" she said, getting into the car. She was over it, over him, over men.

"See you Friday night" she heard him say as she pulled off, tires crunching, dust kicking up and creating a haze around the windshield.

The drive home was quiet, no music. She just wanted to be numb in silence. There was a feeling in her stomach like a nail was being driven into it, but she swallowed it down and moved her hands to ten and two. When she got home, there were other cars in the driveway. Black, tinted, no plates. Three of them. She parked the car in the normal spot, shutting the door as quietly as possible. She opened the back slider door, quietly, and tip toed up the stairs. She exhaled a sigh of relief when she thought she'd made it, but her stomach immediately dropped when she opened her door. Her 'father' and the men in black were standing in her room. One of them had her bear, the other had her diary. He 'father' had a worried look on his face.

"Jen....honey....we....uh.....we need to talk."

The man behind her shut the door. She didn't even know there was one behind her!

Her eyes darted from man to man, sun glass lens to sun glass lens, then back to her 'father'. Those deep blue eyes, like hers.

"I'm gonna need you to take those shorts off, sweetie."

She looked out her window with a tear as the men examined her. She saw a shooting star again, and through the tears a smile crossed her face.

I had everything
Opportunities for eternity
And I could belong to the night
I can see in your eyes
You make me wanna die

[Image: e8NmAEt.gif]

"I hope that nobody was fooled by Scarlet's childish promo. Sure, it seemed complex and deep but the truth is she isn't capable of putting together more than one sentence at a time, so all she was doing was playing to her strength. Poetic? No, it was so basic her pH is 14. She is the liquid drain cleaner of the women's division. She spent all that time putting together a lengthy promo and saying essentially nothing at all. Not only could a five year old follow it, but it was exactly what she had the gaul to call me, a "yawn fest". Same old shit out of a brand new mouth. Same old undeserved ego and a new set of tits carrying it around. Madison Dyson all over again, only exponentially less creative. It's like Matilda took a turn for the worse. Or had downs. Either one.

Scarlet, darling, just give it up. You're talking yourself into circles and it isn't flattering. Madison won King of the Ring, but never once has she defended that crown. She's a flash in the pan, an around-the-way girl, a herpes sore that only shows up when its the least convenient. I have fought and scratched and clawed my way to top, every single night. I have been knocked on my ass time and time again, only to get back up when in all honesty I probably shouldn't have. What have you ever done except shower yourself in the mediocrity of Mastermind's BO flavored aura, and run with a group of two bit lackey's that even he doesn't fully believe in. You're a pawn in the chess game, the sacrificial lamb. You so elegantly pointed out that before the previous two King of the Ring winners, "Queen's" as you called them, lost titles before the end of their reigns. What kind of Queen's were they then, truly? By name, only. I rose up from the ashes and I slayed the so called Queen, taking over her kingdom and making it my own. Anyone with an IQ above 80 and access to a computer can find out the history of Lacklan and Madison, but you rambled on like a bad history lecture. Yet I'm the snooze fest? You wasted precious time you could have been making a point by recapping history that is a moot point. Oh yeah, and making up excuses. She got tired of her role and lost to me shortly after winning the title? Now I call myself Queen because I hold this belt? The only thing Madison did is prove to the world that she isn't as good as the hot air she blows leads simpletons like you to believe. Madison is no Queen. Sarah has her hands full right now, and if she can make it out of Relentless alive, I'll consider letting her sit next to me in the court.

And sweetie while you're fact checking, check this one. I've been calling myself Queen since the moment I walked in the door. All of it justified? Maybe not, but try to make yourself sound less stupid next time you come at me by doing more than scrolling through the XWF results page and actually...ya know...forming a cogent argument.

Kay? Thanks.

I don't think desperation is a word that is suitable leaving your dick sheath. Maybe two years ago, hell, maybe 6 months ago, I was desperate. Maybe when my back was against the wall and I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, I was desperate. But now? No. I know who I am and I proved not only to the XWF universe but to myself that I am everything I claim to be. Again you prove that your comprehension skills are skimming at best. I am a changed woman, and changed for the better. I am confident in my abilities but I also know that I have a lot more left to give. This is the first step in my reign, the first real challenge that has come my way. I have never been one to shy away from a challenge. I love a little competition, even when the only one I've truly been battling all these years has been myself. I step into that ring against the dictionary definition of mediocrity and a Xena Warrior Princess wannabe with all the confidence in the world. Mandii Rider and Madison Dyson have both fallen at my feet, do I really think that you two snail trails are going to be my undoing? I don't think you need me to answer that.

I thought Ash was an idiot for her Queen comparison, I just think you're an idiot.

I'm hungry to win a match.
I'm hungry to win a title
I'm just hungry to compete.

Which one is it? I was hungry to win a title and I did it. And I will defend is feverishly. If you are just hungry to compete, maybe you should stay at the hotel because you're getting in the ring with a woman who is ready to put her body through hell and doesn't care whether or not you live or die. I've built my kingdom off pain and tears, and I'll be damned if I let it go without adding a little more.

My Misfits who I am now a member of

Scarlet, if I were you, I'd relish in my role because a misfit is all you'll ever be.

I will climb that ladder just like I climbed the ladder of success here, and I will pull that title down and place it around my waist.

[Image: xMJ2fOR.gif] know....I used to be afraid of heights.

I used to be afraid of a lot of things.

I'm not afraid anymore.

[Image: kRRzJ5p.jpg]
Oh, and Scarlet, Ash....

[Image: Eqlo4Tm.gif]

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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