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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Gold Rush PT.3
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Alex Shawn Offline
Glory Will be Achieved

XWF FanBase:
Raging Face

(heavily cheered BECAUSE they'll break rules & bones)

06-06-2013, 07:37 AM


"Just Don't move...we'll be fine if you just stand still. They'll leave once they think we're gone."

I was actually pretty scared at that moment because apparently those evil birds can kill me within a couple of seconds. I didn't even wanna whisper, I mean seriously those monsters were like eight feet tall had the outlining for eyes but they didn't have any. They had ostrich legs, eagle torso, and human fucking fists, and the claws of an owl. Me and Brandon wouldn't necessarily have a chance against 4 of them!

"When are they gonna leave already?!"

"I don't know. I'm not sure why they haven't left already."

"This is a bunch of horse shit... This is exactly why I hate birds."

"shhh. I think one of them heard something. Hopefully not us."

The birds started to run at least 60 miles per hours north of the way we were facing. Me and Brandon finally got a sigh of relief. We then started to think of how in the hell we were gonna get those god damn fruits in the tallest muthafuckin tree. We were literally just standing there looking at the damn thing for at least five minutes thinking of how in the we were going to get those fruit.

"Got it! how about we build the biggest ladder in history! Who am I kidding that's stupid."

"I'm not sure if this is even possible..."

"Not with that attitude! we have to get creative! we have to think of something so crazy it just might work!"

"Really? Now what do you have in mind that we do then ALEX SHAWN!!! the mighty GOLDEN BOY! you're so tough to one can beat you! BULLSHIT! yes you have talent I know that one SHAWN! but you're too damn arrogant!"

"I...I didn't know you thought of me like that...damn everyone probably thinks I'm not good enough to make it to the big time. Soon enough I will dammit! I will make it to the big leagues! I'll show you, I'll show everyone! I'll show everyone that I have what it takes! I have the burning passion inside of me! I'm just not..."

"You're not what Alex? You're not a Dong swinging Satan worshiping spaceman?"

"Funny...You're real funny Brandon. You know what I'm persistent, and I tend to show you that."

I then started angry walking towards that evil tree. Once I got there I stared up to it and screamed at it "I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY YOU OR ANYONE ELSE! YOU CAN KNOCK ME OUT! MAKE ME TAP AND EVEN BREAK MY BONES! BUT YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY PRIDE!" I grabbed the tree and began to climb it using only my muscle to hold on to the tree. I used my legs to climb up the tree. I had to push my muscles and bones just so I could at least get half way to the tree. once I got to the half way point I was exhausted I could barely hold on for any longer. I couldn't stop moving or else I would let go and plummet to my death. I had the will to not give up and to get that fruit so I can get the hell off of this island.

I felt some twitching sensations in my both of my arms. It was really bothering me and was slowing down my pace. I think my muscles were tearing or just cramping up. I was getting kinda scared because if my arms give it out I'm as good as dead. I just kept looking up and not wanting to give up I pushed myself even hard up that damned tree. I was so close I could almost taste those fruit. I was arms length away from the branches, The fruit were at least 15 feet away from victory. I kept going and refused to let my body give out. I finally started touching the pretty big fruit with my finger tips. Now my problem was to get down. I definitely did not think this through. I yelled at Brandon who was fifty feet below me to get ready and catch the fruit without breaking them.

I knocked one fruit off the branches and it fell into Brandon's arms. I'm pretty sure it was a thumbs up he gave me, I wasn't quiet sure. I the knocked another fruit down and Brandon caught them each time. I then realized when I knocked the fifth fruit down. How are these things so strong, how can anyone eat these things? I then changed gears and started to think of how the fuck I was getting down. I realized that the leaves were pretty fucking huge but I'm not quiet sure if it could get me to the ground safely. It was worth a try, I mean there was literally no other option and there's no possible way I was going to be able to climb back down the tree. I grabbed The biggest leaf I could get my hands on and got into a parachute position holding the leaf above my head. I then jumped from one of the branches and started to go down to the flower way quicker than I was hoping for.

It was a good thing I took parachute lessons two years before this shit happened. I tried to lean backwards to try and slow the leaf down but it didn't help much. Brandon was actually ready to catch me. This might actually work, My best friend is gonna save my life. I flew straight into him knocking the wind out of him. I gave him some room so he can catch his breath. Once he got back together I walked up to him and hugged him. No this is not homosexual it's just a best friend hugging his best friend because he just saved my life. It was more of just a bro hug.

"I can not believe you actually managed to do that...I put the fruit over here under some normal leaves I found so animals wouldn't take them."

"I'm gonna go lay in the boat. I am absolutely exhausted. "

"I say you deserve a nice bed and some sleep after what you just did buddy."

"I better get a damn bed..."

I took a quick snooze on our boat ride back to the island where that prince Oluchi guy was waiting for us at the dock. When we got off of the boat prince Oluchi grabbed the fruits and told us to follow him. We did and he had some very interesting things to tell us apparently.

'You two Americans are very strong for being able to actually retrieve the ancient Parunga fruits. But now it is time for one of you to go home."

"First of all when did you learn English?! second of all what do you mean ONE of us to go home?"

"I've always known English child, and yes only one of you get to go home. So choose wisely on which one is leaving and staying."


"Alex, I think you should go home..."

"Fuck no! You're my best friend. My only real friend at that actually. I can't just let you stay here. Let me stay I can handle myself Brandon."

"You have a pregnant wife at home Alex! No more discussing this you're leaving!"

"Brandon...You're not staying here..."

"Listen Alex I have nothing at home! all I have is Bree! we're not even married. You have a child to take care of within the next 3 months. You have to go home to you're loved one. Now go...I'm done Arguing."


I observed my surroundings to see all the guards and the eight guards that are on the boat home. I wouldn't stand a chance even with Brandon next to me. I had to leave him...There was no other option. I was forced to say good bye to my brother....

"What happens if we both stay? when will you let us free?"

"You two must be really close to wanna both stay and not leave the other. Well If you both stay, You will be here forever."

"Alex I told you to leave!"

"you'll definitely be missed back in Pittsburgh."

I then whispered something into Brandon's ear. I Told him I have a plan. Then I walked away and got onto the boat and watched as I left the island that Brandon will be staying on for a long time... This is not the end. I will get my revenge on Prince Oluchi. I don't know how long my plan will take but it will...succeed one way or another.



Dong vs Shawn

Well Dong it looks like I finally get to see your creepy ass in the ring. I'm honestly not even sure if I should be excited or terrified. On one hand I get to fight the Xtreme champion. On the other hand I might have to see a grown man's penis being flailed everywhere. I'm not exactly too excited to have to see that but the match type sure does sound like a hell of a lot of fun. I know I'm going to stay as far away as I can from those filthy hobos. I'm sure that you the master of all shapes, colors, and sizes of dongs are going to want to thrust your pelvis in the middle of all of them. Dont say I'm wrong because I'm probably right. See ya out there champ.

[Image: 82f7f76c-9a83-4639-83c9-ae1c0eaae15d_zps...1374510554]
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