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Kris The Hammer Von Bonn Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-08-2019, 05:11 PM


I said I would do it but no one quite believed that I would apart from my manager Antony The Jerk who always has 100 percent faith in me.

Yes there may be weeks that I might let him down because of losses, but that's what happens in this business. No one can stayed undefeated. It's impossible.

So Antony pushes me when he has to. I understand his reasoning. But no one else does, but I don't care.

I bet Jim Jimson to become number one contender for the Hart. That says it all really.

At Lethal Lottery I'll possibly be playing what yoy Americans call Double Jeopardy. I will be facing Centurion for a shot at his Hart Title. That for me is a good first step.


This coming Saturday Night Savage I'm in the 2nd Round of the Lethal Lottery Tournament where I will be going for a chance to go to Lethal Lottery Round 3. Thats the second part of Fouble Jeopardy and I couldn't be more happier.

I'll be teaming with the legendary Peter Gilmour. This guy is so legendary that he can't seem to win any more titles. The last time he won a title was the Tag Teams.

We go up against my Round 1 partner in The Big Shanks. His head is so big because he thought he won the match on his own. Duh that's so very wrong.

And his partner is the so called Anarchy Champion Vita Valenteen. Oh great just what we need. An egotistical crazy girl.

I have no idea why my stable mate Melanie Crayzee Childs thinks of Vita so highly. Vita has a screw loose, and that's just putting it out there.[/align]


So my parents ran a very successful Trucking Company which delievered to most parts of West Germany. When the Berlin Wall came down East German undesirables came flooding in.

My parents were watched by a gang called the Rudolphers. Led by a bald headed leader by the name of Rudolph.

One day I came home to find my parents tied up and a gang of thugs trying to persuade my parents to join them. They wouldn't.

Long story short. My father was killed. My mum was raped before she finally agreed to their demands and so to show how serious they were I was sent to their headquarters in Hanover, East German.

There I learned how to rob homes, pickpocket on streets and basically showed how dominant the Rudolphers really were.

What they didn't know was tlhat I escaped for a few hours to attend a Wrestling Club run by people who didn't want any trouble but also three gang associates from different gangs. But they pleaded anonymity.

Then I decided to ask for their help to get out of Hanover and away from the Rudolphers.

As soon as I said who I really was there was a lot of shocked faces.

And now the continuation and Chapter 2 of East Germany.

(Again Note: I have translated our conversation from German to English)

After I came clean on who I really was, Kris Von Bonn, member of the Rudolphers, the questions and statements came thick and fast.

"Do you know you are putting our lives at risk even by being here?"

"What were you thinking?"

"How could you not tell us on that first night that you were a part of the Rudolphers?"

"What makes you think we can help you now?"

My reply was:

"When I first came here all I wanted to do was fit in, leave all of my troubles at the door. All I wanted was to be me, and not who I was associated with."

"Also I wanted to get back into learning how to wrestle as that was my getaway when I was younger before I was brought to Hanover."

"There's no way we could survive if we were to confront your gang. Rudolph himself will make sure of it."

"So you won't even consider helping me?"

"We are only still safe because you haven't been followed. There's no chance that we could do what you are asking."

"So you guys are saying you won't help? That's fine. I just thought I could trust you all. Onviously I can't,"

I stormed out straight away. I thought I had friends in this dark world. It turned out I didn't. Times were tough, they just got tougher. It just wasn't fair.

It was times like this that I missed my mother, and being home in Bonn. I wondered if I would ever see her again. Probably not is all that went through my head.

I was alone.

I was a part of a gang

but I felt alone.

Or so I thought....



Antony The Jerk and Kris The Hammer Von Bonn were in the promo room, awaiting the go ahead from the XWF camera man that they were going live to the XWF Universe.

They were finally given the go ahead. Anthony spoke first.

"My warnings have been very clear. Very CLEAR.
But yet no one seems to think they can take the Misfits seriously enough."

"There will come a day, very, soon, that you will all stand up and take notice. And then you will all see that the Misfits are here long term,"

"It continued Wednesday when my 'client' easily accounted for Jim Jimson, to become number one contender for the Hart title."

"We said at Relentless, that the Misfits mean business, and in a little over two monthe we have shown the XWF what that business is all about."

"So what if things haven't exactly been plain sailing, but you can't expect it good all of the time."

"My 'client' won and apparently will face Centurion at Lethal Lottery.
But that also means he will also be competing double time when he gets through to tje Semi Finals of the Knockout Tournament.
But in order to do that, he will have to team with Peter Gilmour against his Round 1 partner The Big Shanks, and Vita Valenteen."

"The Big Shanks is a formidable opponent, but the weak link of the two is her loss on reality Vita Valenteen, his partner. But don't take my word for it, let's hear from my 'client'."

Antony stepped to the side, and Kris walked onto the camera.

"The only thing that you all need to know is that my tag partner, the legendary Peter Gilmour and I are going to win our match and go to Lethal Lottery and participate in the Semi Finals and then it is game on."

"I know the Big Shanks weakness. He doesn't think I do, but I do know it. He fears the unknown. He wants to come back and make it big, but he cant trust his ownself, because he isn't even sure how long he may stick around."

"And as for his partner Vita Valenteen. She has mental disorders. How else can it be explained that she thinks she is Anarchy champion, that she is the girlfriend of Noah Jackson, when Noah can be quite clearly seen as not interested."

"Noah lost his first round match and is projecting his jealousy onto Vita. I so feel so so bad for you Vita."

"Melanie, my stable mate, idolizes Vita. And I don't know why. Wait, maybe I do. They are both CRAYZEE. Crazy as each other. Don't get me wrong I support Melanie 100 percent but her craziness is too much at the best of times. That's why Vita thinks she can exploit things, but we all know SHE'S LOST IT."

"Now as for the legendary Peter Gilmour, at least he knows how to win, and win well. That's why we are going through to Semi Finals qnd The Big Shanks and Vita aren't."

"The Big Shanks then can fuck off, and Vita can get back to thinking she is with Noah."

"You see, everyone will see, that I, Kris The Hammer Von Bonn is THE JUDGE, THE JURY, AND THE EXECUTIONER. What I say will go and what will be going is The Big Shanks and Vita leaving the tournament. Because the Hammer will fall on the judgement that is your losses, and then, I, Kris will say..... I TOLD YOU SO."

From his pocket, Kris takes out his hammer and throws it at the camera it smashes the camera in the lens. Kris can be heard laughing as he walks towards the door. The camera fizzles out.

Former X-treme Champion - 1st ever title

From 2nd May 2023 to 14th May 2023

12 Days as Champion.


'Does a Hammer make a noise
while it is in flight? 
It certainly does when
it find it's Target!'


[Image: Chris-Hemsworth.png]

[Image: TH03208.png]



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