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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
Planet of the Cunts, Part III
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Kenzi Grey Offline
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01-25-2020, 04:07 PM

[Image: XWF-Time-Travel-Planet-of-the-Cunts.jpg]
Planet of the Cunts, Part III

Ruby’s appearance heartened Kenzi, but Sarah was an entirely different matter. Her go rounds with the ‘Trash Panda’ had tainted her against the woman and even in these desperate times, there was no way in hell that she was going to let go of her hatred. If Ruby sensed it, she completely ignored it, taking her time to explain how she’d been imprisoned by the Sick for longer than she could remember for failing to pledge her allegiance to Fuzz and Noah after they solidified their reign.

“Okay! Enough of the dumb history lesson, you said you had a way out of here…tell us how!” Sarah was unable to hold her tongue as she lashed out at her long-time nemesis.

Ruby seemed undaunted by Sarah’s attack. “I’ve got someone on the inside. We just need to seize the moment when it comes. No hesitation, follow my lead and we’ll make it out of here, lickety split my guy.”

The Grey-Lacklans looked at one another and it was Kenzi with the obvious question that was on both their minds. “Why haven’t you escaped before now?”

“I’ve tried, but I’ve never gotten far on my own. I’ve never had anyone I can trust to help me. I know I can trust you and I know if you have connections outside these walls, we can all get clear!”

Sarah glared at her through narrowed and untrusting eyes as she pulled her wife away to converse with her in private. After they were out of earshot, she put her hands on Kenzi’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t trust Ruby FUCKING Debauchy! We need to find another way out of here…some other way to find Aaron’s time travel device and get back home…to fix all of this!”

Kenzi looked around and shrugged her shoulders. “There’s no other way Babe! Besides, Ruby is the salt of the earth…incorruptible! If there is one person we can trust in this twisted world, it’s her! If she says she has a way out, it’s legit!”

Sarah cut her red hued eyes back over at Ruby, then turned back to her wife, clearly unhappy. “Well…I’m not going to thank her once we get out, you do it! I’d just punch her in the face!”

Kenzi smiled, touching her forehead to her wife’s. “We’re going to get out of here. I promise, nothing will stop us from finding our way back. You can punch Ruby all you like AFTER we get back home!”

Sarah found this to be acceptable and soon the trio formed a daring escape plan...

Ruby had a contact on the inside, it was Barney Green. As he led them out, he kept looking at Sarah with a shit-eating grin on his face that unnerved her. Sarah hissed under her breath, “…why does that idiot keep grinning at me like that…”

Ruby was quick to fill her in on another element of the future she’d missed out on. “…so, after you guys lost the titles, Kenzi retired from the ring and you went after singles gold. You won the XWF Title and held it for over a decade…until Barney Green beat you for it…”

Sarah frowned, clearly shocked by this. “…shut up…”

“…it’s true! You ducked him for a year, and when he finally got you one on one, he beat you in about a minute…” Sarah stared at her speechless, then Ruby continued, “…you immediately picked him up and threw him in the corner, but he pushed you to the mat, and then BLAM! You turned right around into a spear!” Sarah’s mouth fell open as she gawked, eyes moving from Ruby to Barney. “…you got up and then BLAM! A second spear! Then he picked you up, hooked your leg, and dropped you on your head with the Green Awakening! 1-2-3! It was a SLAUGHTER!”

Sarah was fuming as she erupted, “MOTHERFUCKER!”


Barney led them down a long tunnel that sat above a raging river filled with treacherous rocks. They peered over the edge, then Ruby looked up and pointed as a chopper headed their way. “There’s my guy, but after he gets us out, we will need your contact to get us the rest of the way out of here. Who is it? Bobbi London? Roxy Cotton? Vinnie Lane?”

[Image: Cunt-Fest3-Ruby-Barney.jpg]

The Grey-Lacklans looked at one another, then Kenzi turned back to Ruby. “There’s no contact. There never was one.”

Ruby looked at them, big brown eyes blinking behind her mask. “Cheese and crackers, you can’t be serious!” Ruby waited for the punchline, but it never came. She shook her head and chuckled. “Wow…that’s a relief.” Ruby pulled out a gun. “Fuzz and Noah will be relieved to know that they can just kill you two fucking bitches without a worry in the world!”


She snorted, then reached up and grabbed a fold at her neck and pulled the skin off, revealing the true face of the person under the mask…a muscular young woman with dark hair.


“No, wait!” The woman pulled off another mask, then suddenly she was a rotund giant of a woman.


“No, wait!” The woman pulled off yet ANOTHER mask and this time it was the grinning visage of one of the dreaded LuxBots. “Looks like you two are out of time, but me? I have all the time in the world…” The LuxBot looked at Aaron’s time travel device, now integrated into its arm. “Our tech only allowed one of us to travel through time, but this…we can use this to bring an entire army of LuxBots through time, and we have you to thank for it! It’s too bad you won’t live to see us tak-”

Sarah tackled her as the gun went off, missing her by inches as they fought and suddenly tumbled over the edge, falling into the raging water.

