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Saturday Night Savage 06/13
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

06-13-2020, 04:56 PM

[Image: LKNS3dh.gif]



- vs -
The Jester

Hanari Carnes
- vs -
Doug Whitford

Gage Gannon
- vs -
Bilbo Blumpkinz

Alexei Medved ©
- vs -
Felix Jones
- vs -
Griffon MacAllistar
Triple Threat
Xtreme Rules

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]
Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Michael Graves
Finger Poke of Doom Match
15 Minute Time Limit

We see JB, Tommy, and Reggie all hanging out in the backstage locker room in DC. As Reggie was wrapping tape on his wrist, we see all standing near the lockers, speaking to one another.

Tommy: Yo Reggie, so you amped up about fighting against The Jester?

Reggie: Eh, i could care less about him, but I guess i am glad i’m back in the company to wrestle and shit. Although, i am kinda regretting it now.

JB: Why is that, Reggie?

Reggie then pulls out a picture of his baby mama and duaghter in his bag, and shows them both. Then they hand it back to him, as Reggie head is on the floor.

Reggie: I told her that i wouldn't be doing this shit again, but now here i am not being honest. Hell, i even said i wouldn’t come back to San Diego for this shit, so now i’m at a point where i’m heading to st elsewhere.

Tommy then pulls out a bottle of sprite, and hands it to Reggie. He looks at him with a look of question, and takes a sip of it. He spits it out, and handed back to Tommy.

Reggie: What the fuck was in that bottle, T?

Tommy: Don’t worry about it, look man we all have personal issues we need to tackle upon. But, I want you to forget about all that an just focus on The Jester. Maybe after the match, we three shall go to a club in DC and party.

JB shook his head in agreement, as Reggie nodded with a smile on his face. Then the JB and Tommy leave the locker room, and we see Reggie doing some shadowboxing as the next segment comes up.

We see The Jester walking down the ring, with a toy chainsaw roaring in the air, and taunting the fans with it as he chuckles evily at them. Then he drops the toy chainsaw on the floor, and rolls into the ring and stand in the middle of the ring.

As soon the opening riff plays on the X-Tron, we see the lights goes out in the arena. As it lingered on for about ten minutes, the lights come back on as soon the song hits. Wrestler82 comes out to the entrance way with a chair in his hand, posing towards the crowd. He then walks down to the ramp giving high fives, and then he leans the chair on the steel steps, and slides into the ring and looks directly at his opponent as his theme cuts off.

- vs -
The Jester

The bell had rung, and we see both men Circe around the ring. Then the finally lock up, but Jester headbutts Wrestler82 in the face, and he punches him in the nose and he locks him in a Headlock, but Wrestler82 pushes Jester to the ropes, and whips him into the ropes and connect with a Haymaker to his gut. As Jester is on one knee, Wrestler82 charges on the ropes and hits a Shining Wizard on Jester and pins him..


PC: Oh man, this Wrestler82 guy is picking up the pace in this match against this newcomer, Jester.

HHL: He is, and i don’t know if Jester can handle this returning Latino afro man!

PC: What?

Wrestler82 lifts up Jester to his feet, and whips him into the corner. He then goes to the corner, and lays in some chops to his chest. Then Jester grabs his hand, and places him in the corner, and dishes his own chop to the chest. Jester then pulls back form him, and tries to spear him on the corner but Wrestler82 moves out the way, and caused Jester to land head first on the post.

PC: HUGE mistake on this newcomer, now he’s ripe for the taking.

HHL: It was a simple mistake, I know this newcomer will get back on track in this match.

Jester slowly comes out from the corner, and Wrestler82 poses to the crowd. Then Jester blindsides him with a flurry of punches on his back, and hits a sick looking German Suplex on him, then he goes for another, then he hits the final German Suplex with a bridge for the pin...




Wrestler82 kicksout, and Jester gets angry at the ref. Then Jester grabs the ref by the shirt, and shouts at him. Then Jester turns around to see a Discus Lariat out of nowhere. Jester stumbles in the ring, and Wrestler82 charges at him and lands a Lou Thesz Press with punches. Then Wrestler82 stomps on Jester, and drags him to the corner.

HHL: He’s going up top for something big!

PC: I mean he’s short, he could probably do some kinda flippy thing on there, twenty bucks if he misses.

Wrestler82 goes for a high angled Senton Bomb, but misses. Jester is stomping around the ring, and goes to the corner. He is crouching, as Wrestler82 slowly gets on his feet. As soon he is on his feet, he hits a Dropkick on him. Jester lifts up Wrestler82, and hits a stalling Brainbuster on him. Then Jester signals the crowd to go to the corner, and climbs up there. He goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Wrestler82 countered it into The Special One (RKO).


PC: Knowing him, he isn’t going to cover him from it.

Wrestler82 then hears the crowd alive, and kneels on one knee. Then he beats his chest, and lifts up Jester and grabs his arms on his back and hits the...

Azteca Sunrise (Killswitch)

He then turns him on his back and finally covers him..





"Danza Kuduro" hits and Hanari Carnes spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

HHL: "Hanari looks ready to go after a strong showing at War Games."

PC: "He may not have gotten the result he wanted, but advancing to the Main Event certainly is an accomplishment in itself."

"Ooh La La" by Run the Jewels begins to play as Doug Whitford walks onto the ramp and down the aisle.

HHL: "Well, speaking of War Games, here's a man who lasted longer than most of us expected, even if it still wasn't THAT long."

PC: "I'm tellin' ya, Big D should've NEVER left him alone with Centurion! They might've actually made it to the Main Event and helped Shawn stand a better chance against Team Cataclysm."

Doug makes his way up the ring steps and onto the apron, before climbing in. He looks prepared and ready to go, as Hanari eyes him over. With both men in the ring, the referee calls for the bell.

Hanari Carnes
- vs -
Doug Whitford


Hanari and Doug lock up in the middle of the ring, with Carnes backing Whitford into a corner. The ref tells Hanari to let go, which he does, but not before delivering a hard Elbow to the face of his opponent. He then whips Doug to the opposite side, running after him. Whitford lifts his leg up, but Hanari catches it and tosses it down, hitting a Step Up Enzuigiri as Doug's foot hits the mat. Carnes goes for a quick cover.


PC: "Doug's doing his best to keep up with the former Tag Team and Television Champion."

HHL: "I'll believe it's his best once he gets in some offense, Pip."

Hanari Carnes gets up and puts Doug Whitford on his shoulders, delivering a Fireman's Carry Gutbuster. He keeps ahold of Doug's arm, bringing him back up onto his shoulders, once again, before hitting a Samoan Drop. Carnes lays back on Doug for another cover.


PC: "If Doug doesn't fight back soon, Hanari's gonna eat him alive!"

HHL: "He's not already?"

Hanari brings Whitford to his feet and whips him to the ropes, only to get reversed. On the rebound, Doug hits Carnes with an Arm Drag Take-down. Both men quickly get to their feet and Whitford delivers another one, before making a pin attempt.


PC: "Gonna take more than some simple Arm Drags to take Hanari down."

