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Anarchy - 5/21/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

05-23-2020, 01:23 PM



- vs -
Barney Green
16 Wheeler Rules!

Match will be held in the empty trailer of Ruckus' big rig.

Russian Rose
- vs -
Zane Norrison

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Miss Direction

Ruby & Tula Keali'i
- vs -
John Black & Tommy Wish
- vs -
Osira & Atara Themis
- vs -
Boris & Mini Morbid
Four Corners Tag Team Action!

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Not really, just pyro and fireworks, as usual. They LIGHT UP THE SKY over Zion, Illinois as a sparse crowd of people wearing masks and YES WE CAN tee shirts from 2008 “fill” the bleachers in the shoddily constructed Fielders Stadium!

“Loverboy” Vinnie Lane has decided to wear a full baseball uniform for some reason, probably because he thinks something like Field of Dreams might happen. You never know.

Sitting at his ringside announce booth right at second base, the booby base, Vinnie tips his Springfield Isotopes cap at the camera when it settles on him and welcomes us all to Anarchy.

Vinnie Lane: “Welcome to Anarchy! Whoa! I bet you had no idea I was going to do that! Folks, we are running into WAR GAMES fast and furious just like that gun running scheme cooked up by Eric Holder! How are teammates Mastermind and Micheal Graves going to repair their shaky relationship in time for the big show after squaring off tonight? Also… tonight we’re going to see a WICKED main event between FOUR tag teams! RAD!”

Someone streaks across the field, but it’s the middle of nowhere in Illinois, so it’s really not something anyone wants to see.

Vinnie Lane: “But starting things off tonight is a sort of debut, a sort of homecoming as well… we haven’t seen the man they call RUCKUS in the XWF for years… but he’s here tonight up against bonafide legend Barney Green under 16 Wheeler rules… in fact, the match has already begun before we even got rolling here tonight! These two hardcore hooligans couldn’t WAIT to go toe to toe in our big rig right here in the outfield… let’s take it away!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Barney Green
16 Wheeler Rules!

Match will be held in the empty trailer of Ruckus' big rig.

Zooming in on the outfield, we see Barney Green lying motionless on the back bumper of Ruckus’ semi truck. His head is inside the trailer, and Ruckus is just slamming the the door down onto it over and over and over again.

Vinnie Lane: “WHOA! It uh… it looks like Barney is in a bit of trouble here. Maybe… maybe we just come back and check on these two a little bit later and see how things go? That seems like it might be for the best. Let’s go to the ring instead for now.

To Be Continued

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Russian Rose
- vs -
Zane Norrison

Russian Rose quickly struts to ringside with a black rose in his left hand and a thick 4ft length of chain wrapped around his clenched right fist. He wears a long sleeved hoody overtop his one piece red wrestling suit. Following behind him is brother/manager Alexei Medved wearing a black fitted suit and sunglasses. He runs a hand through his slick blonde hair and stops at the bottom of the ring while watching his much more massive brother walk up the steel steps and into the ring. He immediately drops the chain and uses the rose to imitate knife slashing his throat and whips the rose down to the mat. He removes his hood from his clean shaven head and removes the sweater. Alexei collects his brother’s items from ringside and watches his brother as Evgeni continues the look of intensity and anticipation.

Vinnie Lane: “This guy from behind the iron curtain is IMPRESSIVE! We saw what he did to Jamaican Jimmy last Anarchy, and word has it Jimmy has been on a catheter ever since! Not for any medical reason, though.”

Zane comes out to his theme, and walks down to the ring with a straight face. Then he slides into the ring, and taunts to the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: “And there’s Zane. You know him. He’s a zombie or whatever. You know, there was a rumor last week that Zane was colluding to undermine the authority of the XWF for some unknown reason. But that would be stupid!”

As soon the bell rung, Rose pearl harbors him in the back with a double axe handle to the back. He does it again, and he grabs his head and smashes on the top turnbuckle. Then he leans him on the corner, and dishes out chops on Zane’s chest. As he does it some more, Zane grab his wrist and leans him on the corner and dishes out his own chops to the chest.

Zane then walks back, and charges to the corner, but Rose moves out of the way. Rose then locks in a wrist lock on Zane, as he’s kneeling on his knees in pain.

Vinnie Lane: “Man, Rose is working that arm of his, hope his Russian strength doesn’t rip it off!”

