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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "C*nt Fest" RP Board
Chapter 3: “Retribution is the only path.”
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-18-2020, 10:50 AM

Chapter 3: “Retribution is the only path.”

Bathurst Lighthouse Rottnest Island Australia

[Image: akK0cCY.jpg]

The lighthouse stood motionless on the rugged boulder-strewn coast, the paint charcoal and a weathered chalky white as if it were a prisoner there on the island. Standing there everlasting unaccompanied in its jailhouse clothes. Yet there couldn’t be anywhere on Earth that was more admirable place to be, with that panoramic view of the ocean and crisp salty air, being at the top was as close to flying as Robert ever wanted to come. He removes his eyes off the gorgeous ocean leering over his shoulder towards the camera as his beard and hair wrestle with the gentle sea breeze.

[Image: iWHR0gc.jpg]

Peering back on my career here in XWF one thing is unmistakable, from the very instant I stepped foot inside the squared circle I began constructing a kingdom and did so from the ground up. Each match I went into, I scrapped with a greater purpose in mind, swiftly becoming the man most on this roster didn’t want to cross. I strived for something more, refusing to be just ordinary. I blended the fragile bones of the Chris Chaos’s, the Robbie Bourbons and even The Engineers, and with that blood, I poured my foundation. I used each drop of blood sweat and tears methodically, as my adversaries failed, I raise my flag. I laid these bricks, set these traps and one by one they fell by my sword. Fast forward to today, the empire has been assembled upon mounds of golden lore. But now I find myself in an unprecedented place, one I’ve never found myself in before. A crossroads if you will. My domain was poached, with all the sorrow has come with wisdom, but left me yearning for more. Disgruntlement now keeps me awake at night.

Robert grinds his teeth for a moment concentrating just above the white-tipped ocean waves as the seagulls hovered biding their time, lying in wait then diving deep. Their wings wallop salty air as they leisurely advance towards a school of fish. Screeching making their intentions known, they were obstinate creatures after all. Robert continued watching on wondering what the ocean would sound like without the squawking of the seagulls? The air would be unoccupied, and most people’s ears would grieve for that extraordinarily horrendous music they once remembered.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Once again, I find myself pursuing the light into the night, searching in the dark, keeping a vigilant eye on the stars above seeing how they shine so beautifully. I now realize there is so much more, the time for searching near and far is over. My question to those of you who decided to take the time and listen is straightforward. Do you see what I see stirring in the night? A seismic shift is on the horizon, one that will change the game forever. I thought I knew the future, I let myself believe that my stars were all aligned. Sadly, I was mistaken, what I thought and what reality came to be was just sand shifting through the hourglass of my Championship reign. And just like that! Robert snaps his fingers with vindictiveness My time as Champion was up. Now here I am back on the journey to the top of the mountain chasing the very light that was pilfered from me, the flame inside flickered on that very day, devoured by my selfish pride.

Robert lowers his head staring at his snakeskin cowboy boots

Much like Icarus, I flew too close to the sun. I assumed I was untouchable until the wax melted away from my wings. At first, it was drop by drop. I was too busy enjoying my flight to even notice. What a foolish man I had become. I guess ego does that, it blinds you until you meet catastrophe head-on. Before I knew it, I was crashing down. Robert sneers as he crosses his arms Now I see, to get back to the APEX where I once stood, I must annihilate the red dragon in front of me. Nothing in this world ever comes without consequences, Shane , Tristan Slater welcome to the road that will only lead one place, damnation! Robert turns facing the camera That burden of great bleakness rooted deep within my soul is now gone and the egotism that drove me with it. I am not above anyone in this company. From the guys and gals on the roster who put asses in seats.

The unsung heroes that carry this company through thick and thin, people like Thunder Knuckles™ and the Noah Jackson’s. Down to the ring crew and announcers calling these matches. I’m imperfect, and under the eyes of god merely just a feeble man. XWF is at a crossroads when this period is looked back upon.
Robert points his index finger Those historians will see firsthand what Page & I done on the night of this pay-per-view as an unavoidable strike to defend the evolution of this company. We will be remembered as the heroes of this story, ending a dreadful chapter that should have never been allowed to happen.