“SARAH!!” Kenzi screamed, running to the edge, just as Barney grabbed her.

The two of them peered over the edge, but they were both swept away by the raging water. Barney looked up as the chopper came near and the Sick Cunts climbed down from a rope ladder hanging out the side door. They looked around, scanning the water for any sign of Kenzi or the LuxBot.

Fuzz waived at the helicopter and Vita Valenteen stuck her head out. “GO! FIND THEM, OR BRING BACK A BODY…I DON’T CARE WHICH!”

Vita grinned, and everyone knew which one she preferred…

Sick Cunts Secret Lair

Kenzi was tied to a chair in the center of an empty room, all but for a pair of familiar faces. Noah and his ‘Dad’ Fuzz. The duo stood in the far corner whispering to one another, casting periodic sideways glances her way before smiling to themselves and continuing to scheme. After they had come to a consensus, they walked over with the shit-eating grins of someone with a game plan that couldn’t be beat.

“We’re going to make this really easy for you. You tell us where you two got that time travel device, then all of this ends.”

Noah slid in beside Fuzz. “If you don’t, then things get complicated!”

Kenzi struggled against her bonds, but they were tied tight and she was going nowhere. Tears rose in her eyes. “If you two asshats are gonna do something, do it now and spare me all the drama!”

Fuzz angrily grabbed Kenzi by her face, forcing her to look at him. His eyes were wide and filled with anger and violence. “You don’t get it, do you? Noah and I already know what the two of you were up to. Now that we have you, you’re not going back to the past to do anything to change this for us! Beating you two at CuntFest made us gods here, but we got our eyes on a much bigger prize!”

“The way I hear it…you two idiots had to get help to beat us. Meaning that this…all this ‘wonderful’ future you created for yourselves is all BULLSHIT!”

Fuzz squeezed Kenzi’s face even tighter, digging his fingers into her cheeks. He was furious and if he could have, he would have ripped her jaw right off. “The way we see it, the two of you had the benefit of no goddamn brackets in the tournament that Noah and I should have won, if not for ‘Mister He’s Not My Friend’ Vinnie Lane watching out for you and Sarah FUCKING Lacklan!”

Kenzi’s face was on fire, but she didn’t sell it…she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. “AGAIN WITH THE GODDAMN BRACKETS! You’re like a broken fucking record, crying over a loss that happened ages ago! Making excuses for something that happens to everyone that steps inside the ring! News flash Fuzz, everyone loses a match that they think they should have won, then they stop crying like bitches…”

Noah chimed in. “Hey Cunt! I didn’t shed a tear over that shit! In fact, I threw that match and got paid! It was so SICK!”

Fuzz let go of Kenzi, whirling on Noah. “DUDE! For real, cool it with that! No one got paid to lose! But someone got over and then we had to do what we had to do to make sure that the Sick Cunts didn’t get FUCKED OVER again!” The veins in his neck were standing out as he turned back to Kenzi. “Everyone knows that we should’ve been the champions all along! Instead, everyone had to suffer through you just showing up whenever you were done fucking around in that bargain basement fed! You should have been in XWF 24/7 like Noah and I! Fighting our asses off day in and day out! We took things to the extreme, but in the end all we ever heard about was losing to you and Sarah because of that fucked up brac…”


Fuzz stopped, staring at Kenzi as she was hunched over in her chair, apparently sleeping. “Tell me this bitch didn’t just fall asleep? I’M GONNA PUT A BULLET RIGHT IN HER FUCKING HEAD!”

[Image: Cunt-Fest3-Fuzz-Noah.jpg]

Fuzz pulled out his gun, but Noah pulled him aside and nudged Kenzi. “OI! You need to wake the fuck up, CUNT!”

Kenzi raised her head. “If Fuzz goes on about brackets…ONE MORE TIME, he better shoot me!”


Fuzz cocked his gun and put it to Kenzi’s head, but Noah grabbed him and pushed him aside, whispering. “…we need her alive, for now Dad…” Fuzz’s jaw worked hard behind his cheeks, but he eventually put the gun away.

Kenzi shook her head. “I can’t believe I gave you guys props! I told everyone that you two were the best team in that tournament…maybe the best in the game, but you didn’t hear any of that, did you? All you did was piss and moan about me being ‘gone for months on end’ while you two were climbing the ladder and winning singles gold. I know you don’t respect us because we have lives that don’t revolve around you and your stupid asses, but I don’t live for your respect! If you were mad because I only showed up when Theo or Vinnie called, that’s a personal problem! Instead of crying about us being gone, you should have been crying about what happened when we were beating your asses and moving on to win the titles!”

Fuzz’s mouth dropped open and he starred at Noah. “What the FUCK? She didn’t even bother to mention the brac…”


Fuzz ran his hands over his head, clearly exasperated. “Doesn’t matter anyway because now, thanks to you two coming here, The Sick Cunts found a way to make everyone forget about The Mafia forever! Fuzz elbowed Noah in the side with a grin on his face. “No more memory of the two of you part timers parading around with the tag team titles, not doing anything in the XWF! We’re going to get that device, we’re going BACK in time, and then we’re going to fix those brack…”


Fuzz’s right eye twitched as she ‘fell asleep’ during his evil plan monologue. “I’M GONNA KILL HER, I DON’T GIVE A FUCK!” Fuzz stuck his gun to Kenzi’s head and pulled the trigger.


