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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
The Final Words
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Chris Page Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

01-23-2020, 02:49 PM

… Somewhere in bum-fuck Australia

“And at this time we’d like to present “Chronic” Chris Page…”

An unknown voice rings out as the scene opens and we are centered around a press conference type setup as a large room is filled with various members of the media throughout the world as we hear the sound of camera’s going off once Chris steps out in front of the crowd before taking a seat at a black skirted table with a microphone sitting in the center of it. Chris kicks his feet up on the table after taking the microphone.

”Alright we all know the drill so who’s first?”

Hands start being thrown up all over the room as questions start flooding in from all directions cause Chris to shake his left index finger in the air while spouting out.

”No, no. That’s not how this is going to work. One question per person and if it’s stupid it doesn’t get answered. Got it?”

Chris lowers his index finger as the room starts to get quiet which see’s Chris point out towards a gentleman up front.

’What ya got pops?”

”Do you feel betrayed with the actions of Tristan Slater on Savage?”

”Dude that question is about as vanilla as I’ve ever heard but I’m going to do you a solid and answer it… So when it comes to what transpired on Savage with Slater being revealed as the Hired Gun the last thing I felt was betrayal. He’s done it before; and much like before he’s about to find out actions have equal and opposite reaction.”

Chris points out at another reporter.

”You with the flat chest… yes you, what cha got?”

”Give what transpired at the Lethal Lottery with you and Shane do you think a Steel Cage is going to contain this blood feud?”

Chris starts to chuckle under his breath as he answers.

”Absolutely not…”

Chris composes himself.

”The Cage is just a mere deterrent and it guarantee’s me some sort of time in a confined space where he won’t be able to run nor will he be able to hide from the continued ass kicking I’m prepared to give him. I’d be pretty fucking stupid if I sat here and pretended that the Cage being involved is going to do anything to stop anyone from getting in if they chose too.”

Chris points towards another reporter.

”How are things between you and Robert Main when you consider the extremely rocky past that rests between the two of you?”

”I’ll tell you what I’ve told Robert and anyone else that’s asked… I don’t need anyone’s help in order to handle and company; I just thought it’d be cool to bring Robert into the mix because much like fucked me out of the Universal Title he had a hand in fucking Robert out of it as well. If there’s one thing on the face of the planet that could possibly have brought us together it is indeed Shane . Right now things are what they are with Robert and I. I am not putting a lot of thought process into anything other than what I can control and the one thing I can control is my actions. Shane and Slater are both mediocre at best regardless of how you break them down and something I’ve realized over the last several weeks is that I don’t have to trust Robert to know he’s going to hold up his end.”

Chris points towards another member of the media who comes forward and asks.

”Piggybacking off Robert Main as your partner, why would he trust you given your past. Anyone you’ve aligned yourself with you turned on at one point in time or another. Both Shane and Slater have harped on that over the last week or so in an attempt to break whatever trust might be building between both yourself and Main. My question, while Robert has questioned your intentions we’ve not heard you question his. Why is that?”

”Decent question with an extremely simple answer… I’m not going to waste my time questioning anyone’s intentions when it comes to this business… if he’s fighting beside me or against me its money at the box office either way. Robert could just as easily stick a knife in my back just as easy as I could stick one in his but I’m going to trust that he’s not that stupid.”

Chris points to another reporter who asks.

”Chris, do you think you will be challenging for the Universal Championship anytime soon?”

”When I was going into my Championship match against Soldier I made it known that if I failed to claim the title I was going to the back of the line, and with a brick shattering across the back of my skull and a voice over in play it lead to me not leaving as the Universal Champion and as I stated back then I’m at the back of the line looking at all the nobodies that bitched and moaned about me occupying the top spot in this company get their chance and fail with flying colors. I’m not in a hurry to get to the front of the line because it’s only a matter of time before Vinny, Raven and company realize how shitty the challengers are and come calling like they’ve done several times before but unlike before the answer is going to be no. I’m not going to put all the time and effort into making yet another Champion look credible only to have the script flipped, I’ll pass… but what I will do is exactly what I said I’d do and I’ll work against anyone else and MAKE it more important that any title match the XWF can put together.”

Chris points towards another member of the media.

”All that being said, what is going to be next for you following this Pay-Per-View?”