HHL: "At this point, I think Whitford's just trying to buy some time."

Doug locks in a Sleeper Hold, giving himself a moment to catch his breath. It doesn't last long, however, as Hanari fights his way up to a knee, delivering some Elbows to Whitford's gut as he rises. Before Carnes can make it fully to his feet, Doug breaks the hold and slips behind his opponent, dragging him down for a Schoolboy pin.


PC: "Whitford almost caught Carnes off guard with that one!"

HHL: "That's gonna piss Hanari off."

Hanari rolls backwards out of the pin as Doug stands up. Whitford takes a step towards Carnes, but gets met with a Superkick that drops him to the mat. An annoyed Hanari wastes no time bringing his opponent back to his feet, delivering a Snap Suplex, covering after.


HHL: "At this point, you gotta wonder if it'd be smarter for Whitford to just stay down?"

PC: "We don't know much about Doug, Heather, for all we know he gets off on this. Maybe the more punishment he takes, the stronger he gets, I don't know!"

HHL: "Given his performance at War Games, the first option seems alot more likely."

Hanari Carnes drags Doug to his feet and gets him into Oklahoma Slam position. Before he can attempt it, though, Whitford manages to slip out of it. Hanari turns around and rushes at Doug, who hits a Drop Toehold that sends Carnes face first into the second turnbuckle. Whitford takes advantage of this opportunity by pulling Hanari up and delivering a Backdrop, which he keeps bridged for a cover.


Doug hurries back up, bringing Hanari with him and wrenching his arm. He yanks on it violently, before attempting an Irish Whip that Carnes reverses. Hanari ducks down, as Whitford rebounds and kicks his opponent in the face. He then drops back against the ropes and charges back at Hanari, who lifts him up abruptly and delivers a vicious Spinebuster. Rather than cover, however, Hanari gets back up and demands that Doug do the same.

PC: "Hanari looks fed up with Whitford, he could be looking to end it right here!"

HHL: "Doug might just wanna stay down."

Doug Whitford struggles to his knees, unable to prevent Hanari from nailing a Punta Cana Kick! that nearly takes his head off. Whitford collapses to the mat, as Carnes laughs. He then takes a step forward and locks in the Viva la Republic!, violently yanking at his opponent's arm as he screams in agony.

PC: "Hanari's gonna rip Doug's arm right out of it's socket!"

HHL: "He's not gonna have any choice but to tap!"

As soon as Heather's words leave her lips, Doug Whitford taps out, quickly and desperately.


The bell rings, but Hanari refuses to break the hold. He continues to pull, as Whitford continues to tap and writhe in pain.

HHL: "He's not breaking the hold!"

PC: "Someone get out here! Hanari has lost it! He's snapped!"

HHL: "He is legit trying to break his arm!"

Finally a team of security and refs rush out and swarm the ring, finally pulling Hanari off him. Hanari stands over him with a crazed look in his eye as we wipes his mouth with his forearm.

PC: "Hanari Carnes has snapped! Doug may be hurt badly here!"

All Hail The Queen from the album GRL and the hit series Queen of the South begins to hit. The arena lights begin to flash. "All Hail The Queen" comes up on the screen every time the lyric is said in the song. The crowd looks towards the still empty stage as pink glitter begins to fall from the ceiling. The crowd dances with the beat.

At about the 1:30 mark, at the words "The Greatest" hit, the voices deepens, as if being chopped and screwed, and the lights go off. Big purple letters come up on the X-Tron.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

HHL: Here we go! Queen's Court, Episode 2!

PC: I've gotta pee suddenly, I'll back back.

HHL: Just sit there!

Pink Pyro explodes on the stage, as a pink mist fills the staging area. Jenny's music cuts in.

[Image: LFv3uH0.gif]

Jenny makes her way out into the ramp way as the crowd is a mix of cheers and boos.

In the ring there are two chairs, a table, and two microphones. One standard XWF mic, and the other one is bedazzled.

[Image: SMfYKcA.gif]


Myst walks down the ramp, and it is seen on camera her publicist, Megan, behind her, carrying the Bombshell title and the RLF True title on each shoulder.

PC: She's in wrestling gear.....something's going on here!

HHL: And she has BOTH belts coming to the ring with her!

PC: One isn't even from this company. What is she trying to prove?! And why is she dressed to wrestle?!

HHL: She's in the ring, just shut up and listen to royalty!

Megan sets both belts up on their stands on the back of the table, and Jenny shoo's her away. The Queen picks up her bedazzled microphone and smiles to the crowd before speaking.

Jenny: "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the number one talk show on television, The Queen's Court! Ellen Degeneres, The View, The Talk, Wendy Williams, they have NOTHING on Jenny Myst!"

The crowd groans a bit.

Jenny: "On my quest to make Savage a watchable program again, I have booked an array of guests. I started off with a bang last week. As you know, I had Snuffaluffagus and his lapdog Axl Rose on last week.......he hasn't aged well."

The crowd boos.

Jenny: "I know, they disgust me too. But this week I didn't disappoint. I have invited a champion, much like myself, onto the program. Yes, this person made quite a splash on Anarchy this past week and I want to get to the bottom of it. I want to give all of you here in...."

Her lip curls a bit.

Jenny: "Washington D.C......some good media coverage for once. So, without further ado......let me introduce my guest for this week.........Big D!"

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA as the fans give a mostly positive reaction(except the Bobbi London ones). Big D walks out onto the ramp with the Internet Title over his shoulder. He takes a moment to pose with it, holding the belt in the air like it was actually his, before making his way down the aisle.

PC: "Make no mistake, folks, Bobbi London is STILL the Champion, despite what Big D did."

HHL: "He's getting so desperate for gold, he's had to resort to stealing it!"

Big D climbs onto the apron and into the ring, proudly clutching 'his' Title belt. He picks up the microphone off of his chair and sits down.

D: "Thanks for havin' me, Jenny."

Jenny curls her lip into a sarcastic but equally disgusted smile.

Jenny: So.....Mr.....D? Big? Mr. Big? Daniel?....lets go with.......that, come out here with the Internet Title that you took off that walking blob Bobbi London Thursday Night.......and I gotta ask......why? I mean, you don't wanna win a "real" title?

D: "Oh, I have every intention of winning bigger and better belts, but sometimes you have to settle. I'm sure you know a thing or two about that."

Jenny leans over, tapping her perfectly manicured nails on the big silver belt over his shoulder.

Jenny: "Ahhhh so the internet title.......yeah.......nice.....umm......hey I gotta ask.....Fischer Price or PlaySkool? My little cousin would love one of those!"

Jenny: But thanks for ducking the, let me ask again because I am sure everyone is soooooooooo curious. Why? Why did you do it and why was THAT belt your target? If you're gonna show your face on the company's C show, why not go for the Anarchy Title......?"

D: "You gotta start somewhere and work your way up. My return at War Games didn't quite go according to plan and I know that. As much as I'd love to challenge for the Universal Championship, I know there's no way I'm gonna get a shot......... Yet, at least. So, in the meantime, I figured I might as well get Bobbi back for the loss I suffered last year."

