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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Doctor and his Patient
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-15-2013, 04:02 AM

Words from a Father

My boy is with the doctor now for his check up.

Maybe he can find the cure.

Maybe he 'fix' my boy.


Demon Stories

Refer to me as The Torment.

He spoke in a gleeful tone as he noticed the horror that shrouded my face. Never had I been so disappointed to not see The Wraith as my tormentor. Instead I get the embodiment of it.

I have lived in this place for many eons doing what I do best. Torment. It comes with the name you see and it's what I do best.

The Torment gives a formal bow attempting to be the best of hosts to his guest. I take a moment to analyze the area I am in. It is a darkened room that resembles a scientist's laboratory. Vials are strewn throughout the room, some broken, some with liquid and a few containing remnants of beings that had been tormented. Metal tables and chairs surrounded the room each having it's own experiment attached. The table to my left contained all of The Torment's tools. Buzzsaws, jigsaws, hammers, torches, screwdrivers, knives, a sledgehammer and a large phallic symbol in the center. I'd rather not go into detail what was on that symbol. Each of the other tools had its own blood stain or fleshy wound. The hammers even had some bloody teeth stuck to the end after taking a few turns as the tooth fairy. Three chairs lined up beside the table.

The closet chair held a decayed corpse that had been imprisoned for far too long. A drooping eyeball out of the socket with bones protruding from the shoulders and legs. Broken knee caps from the looks of it and a new tenant had found use for the new home. A python. Rummaging around in the strapped down corpse. The skull had a large puncture wound from one side to the other which seemed to be the python's favorite spot as it writhed inside. The chair next to it held a burned carcass of a skinny white creature. The flesh had been seared off from the headdress it wore, that of an electric chair. It seemed to still be smoking, maybe a fresh kill? I'd rather not use my imagination. The third chair held an interesting case.

A creature completely void of any clothing even though it had a human shape. It had the chest of a woman but without the areolas. It's stomach had sunken in and the ribs were showing. Dark clawed feet and hands clutched at the chair as it bent over heaving in pain as its dark red hair covered it's face. Then...the screeching returned.


The Torment sighed with frustration and gave me a nod that resembled what one man would say to another when it came to his woman. He turned and walked over to the creature and began stroking it's hair. A deep growl followed. Adoration? Anger? I have no idea.

Now now, my sweet, what is that matter?

We can't do that now. We must preserve this one. Without him how else will we be able to consort with....HIM.

The last word rang out in a disgusted tone as if it would kill him to say the actual man's name he is referring to. I took this moment of discussion to attempt movement, but my body still would not respond. I looked down to see what I was sitting on.

I wish I hadn't.

The "throne" I had been sitting on all this time was made up of body parts. Hands, legs, chins, heads, chests, abdomens. Still covered in flesh, some bloody, some diseased. My hands were locked down two large black hands, most likely charred from electricity. My legs were attached to the entire thing by the teeth of two human heads. The left leg being of a mutilated head of a man, half skeleton half bloody wreck. The right was bitten into by woman's engorged face. Her eyes were non existent and her puffy face was covered in yellow and black spots. Sometimes I felt as if I could hear each and every one of them silently asking for help. I was never sure if it were real or in my mind. Then again, I was unsure what this thing was.

Admiring my work?

The Torment had taken notice of my widen expression over my imprisonment.

I call it, The Throne of Limbs. It has a nice ring to it, I think. Each one of my patients has donated a part of themselves into this work. It's almost as if they have a part of me too.

He sniffles and wipes away a nonexistent tear on his decrepit mask. The creature from earlier had finally stopped heaving and began to lift it's head up. From then on I will be referring to it as a her or a she because she was the most beautiful face I've ever seen. A creature so vile with blood stained claws and bony features, raggedy hair and screeching voice. This was the creature that brought me here, this was my nightmare siren. She was beautiful and I could not keep my eyes from her.

You are a man of admiration. I like you.

He pokes me on the nose in a very friendly manner.

Ha. Would you like to know her name?


I responded swiftly in an almost trance like state. She was staring back at me in the same way, at least I thought she was.

Good. Her name is Elda. E. L. D. A. Say it with an L. L. L. Then a D. Then an A. L. DUH.


There you go. Now, we have much work to do today. Elda and I are planning to auction you off.

This snaps me from my trance and I turn my attention to the masked Torment.

Auctioned? What do you mean auctioned?

He speaks in a matter of fact tone.

It means I am selling you to the highest bidder. I want something and only the highest bidder will supply me.

He begins to clean up around his laboratory or patient room or hell house. Whichever you prefer. I didn't see the point in cleaning or his form of cleaning. Taking pieces of raw flesh and throwing them at Elda who quickly snatched them up and ate them.