Rose kept twisting the arm, until Zane does a luchador like reversal into a armdrag on Rose. Rose quick on his feet, and Zane dishes out his punches, then he whips him to the ropes and connect with a Roundhouse Kick. As Rose is dazed, Zane grabs his back and tries to German Suplex him, but Rose elbow’s him in the temple, and manages to break it off.

Rose then locks in a headlock on Zane, and Zane with a sudden burst of energy manages to hit a Back Body Suplex on Rose.

Vinnie Lane: “Dude, Zane is really working hard against this Russian brute!”

Zane then covers him..



Rose kicks out, and Zane runs to the ropes and hits a Senton Bomb. He runs the ropes again to hit another one, but Rose get’s dragged out of the ring by Alexeci. As the brother tries to fan him, Zane runs the ropes and hits a Diving Plancha on the both of them as the fans chanted “HOLY SHIT!” in unison.

Vinnie Lane: “Zane is a such a crazy bastard for what he just did to them. I know this match will be in his favor!”

Zane then walks around the outside, as Alexeci gets on his feet and wraps the chain around his fist, and punches the back of Zane. Zane then turns around with green eyes, and his arms sticking out, as if he wants to feast on his brains.

Vinnie Lane: “UH OH--- I think we are going to see The Walking Dead come to life. I’m glad im not Rose’s manager’s situation right now.”

As Alexei backs away, Rose charges at Zane with a stiff lariat that knocked him out. Rose then lifts up Zane, and he positions him in a Gorilla press and tosses him in the ring. Then he climbs into the ring, as he enters he starts to stomp on Zane’s unconscious body.

Rose then taunts to the crowd, who boos at him and goes for the cover...




Zane manages to become conscious, and kicks out. Rose then lifts up Zane, and hits a forearm to the back. Rose then attempts a Weeping Rose, and locks it in.

Rose then lifts him up in the hold, and shakes him as he locked it in tightly. The ref then raises Zane’s arm..

Vinnie Lane: “Will the Weeping Rose put him on the nearest mortuary?... Because those muscles of his, can squeeze anyone to death.”

Zane’s arm is raised again… and it falls.

Vinnie Lane: “That’s twice! Once more and referee Mika Hunt is going to have to call this thing off!”

Russian Rose sinks his grip even tighter, and one of Zane’s eyeballs pops out, hanging from his face by the ocular nerve. The official pulls his hand up one more time and lets it go…


[Image: PerfectHeadLock.gif]

Nah just kidding.

It falls to the mat!!!

Winner by Submission - Russian Rose

Vinnie Lane: “The official had no choice but to end this match, but Zane put up a heck of a fight! You’d think he was trying to walk back an obvious lie he got caught in with how much effort he was giving here tonight!”

Vinnie winks. Sadistically, some might say.

Vinnie Lane: “Let’s check back with Barney and Ruckus, shall we?”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Zooming back to center field, Ruckus is still just standing on the back of his truck slamming the door closed on the motionless lump of carcass that Barney Green has become. The door makes a wet sound every time he slams it down.




Ruckus switches hands, clearly showing some fatigue after slamming the door downward countless times.

Vinnie Lane: “Will that moment of exhaustion be enough to give Green a chance to turn the tides? We’ll check back here in a bit to find out!”

To Be Continued

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
- vs -

Vinnie Lane: “Ladies and germs, this next match is pitting War Games teammates against one another for my own amusement.”

Vinnie Lane: “Look, a lot of people were upset when Graves made his return to the XWF. Those people were absolutely correct, because he’s terrible. But here he is!”

A thick fog rolls onto the entrance ramp as the opening riff of Unholy blares throughout the arena. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the stage and in the flash, Micheal Graves appears seemingly out of thin air. Graves walks down the ring to a mixed reaction. At the bottom of the ramp, he takes a running start and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. Graves stands up and raises his arms out to his sides like a cross. He slowly lifts his head up, looking to the sky as the lights fade in.

Vinnie Lane: “Now for his opponent, someone I’ve known forEVER it feels like. Or maybe that’s just how my last convo with him felt?”

The lights go out, and then when they come back on Mastermind is seen standing on the top rope waving to the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: “Yup. You expected creepy, but then BOOM! Happy waving smiling Mastermind!”

As the bell rings, Mastermind extends his hand out to Graves. Graves goes up to him, but spits in his face, and laughs. Mastermind then slaps him in the face, and punches him into the ropes. He then Irish Whips him into the ropes, and Haymakers his gut. Graves holds his gut, as Mastermind punches him in the head, as he kept punching, Mastermind locks in a Front Chancery on Graves.