Big D pauses for a moment, a smirk on his face.

"Plus, I know Atticus isn't gonna give me any sort of shot HERE."

Jenny curls her lip into a smile again, looking around into the crowd before turning back towards her guest.

Jenny: "I mean, this is MY show, so maybe if you impress on my show, Atticus will change is tune. Some rhythm, that dude's got. BUT, speaking of War left after March Madness. Said your tearful goodbyes, there were dozens of tiny violins playing sad songs, and then you enter into War Games a month or so month later as a "Mystery Competitor". I mean, weird flex, bro. Whats the end game?"

D: "The end game? The Hall of Legends. I'm willing to do ANYTHING to cement my name in XWF history. Winning belts, no matter how small; facing whatever competitor decides to step in my way.......... Hopefully, eventually, leading to the Universal Title match I feel I've earned well before calling it quits. A belt they've given lesser men shots at."

Jenny smirks, and wants to dig her claws in a little deeper.

Jenny: A little late in your career to start at the bottom, wouldn't you say? But I love the enthusiasm, I do. But what happens when Bobbi London gets hungry, which isn't exactly rare for her, and wants her belt back?

D: "Well, she's got that opportunity come next Anarchy. If she truly thinks this belt belongs to her, she can try her best to rip it from my cold, dead hands. Guess what? I won't budge!"

"And as for the bottom? Well, sometimes you gotta help out charity like Vinnie Lane, afterall, why else would I agree to compete on Anarchy?................ Or appear on Queen's Court? "

Jenny furls her eyebrows and opens her mouth.

"Rude" she says off the mic, and flips her hair. She looks at the two titles on the table.

Jenny: "Daniel, as you see here, I have two belts with me. One is the XWF Bombshell Title, because I was the longest reigning Bombshell Champion in history, and the other is the RLF True Championship. I had the belt arond my perfect waist when the company went belly up. The difference between these that I actually WON these titles. I won and defended them. I was the General Manager of this very program, and I am the woman who put Mandii Rider on the shelf for good. I am the most influential woman this roster has ever had, and even I won't get a Universal Shot....even I won't end up in the Hall of Legends. News flash, Daniel, its a big clique. It's a giant club. You and I, we aren't in the club. thing you CAN sign my petition here to bring back to Bombshell Title........its 100 signatures strong......then, you can see what greatness really looks like because it's the closest to greatness you're ever gonna get."

PC: It's getting tense here. I wonder how many talk show hosts get attacked by their guests?

HHL: He wouldn't dare!

Big D looks a bit thrown off by Jenny's blatant insult, but he takes the petition and looks it over, anyway. After a moment of studying it, Big D tosses the petition back onto the table and shakes his head.

D: "The fact that you wanna bring back a belt exclusively for the women shows me you don't have what it takes to compete with the men."

Jenny looks displeased, but before she can say anything, Big D continues.

D: "Bringing back the Bombshell Championship would do nothing but limit the women of XWF. If this belt was still around, Sarah Lacklan(or Madison Dyson, for that matter) would've NEVER won March Madness, Ruby wouldn't be dominating Anarchy, and Lux might've never become Universal Champion................... ok, maybe that last one would've been for the better."

"My point is, as someone who's had his ass kicked on multiple occasions by a variety of women, I don't think it's fair to those of them who've shown time and time again that they have the ability to hang with the best of us guys. Not to mention, I'd look like a little bitch attacking Bobbi London and then signing something saying she doesn't belong in my division. So no, Jenny, I'm not gonna sign your little petition."

The fans cheer for Big D as Jenny Myst bites her lip, looking pissed. She takes a deep inhale, then looks back at D and smiles.

Jenny: "Lets change gears, we are getting a bit hostile here. I didn't bring you on this show to make fun of you....much....I brought you on to get to the dirt you carry."

She flips her hair.

Jenny: "For weeks now you've been a thorn in Atticus's side. You've played mind games, you've caused unrest, and you have attacked people. Atticus went as far as to ban you from the building, but you still got in anyway. Why? Why Atticus? Is this an XWF beef or do you have something against our......ugh.....leader?"

D: "Believe it or not, I've got nothin' against Atticus White. I used to compete on his brand without any issues whatsoever; but that all changed the minute I retired. For some reason, he decided to treat me like someone who never even existed in XWF, like Kid Kool or red-X. After all the sacrifices I made, to my body, my mentality, AND my personal life, he was willing to just throw me away like a piece of trash. He didn't want to give me the proper respect other alumni receive, he wanted to erase me from the history books............ and do you know why?"

Jenny leans forward, ready for the gossip her guest was about to dish.

D:"It's because he NEEDED me! Oh yeah, believe it, Jenny! Atticus White was upset that his top star walked out on his brand, leaving him with the likes of Thunder Knuckles and, well, YOU, as the main attractions. The fact that he couldn't have Big D made him bitter. Atticus didn't have control over me anymore, so he did the next best thing and used his show to punish me.............but guess what? It didn't work! I..........."

Before Big D can continue, Atticus White walks out onto the ramp with a microphone and interrupts him.

ATTICUS: "I've had enough of you, Big D. While I was happy to see you get eliminated early at War Games, like everyone knew would happen, I was equally disappointed to see they allowed you to walk away."

Jenny nods enthusiastically at Atticus's words.

D: "Sorry to disappoint ya, Atty."

ATTICUS: "Well, you're here, on MY show, and while I can't force you to defend a belt you don't technically own, I CAN still book you in a match!"

D: "Oh? Are you gonna limp down that ramp and kick my ass?"

ATTICUS(laughing): "Oh no, not ME.............."

Out from behind the curtain walks the XWF Head of Security, Little Feather, much to Big D's delight.

HHL: Little Feather! It's the XWF Head of Security!

PC: We've seen this act before! Who does Atticus think he's fooling here?

D: "I mean, if Little Feather REALLY wants his ass kicked, again, bring it!"

ATTICUS: "Hold on there, Big D, this isn't gonna be your average Singles Match. To prevent you from. pulling anymore bullshit than you already have over the past few months, we're going to make it a Lumberjack Match! Would you like to meet the Lumberjacks?"

Jenny's eyes go wide and her lips curl into a wicked smile.

D(annoyed): "Sure."

All of a sudden, the rest of Little Feather's security detail walks onto the ramp, as Atticus grins.

ATTICUS: "Still feeling confident, D?"

D(determined): "You bet your ass I am!"

Atticus looked at Jenny.

Atticus: My apologies for interrupting your show, Jenny. Let me make it up to you?

Jenny: "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

Atticus: You ever refereed a match before?"

Jenny's face lights up like a little kid on Christmas Morning.

Jenny: "That dog'll hunt!"

Security surrounds the ring as Jenny looks at D.

"Shoulda signed the petition".

HHL: Oh my god! Lumberjacks AND Jenny to ref!

PC: We've gotta go to break! We'll be back!

The screen appears with the purple lettering.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Savage goes to commercial.