Listen, Torment, you don't need to sell me to those bidders.

No, I am not. I'm selling you to the highest bidder.

Yes, I get that, but you are messing with the wrong guy here.

He smashes the broken femur in his hand onto the metallic table cracking it some more. Bits of bone fly in all directions as his tone quickly becomes hostile.

Is that a threat, Mr. Charlotte!!

I realize I need to be careful what I say. He has all the power in the world right now.

No, Torment, it is not. Not from me anyways. From the man that is after me. He always finds a way to get to me and he always finds a way to kill those who already have me.

The Torment lunges towards me and places the broken femur against my neck. I can feel the blood trickle down my neck from the cut he slowly makes.

You make it sound like I can't defend myself from such a man. I am no ordinary human, Mr. Charlotte. In fact-

He pulls the bone away from my neck and tosses it over to Elda who devours it on the spot.

I am not human.

He pauses for dramatic effect hoping to generate some sort of shock and awe from my part. After everything I've seen over the time I've been here and the things The Wraith has shown me...I can't help but laugh. I don't know what possessed me, but I laughed. The Torment was not so keen and this time he grabbed me by the throat lifting me out of the chair pulling me from the hands and the teeth that gripped me.

Insolent filth. You laugh at me?

I felt the breath slip out of me once again.

No...I...I... what? That's all I ever hear from you humans. Pleading and bargaining and pleading some more for your petty lives. It makes me sick and I'm a doctor.

He releases me and I fall to the ground hitting the floor. My body is still limp and all I can do is lift my head.

Oh, that is right. I sedated your body with a chemical that paralyzes all muscles in your body and along with that a compound that freezes your bones causing them to remain stiff. Luckily this freezing compound only stiffens the bones. It doesn't actually freeze them or that drop would have killed you.

I try to catch my breath, but it is hard down in the cesspool of the room filled with stenches that could make a worm keel over.

You must be perfectly sedated for our customer.


Humans never pay attention. I already told you, I am auctioning you off to the highest bidder. Another one like me, but a bit different. He doesn't have my looks nor does he have the beautiful companion I have.

He blows a kiss over to Elda who shrugs it off. She doesn't seem interested.

Shyness. A feeling I could never erase.

He walks over to my limp body and lifts me back up into the throne. The teeth bite down on my legs and the hands clinch my arms.

That's all better now.

He turns and grabs a swiveling doctors chair located behind him. He sits down and leans forward with his hands connected in a quizzical manner.

So, Mr. Charlotte, tell me about this man.

In my soul I know I should make this thing fear The Wraith more than anything else. More than I do. If there was anything that could beat The Torment, it was The Wraith.

He is a being from another world-

Ooooooo, how exotic!!

Sarcasm was not lost on this one, something Wraith differed in.

He and I have been together for over a year now.

A love story!

He spins in his chair with his hands high in the air giggling with glee. The Torment was both terrifying and laughable.

He and I go way back, but for the longest amount of time he was just a friend. So, I guess we have actually been together for almost 25 years. I first met him when I was five. He was the same age as me and we both used to play for hours. We were inseparable. A couple years past and my parents saw him as more of a hazard. They didn't want me around him anymore so they sent me away for many years. Eventually my parents were both killed in an accident while I was away, so I had to stay and live alone. Many years go by, I train to become a professional wrestler.

A wrestler? How droll of you.

Then a year ago I went through some rough shit.

HEY! Not around the lady!

He points to Elda and I catch her beautiful eyes. She stares into mine and I feel the cold of my insides. She hisses at me in anger causing my nose to bleed, but I can't help but love her. She is enchanting and beautiful and wonderful and amazing and-


What? Oh, yes. He came to me and said he wanted to help. He said he could make all the bad things go away. He said he could fix me. Next thing I know he's taken over. He's running my life and I can't do anything but sit back and watch it all happen. He hurts many people, burns them, injures them, even kills them. One day he gets thrown off this huge cruise liner and the next minute he's gone. Out of my life for good. Now I am trying to get things back together, but he came back. He wants me back, he wants to put me back on top. He wants everything that I have.

What's this lovely gentleman's name?

I look down at the floor gazing at the dismembered body parts as I reminisce over the bad times. My lull is finally broken as a loud banging is heard on the outside. A metallic and hollow banging. Elda screeches warning the noises to cease, but The Torment raises a hand to calm her and she complies. He stands up and runs to the door. He stops as the banging continues and looks over at me.

Let the auction commence!

He pries open to big metal doors and dust flows in the room from the dark corridor. Steps are heard and in walks a new figure. Standing straight and tall above The Torment is.......


The Wraith.

Hello, my boy.

[Image: Batman-Begins-Scarecrow.jpg]

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[Image: p_197-329-tragedy-comedy-270x270.jpg]

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