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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Taylor Flips the Script. [EURO Title Announcement]
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CM Punk Offline
Better Than God.

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

06-12-2013, 09:44 AM

Cops at the door, Phill is missing, and the European championship is in the bedroom. What do you do in a situation like this? Rat out your potential serial killer boyfriend!? Why no! But of course, you deny everything and wait for him to come clean to you or lie through his teeth.

"No, uhm, I haven't officers." Taylor lies directly to John and his fellow officer.
"Well, he was seen entering a room at this apartment...must have the wrong one. Good day ma'am." John and his fellow officer leave, and as they do a phone call begins to come through the apartment Taylor is residing in.

"Hello?" She answers with a nervous, detectable tone.
"Quick, I don't know how close you are to Phill- but we heard rumors that he wants to defend his Euro title. We need confirmation." It's obviously an XWF source, but she can't pinpoint it. Maybe Archie Lawson, the guy she saw chatting with via caller ID.

"Well.. I mean...Punk's a man of honor and courage and pride..from what he tells me anyway...go ahead, I'm sure he won't mind." Making a snap decision, Taylor's fate is sealed.

Within the hour, the headline is on XWF.COM - >


At press time, there was no word from Punk.

[Image: XoJfzQK.png]
1x European Champion

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