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Is it goodbye? Or is it another game?
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Chris Page Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

09-05-2019, 04:50 AM

“My, my how the landscaped has changed around here in a few short weeks.”

The scene opens as the REAL Universal Champion stands on a platform, the shot is close so we have no clue what he’s standing over. We see CHRIS is in a pair of jeans, black sneakers with a t-shirt that reads “F*CK THIS PLACE”.

CHRIS PAGE- “It’s no secret that the people that control this federation have always and will always have a REAL issue with my name being attached to ANYTHING that is the Xtreme Wrestling Federation; even with this last little go around in which I didn’t associate with talent and minimal conversations with upper management.”

CHRIS reaches down on the platform where there’s a large black bag. He reaches down picking up the black bag before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “Since I showed up in this shit hole I’ve done nothing but steal the show with each and every event that I took part in, that’s a fucking fact. Go back War Games and how DULL and boring the entire concept was when you fill an entire show with lower to mid card talents that couldn’t sell tickets if their lives depended on it. No wonder RAVEN called me to come back because even he is smart enough to realize that this roster is a joke and this company is a joke.”

There’s a minor pause before CHRIS continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “Look at Leap of Faith, not only did I show up and BEAT the unbeatable ROBERT MAIN behind the scenes with our war of the words but it was the higher ups that elected to keep a title around his waist long enough for him to break a record that only to have him drop the belt to a returning mid card talent at best simply because that makes a lot of sense, right? I mean this is the XWF and intelligent booking has never been a huge priority here.”

CHRIS simply shakes his head before he continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’ve been fucked over by this company every time I was involved from the JON BROWN era to the SHANE era and now with this era of to many cooks in the kitchen trying to be shot callers; it’s literally a cluster fuck of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing.”

Another minor pause before CHRIS continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’m not bitter about it by any means because with all the negatives that are associated with this company there’s also a handful of positives; example, I got the opportunity to work with one of the most talented guys I’ve been in the ring with in a long, long time with ROBERT MAIN and it’s not his fault he was protected by higher ups. ROBERT is a tremendous guy and I’ve had nothing but fun working with you every step of the way… until now and until you allowed them to shit all over everything we have been building.”

CHRIS gazes into the camera as he continues.

CHRIS PAGE- “I got to renew my friendship with JAMES RAVEN and if it wasn’t for JAMES caring about how this company is really viewed by the outside world he wouldn’t have ever called me to begin with to see if there was any motivation for me to come back and TRY to help turn this company around; and before anyone tried to defend this place do yourself a favor and stick Gilmour’s dick in your mouth before waking up and realizing that when compared to any other organization across the entire globe the ONLY people that think the XWF is worth anything are the people that reside under contract.”

CHRIS opens the black bag reaching in where he procures the XWF Universal Championship.

CHRIS PAGE- “I seriously thought that this time things would be different, I thought that with working with creative on an ACTUAL STORYLINE that doesn’t consist of a constant hot shot in order to generate the slimmest of ratings or marginal ticket sales would be beneficial… silly me.”

There’s another brief pause from CHRIS as he rests the XWF Universal Championship over his right shoulder.

CHRIS PAGE- “I’ve been doing this gig for over thirty years and I’ve made millions of dollars in the process so it’s safe to say that really and truly I don’t need the XWF and the XWF doesn’t need a CHRIS PAGE… that being said there’s only ONE thing left to do and that’s to put this title exactly where it belongs because the title itself didn’t mean much to begin but means even less now.”

The camera pans back revealing the platform CHRIS is on is positioned over a 25,000 gallon RAW SEWAGE treatment container which has the lid open mind you and hundreds of flies which are now viewable. The platform extends some 100-150 feet above the exposed raw sewage as CHRIS takes a step closer to the rail where he removes the XWF Universal Title from his shoulder and dangles it over the railing.

CHRIS PAGE- “Never has it given me more pleasure to bring closure to what this Universal Championship means to me and means to everyone else that’s held it over the years.”

CHRIS releases the XWF Universal Championship dropping it into the raw sewage where it belongs. It even lands with a light “plop” before sinking into the shit and piss

CHRIS PAGE- “Enjoy yourselves, I know I have.”

With that CHRIS throws up a middle finger towards the camera before walking to the end of the platform and scaling down via a ladder to the ground below where there’s an awaiting limo. He enters the back of the limo and it takes off revealing a license plate that reads “W.G.W.F.”

End scene.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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