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Saturday Night Savage 04/20
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-20-2019, 03:21 PM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]


[Image: mississippi-coliseum.jpg]


We cold open to outside the arena.

"Okay, so here's the deal. We got them anonymous guys ah-huntin' after us... we got that big ol' WSE War Games match... but right now? We gotsta focus on Ezra and that scrawny, sod off bro ah his, Raphael. Them there fancy names just goes tah show ya how rich these fuxx R, but how EASY it's gunna be fer you tah take 'em down. Now, big bro... I wanna know.... Are you ready??"

Rain: Snow... I've NEVER been more ready in my life!!! ^__^

Rain and Snow are standing outside the arena, flashy motorcycle parked not too far away. Rain is hyped for tonight...



Snow: Welp, just don't get to overzealous, or ya might wind up rushin' in too quick an' end up with another loss. And I cain't take another loss in our camp. These people are lookin' at us as more of a joke than Kid Kool!! >_<

Rain: Don't worry, sis, things are about to change, I can just FEEL it..... Tonight, "The Rain Storm" Reeve Gordon, alongside "The Snow Storm" Sarah Gordon, takes out the Blackwater Brothaz!!! And that's a FACT, jack!!! XD

Snow gazes over at the arena........ "I hope you're right."

Rain: Woo, woo, woo, you KNOW it!!! ^.^

Rain and Snow march toward the building, their hearts filled with pride and confidence, as the scene fades.

Pyro goes off around the arena as the camera pans across the roaring crowd.

The opening riffs of “Highly Strung” begin to play as the crowd jumps to their feet in excitement. VV runs out onto the stage and postures for the adoring crowd. She makes her way down the ramp, slapping the outreached hands of her fans along the way. VV the heads up the steps and runs along the outside apron. She grabs the top rope with both hands and springboards into the ring where she tucks and rolls before settling on a couched, almost ninja-like pose. VV hops up and postures for the fans for a moment, pumping them up. Next, VV heads over to the ropes and calls for a microphone.

"How wild was last week, right? I stood right here, in this ring, face to face with Dolly Waters, and when the dust settled and the smoke cleared there was only one thing left to say… What in the HECK was Tommy Wish doing out here!?!”

“Tommy has been a thorn in my side ever since I first entered the XWF. The dude has some sorta sick obsession with me that involves him constantly coming out during my matches, after my matches, at catering… Okay, that last one hasn’t happened… yet, but the point is, everywhere I turn, there’s Tommy Wish, waiting to ambush me and whisper sweet nothings into my ear.”

“Well Tommy, I’m sick of it! Not only is it creepy as all get out, but it’s rather painful to boot. So, how about this. How about TONIGHT, you face me one on one and I remind you why you shouldn’t be such an annoying pest!?!”

After the opening plays, and on the X-Tron it shows "ScUm Of ThE Earth!" then pyro blast in the stage. We see Tommy walking down with a Kendo Stick in hand, and he starts to wack people's hand with it down the ramp. VV backs away from the ropes cautiously while keeping her eyes glued on Tommy. He goes around the ring, and stands on the barricades and taunts with the stick. VV continues to watch on from the ring as he jumps down to the padded floor, and slides into the ring and points his Kendo Stick at VV as he brings a mic up to his face.

”A pest, is that all I am to you? A vile rodent that you can snuff out just because you find my existence to be bothersome? Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve tried that already haven’t you? How well did that work out for you?”

Tommy smirks as VV realizes that he’s right.

”You can beat me over and over, yet I’ll always come back. You can beat on me until the mangled mess of meat and blood turns your stomach, yet I’ll always come back. YOU DON’T HAVE THE POWER TO STOP ME VITA… Yet you continue to falsely believe otherwise. You may actually be more idiotic than all of them!”

The crowd erupts into a chorus of boo’s as Tommy points out to the crowd.

”But fortunately for you, I’m not an unreasonable man. If you wish to be left alone, then so be it. If you can beat me tonight, I’ll leave leave you be from here on out…”

VV smiles and nods, but inside, she’s totally fist pumping to the good news.

”That is, if you’re willing to put something that I want on the line as well.”

A look of concern falls over VV as she glances down at her 24/7 case before looking back to Tommy.

”No, rest easy Ms. 24/7. It’s not your briefcase that I’m after... “

Tommy once again smirks as the gravity of the situation begins to fall over VV.

”Yeah, I think you understand now, don’t you? If you can beat me tonight, then I’ll never interfere with your career again, BUT if I beat you, then YOU, Vita Valenteen, will become MY SLAVE for the next 90 days!”

VV gulps at the thought before looking out to the crowd for their take on what she should do next. After a few seconds, VV focuses her attention back to Tommy, this time with a renewed fire in her eyes.

”Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Tommy continues to smirk as he nods his head “yes”.

”Well I’m NOT! If I beat you, you’re out of my life for good? Fine, YOU’VE GOT YOURSELF A DEAL!”

VV drops the mic and shoves past Tommy, shoulder bumping him out of the way as she quickly exits the ring. Tommy taps on the mic, and she turns around as she is up on the entrance way.

“Well, besides the fact that you agreed on the stip, I won’t be involved with your affairs any longer, oh hell, you can file a restraining order on me, if you beat me fair and square here tonight, but, you know what I want to add something to that stipulation, besides just having you my slave… I want you get your hair shaved off and start rocking a plaid skirt and a t shirt. Because you will be under my property, the Outsider Guy of XWF. Better pray to your god, because I will make your life a living hell as I destroy whatever relevance you think you have around here. Good luck... my 24/7 briefcase princess!”

