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The Doctor and his Companion.
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Scott Charlotte Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

06-14-2013, 10:45 PM

{OOC: This is a continuation story of The Demon and His Son which is located here. Enjoy)

The Demon Hasn't Had Enough

Here he stands before the one true God.

Will he worship or will he sin?

Only She can tell.




Engulfed in darkness. Thrown into the abyss of darkness. My body was completely paralyzed from head to toe. I could no longer see my surroundings. No longer could I hear the screeching from the siren of my nightmare. The blood covering the different parts of my body no longer irked my sense of smell and the feeling of it dripping down my limbs had long been gone.

Where am I?

I asked in a low and vulnerable tone. My voice burned my throat resembling a smoker since the age of eleven. My voice?

I...can speak?

Astounded at the sound of my own tired voice I let out a chuckle signifying a sort of relief, but this was an empty sign.


The screeching returned. My ears burned like hot coals had been placed on the inside. Unable to cover them and subdue the pain I let out a screech almost equal in power.

Now, now, let's not get too carried away.


I realize your vendetta, my dear, but he is not yours to kill. He is our guest.

The voices were all my senses could pick up. Sight had been taken from me. Smell was long gone. Touch was useless due to my paralysis and taste....I didn't want that to come in handy at this point. My ears rang from the sounds of my nightmarish siren, but they gave me more than enough to understand my circumstances. At least for the moment.

He has been subdued, unable to live in such a dreary place. I am so sorry you had to cope with such rude behavior from my companion. She means well, but she doesn't understand the difference between a guest and a meal.


Hush now, my sweet. We don't want to spoil the fun too early, do we?

My ears were able to pick up a hollowed groaning from the siren that resembled the low growling of a dog. Footsteps rang out as they approached my body, placed in a sitting position on the least comfortable chair I've sat on to date. The footsteps halted and the cold, dark breath of my host covered my face causing the muscles to tremble. I felt as my lips frosted over. The burning sensation tore at my skin as I felt flakes of it fall off.

Don't go falling apart on me.

The sinister voice. Fear was no longer an option in this world, it had been taken from me in the earlier meeting with my siren. Her screams made my insides turn into a yellowish paste, but this new voice brought out another side of me. A side I'd never thought would explode out of me in this place at this very moment.

Fuck you and your stupid fucking jokes.

The siren screamed in rage from behind the sinister figure in front of me and her claws were heard scraping towards my limp body, but came to a halt in almost an instant. I felt the tension between the siren and the sinister figure.

Do not worry yourself, my sweet. He is only speaking his mind. How would you have felt if you were ripped from your world and placed into an unspeakable hell?

A pause and then a laugh just as sinister as the voice.

I'm sorry, my dear, that was a bad example seeing as you are....well...who you are. Ha.

A powerful grip constricted my cheeks, a grip that could have broken my jaw if not had been for the control this figure had. It moved my face left and right as if a doctor examining where to start his incision.

Your flesh is in good condition, well, good enough for me. The best thing for us to do is restore those glorious eyes of yours.

The figure's presence leaves my side and the footsteps go to the left of me. The sounds of clanking tools are heard now.

Now, where did I put my......AH!

The sound that I can never forget. The whirring of an object that resembled that of hurricane force winds whipping past the windows. The sound crept closer and closer to my limp body. The rage became fear and the fear became rage. The sound shifted to below my body as the cutting commenced on the ground next to me. Screaming echoed in the room, screaming that resembled a small child.

Please!!!NO! Mommy!!! AHHHHHHHHH

I can never forget. The coughing of blood that gurgled the screams and words of a small girl about eight years old from what my ears could tell. The sinister figure's laughter returned as he began to sing.

Here comes the blanket
Here comes the blanket
Falling down the shaft.

Here comes the pillow
Here comes the pillow
Falling down the shaft.

Flesh ripping. Flesh tearing. Never have I enjoyed the lack of my eyes as I did that day.

Here comes the teddy bear
Here comes the teddy bear
Falling down the shaft.

Here comes the cradle
Here comes the cradle
Falling down the shaft.

Here comes the baby.
"Where's mommy?"

He hit every last word in his last stanza with a crack from his tool. I suppose it was her bones or maybe her teeth or some other horrid thing. Let's move on.

All done.

CLANG! The tool had been discarded on the ground as the sinister figure stepped to me with his cold breath burning my face. He edged in closer placing his hands on my eye sockets. A squeeze, a press, pain shooting through my head and I could see in one eye. It was a blurry vision of a dark figure that lit my soul on fire. Rinse and repeat. Both eyes back in tack with body and working with a blurry sight.

It may take a moment for vision to return fully, but I believe you will enjoy these new peepers.

I tried not to think of what he meant by "new." My eye lids shifted up and down a few times trying to get things back to what I was used to. That's when I saw him. That's when my heart sunk. That's when fear came back into my body. That's when I expected The Wraith and got......

The Torment

[Image: 249304_119689811450481_100002283874467_1..._thumb.jpg]

The Soul has Had Enough

Tormented. You could say that is what I am. Tormented by my own mind, by my own past. Tormented by my failures, my loss to Mr. Satellite. Tormented by Luca and Crimson Cobra. Two of the top dogs of the XWF. You know what happens to dogs?

They get put down.

They get buried six feet under the ground to decompose until they are a fading memory replaced by yet another dog. You know what happens to the guy with gun?

