Personality: Gruff whiskey-drinking biker cowboy from hell type
Looks Description:
Dark hair and eyes. Seen with cowboy hat and sunglasses or bandanna and shades. Thick build a low center of gravity. Dress: Boots Jeans Leather vest
Ethnicity: White
Pic Base, if any: James Storm
Muscular, Bad Attitude, Chip on his shoulder
Weaknesses: Quick temper, no off switch, anger issues
Entrance Theme Music: Get in the Ring -- G n R
Special Entrance (if any): Fire and smoke blasts along the entrance and down the ramp as VVR makes his way to the ring, sliding through the ropes wiping his boots in the corner, and raising his fist with a Southern Comfort bottle clutched in one.
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Powerbomb, Big Boot, Clothesline, Camel Clutch, and Figure Four