Impromptu Match: Big D vs. Little Feather--Lumberjack Match w/ Jenny Myst as Ref

Coming back from commercial break, we see Big D in the ring with Little Feather and Jenny Myst, who's now donning a referee shirt. With security surrounding the ring, Jenny calls for the bell.

PC: "So I wondered why Jenny was in her ring attire. This was why!

HHL: You think her and Atticus were in cahoots?

PC: I didn't say that but it is a bit fishy.......


HHL: "And we are underway with this very..........unique match."

PC: "To our knowledge, Little Feather has NEVER competed in a match, here or elsewhere, in his life!"

Big D leans against the ropes, un-amused by the task at hand. He points to his opponent, looking over at Jenny for her opinion. She just shrugs and motions for the two to go at it, causing Big D to step forward and lock-up with Little Feather in the center of the ring. The Head of Security delivers a Knee to D's gut, followed up by a Native American style Chop to the head. He then attempts an Irish Whip, but Big D reverses and tosses Little Feather to the opposite side. On the rebound, D hits a Powerslam that causes Little Feather to flee to the outside as the fans roar with cheers.

HHL: "It's looks like Little Feather needs a moment to recuperate."

PC: "He's just gotta shake the opening match jitters, it IS his debut, afterall!"

One of Little Feather's peers gives him some words of encouragement, patting him on the back as he does so. Big D bitches to Jenny about the lack of Lumberjacking, but she just shrugs her shoulders and flaunts her looks. After a moment, Little Feather climbs back in and heads for D. Both men tie-up, once again, with Big D quickly slipping behind Little Feather and hitting a German Suplex. He keeps his hands locked and delivers another one, repeating this for a third one.

HHL: "Little Feather looks like he has no idea what hit him!"

PC: "He's not a wrestler, Heather! He's used to throwing out drunken idiots, not trained athletes!"

Big D runs back to the ropes, only to get tripped up by one of the security guards. He quickly gets up and looks at the man, who pretends like he didn't do anything. An angry Big D, abruptly, climbs through the ropes and attacks the Lumberjack. As he does so, the rest of them surround him and begin hammering away.

HHL: "I think Big D just let his emotions get the better of him!"

PC: "Serves him right! Maybe next time he'll focus on his opponent, rather than innocent bystanders!"

As the security force lays a beatdown on Big D, Jenny Myst casually paces back and forth, flipping her hair and and looking at her nails, pretending not to see any of it. Eventually, the guards roll him back into the ring where Little Feather awaits. He lifts D up onto his shoulders and hits a 'Samoan' Drop, staying on his opponent for a cover. Jenny drops down to count it, but Big D immediately kicks out. As Myst goes to stand back up, Little Feather attempts another cover, forcing her to drop back down. Again, D kicks out the moment she hits the mat, causing her to huff in annoyance and roll her eyes.

HHL: "Not sure if Jenny's more annoyed with Little Feather's failed attempts or the fact that Big D's kicking out of them?"

PC: "She must've expected D to make quick work of his opponent, otherwise she might not have volunteered to ref."

Little Feather brings Big D to his feet and attempts an Irish Whip, but, once again, gets reversed. As the Head of Security hits the ropes on the other side, multiple guards climb onto the apron and grab him, stopping his momentum from sending him back at D. Big D complains to Jenny, who does nothing about it. When he turns his back to her, she begins to wipe at her eyes, mocking D, who quickly turns back around. Myst grins at him, causing him to look at her suspiciously, only to turn back around and get decked with a Big Boot by Little Feather.

PC: "As I said before, Big D needs to worry about his OPPONENT, not the ref or Lumberjacks."

HHL: "After THAT move, he might not have the chance."

Little Feather drops an Elbow on Big D, staying on him for a cover.

Jenny slides into the count.


PC: "That count seemed a bit fast."

HHL: "Almost reminds me of when Big D reffed Brian Storm's TV Title match."

PC: "Karma's a bigger bitch than Jenny Myst."

Little Feather gets up and delivers multiple stomps to his opponent. He then brings Big D to his feet and whips him into the corner, following it up with a Big Splash. The Head of Security then climbs onto the second rope and begins hammering away at D's forehead. Rather than count, however, the fans 'BOO' with every punch. On the 6th one, Big D walks forward and hits a Reverse Atomic Drop, before wrapping his arms around Little Feather and Belly to Belly Suplexing him against the turnbuckles.

PC: "Little Feather might be knocked out after that one!"

HHL: "You might be right, Pip, he landed awkwardly on his head."

Big D signals for the end as the crowd goes nuts, but before he can do anything, a couple security guards climb up onto the apron. D easily disposes of them with a punch each, before turning his attention back to Little Feather. Big D picks his opponent up in Dan Slam position, walking to the center of the ring with him in the air. Before he can deliver the move, however, Jenny Myst drops to her knees and delivers a Low Blow to D.

PC: "Now this is REALLY starting to look like Thunder Knuckles vs Brian Storm!"

HHL: "You had to wonder if Jenny had an ulterior motive for volunteering her time to ref."

Big D let's go of Little Feather, dropping to his knees in pain. This allows the Head of Security to hoist D up and hit a Big E's Ending. After delivering the move, Little Feather motions to the guards who are still up to come in the ring, where he covers D, with his entourage laying on top of him as well.


PC: "Big D had that match won! Myst just cost Big D!

HHL: He should have signed the petition.

PC: Shut up.


As Little Feather celebrates with the rest of his crew, Jenny Myst slides out of the ring with a gigantic smile on her face.

PC: "She seems to enjoy what she just did!"

HHL: "Wouldn't you? She just extended her Queen's Court contract!"

PC: "Good luck with booking, you're just setting yourself up to get screwed!"

HHL: "Not necessarily. Jenny is the Queen, she does what she wants but Big D had this coming! She just did us a favor!"

Big D finally comes to in the ring, looking out at the security guards at ringside celebrating, followed by Jenny. She blows him a kiss as she walks up the ramp, causing him to pound the mat in frustration. She backs up the ramp with a grin.

[Image: t6AOQe0.gif]

PC: "Atticus might've won this battle, but I get the feeling the war has only just begun."

Bilbo slaps his balls on the side as he wheels down the ring in his chair, trying to make sure the beast stays awake. When in the ring, he rubs it for a minute before eyeballing his opponent.

Gage saunters down the ring cocky as cocky can be and makes women swoon as he passes.

Gage Gannon
- vs -
Bilbo Blumpkinz


The fucking second the bell rings Gage is already on Bilbo, grabbing the shitty little freak by the ankle and Hulking out on the dude; tossing him into the canvas over and over again like Bilbo was nothing. The crowd started cheering but now they've got a bit quiet.

HHL: "... Holy shit."

Gannon doesn't stop.

"Well, he is a rapist" one guy yells from the crowd getting literally everyone back on Gage's side as they roar his name in thunderous applause. Gannon's arm gets tired finally and he drops Blumpkins down on the mat before flexing and taunting to the crowd; Bilbo has the sheer audacity to move and Gannon doesn't take kindly to the at all. He grabs Bilbo by the neck and lifts him up before dropping him back down with...