At that moment Robert’s mind flashed back to Relentless where his world collapsed around him. Loss is the side of love no one ever forewarned about. Since surrendering the Universal Championship it seemed there was no coming back, what Robert once cherished was now nothing more than a distant memory, a shadow lingering in the depths of his fragmented mind. It’s a bizarre feeling to admit defeat, to relinquish something that you once had like a limb torn from your body without the chance to save it. Robert abruptly snaps back placing a cigar in between his teeth with a grin, he knew he shouldn’t light it, but he didn’t care. He inhaled the grey stench; the odor told a tale of tar-infested lungs and possibly Robert’s future death There was something rotten in his eyes as he took each drag. The extravagant creamy smell of cigar impregnated the salty sea air all around him as the wisps of pearly smoke curled prancing about on the breeze.

I’ve spent countless hours wondering to myself if I got the short end of the stick, once I was pinned for eleven minutes by a forklift, the sociopathic cold was washed away by a stronger sense of empathy. Every rotten emotion, welled up as the memories came flooding in. Memories of the man I was while wearing the crown. Everything that I did, the ones I tried to help along the way, during my reign all I wanted to do was protect this business, the one I loved. In doing so, I was criticized at every turn, with every choice nothing I did was good enough. Especially in the eyes of those sitting on the sidelines playing armchair quarterback. I didn’t wrestle enough. I didn’t face anyone. I got shit from people who spent the latter half of 2019 on their back staring at the lights. What I did was help dismantle this business. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, right? Now our Champion The Engineer will face those same admonishments.

Robert shrugs

Or maybe not, I mean he is after all the poster child of the XWF. Hell, the very reason I was knocked off was to preserve his number one spot as Champion. The golden boy everyone cannot get enough of, and a missive schemer behind the scenes. But who am I to say anything? I’m just a former Champion. Oh, and don’t get this twisted, this is not sour grapes people. I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CHAMPIONSHIP! Robert waves his index finger Now, I’ve never had an issue with Shane up until this moment. We would nod at each other backstage when passing. But that was about it. Then we’d go our separate ways and let bygones be bygones. C*nt Fest locked inside a steel cage, I get my redemption. After that, I’ll wash my hands of this and move on. I left the back door open just a crack and while my back was turned the vermin slipped back in on my watch. I was too caught up in myself, my journey, trying to become one of the best to ever walk down the ramp. I took my eye off the prize, blinded by my brash ego, in doing so the XWF has become a cesspool, a literal hell on Earth. When Shane and Soldier reared their ugly heads most people remained the same.

Robert points to himself taking in another hit of the cigar as his anger boiled deep within, churning, salivating at the opportunity to cause destruction. His eyes narrowed as he continued smoldering underneath his stony expression. He clenched his fists continuing now with a hard edge to his voice.

I, on the other hand, was changed forever. Now I can no longer sink back into the comfort of an old suit, or into the groove of a familiar habit. The human mind can damn near rationalize just about anything. We all can be self-centred at their core. That though can be burdensome to admit. It’s far easier to cook up a story that we can take safe harbor in. One where we believe without a doubt that we are the hero, one where it doesn’t matter how you get what you wanted. If you can get it, is what matters? That right there is villainy. That’s the ugly thing that just won’t stop rising in people nowadays. It’s just who they are. People are rotten and in this story, Shane thrives. People who are formidable enough to battle through those self-serving urges, to stand tall and say no. Setting an example. The ones who inspire folks to live up to the example. That’s how the world changes. By inspiring the rest of us, by showing it’s possible to be better.

Robert pauses for a moment

[Image: giphy.gif]

But at this juncture in time we are well beyond dreamers and destroyers, and along with Chris Page we’ll show the entire world what we’ll build on the ruins of what you left behind Shane . I’ve always been a man who believed in tomorrow. I hid that belief in my heart, a stronghold against a world with people like you in it. Shane people like you devour the hope of others. In the end you’re just like every other man, believing you are greater than what you are. You had to meddle, didn’t you?