Vinnie Lane: “Mastermind wanted a handshake, but got disrespected by his soon to be partner in War Games. Let’s see if these two men can hold it together.”

Graves pushes him to the ropes, and the ref told him to break it so he breaks it up. Graves cheap shots him in the throat, and Backhand’s him. Graves then lifts up Mastermind, and grabs his head and Hooks to the body a couple of times. He then hits a Pulling Piledriver on Mastermind, and covers him...



Graves then lifts up Mastermind, and knees him into the gut. He then whips him to the corner, and connect with a Clothesline, then he whips him to another corner; but this time he reverses it on Graves to goes to the corner. Graves comes out of the corner, and Mastermind hits a Wheelbarrow Bulldog on Graves and covers him.



Mastermind sees his foot on the bottom rope, and decides to drag him to the middle of the ring. He tries to go for a Mind Controller, but Graves reverses it with a double boot to the face of Mastermind.

Vinnie Lane: “Nice reversal by Graves on Mastermind, looks like they aren’t going to have hard feelings these few Sundays from now.”

Graves then hits Mastermind with and Elbow Drop on his gut, and does it once more. He then drags him to the corner, and he goes to the top rope. He looks back at a downed Mastermind, and faces the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: “Looks like Graves is setting up Mastermind for a surprise. Let’s hope the FBI doesn’t come by this man… DELETE YOUR BROWSING HISTORY, DUDE!”

Graves goes for a Moonsault and covers Mastermind, but he kicked out very quickly. Graves then bemoans the ref, and turns around and gets a small package out of nowhere on Graves.

Vinnie Lane: “Holy crud on a biscuit, Mastermind out minded Graves with that small package will it finish the saga, between these two partners?”


WAIT! Miss Direction just popped up from under the ring and shoved Mastermind in the tuchus! The small package rolls over with Graves on top, and Miss Direction heads for the hills without the official seeing her!




Vinnie Lane: “Graves stole one here tonight!”

Winner by Pinfall - Micheal Graves

Vinnie Lane: “Here come Mastermind’s new associates, Mlanie Childs and Antony the Jerk… they look livid and are tearing up the ramp area trying to get hold of Miss Direction, but she’s long gone!”

Mastermind and Graves share a tense look but ultimately both decide to back off from one another with an unspoken promise to settle things after War Games.

Vinnie Lane: “Crazy! You know what else is crazy? This 16 Wheeler Rules match that is STILL happening in the outfield! I bet Barney has totally swung the momentum in his favor by now, let’s have a look!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

We go back to center field and now there’s a long rivulet of blood oozing from the corner of Barney’s mouth as he lies there in the trailer with his head getting slammed repeatedly by the truck door.

A tiny puddle has started to form right on the astroturf as it drip drip drips down the bumper, and Ruckus just keeps slamming the sliding rear door down onto Barney’s skull again and again.





Vinnie Lane: “Yup, I can tell Green has him suckered in! Any minute now he’s gonna catch Ruckus by surprise and take him to PAIN STREET!”

To Be Continued

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Miss Direction

Vinnie Lane: “The leader of the newly christened supervillain group B.O.B. is in action next as Miss Direction is set to make her in ring debut against the self proclaimed superhero, Vita Valenteen!

Vita’s music plays on as the crowd waits with bated breath for the chance to cheer their hero, but after a few moments, confusion fills the arena as Vita seems to miss her mark.

Vinnie Lane: “Um, maybe she isn’t ready yet? Let's try that again!

Vita’s music starts over as the fans look to the entrance ramp. After a few moments, it’s obvious that something is up.

Vinnie Lane: “Okay wait a minute guys! I’m getting word that some big news is breaking in the back!”

A momentary pause as Vinnie listens to whoever is on the other side of his headset.

Vinnie Lane: “Okay, I’m being told that a camera is en route to the parking lot!”

The Anarcho-Tron fires up with a shot backstage as the camera guy is running towards the scene. As he cuts the corner backstage and bursts through the metal double doors leading outside, we see a group of XWF and medical personnel kneeled down checking on someone. As the camera moves closer, we can see that it’s Vita Valenteen! She’s out cold and looking a little worse for wear. The medical team seems to be taking extra precautions moving her onto a gurney just in case she has a neck injury.