HHL: "Maleficent Divinity!!!"

PC: "A perfect pedigree crashes Bilbo's frail dome onto the canvas!"

Gage pushes Blumpkins onto his back and gives a lackadaisical pin. The ref slides in, blushing as Gage gives her a wink.







Gage's theme hits as he rolls his neck and waves to the roaring crowd.

HHL: "Amazing showing from Gage here, can't wait to see more from him!"

Suddenly the house lights dim to darkness as loud thunder clasps rattle the building followed by piercing lightning strikes before the lights go completely dark as the Xtron flashes several images.

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The DC crowd boo’s intently as two white spotlights hit the top of the ramp revealing a smoky haze and standing amid the white smoke are the XWF World Tag Team Champions Chris Page and Robert Main both in their masks and each with their respective title slung over their right shoulders… and standing next to them is the XWF Xtreme Champion Alexie Medred... AND a masked Shane . The foursome starts to make the walk towards the ring, slow and with purpose as Team Cataclysm once again dominated the XWF and the alleged “talent” they keep. All three seemingly ignore the fans and as they reach ringside Page climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes as Robert slides into the ring under the ropes and gets to his feet, tag title now in hand. Alexei walks up the steel steps to the ring apron before stepping through the ropes and into the ring and as the music fades the spotlights cut and the house lights come up leaving a vocally negative crowd showing a complete lack of respect for the collective straws that stir the fucking drink. Robert calls for the microphone.

” War Games 2018… won it. War Games 2019… won it. War Games 2020… won that too!”

The crowd boos intently bringing a smirk to Robert’s face as he continues.

” Not to stand in the center of MY ring and say I told you so… I TOLD YOU SO!”

The loud boos ring out louder as Robert laughs as he passes the microphone over to Chris Page.

” Robert, one day these mindless sheep are going fall in line and come to the firm realization that when WE say something WE deliver; not only did WE win War Games, not only did WE do it with a team you all thought was a joke, not only did four out of our five make the finals WE did it going back to back while guys like jumping bean Hanari or that failure as a Universal Champion Shawn Warstein got to take themselves a little break.”

A loud “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” chant starts to filter throughout the building.

” We told you what we were going to do and we fucking did it much as we told you this Cataclysm organization is only going to grow because if you think we’re the only four people fed up with the status quo in the land of Xtreme you’re kidding yourselves.”

Chris takes a moment before he continues.

” But you know something… War Games wasn’t about Rob or myself for that matter because while you all were to busy focusing MOST of your attention on the two of us like complete fucktards, you left the door wide open for the newest member of the Cataclysm family. He walked into War Games as a virtual unknown and emerged from War Games as your new XWF XTREME CHAMPION… the incomparable Alexei Medred!!”

The camera zooms in on the intense facial expression of Alexei Medved who looks around the arena at the infuriated crowd. He holds his X-treme belt up over his head using both hands. The fans shower him with boos as he grimaces back at them and starts to scream towards them in Russian. Medved slowly and delicately begins to lower his title. He wraps it around his waist and clears his throat before putting the microphone to his mouth.

I always thought people frrrom Washington verrry stupid. Turns out verrry ugly too!

Alexei cracks a smile as he glares at the Tag team champs who seem to relish the outraged crowd.

When Main drrraft me, you all laugh. Well, who's laugh now? You people don't know shit, You cheerrrr forrr men like Univerrrsal Champ, Men like Michael Grrraves and Dominican trrrash Carnes. You people don't know talent if smacked you in ugly face. That is why I have decided to marrrch with my brrrothers. I have chosen my side in this warrr and I have only one message forrr those who side with ourrr enemies.

Alexei pauses for a moment as the fans use the quick silence to verbally harrass him.

We will take no prrrisoners. Whoeverrr wants to live by the sword will DIE by the sworrrd. The crowd erupts with loud boos as a smirking Robert Main takes center stage.

” There’s not a whole lot that’s left to be said about War Games outside of the fact that we won… Everyone else lost, sucks to be you. Oh, and fuck every one of you sorry excuses for wrestlers. ” The live crowd boos Robert loudly as he continues. ” So let’s now shift our attention to what seems to be the hot topic of conversation, and that is just when in the blue hell is THEO and VINNIE going to man the fuck up and meet us inside this ring so these two can be held accountable?” Chris chimes in.

” Dude I totally thought you were going to say Warstein.”

Robert rolls his eyes at the mere mention of Warstein’s name.

” Fuzz is my personal punching bag I'm done with that. I’ve already made him my bitch… He’s all yours.”

It doesn’t take long for the XWF Universal Champion Shawn Warstein to appear from behind the curtain. Title slung over his shoulder, microphone in hand. In a far cry from his usual attire, he’s in a suit and just paces back and forth while the crowd’s murmur begins to crescendo.

“Ladies and Gentlemen allow me to be the first person on the planet to say this….”

Shawn holds his hand up to quiet down the crowd.

“Congratulations on winning War Games. The four of you set out and did exactly what you said you were going to do, and that cannot go unnoticed.”

Shawn begins to golf clap.

“Yet with all of your big talk. All of that hot air you’re spewing, you failed to keep me down. You won a match…. That’s the business. You said you were going to put me down, yet here I am still standing.”

Shawn holds up the Universal Title above his head.

“And I’ve still got this. I know that being on top was going to bring the haters out in full force. So let me ask you guys one question…”

Shawn pauses for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

“Do you hate me, Chris, because I did something you couldn’t? And Robert, do you hate me because I’ve once again regulated you to the secondary position? Alexei….. What the fuck are you doing out here? You know what, don't answer that because the adults are talking. Shane?!? Wow…. I mean I get it, but wow. Look everyone the Spooky Gang's all back together in the ring. Sure the faces changed, but they are all there. See you’ve got the one no one cares about, I’ll let Shane and Alexei fight for that one. The so-called brains… in Chris Page. You know someone whose brain is so dry rotted that he didn’t realize that everyone saw this coming, and this has happened a million times. ‘We are going to destroy the XWF!’... Hundreds of people have claimed that and it’s still standing. And like any good Scooby-Doo episode there’s the dude in the mask, who is just grasping at straws to keep his abandoned carnival alive by any means necessary. Well everyone is a scary monster when they wear a mask, take it off and you’re still the lonely little bitch you’ve always been.”

Chris and Robert erupt into laughter at the words thrown in their general direction as Chris raises the microphone and address the Universal Champion.

” I get it, Shawn, nobody needs to save face more than you do right now considering just how exposed you truly are as you stand at the top of that ramp and look down into the ring at the four people that have ALL the spotlight, ALL the attention and have overshadowed you in every sense of the word, it’s cute… truly it is… but let’s cut straight to the quick and get right to the meat and potatoes of this matter. You want Robert, Robert’s owned you… twice… Welcome to the club… and while you walk around with that chest puffed out desperately trying to make yourself feel relevant in the conversation with the grown folks you belong over at the kiddie table for amateur hour.” The crowd is all over Chris Page with a “SHUT-THE-FUCK-UP” chant which draws a very simple eye roll from Chris as he continues. ” But you know Shawn, something you said leading into War Games resonated with me even to this day; you said you want a piece of Robert Main and Chris Page, am I right? Yeah, ya did, and something that I said last week that got ZERO attention from you, go figure, rests with a very fundamentally simple challenge that I all but laid at your feet. In case you’re as dumb as you look I’ll reiterate for you here and now.” There’s a brief pause from Chris before he continues.

