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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Come on you scared bitch with Noah being the referee.
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Kieran Overton Offline
"The Destructive Beast"

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

10-18-2019, 10:07 PM

Build a fuzzy bear. Las Vegas, Nevada. Thursday, 17th October. (Off-Camera)

Kieran along with his best buddies decided to go and visit a Build a Bear shop, although his friends of Barry and Aaron didn't like the idea of walking into a build a bear shop at all. Kieran sees their body language of being mocked and laughed at for going in a store for children. Before they even go in the shop, Barry being one of the guys who didn't want to go in while they were in the shopping centre says this.

Barry: "Are you serious? We aren't twelve years old."

Kieran Overton: "Oh yeah, I'm dead serious. I want to make a bear for Fuzzy, relating a lot to his name and how he looks in general."

Aaron: "Oh, I get it to mock your opponent, right?"

Kieran Overton: "Exactly. This isn't for a fucking kid in my family; it's for Fuzz to know what he's become."

Barry: "A teddy bear?"

Kieran Overton: "A fuzzy bear, but that's what he is. Let's go in and let me make a bear just for fuzzy pants."

Kieran knew he wouldn't be able to use it in a hardcore match, not something you'd throw at an opponent, but Barry and Aaron were left with more questions than answers. His other friend Connor couldn't be with them as Ice Hockey season has started. As they nodded and agreed with Kieran, they walked into build a bear store and instead of waiting for staff to build the bear, Kieran got on with it. He picked up the cutest bear he could find which was in white.

Aaron: "Wait a minute; you're meant to pick up an ugly bear, not the cutest."

Kieran Overton: "Oh come on, Aaron, sure that would be the usual thing to do, but Fuzz isn't a violent, ugly looking big dude. He's cute as a teddy bear, hence why I'll create a cute Fuzzy bear most people would be attracted to, showing on my video how much cute guys don't deserve to be in the business, let alone be hardcore champions."

Barry: "I see where Kieran is going with this. Making an ugly bear wouldn't go with a guy who's too innocent looking like. Kieran needs to make him cute so that he can fuck his face up."

Kieran Overton: "Exactly right."

Kieran gets all the pieces together and places them on a cute bear with the sweet baby loveable eyes and a usually shaped nose and a mouth, looking like it's smiling and places it on the bear. He put on a suit for the bear which left everyone in shock on what Kieran's trying to create.

Barry: "Kieran, why the fuck are you putting the bear in a suit?"

Kieran Overton: "I told you, didn't I? He's too fucking attractive to be wearing ugly clothes, and besides, we're meant to do everything the opposite of him looking fuzzy bad and have the bear look like it's been fuzzed with electricity."

They chuckled to see Kieran placing all the bear pieces together as he was almost done now with the bear as he finds some black shoes to go with the bear to fit with Fuzz. He laughs at his creation of the bear being fried with electricity. He had more plans to use the bear to use something else with it, but he eventually buys the bear from the counter after putting things together, and then he walks out of the shop with the bear in hand.

Kieran Overton: "Look how much Fuzz the bear has? He looks so young that it's a shame that I'll bust his face. It's not too bad to bust a face of an overweight, ugly man like myself, but it's a shame all the girls will be turned away when I'll beat the living shit out of him and use my brute wrestling skills to knock the punk down."

Barry: "I love the idea of this whole fuzzy bear business; it will poke the eye of the idea."

Aaron: "Wait a god damn minute, did you mention some time ago that you're getting a title shot?"

Kieran Overton: "You heard me correct, I'm going for the Xtreme title, hence another reason why this bear stays intact for now. Sure the guy has been defending his title for twenty-four hours over some entries which can't be bothered to earn a shot for a belt as I have. I admit, I messed up in my last video, so I aim to make things up with destroying a bear live on video."

Barry and Aaron laugh with Kieran, finding it hilarious on what Kieran's done with the bear and what other plans he has with the bear. He didn't take long to make it, but it's something he's proud with, and instead of going straight to Hawaii, Kieran says this to his friends.

Kieran Overton: "Let's go down to a nightclub and drink a few beers."

Aaron: "What about your match against Fuzz?"

Kieran Overton: "I meant you guys drink a few beers, not me as I've been told by Henry to take it seriously and I stick his word on that. Let's go."

Barry nodded, seeing that Kieran was changing, although Kieran would still eat unhealthy foods to put on even more weight because he wanted to be overweight for the rest of his life when it comes to being a wrestler in the business.

They walk out of the shopping centre and line up to go in the nightclub. As they got in, Kieran went straight down to the bar, while the lads went to take a seat at a table. Kieran got a tray and places four beers and two glasses of coke on there and brought them straight to the table as Barry asked a question on the beers thing.

Barry: "What's with the two beers each thing?"

Kieran Overton: "Saves us going up there to get more."

Aaron: "Good idea. What's this deal with the Xtreme title match you have?"

Kieran Overton: "Well, it's a hardcore title where you defend it against many people, in twenty-four hours. Henry said he'd talk to Raab about defending my belt in the headquarters as there will be times I'll defend the belt when I beat Fuzzy bear."

Barry: "Sounds like one cool belt you're going for. Seems very different to the other hardcore belts you had in your career, especially if you get to defend it anywhere you'll be."