Vinnie Lane: “Can anybody tell me what happened!?!”

Suddenly the Tron switches to a shot of a smug looking Ms. Direction who is being filmed from an undisclosed location and the only clue to that location is the brick wall behind her.

[Image: md.jpg]

Ms. Direction: “Aww, did someone get a boo-boo? Hmm, looks like Vita Valenteen won’t be ready to compete tonight. So sad. I do so hate it when a hero lets you down, but isn’t that all they’re good for, really? You people need to realize that I didn’t form B.O.B. because I cared about this stupid sport! Wrestling matches and gaudy gold belts aren’t my inspiration, my inspiration is snuffing out all of these so called “heroes” one by one, and judging by the hang time Vita got when Graves ran her down, I’d say one down, three to go! ”


Vinnie Lane: “Vita is being taken to a local medical facility as we speak. Hopefully we can get an update on her condition before the end of the night!”

Winner - No Contest

Vinnie Lane: “It’s almost time for our main event, cats and kittens, but I think it’s time we watch the EPIC COMEBACK and HEROIC UNDERDOG VICTORY about to happen in center field, where I just KNOW Barney Green has made me proud!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Back in the outfield, Ruckus is still just slamming that door down onto the back of Barney Green’s head. Barney’s scalp is just slick with blood now, and the puddle of it on the outfield turf is about two feet wide.






Finally, referee Ari silverstein who apparently has not been paying much attention out there while he swipes right furiously on his J-Date app, decides to hold a mirror up to Barney Green’s nose. A tiny bit of fog appears, but Ari panics and waves his arms over his head, holding them in the DREADED X!

Ruckus holds his hands up triumphantly.

Winner by Referee Stoppage - Ruckus

Vinnie Lane: “Welp.”

Ruckus then hops into the driver’s side door of his rig and starts her up. He honks the horn, which everyone in the stands loves. Then he drives off through the open gate, taking Ari and Barney with him.

No one really even notices.

[color=#FF1493]Vinnie Lane: "Earlier tonight, Vita Valenteen was the victim of a hit and run that was orchestrated by the evil supergroup B.O.B. We're getting word that Vita has suffered fractured ribs and a broken arm. The good news is that she is otherwise in stable condition, but there is concern about possible brain swelling. As soon as we know more, we'll update you at!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Ruby & Tula Keali'i
- vs -
John Black & Tommy Wish
- vs -
Osira & Atara Themis
- vs -
Boris & Mini Morbid
Four Corners Tag Team Action!

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Vinnie Lane: "MAIN EVENT TIME!!! Looks like Mini Morbid and Boris are already in the ring, bickering at each other. I always assumed Mini Morbidonia was somewhere in Russia, you know? I figured they’d like each other. Seems like maybe I was wrong.”

The tag team specialists of the B.O.B. emerge with their advocate, the mysterious Mister After Hours, to a chorus of sustained boos. Even the old man who calls the score during baseball games is booing heavily through the PA system.

They make their way to the ring and position themselves in one corner, waiting for the others.

Vinnie Lane: "I’ve gotta say it. I’ve never been more disappointed with these two men. I mean, I know Tommy is a deviant, and JB is an admitted pervert… but hanging out with GRAVES??? Do these dudes know what he’s into? Has anyone checked Miss Direction’s ID?”

Vinnie Lane: "And here come the sensual sisters of Olympus, the House of Themis! Both of these ladies have already made a HUGE splash in the XWF… Atara is a former X-Treme Champion and Osira is the current top contender to the Anarchy Title. The fans sure love ‘em!”

The Themis girls walk to the ring as wolf whistles and catcalls fill the air. They ignore the other two teams and just chit chat with one another in their corner once they settle in.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh! Here comes Tula Keali’i, one of the newcomers to the XWF that’s looking to make some headlines here on Anarchy. She looked VERY impressive in the battle royal, and now she’s got the champ in her corner!”

Tula steps out from behind the curtain and waits at the top of the ramp.

Vinnie Lane: "And here’s the Anarchy Champion, the TWO TIME Anarchy Champion, actually, RUBY! WOW the XWF fans love this little lady!”

Ruby steps out next to Tula and they stand side by side for a moment before heading to the ring together. They climb into the last corner and wait while referee Chaz Bobo checks on each team before calling for the bell.


Vinnie Lane: "And here………….. We………………… GO! Haha, I’m just teasing, everyone hated when we used to say that.”