Kenzi screamed as the bullet whizzed by her ear, thanks to Noah pushing Fuzz’s arm to the side at the last possible moment. Fuzz was in a rage as he smashed the gun against his forehead over and over until blood flowed from the wound he’d caused. “FUCK! I HATE THESE BITCHES!”

Fuzz stepped away and Noah stood there shaking his head. There was a frantic look in his eyes. “Look here Cunt, I actually like you and I don’t want to see my Dad blow your brains out. The only reason you’re still alive is on the off-chance Sarah survived that fall. Help us get that device or tell us who made it, and you two cunts can go about your merry way licking each other or whatever it is you two do…I don’t judge! Can you at least tell me who made the thing? I can’t protect you from him forever! You need to give me something…come on cunt!”

Kenzi raised her head. “N-Noah…I…I’m ready to…to talk!”

“Yeah? Who made it? Tell me!”

Kenzi’s voice was barely above a whisper as she answered. “…your momma…”

Noah stood there staring at her, then he backed away, a grave look touching his face. He turned and grabbed Fuzz. “Bad news Dad, they are working with Tara Reid! Your wife is a dirty double-crossing time-sliding cunt!”

Fuzz could only roll his eyes. He walked back over to Kenzi playing with the gun in his hand. “Keep playing your games, but it won’t matter! The Sick Cunts won at CuntFest. You two won’t be going anywhere or changing anything! We walked into the Helldome and we gave you two the beating of a lifetime. Then you tucked tail and ran out of the division and Noah and I took our rightful place! Now, we have everything! Money, power, and best of all, RESPECT! After we go back in time and eliminate The Mafia from the Tag Team Tournament and then win at Relentless, you two bitches will be completely erased from the annals of XWF history!”

Noah chimed in. “Damn right mate! The ultimate checkmate!”

Kenzi looked at the two of them, and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. Fuzz and Noah gave her a questioning look. “All of the bitching and crying has been you two ego maniacs being upset about losing to Sarah and I? ‘We’ve been defending our titles every chance we get and you two keep ducking the competition!’” Kenzi laughed even louder, “THERE ARE FOUR GODDAMN TEAMS ON THE XWF ROSTER! I get it, you’re mad that we beat you, you’re mad that we’re not exclusive to XWF, but don’t try to diminish what we did every time the titles have been on the line! Fuzz bitching about us being gone and being all over social media, but he can’t acknowledge the fact that we promoting the XWF and displaying those titles for the world to see! I guess yammering on and on about who’s a cunt and who isn’t counts as promotion in his book! Just be happy you got another shot at CuntFest, because I’m happy that you did, but the past is the past! Crying about brackets for the hundredth time doesn’t change the fact that you two lost…and when it’s fair and square, you’ll lose a second time. You both should be happy that we’re part-timers, if we weren’t, neither of you fucking idiots would even have been singles champions, believe that…CUNTS!”

Fuzz’s jaw tightened as he had to restrain himself. He let out a harsh breath and walked away, leaving Noah to talk to her before he lost his cool and ended her. “Keep pushing his buttons and something bad is gonna happen. I’d hate to see that. You helped make me the sickest, richest cunt that ever lived! You could share in that, if you just cooperated.”

“I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night! I know how this goes, I tell you what you want to know and then you just kill me anyway! No, I’d rather just take my chances.”

Noah shook his head, but he did it with a smile. He admired her guts. Fuzz thought she was mentally weak, but Noah knew better. Of course, physically was a whole different matter. He leaned down and rapped his knuckle against her right knee. “How’s the knee cunt? Still busted up? You were just looking for an excuse to quit when you were hobbling through the tournament. You were one match away from quitting...”

Noah looked down when he realized how hard her kneecap felt. He raised an eyebrow and gave her a questioning look. Kenzi shrugged. “Don’t tell Lux, but dead babies make your bones SUPER hard!” Kenzi paused, looking away. “There’s a joke there about how Peter Gilmour got his SUPER hard dick, but I’m not going there.”

Noah chuckled at the joke, but Fuzz was still annoyed as he charged back over. “Make all the jokes you want! Maybe you won’t talk…right now, but after we…”

[Image: EahuqQq.gif]

Suddenly a portal opened up, startling everyone in the room and Sarah Lacklan rushed through it, still soaking wet with the arm of the LuxBot in her hand and Aaron’s time travel device affixed to it. Noah and Fuzz were taken by surprise as they whirled around, eyes wide in shock.


Sarah grinned as she replied, “Let’s just say, this wasn’t the first time I outswam stupid Vita Valenteen and a helicopter!”

Fuzz pointed his gun at her. “But it’s about to be your last!”

[Image: be09sn9.gif]

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