He moves on with his life. He moves on to make his family forget that the dogs even existed in the first place because all he wants to do is make his family happy. It wasn't his fault that the grim reaper had the dogs' numbers. He was a savior to those animals. They were wild, rabid even. The family was almost scared they would get bitten and sent to the emergency room. A man protects his family and the XWF is my family.

How's that for an original thought, Luca? Personally, I could care less about what you think of me, but for some fucking reason you irk me more than anybody else even Mr. Satellite. At least Satty is capable of self awareness. You enter a room, you point out the obvious, then you leave. The ol' Luca Arzegotti charm. I'm sure John Madison's cock has heard a lot about that charm. How about you let ol' Scotty boy point out the obvious.

Your quest for the X-treme title became one of a lost cause due to Unknown Soldier thwarting you by shoving the title up Dong's rectum then having that surgically removed by the Contagious one Dean Moxely Mcgovern. I will not return your calls, Dean, so fuck off. Do not take that literally, you sick fuck.

You can say that the title is nothing to you, I mean your Luca Arzegotti for Christ's sake. You're basically Jesus in your in own eyes. So for Luca's sake will you admit that Unknown Soldier bested you? Will you step down from that cross he nailed you too and forgive him unto his sins. Please for the love of Luca, look deep into that pit of a place you call your soul and give some sort of Lucadamn humility.

Thou shalt not take thy Luca's name in vain. Forgive me Luca, for I have sinned. Just call me Scott Iscariot.

Now I have caught up on my reading of the Holy Arzegotti and I have marked a specific verse in Luca 3:16. It states in this verse the proper way to Luca as told by one of the Apostles of Luca, Luca. Here it is as follows.

How to Luca.

Step 1: Arrive.

Step 2: Cum in your own glass.

Step 3: Proceed to drink.

Step 4: Leave.

You see, in the Old Testagotti, being Luca Came in only 4 easy steps. After alterations, the New Testagotti premiered what Luca says today as the right way to Luca. Most Theologottis believe the old is better than the new, what's so special about them? They only earned Degrees in Theologotti Studies at the Luca University of Crosses and Angels. That shit is the tightest shit you could ever Luca.

Okay, by now you've probably gotten sick of the name Luca. I'm only giving Luca what he wants. I'm giving Luca Arzegotti his name all over the fucking place because it's all he ever hears. Hell, if the guy didn't get the responses he did from people he'd think all he ever said was his own damn name like a Pokemon. Lucamon. Arzegottimon. Gottimon. GO ARZEGOTTIO!!! USE GUST!

Shit, I'm lost on this foolishness. What I'm saying is, that Luca is a piece of shit collected in a hamper set on fire while more shit is shoveled in and more fire is set, but he expects to be the mother fucking torch at the Olympics. Ask him who the greatest wrestler in XWF is. Luca Arzegotti. Ask him who the greatest man on the planet is. Ask him who Mother Teresa was. Luca Arzegotti.

Now, Cobra on the other hand. Well from what I can tell, Cobra believes himself to be a super hero which is something I can see. He has the look of a superhero. He has the moves of a superhero. He has the gold of a superhero and he even has the sidekick of a superhero.

Oh, wait, that's not right. Knightmask is the superhero and Crimson Cobra is the sidekick. Or was I right? Damn these two are almost alike. Masks on masks on masks on racks on masks. This shit right here. I could sit here and say how impressed I am with you.

That whole formality shit just gets old with these guys I've never competed with. I guess the reality of things is that you orchestrated a clever ruse to stop me and Luca Fucking Arzegotti Christ from strapping those belts around our wastes. Maybe I should be thanking you then. That'd be more hell than what I've already experienced from those flames.

It just gets me deep in my bones that Archie Lawson comes here to bring about one of the best Saturday Night Shove Its in a long time. He gets the two of you to defend your titles, for the first time might I add, and your partner backs out. That's some crafty shit you've got going there. Maybe Knightmask is the hero and you are the sidekick after all. That's the best way to keep your titles. Agree to defend, but then decide you better not at the last second. Douse any and all the roster's hopes of attaining those titles. If Gilmour wasn't so focused on ramming Madison with his four megaton fist(accurate measurement) you might have something to worry about.

But you did happen to piss me the fuck off, which isn't really hard to do if you refer to your readings in the Holy Arzegotti. I have yet to taste gold here and as you can tell I've gotten very antsy. You ever watch Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers? That's my shit. There was this mouse character on there and his name was Monterey Jack who had this insatiable love of cheese. I mean he went absolute ape shit when the smell of cheese lingered over his mousy nostrils. He would beat the shit out of any and all who got in his way when cheese was around or he'd be unable to control himself from being lifted off the ground gently floating towards his prize. So consider me Monterey Jack and the XWF championship's cheese and your the little bugger who won't give me any of his delicious cheese. This reference is brought to you by, fuck you I'm using it.

Cobra, it's going to be an interesting time for you against "Big Beefy" Paul Heyman and I salute you for the challenge you have ahead, but Paul might get the upper hand in the match due to a bum leg. You might want to watch that bum leg of yours it might get in the way of your match on Monday. Hopefully it won't be broken, maybe some ice would help. Don't forget about the concussion either. That puts out more wrestlers than you know. Dislocated shoulders are also a hazard. Pulled groins....Knightmask can take a look at that.

Well, this has been fun, but I've got some reading to do in the Holy Arzegotti. I've finally reached the chapter where Luca confronts the Cobra giving away his Lucapples to the humans. You know, Luca and Luca.

Deuces, Ninjas.

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