” You don’t have to come looking for us… you can find me in this ring in two short weeks if you’re feeling froggy… and I’ll beat you… Shawn, I even gave you the option of putting that belt that you’ve defended against absolutely NOBODY relevant against me or just meeting me for a fight. So, surely you can make time in that ever busy schedule of yours to sign your name on the dotted line and show the world just how BAD you really want a piece of Cataclysm… or are you still just a sideline hoe who’s bite isn’t anywhere near the size of his bark. The choice is yours, Shawn. I’m cool either way.”

Shawn begins to nod his head and adjusts the Universal Title on his shoulder.

“You know what Chris, you’re absolutely right. All I have to do is sign on the dotted line. And I’ll do just that. Next week you and I will fight. There it’s really just that simple.”

Shawn turns around and begins to walk away, before holding up his free hand and turning back towards the ring.

“As for the matter of the Universal Title being on the line....”

Shawn takes the title and places it on the ground at the top of the ramp.

“I’ll tell you what. You see that title right there? I want ONE of you to bring it to the next Savage. Whichever one of you has the title that’s who will get their shot and the other doesn’t. Easy peasy. So Chris answer me this.... Are you willing to give up your shot at the title for Robert‘s at Leap Of Faith? Will you forgo your opportunity for him?

Shawn pauses for a moment.

“Don’t answer that... it was rhetorical. We all know what you’re going to pick, maybe next time Robert.”

Shawn looks down at the title and walks away for it and into the back.

Page begins to step forward as Robert leans over the top rope chuckling.

" Fuzz where you going? I'm not finished talking... In what fucking world do you decide who gets an opportunity at the Universal Championship and who doesn't? You haven't had a credible win since scooping that belt up yet you want to stand up there and call the shots? I don't think so hoss... That's not how this is going to play out... Like I said on Twitter... You FUZZ need us more than we need you. As far as I'm concerned you need to take your ass to a corner plant your nose in said corner and let the grown people talk. I've pinned you twice in a month pal if anyone is the number one contender around here... That'd be me..."

Robert pauses for a second.

" That being said... I stand by what I said previously I don't want that belt. I don't want to face you in the ring again and kick your teeth down your throat for the third time... I refuse to give you one fucking ounce of credibility. So have fun with you endless cycles of facing Chris Chaos or Jenny Myst... Page and I are the lifeblood of this company... You on the other hand SHAWN are holding the brass ring while floating around on the mid-card right where you've always belonged. If Page wants the shot he can have it... Fuck you and your title... I don't want it... You might not be dead Fuzz as you stated on twitter... The rest of us just wish you were."

Robert flips Shawn the bird.

" I've got bigger fish to fry CHUMP."

Robert again flips Fuzz off.

”So I guess that leaves me, right? Allow me to REPEAT myself based off statements made leading into War Games… I don’t want your title Shawn, I don’t need your title… I want you! Keep that consolation prize slug over your shoulder because you’re certainly going to need a crutch to hold you up after I knock you the fuck down. See you in two weeks, “champ”.”

Chris winks at Shawn Warstein as the scene fades.

”The following Triple Threat contest is scheduled one fall to a finish and is for the XWF Xtreme Championship!!

”Introducing first, he is one of the challengers… he is the former XWF Xtreme Champion, FELIX JONES!

Felix walks out to the top of the ramp where he stops and listens to the crowd before he makes the walk towards the ring. Felix reaches ringside where he climbs up on the apron before stepping into the ring where he waits for his opponents.

”And his opponent, challenger number two…”


Griffin emerges from the entrance; eyes set straight ahead, he marches to the ring without much attention or emotion shown towards the crowd. Climbing the steel steps, he then takes his place within the ring and awaits his opponent's arrival.

”And finally introducing the XWF XTREME Champion, ALEXEI MEDVED!

Alexei enters past the curtains and pauses for a moment. He relishes the negative crowd reaction as he continues towards ringside, focused on his destination. He walks up the steel steps and between the ropes as he enters the ring and waits for the bell to sound.

Alexei Medved ©
- vs -
Felix Jones
- vs -
Griffon MacAllistar Griffin MacAlister
Triple Threat
Xtreme Rules


”And we are officially underway with our first of two Championship matches tonight as Felix Jones is looking to take back what he lost at War Games but he’s going to have to go through MacAlister and the new Xtreme Champion Medved.”

”Xtreme Rules are in place for this one; anything goes, falls count anywhere.”

Immediately Medved takes a powder out to the floor as he welcomes Jones and MacAlister to mix things up to start off this Triple Threat affair to boos from the crowd. Griffon and Felix square off and as they look to tie up its MacAlister with a boot to the midsection of Jones before he takes over with right hands to the face of Jones before backing him up against the ropes, he flings Jones across the ring, Jones bounces off the ropes and into a reverse elbow sending Jones to the mat. Alexei has his back to the ring jaw jacking with the announcers where he catches a baseball slide dropkick to Medved sending him forward crashing into the announcers table!

”It’s not like we didn’t expect the ring to contain these three because they’re right out in front of us.”

Griffon takes Alexei and drives him head first into the announcers table! In the ring we see Felix make his way towards a neutral corner where he starts to climb the turnbuckles on the inside of the ring while out on the floor MacAlister takes Alexei and turns towards the ring as Jones sails off the top rope with a cross body block down on to both Griffon and Alexei!!

”Jones sets sail taking out both Medved and MacAlister!”

Jones pops back up to his feet where he makes his way towards the time keepers table and tosses him from his chair. Jones folds up the steel chair as we see Griffon start to work his way back to his feet where he’s jabbed in the midsection with the chair from Felix that doubles him over for Jones to waffle him across the back sending MacAlister to the floor before he turns and snatches Alexie up off the floor and hurls him into the ring before sliding back into the ring with chair in hand.

”Felix has taken over after that cross body block from the ring to the floor.”

Jones is back to his feet where he takes the chair and wedges it in between the top and middle turnbuckle in a neutral corner before picking Alexei up off the mat where he sends him smashing head first into the chair before rolling him up with a School Boy!




Alexei kicks out of the near fall as we see Felix back to a vertical base where he backs up against the ropes only to have MacAlister grab him by the ankles and yank him out to the floor where Griffon takes Jones and sends him crashing into the steel steps! Griffon reaches under the ring pulling out a Table! The crowd pops as Griffon sets up the Table on the floor.

”With three men involved in this party it’s going to be hard for anyone to maintain a distinct advantage… unless you’re name is Griffon and he puts one of these two through this table!

MacAlister picks Jones up off the floor where he positions for a Powerbomb! Griffon hoists Felix up in the air and drives him through the table with a Sit Out Powerbomb!!