”The first thing that’s going to happen is I’m issuing a public challenge to one Tristan Slater to meet me in the ring on Savage immediately following this Pay-Per-View so that we might settle this personal score that he has waged. If he’s got the guts I’ll be more than happy to meet him… and will even let him name the stipulation because I’m that confident that the stipulation isn’t going to matter nor will it save him from the beating that is going to be coming his way.”

Suddenly the room erupts as ROBERT MAIN emerges through a curtain and on to the stage which prompts Page to shift his attention and quickly jump to his feet with his fist clinched. Cameras flashing all over the media room is seen as Page and Robert Main stare each other down. Several intense seconds pass before Chris lowers his hands and takes the microphone.

”For all of you that want to know how Robert feels, well he’s right here so why don’t you get it from the horse’s mouth.”

Chris shifts his attention back towards Robert.

”They want to know why in the blue hell you’re teaming with me given our history…”

Chris reaches the microphone out towards Robert.

Robert waves Page off pulling a microphone from his back pocket

They gave me my own microphone backstage.

Page immediately becomes annoyed with the fact that Robert has taken over his press conference tapping his fingers vigorously on the table.

Of course they did. The golden boy!

Robert grins flipping Page off

No the golden boy is The Engineer dumb ass. Now, who’s first?

Page groans as Robert leers out over the crowded room, then Robert points to a rather large chested woman.

You with the mammoth hammers.

The reporter blushes before asking her question.

Robert the question is why Chris Page when you have the other members of APEX readily available?

Readily available? Listen, these guys are far from readily available. Each member has their own set of issues they are dealing with now. For example James Raven has that underachiever Mastermind to deal with. Not that Mastermind poses a threat what so ever for a guy like Raven but none the less. He has something on his plate, and I don’t want to interfere. Listening to Mastermind’s promo the guy seems more disarranged than Peter Gilmour could ever dream of. He said Raven rode Drew and I’s coattails to becoming Tag Team Champion? Mastermind maybe if you didn’t spend the latter half of 2019 on your back staring at the lights you’d know what’s going on around you.

Mastermind that spot was supposed to be for Jim Caedus if you paid attention Drew and I chased the asshole all over the Earth to bring him back! Jim came back and like freaking clockwork the conspiracies started. From there he went batshit crazy and quit again! So, we asked James if he’d be willing to step up. Notorious has a hell of a match against Fuzz. Oh, and Fuzz Ned was asked to join APEX because he is a diamond in the rough. One day the Kid will be Champion mark my words. Centurion is defending against Vita Valenteen. And Drew is god knows where. I do get almond milk coupons every so often in the mail with no return address. So these guys are not readily available like you claim.

Page interrupts

Hey asshole, how about answering the lady huh?

Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was about to answer. The question is why everybody wants to know why. Honestly, this match is about righting several wrongs. Page and I might not see eye to eye. But one thing is certain, we were both screwed over by and company. This match is about what’s right and what’s wrong with this business. When you have people like running around backstage rubbing elbows with brass scheming, you know things need am immediate overhaul. The entire things boils down to something more simple than most believe, Page and I both agree on this. This is bout getting what we rightfully deserve out of this business. Something that was appropriated from the both of us. Each time was there to interfere.

Page places his feet up on the table leaning back in his chair

When DICKS right he’s right.

The media all chuckle for a moment before Robert continues

I’m always right.

Not even close but go ahead.

I will if you’d shut up. Now then. Just like the prick sitting over there all smug said many times before. I don’t need anyone to take care of my issues. This is about me, about me reaching my goals, and honestly, this goes back a long way. Hell, all the way back to 2016 when I stepped foot inside this crumbling company. Since that day no matter the accomplishment I have been looked at the say way. I’ve been called overrated an underachiever while playing second fiddle all along. It makes me sick to my damn stomach. This shit has been eating away at me for years now. I deserve some admiration, I’ve always shown up and outperformed damn near every opponent I have ever faced. I’ve never once spit in the face of this company when needed. I’ve never no-showed. I’ve always smiled in the airports taking pictures, signed autographs and never thought about it twice. Now comes the time where I take the respect I deserve.