Robert grins. He knew deep down the smile was fake, reminding him of when someone lies. You get this taste in your mouth. That taste where it makes you uncomfortable but you're too worried to call them out, so you keep letting them lie.

Of course you did. You’re a meddler. Do you have some great plan? What is it this time around? A new imaginative vision? A fresh take on a very outdated dilemma or idea? Maybe you have a better solution for XWF this time around? Your problem is that your entire life you have been so distraught by modern quandaries so precious to Shane only. Ethics and structure, society. All that’s ever mattered in the business is continued existence. Look at James Raven, Chris Page and even the relic Slater. Do you think for one second that the power that you wield currently makes impossible choices more palatable? I’ve always had power to some degree myself, and none of that ever came easy. Accomplishments came easy for The Engineer, though didn’t it? Soldier laid down, he wasn’t the same man that I faced in the ring. Not one promo? Funny how a man hell-bent on becoming Champion tossed it away like yesterday’s garbage. The same man that snuck up from behind me like a petty thief. What happened to the hell house? I’ll tell you!

[Image: lgKxEcZ.jpg]

He was put back on his leash.

Unexpectedly ear-splitting coughing is heard coming from behind ROBERT and as soon as ROBERT hears the coughing, he rolls his eyes before turning around where the door to the lighthouse is kicked open, thick white smoke bellows out from door as CHRIS PAGE emerges finishing off the last piece of a joint which he thumps towards the cool steel floor.

” Lighthouses are so lame.”

ROBERT simply shakes his head as CHRIS walks towards him.

” Why the fuck are we even here? Don’t we have more pressing business to tend too?”

” Well before I was so rudely interrupted, I was putting my foot in the asses of Shane and Slater. Not to mention look around for a second dick head. We're surrounded by water.”

Page eyeballs the situation for a second

” And?”

” Are you that freaking oblivious?”

” Yeah?”

Robert places his hand over his face gently rubbing his temples as he shakes his head

” What?”

” Haven’t you heard?”

” Heard what Robert? That you are boring? I knew that going into this whole thing.”

” You ass hole the entire country is basically on fire. The island surrounded by water.. Hello?”

Page leisurely pulls his aviators from his face surveying the situation

” I had no idea.”

” Wow.”[orange]

” Wait so you were up here trying your hand at the proverbial “smack talk”? Son we all know that’s more my speed so let me show you how you rip someone’s throat out without even having to put your hands on them. Let’s start with and how he LOVES living vicariously through others because he’s got about as much talent coursing through his body as Barney Green’s left nut. Or how about how Tristan Slater’s been sneaking into my stash if he seriously thinks his actions prove anything other than how much of a follower he is as opposed to being a leader. The fact of the matter is this, neither one of these two punchlines can lace my boots on their best day and my worst. This isn’t going to be for the weakened heart and the beating that is going to be leveled upon these two is going to be enough to have everyone questioning just what the fuck they witnessed because it’s going to be nothing short of a public execution.”

ROBERT simply shakes his head at CHRIS as he chuckles under his breath getting CHRIS’s attention.

” What?”

[orange]” Lay off those left-handed cigarettes…. Huh.”

” Are you like eighty or something? Who calls it left-handed cigarettes anymore? Maybe you should expand your mind and join me on this ride it will make our victory taste only that much sweeter.”

” What have I gotten myself into?”

” Tell you what, let’s swap. You smoke, I’ll drink and see if it changes things because you’re still going to be an overrated nerd.”

Robert grins

” At least this overrated nerd has beaten you twice.”

Robert flips Page off with both barrels

” That right there is a low blow DICK.”

” Yeah it was.. Shane, I bet last night when you laid that little head down you believed this company was yours and would be so forever. That my friend was a dream, much like mine that you had a hand in destroying. Both our dreams were nothing more than a lie. The new truth, while you slept the world changed. My purpose locked inside this unforgiving steel cage is to make sure the bloodline becomes extinct. C*nt Fest all this will get sorted out when those doors lock behind us. I am the future of this business, I am an evolutionary inevitability. In time the word will know the XWF’S true inheritors.

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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