”You called the shot Pip!”

MacAlister covers Jones in the ruble of the Table!




Alexei Madved makes the save with a Spring Board elbow drop from the ring to the floor on Griffon!

”Medved with an incredible save keeping his Xtreme Title safe for the time being.”

Alexei gets back to his feet where he picking Griffon up off the floor where he sends MacAlister crashing into the security railing before he turns and immediately covers Felix!




Jones kicks out! Medved gets back to his feet where he reaches under the ring retrieving a Kendo Stick. Alexei turns and catches Griffon coming in with a shot to the ribs with the Kendo Stick before using it as an assisted Side Russian Leg Sweep with the Kendo Stick to MacAlister on the floor!! Alexei is back up with the Kendo Stick in hand where he cracks the stick over the head of Jones! Alexei picks up Felix and hurls him under the bottom rope and back into the ring.

”Medved has a shot here!”

Medved slides back into the ring where he measures Felix who is pushing himself up off the mat and back to his feet. Alexei lands a right jab followed by a left hook and ending with a uppercut knocking Jones down! Alexei makes the cover!




MacAlister dives on top of the pile breaking the pin attempt in the process. He picks Alexei up and hurls him over the top rope and out to the floor before shifting his attention towards Felix where he picks him up and sends him into the ropes with an Irish Whip, Jones bounces off the ropes and into a Spinbuster slam from Griffon! We see another cover with the leg hooked!




Felix escapes the near fall with a kick out. Griffon starts hammering down with right hands to the face of Felix before getting back to his feet where he takes Jones back into the ropes and looks for another Irish Whip, Jones counters and it’s MacAlister who bounces off the ropes and into a Side Walk Slam from the former Xtreme Champion! Felix is back to his feet where he sizes up MacAlister who pushes his way back to a vertical base and as he does Felix comes forward with a Judas Effect attempt that Griffon ducks and counters with a Bridging German Suplex!




Felix escapes the near fall attempt!! Griffon gets back to his feet when suddenly he’s pistol whipped from behind by Medved and the bud of a revolver knocking MacAlister down to the mat. We see Alexei lock in the Regal Stretch!


Medved cracks back on the Russian Deathlock as Felix is still down! The referee asks Griffon to surrender but doesn’t get a response. The referee checks on Griffon who is knocked out from the revolver shot but before he can call for the bell Felix delivers a punt to the temple of Medved before making the cover on the knocked out MacAlister!






Alexei/Jones hoists up the Xtreme Championship when the house lights go dark.

Jones/Medved shift their attention towards the top of the ramp where ROBERT MAIN emerges through the curtain under a single spotlight where he runs his hands across his waist signaling he wants the XWF Xtreme Championship before a stare down between Champion and possible challenger takes place.

A thick fog rolls onto the entrance ramp as the opening riff of Unholy blares throughout the arena. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and in the flash, Micheal Graves appears seemingly out of thin air. Graves walks down the ring to a mixed reaction. At the bottom of the ramp, he takes a running start and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Graves stands up and raises his arms out to his sides like a cross. He slowly lifts his head up, looking to the sky as the lights fade in.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them, the TV Title around his waist. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]
Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Michael Graves
Finger Poke of Doom Match
15 Minute Time Limit



PC: And here we go! The Main Event for the evening!

HHL: Already an action packed show, this one is gonna be a barnburner, also.

Graves and Knuckles circle each other. Graves steps up to TK, getting in his face. Knuckles smiles to the crowd, then looks back at Graves, poking him in the chest.

Graves doesn't budge, but continues to stare at TK ominously. The TV Champ pokes him in the chest again, this time harder. Graves doesn't budge again.

HHL: This is a finger poke of death match! Graves isn't following the rules! That should be an automatic DQ!

PC: Since when has Graves ever followed any rules ever? And the whole stipulation is stupid anyway.

Knuckles, now agitated, goes to poke Graves again but this time he grabs his wrist, twisting it. Knuckles grimaces and goes down to one knee as Graves twists the arm. Graves looks down at him, tilting his head a bit to the side. Knuckles gets back to his feet, firing a few quick shots to the face of Graves, breaking the hold. He then whips Graves off the ropes, going for a clothesline off the rebound but Graves ducks, and when TK turns around Graves connects with a back kick right under the chin! It takes TK to the mat!

PC: Graves has come out here on a mission, TK is in for the fight of his life here.

HHL: This one isn't going to be for the weak of heart, we knew that coming in!

Graves picks Knuckles up by the head and throws him into the corner. Shoving his shoulder into the mid section several times, before locking his arms around for a suplex. Hitting the suplex out of the corner, TK grabs at his back, and as Graves systematically walks towards the downed TV champ, TK put his arms up and scoots back into the corner.


As Graves walks towards TK, the champ kicks him in the knee, taking Graves off balance, then kicks the leg again to bring him to one knee. Knuckles is back up again now, punches the head of Graves, who appears to be enoying the punishment.

PC: Graves is sick. He's on one knee, and Knuckles is one of the purest punchers in the company. He appears to be enjoying this.

HHL: I think he's bleeding.

Knuckles grabs Graves around the head and stands him up. A few chops to the chest and he whips the big man into the ropes. TK runs at him, going to the shoulder block, but Graves jumps up to the middle rope, and TK goes under his legs and crashes hard into the ring post. Graves scoots up one more turnbuckle and then flips down into a sunset flip, rolling up TK.

The ref, however doesn't count.

HHL: What's this??!

PC: Knuckles picked the stip. The pinfall has to be after a finger poke.

HHL: That's lame!

PC: I told ya, but it is what it is!

TK rolls out of the pin, and gets to his feet where Graves hits him with a standing drop kick, taking him down again.

TK rolls towards the ropes, and Graves kicks him under the ropes and to the matt outside.


Graves follows rolling under the ropes to stay on the offensive. TK is back up and uppercuts Graves, backing him off temporarily. He pokes the green-clad pyscho in the eye, then whips him back first into the ring steps. Graves's body hits the steps with a sickening thud.

TK shakes off the previous damage for a moment before grabbing Graves by the hair and standing him up. He knows he damn near needs to incapacitate him in order to take him out. He whips Graves into the ring steps on the other side. Another sickening thud. The referee has begun his count.





TK rolls into the ring. He puts his arms up, a smug look on his face.




Graves is up, but slowly.



With a last boost of energy, Graves is able to slide into the ring, where an annoyed TV champ puts the boots to him once more. Lifting Graves up he plants him with a DDT in the center of the ring.

Another cover, but the ref can't count.

PC: This finger poke thing is getting ridiculous, TK has this match won!

HHL: He did this on purpose, he knows Graves won't be able to beat him this way. Just wondering why he thought he could pin here.........


TK gets up off the pin attempt with a grin. He knows that if the timer runs out, he keeps his belt. It seems to have been the plan all along. He lifts Graves back up, but the seasoned veteran arm drags TK out of nowhere, into a sitting position and locks in a sleeper.

HHL: Sleeper out of nowhere!

PC: TK got cocky! Graves caught him!

Graves tightens the hold as the clock goes into the 6's.