Over the past few years, I’ve witnessed a lot of people come and even more go because they couldn’t handle the pressure of this place. And I’ll be the first to admit The XWF can be a powder keg at times, you never know what to expect or what’s next. But when it comes to Shane all these former wrestlers in one way or another, they all kissed his ass. They each puckered up like the punk bitches that they are and kissed Shane’s backside When it comes to Shane you can rest assured, you’ll get the same thing you have gotten for years. A few rape jokes followed by him sucking someone’s pork sword or vice versa depending on the situation. Followed by trying to be the puppet master, which has worked on several occasions. , I now despise the ground you walk on. I hate you. I know hate is a rather strong word, but it sums up everything that I feel for you. I hate everything that you stand for. Especially when you decide to get punch drunk and beat up on a woman. I’m shocked the feminist isn’t out in droves at XWF headquarters with their pink pussy hats demanding your head on a silver platter.

After getting screwed this last time around, I’ve decided to take a stand. It’s not about Championships anymore, and I’m done taking it on the chin. Come Sunday night at C*nt Fest in front of the entire world Shane will be locked inside a merciless steel cage with two men he wronged. This “deadly alliance” between Page and I will come full circle as we get what’s coming to us. Our revenge. There will be hell to pay. After what he did to Page and me both we’ll make sure he pays for every single transgression one punch to the face at a time. Whether this is my last step in life you can bet your ass is going to get the living shit kicked out of him one way or another. After all the dust settles all this crap will have come to an end.

Robert what’s your thoughts on Tristan Slater?

Robert laughs out loud

Sweetheart are you serious?

The Reporter nods

You are.. Okay? Ugh.. My thoughts on a man who got put on blast by the desolate Peter Gilmour? The guy is a freaking dud man. He came back promising the world he’s something different than he used to be and what did we get when the mighty Tristan Slater stepped in the ring? A catastrophe, the guys a damn deadbeat and that is an honest assessment. Here you have a man who is nothing more than a broken-down clunker from yesteryear looking to run his tongue across the sugar cube one last time praying to get a taste. All this born-loser has done since returning is squat. The guy is incompetent screw up balls deep inside Shane. He can call me a pussy I believe he said. But here is a hard-hitting fact for this clown. I’ve never, nor will I ever lose to Gilmour and I’ll be dammed if I ever lose to Tristan Slater. He can make these idle threats like a woman on her period, hey Tristan grab a few Midol’s and pop those bitches huh? You’re on the verge of a mental breakdown. These two may have a few cards up their sleeves. But what’s a few fucking cards when they are playing against the house? What Tristan needs to realize is this, we have lifelines also, and we’re not afraid to use them.

Chris reaches for his microphone as he then states.

”Everyone happy now? Did you get the answers in which you were seeking? Are we all on the same page now while reading the same book?”

Chris removes his feet from the skirted table as he stands up from his chair before continuing.

”Well then… I guess there’s only one thing left to do.”

Chris turns towards Robert throwing both middle fingers in his face before snickering to himself as he walks back through a curtain and the scene comes to a close.

Words from the Stoned One:

We’re just a few short days away from the public execution of Shane and Tristan Slater and never have two men come together like Robert and I have over the last five or six weeks. Sure he initially thought I was out to get him, that perhaps I couldn’t handle losing to him… twice… and that I secretly wanted to lead him into a situation where he’d be powerless. If I was a jaded, spiteful prick one might say that situation is before us as in just a few short days a Steel Cage is going to surround two teams with only one of those teams leaving in one piece.

It’s safe to say that over the last several weeks Robert has realized that when you’re in a foxhole I’m the guy that you want in the trenches with you. I’d like to take this time to thank Shane ; that’s right Shane, thank you! Thank you for being the stupid son of a bitch that you are for bringing two powerhouses like Chris Page and Robert Main together so that we can both enjoy wrecking your shit all over Australia if need be.

It’s all because of you Shane.

It’s because of you that you’re going to be on the ass end of defeat.

It’s because of you that you’re going to need more stitches then you needed after the Lethal Lottery.

It’s because of you that you’re going to wake up Monday morning looking funny sucking Tristan’s dick with no fucking teeth.

You wanted a fight?! Here it comes and the one thing that you’re going to come to terms with once that final bell tolls is that you and Slater brought knives to a fucking gun fight! Robert and I have but one goal for CuntFest and that’s to make sure that you and Slater leave Australia in body bags.

Toodles, cunt.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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