06-24-2020, 01:09 AM
In-Ring Name: Evan Jackson
Wrestler's Real Name: Evan Jackson
New to XWF or a returning roster member?: New
Wrestler Date of Birth: 11 November 1977
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 224 lbs
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
Personality: Veteran, old-school guy. Used to fly but is now mat-based. Hardened competitor who is out to teach the new generation a thing or two.
Looks Description: Solid and muscular without being ripped. Bearded, hair either shaved or very short. Looks his age.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Pic Base, if any:
Strengths: Experienced and tough, unlikely to fall for any tricks
Weaknesses: Not as quick as he used to be, can become overconfident when on top in a match
Entrance Theme Music: 'The Chase' by Giorgio Moroder
Special Entrance (if any): None
5 or More Commonly Used, Standard Moves: Forearm strike, European uppercut, Snap suplex, Sleeper hold, Knee drop (mat based), Stalling vertical suplex, Tiger suplex, Dragon suplex, Short-arm lariat, Piledriver, German suplex
Trademark Move(s): Dropkick, Gotch Piledriver, Deadlift German suplex
Description(s): See above
Finishing Move(s): Brainbuster, Sliding lariat
Description(s): See above
Favorite Hardcore Attacks/Spots: Dragon suplex through table / door, Brainbuster onto open chair
Additional notes: An experienced veteran who has been around the world in numerous federations. In the last decade he's only wrestled sporadically but has the hunger back. He works in an old-school way but is fully capable of doing more. His mentality is that his way is the 'right' way to wrestle and he wants to prove a point. Hardcore matches aren't something he seeks out but he can get inventive if forced into one.