TK is trying to break the hold but Graves has it locked in tight. The champ is quickly fading. But, knowing it won't do him any good, Gravy breaks the hold. TK flops down, holding his neck.

Graves, as a tribute to his old days, climbs to the top rope as the crowd pops in anticipation.

Graves comes off the top rope with a 450 splash and squashes TK! Graves lays on top of the champ and looks to him expectantly, the ref shrugs but Graves leans up a little showing a finger pressed against TK's chest like a drug dealer showing his goods, the crowd pop thanks to the super close-up on the X-Tron, good work on the cameras Todd! The ref begins the count!






Thunder Knuckles grabs Graves' index finger and twists it like a schoolyard bully! The two roar at one another as they begin to rise to their feet; Graves pokes TK's chest with his spare hand and Knuckles flinches, still with a Chinese finger trap-like grip on Graves other finger. TK pokes back and Graves gasp before throwing another index! And TK retaliates!

HHL: "By gawd! It's a barrage of pokes from both sides! It's like a game of Worms where all the weapons are gone and only the poke into he water can win the game!"


After a literally minute of nonstop pokes, the crowd have gone wild! Cheering on these two warriors as they have given their all, both gasping in the ring, tiny red bruises forming on their beaten chests. Graves lunges his arm back with a desperate poke but it's caught by TK!

Thunder Knuckles grabs the tip of Graves's finger between his index and thumb and raises his pinkie in a menacing way. Michael Graves' eyes widen in terror as the crowd stand to their feet.

PC: "Could it be!?"

HHL: "Thunder Knuckles is gonna Kung Fu Panda, Graves! IT'S THE WUXI FINGER HOLD!"

The crowd chant!


As Thunder Knuckles grins ready to obliterate his opponent; Graves gives the champ a mighty slap to the face and throws his finger into TK's chest multiple times!

HHL: "OOOOOH SHIIIIT!!! It's the pressure point thing from Kill Bill!"

Graves fingers move lightning fast and with a final hard poke, spittle flies form TK's mouth as he falls to the ground and Graves dives on top of him!

The ref slides in!!!








PC: "So close! So damn close!"

Graves raises his hand in victory before flopping down to the mat.


Graves' arms flop to the mat and both fallen competitors receive a standing ovation.

Micheal Graves and Thunder Knuckles struggle to their feet after that epic title defense. Graves calls for a ring boy to hand him something and turns back to TK to unroll a black B.O.B. T-shirt!

The crowd pops hard telling TK "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!"

PC: "Between telling him how much he sucked in the ring, and how badly he was going to kick his ass, some may have missed the confusing mixed messages Graves has been sending TK, asking him to join B.O.B. The question now, will TK accept the offer?"

TK looks out to the crowd for support. Yep, still chanting "No!". Graves has a twisted smile on his face. Actually. I'm just starting he always smiles like that. Anyway, Graves tries to sweet talk TK into accepting the shirt, and it seems like TKs falling for it!

HHL: "He sure looks to be considering it, but surely TK realizes that he doesn't need B.O.B. nearly as much as they need him!"

TK slowly approaches, surely reluctant to trust the man who just put him through so much punishment.

PC: "Listen to the fans TK, don't do this!"

TK takes the shirt from Graves and holds up up to his chest as the crowd erupts into a chorus of boos!

PC: "NO!"

HHL: "NO!"

Graves is about as happy as he could be in the absences of some underage company. Graves goes to rise TKs arm, but TK throws the BOB shirt in his face!

PC: "What!?!"

Graves rips the shirt away from his face just in time to see TK lunge forward, but not in time to stop him from shoving his thumb into Graves right eye socket and popping that sucker out!

HHL: "Holy shit!"

Graves drops back first to the mat kicking and screaming more from the shock than the pain. TK fires off a snot rocket on Graves before throwing up two middle fingers and rolling under the bottom rope!

PC: "I'd say that's a hard pass from Thunder Knuckles!"

HHL: "And I'd say that TK made the right decision tonight, but who knew he could be so brutal!?!

PC: "No doubt about it, Graves knows now, but now you've got to figure that Thunder Knuckles is about to become a target for B.O.B!"

HHL: "I'm sure TK won't have much trouble finding a little help against them should he need it!"

Special thanks to

Big D
Jenny Myst
Michael Graves

And everyone that RPed this week

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[-] The following 7 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
Azrael Erebus (06-13-2020), Felix Jones (06-14-2020), Miss Fury (06-13-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-16-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (06-14-2020), thewizard (06-13-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (06-13-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-13-2020, 05:40 PM

Miss Fury: "Congratulations Thunder Knuckles. You've proven yourself tonight by going the distance with my beast. Poor Micheal may hold a grudge for your actions after the match, but I say that all's fair in love and war, and while you may have rejected us tonight, BOB will continue to watch you with interest."


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Reggie Estrada Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

06-13-2020, 05:53 PM

We see a wild Reggie appear in the Savage backstage set up, holding up the flag of THUGS. He then waves in the air, and speaks.

"Like what my boy Petey Pablo said, come on raise up, take your shirt off and put it in the air, spin it like a helicopter. This anit me reppin North Carolina, this me reppin the set of THUGS in maldito DC. While the jester is at the EMT office, getting his bones healed i'm about to pop a fuckin fifth of Remy Martin with my boys for a job well done.

This is just the start chicos and chickas, next Saturday imma be in a Fatal Four Way with an emo penjedo, Jester's abandoned primo, and Myst's perra in NEW YORK. So be in a look out for your boy, Reggie.

Es mi hora de brillar para aquellos que no tienen fe en mí"

A Flithy Animal
[Image: socialist-fist_design.png]
3x X-Treme Champion
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Felix Jones Offline
Whatever happens, happens.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-14-2020, 01:15 AM

"Well I feel complete again."

2x[Image: sxRvsd0.png]
[Image: EEbmGOW.png]
Credit For Banner: Atara Themis
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Felix Jones's post:
Robert "The Omega" Main (06-14-2020)
Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-14-2020, 08:34 AM

(06-14-2020, 01:15 AM)Felix Jones Said: "Well I feel complete again."

"You won't once I get a hold of you!"

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
Felix Jones (06-14-2020)
Felix Jones Offline
Whatever happens, happens.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-14-2020, 02:44 PM

"Maybe, who knows? I like to let the dice of fate roll and land where they land. Fuck the odds."

2x[Image: sxRvsd0.png]
[Image: EEbmGOW.png]
Credit For Banner: Atara Themis
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

06-14-2020, 05:11 PM

(06-14-2020, 02:44 PM)Felix Jones Said: "Maybe, who knows? I like to let the dice of fate roll and land where they land. Fuck the odds."

" You roll against me. It's Snake eyes everytime..."

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
Felix Jones (06-14-2020)
Felix Jones Offline
Whatever happens, happens.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

06-14-2020, 05:56 PM

"You're gonna hate it when I roll a Nat twenty buddy."

2x[Image: sxRvsd0.png]
[Image: EEbmGOW.png]
Credit For Banner: Atara Themis
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