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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Lethal Lottery V RP Board
Been Too Long
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Mystery Competitor Offline
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11-23-2019, 06:55 PM

Have you ever been somewhere that you swear you've been before? There is a chemical reaction triggered in the brain that gives you the feeling like you are somewhere you've been before...a scene, an image, maybe something as small as a stone or as big as a building........

Some call it Deja Vu.

But this wasn't that. He had been here before. He had been here through good times and bad, had been here through some of the most prosperous and the most trying times. His boots crunched on the sticks and dirt-rubble below him, the mask on his face distorting his vision slightly. This wasn't Deja Vu. This was a long time coming.

Too long.

When he left, he didn't leave on the best terms. He had been backed into a corner, and tried to blame everyone else but himself. He got too ahead of himself, and it was everyone else's fault. His quest for the Universal Title consumed him. Everything and everyone else was below him........the problem was, he was below himself. His standards were the surface and his ability sat as low as the Titanic. He beat his body up trying to prove to nobody other than himself that he was worth another shot. He blamed a superstar who wasn't even on the roster anymore for losing the title when he refused to look at himself. He didn't even own a mirror.

More crunching. He shuffled his feet for extra effect. As he continued to think about the upcoming match, he felt himself smile under the mask. It had been far too long since he smiled. He was going to win this match, prove he still "had it", and then go on to win the Hart Title. He had tried his luck briefly in another upcoming fed, and he was successful, but no place felt quite like the XWF.

As he got to the edge of the woods he came to a ledge. Way down below sat a body of water....was it a river, a lake, a resevoir? He wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure where he was. He was finally free of the curse of the Universal Title and for the first time in a long time actually "free."

At this time last year, the urge to jump and hope he landed wrong would have been too overwhelming an option to pass up.

He sat down on the ledge, feeling the rocks and pebbles give way under him, tumbling down to the water several hundred feet below. He looked out at the shining water below, and began to speak.

"Oh what a beautiful day.......I get to get back into an XWF ring. It has been far too long my children. Far too long since I have brought the excitement that this establishment needs. The lifeblood. Far too long since I held the reigns firmly while riding the high horse that many of the top superstars in this business sit upon. Far too long since I've been home.

Oh how things have changed. The new wave of talent has over taken the old heads, and frauds like Robert Main have been de-throned. I told him it was lonely at the top, but I also told him he wasn't untouchable. Like always, I was right. Robert Main and the clowns in apex go way back, way way way back, but unlike them I took some time off to find myself. Time to improve. Get better. Find out who I really was. They brought the same thing to the table every week, night in and night out, until there was enough game film on them that even a JV team had a shot. Bad move. But stubborness has always been their strong suit.

Now they are gone, blown away like a fart in the wind, and this roster is better off for it. Cut the fat, drain the swamp, start anew. I see Soldier is Universal Champion? Good. About time someone who thinks like I think has the XWF in their palm. That sick fucker has been a huge inspiration to me, and was one of the reasons I joined XWF back in the day to begin with. Good. I'll say it again, fuck Robert Main and fuck APEX.

That leads me to this new blood, this new crop of victims. Ned Kaye? I mean, what is there to really say about Ned Kaye? He has.....great hair? He has spent his time bouncing around the mid card, even went on a bit of a winning streak for a bit, but at the end of the day has to be peeled out of the clearance bin and put into a match like this to fill space and justify the $50 Pay Per View cost. Ned Kaye will never be top tier, because as much as everyone drools over his boyish good looks and above average aleticism....let's keep it a buck here......he's just not that good. Ned Kaye has had opportunity after opportunity to propel himself into the ranks of the elite....and time and time again he has wound up with a face full of pavement. Or grass. Whichever surface he was getting ass-fucked on during that particular day. Ned Kaye has some talent....but then again, Helen Keller was talented in her own special way.

Then there's Jim Jimson, looking like the assistant manager at Wendy's who's really upset none of his employees want to go out for Tuesday Fun Night. I see nothing has changed. Still having troll characters here, are we Vin Man? Well, that is fine. I mean if you can pull off a gimmick of an autistic Mr. Clean holding a dolphin and have people take them seriously, more power to ya! At least get a less pixilated photo! Holy hell looking up Jim Jimson was like trying to watch porn on 56k. I just wish it spent more time buffering so I didn't have to see that ugly mug. All I heard about was Jim Jimson this and Jim Jimson that, then I looked him up. Talk about a huge build up to a massive disappointment. He is so ugly he could make his Happy Meal cry. Jim when I talk about how proud I am in the new breed of XWF talent, I am not talking about you. You fall into the same gene pool as the Sebastian Duke's and Bilbo's of the world. Useless, pointless, and downright disrespectful to everyone who busts their asses every night to put on a good product. I hope you die, honestly.

That brings me to Hanari Carnes. Oh Hanari, you poor sad sap. You may have the wool pulled firmly over the eyes of everyone here, but not me. I know who you really are. It is a shame that James Raven didn't have the sack to actually expose you for the fraud you are, but then again one fraud can't really expose another. Two wrongs don't make a right. You aren't the 'good guy' you claim to be. The only reason someone hasn't stabbed you to death yet is because your body odor kills at 20 paces. You are nothing but a dirty hood rat, and that is all you will ever be. This glamorous life, the fancy chains, the bracelets, the limos, the suits, it is all a lie. Your entire life is a life. Your name isn't even Hanari Carnes, even though that is what it reads on your Green Card. This isn't a life for you. You've won a few matches, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut. This whole "Hanari is the best!" "Hanari is talented!" "Hanari didn't come to this country on a floating door!" charade is getting old. Your dad didn't come back because you never listen. You want to talk about breaking arms in every promo? Hanari, I break spirits. I break wills. I break careers. And at Lethal Lottery, I am going to break Hanari Carnes."

Reaching up, slowly for dramatic effect....even though there was nobody else there to appreciate it, he removed the mask..........

[Image: MZ0b9ZE.jpg]

[Image: v4cxKym.jpg]
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Jenny Myst (11-23-2019), Michael McBride (12-08-2019), Ned Kaye (11-24-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-23-2019), Vita Frickin Valenteen (11-23-2019)

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