Ruby and Osira start the match in the ring against each other, giving promise of a preview of their upcoming title match. As soon as they lock up, though, Osira breaks off and walks to the THUGS corner, tagging in Tommy Wish.

Vinnie Lane: "Looks like we have to wait a little longer to see these two clash… Wish in the ring now, and he just got hip tossed to HECK by the champ!”

Ruby executes a series of throws and takeovers on Wish, causing the man to scramble back to his corner and tag in John Black. Black fares a little better, choosing to use his boxing and brawling skills against Ruby rather than stepping into her preferred world of technical wrestling.

Ruby gets JAWJACKED by a swift right hand, and she has to take a powder to her home corner. Looking to Tula, she tags out. Keali’i happily enters the fray and immediately drops Black with a charging double leg takedown, hopping over to his side then and dropping hammer fists onto the downed JB.

Over in their corner, it looks like Boris and Mini Morbid’s disagreements are taking another step forward. Boris pulls a flask out of his track suit and takes a swig, but Mini slaps it away! Boris is so angry you can see the red in his cheeks right through his yak-hair balaclava.

Boris slams Mini into their ring post! Mini’s head swells up immediately, his mask squeaking like an overfilled balloon. The two begin to slap and paw at each other and they both fall off the apron.

Vinnie Lane: "Well, they won’t win that way, that’s for sure.”

Tula gets tossed off of JB, and Black moves to get Wish back in the ring. The Themis sisters don’t appear to have any interest in the match at all, and in fact have dropped down to the floor where they seem to be chatting about their hair and nails.

Wish comes into the ring and after missing a clothesline he scores with a neckbreaker on Keali’i. A second later, Wish lands his HideYaFace implant DDT! He jumps onto Keali’i for a cover!



Atara Themis breaks it up!

Vinnie Lane: "I guess the House of Themis at least has a little interest in the outcome here… either that or they just like messing things up for other people!”

Wish flips Atara the bird as she slips back out of the ring with referee Chaz Bobo chastising her for interfering. Wish then turns his attention back to Tula, but Keali’i catches him in a sudden crucifix pin!



Wish powers out!

Vinnie Lane: "Wait a minute… here come Micheal Graves and Miss Direction! These two have no business down here, the T.H.U.G.S. already have their advocate in their corner!”

Graves and Direction head straight to the ring and pull Ruby down by the ankles, causing her to slam her face into the apron on the way to the floor! They start stomping her into the concrete as well, and when Tula reacts and heads toward her corner to assist, Tommy Wish knocks her in the back of the head with a forearm, then follows up with a sleeper drop!

Wish and Black then both exit the ring and help their B.O.B. stablemates put the boots to Anarchy Champion Ruby, who can do nothing except lay there and take the beating.

Vinnie Lane: "Man, it would be SUPER COOL if someone could come out here and help poor Ruby! If this were the mid-90s, Vita Valenteen would drive up in a hijacked ambulance and save the day!”

Tula Keali’i comes to her senses a bit and manages to crawl to her corner and pull Ruby up and into the ring, ironically the safer place to be at the moment. Ruby and Tula huddle in the far corner as B.O.B. laugh and mock them from the floor… and then Tula runs toward the, dropping to a knee and cupping her hands in front of her.

Ruby takes a deep breath and runs forward, stepping into Tula’s hand and getting a huge boost up as she leaps in a twisting senton over the ropes to the floor, wiping out all of B.O.B.! The crowd goes BALLISTIC cheering that risky move!

Vinnie Lane: "HOLY CRAP! Ruby put her body on the line and scored big! All five of them are down and out on the concrete floor!”

In the ring, Atara Themis has snuck in behind Tula Keali’i… Atara spins her around and looks for the JUDGEMENT OF PARIS!!!

Tula sidesteps!



Tula Keali’i locks the dragon sleeper combo in tight and Atara Themis taps out almost immediately. Chaz Bobo calls for the bell.

Vinnie Lane: "Tula and Ruby win it! What a chaotic match!”

Winners by Submission - Ruby & Tula Keali’i

The ring area breaks down into a huge brawl as everyone starts attacking each other. Osira and Atara Themis duck away from the trouble and sneak to the back without getting involve.

Vinnie Lane: "We need some law and order down here! Folks, we are out of time, tune in next ANARCHY!”

Anarchy fades out as everyone around the ring continues rioting.


Vita Valenteen
John Black
The Ghost of Barney Green

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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