Kieran Overton: "I got to beat the fuzzy bear first though. He's a punk who's had the beatings come to him. He beat Samuel in a match, unfairly as a matter of fact and I'll get the taste of beating him with my fists. It's too much history between him and The Monstimals or at least two parts of The Monstimals."

Aaron: "Lord Raab won't be doing the whole XWF thing?"

Kieran Overton: "No, it will be Samuel and me teaming in the future, Henry himself finalised it. However, my target is bashing the little good looking punk around and fuck his face up badly. He deserves every ounce of a beating he'll get. Using weapons to my advantage will only make things better. I don't give a fuck about special timekeepers or special referees to sway in Fuzz's favour; I'll beat him with my own hands without anybody winning for me."

Barry: "What makes you say that?"

Kieran shows a touch of the look of a fire on his face, using his fist as if it was a silly question and he immediately responds to this.

Kieran Overton: "Are you stupid, Vita isn't a fan of me obviously because women like her don't belong in the business and Noah Jackson is Fuzzy bear's tag partner. I can handle that shit, no worries. It doesn't phase me that XWF wants me to lose and Fuzzy bear to retain. It only shows how much I'm hated in the company."

Aaron: "Seems fucked up to me, but yeah, of course, you won't bitch or moan about it. Have you heard what Fuzzy bear said about you?"

Kieran Overton: "No, I haven't, but I will listen and watch his shit fest video tomorrow before responding to his views on me. Not that I'd care what he says, but if he says dumb shit and beats me, it's because of his tag buddy being the referee for the match. I'll beat him clean, and if Noah tries to give an advantage to Fuzz, I'll beat his ass to another planet."

Barry: "Let's have a toast before Kieran goes to kick ass in the ring on Saturday to win the Xtreme title."

Kieran Overton: "Damn right we will and me being the new Xtreme champion because it will happen and Fuzz isn't going to like me what a ton of shit I'll do to his worthless babyfaced ass."

They finished drinking all of their drinks before they go dancing for the rest of the night. When it was was three in the morning, Kieran and his buddies went back to Kieran's home since Kieran's parents were on holiday as Kieran goes up to his room to get some sleep for the night.


Destroying Fuzzy bear time shoot (On-Camera)

"Oh, look what I have in my hand, a specially made bear just for you because this is how you look every single day, pretty and handsome which you are for this division. You're not intimidating or anything, especially when it comes to Noah being the special guest referee for the match since the XWF world knows I'm a piece of shit of professional wrestling. It's given you a great advantage to win this match, right?

Too fucking bad it's you being remembered of me putting a fucking beating on your pretty face as the blood dripped on the bear already. I used with a potato peeler on my chest because I don't care about blood being drawn.

It's funny because you haven't given me a reason to give a fuck about you on, until what you did to Samuel. Until you defeated him, that's where I gave a fuck and that it's deserved to provide you with an extra beating on a much bigger motherfucker who will do anything to stop your fuzzy bear face. Nobody cares if my face gets messed up, considering I'm an ugly fuck, but people sure will care about yours when I use barbed wire on your face, crushing it with my own hands on it.

It's alright if the so-called bastard Noah wants to help you assist in winning against me because in reality, by them doing that, you are afraid of me you skinny ass trash bitch. You're a fake piece of shit who won the title by a fluke, just a distant memory. Nobody cares if you're the so-called legend around here, people only remember what you did recently.

You can go and fuck your cunt buddy who has limited swear words to use because he's scared of using words like chicken shit and being a fucking pussy which he is and you as well Fuzz. You haven't done your research, have you? Sure I work with a Raab, but Konrad and I have never met, we've never heard of each other apart from the name Markus mentioned, but I suppose you got him confused since Konrad is a little bitch as I've explained to Markus in his face that I can't stand his goody-two-shoes way of wrestling with his twin brother Markus Lord Raab who's a fucking monster, like myself.

I'm associated with Markus, who was the one who got me into The Monstimals group in the first place. Nobody fears a babyfaced fuzzy bear who doesn't have the passion for hardcore wrestling as I do and I'll do anything to crush your dreams of being a champion away with me beating the shit out of you with or without weapons. Vita and Noah can do anything to stop me and give you the win, but I will overcome them and you to win the match because I'm better than you. That Fatal Four Way match doesn't count on you beating me as none of us won because honestly, you're a piece of fucking garbage and you may have defeated Big Douchebag, but I'm nothing like that prick. I'm much bigger, stronger and more violent than him, causing you to bleed everywhere in the ring because I want nothing more than to hurt your ass.

But this will count because you're near enough a washed-up wrestler, talking about your past achievements and you will be an afterthought when I've pounded on you with fists and any weapons I can get my hands on. Tomorrow night when only Noah can speak good of you when everyone else wouldn't respect or say you're a hard worker that the Xtreme title, the belt I would've wanted to go for out of all the belts in XWF will be crushed, just like this bear. Prepare to be destructed by The Destructive Beast, showing you that I can put you in hospital and be injured from stepping into the ring for good when I'll either pin or submit you for the three count, worthless little bitch."

Kieran gets a knife and cuts the head off a bear and squashes it on camera, showing Fuzz what he'll do in the ring and crushes everything else with the bear as the feed goes to black.

[Image: GoGnCPQ.png]

[Image: krB0tFp.jpg]
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