The camera pans on Vita, holding her hair as she walks in the backstage as Tommy on the other hand watches on while laughing as we cut to a commercial break.

- vs -

Mingermind starts in the ring.

"Hold up, has he been here the entire time?"

"I'm honestly not sure."

Big D does pretty generic poses when entering, doesn't really give fives or shake hands, mostly just focuses on the ring and the match ahead.

"The focus on, ugh, Big D is intense. I can't believe that name came out of my mouth."

"More used to having Big D in your mouth, Heather?"

A loud thud is heard from the commentary booth followed by Pip whimpering in pain.

The two competitors stand in the ring. The ref calls for the bell.

Mingermind lumbers towards Big D who simply open palm strikes Mingerminds nose bone into his brain.

"Holy shit!"

And the crowd join in with a holy shit of their own as blood pours from Mingermind's nose as he cradles his face.

Big D wastes no time grabbing MM with and dropping him to the ground and straddling[red him with a transition.


"He has the crossface locked in tight!"

Mingermind immediately taps out as blood pours onto Big D's hands.

Winner - BIG D!

"A strong showing from Big D, wow, I'm impressed."

The ref raises Big D's big arm in victory but Big D throws his arm down and walks away from the ring with little to no emotion.

To fill some time due to the previous match going short We go outside of the Mississipi Coast Coliseum where we see Eric Polulu rushing towards the arena with a microphone in hand.

"Sup fam and the fam at home. We are entering the Coast Coliseum, the venue of Saturday Night Savage and we are going to interview the crap out of some of XWF's top guys!"

"You want the hardest questions? We'll get answers!"

"What body spray does Lux wear?"

"Do the Brothers Blackwater sleep together in a comically sized bed?"

"What exactly is a 'double axe-handle?'"

"Stay tuned, people."

Eric is quickly and abruptly stopped at the gate.

"Sorry sir, the show has started and you're not allowed to enter."

Eric is shocked and appauld.

"But I-I need answers!? Do you know who I am!? I'm Eric Polulu!"

"You could be Atticus Black, you're not coming in."

The security push Eric away and begin to close the barrier gate.

"I'm Eric Polulu! I'M ERIC POLULU!!!"

Eric rushes the barrier like a mad man.

[Image: BbXdeWO.png]

Ezra Blackwater (w/ Raphael Blackwater)
- vs -
Rain (w/ Snow)

"Caught in the Rain", by Revis hits and the colors of the arena begin to flash quickly and vibrantly, akin to a trance club, as the xTron displays the hashtag -- '#iAm'


Sparks of every color pour down upon the stage, as Rain saunters out, pumping his fist to the beat of the music.. He wears a t-shirt reading-- '#BELiEVE' on the front, bedecked in dazzling diamonds. Over the shirt he wears a black, leather vest with metal spikes protruding from its shoulders. And he wears a necklace with a shimmering, crystal Dragon pendant, referring to himself as the so called "New Dragon" after his hero Javex "The Deite's Dragon" Valerius. The fans offer up a split reaction, some calling for his head (familiar territory, to say the least). However, some cheer on 'The Storm' as he sprints down the ramp, slides under the bottom and hops on the middle rope. "The Enigmatic Anomaly" lifts his hands into a heart, holding it high into the air. The cheers of the "Storm-Watcherz" reverberate throughout the building, as Rain prepares for war.

All three brothers emerge, with Ezra in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

All respective parties have entered the squared circle. With Sarah Gordon aka Snow and Raphael Blackwater taking their positions in their assigned corners, Ezra Blackwater and Reeve Gordon aka Rain meet in the center of the ring. Both wrestlers, eye one another, up and down. Rain's eyes affixed, steady and serious, while Ezra can't seem to shake his grin as he stifles back a laugh that is determined to escape. The referee then signals to the official bell ringer and this match begins!

Reeve Gordon aggressively taking the lead like a bat out of hell. He screeches and dives for Ezra, knocking Electron to the canvas as he viciously claws at Blackwater's face. Nails sharpened to points, slash and slice into Ezra's flesh as Blackwater attempts to thwart this fierce assault, to no avail. When you can't escape by any ordinary means, there's always another route, at least in the terms of the extraordinary being known as Ezra Blackwater. In midst of Rain's maniacal attack, while he slices and dices with his razor sharp man talons, Ezra instantly transforms into electricity. Sending a jolt through Gordon's body as he zaps across the ring. Reforming on the other side, completely unscathed, all lacerations healed. An added perk for those that can manipulate and alter their bodily configuration and rematerialize into their regular, flesh and blood form.

With a high pitched, fury filled shriek, Rain jumps to his feet and twirls around to face Ezra. His face a mask of rage, he charges forth, intent to reek the hell of a demon. Once again, Electron converts into electricity. This time flashing behind Rain, where he reforms and spins the rainbow warrior around. Promptly catching Rain, with an Uppercut that sends the sparkly wonder soaring into the air. Rain crashes to the canvas and quickly pushes himself up. Yet Ezra is right there with a Roundhouse Kick. Reeve Gordon stumbles back, falling against the ropes and Ezra is right after him. Planting a knee to his midsection, Ezra delivers an almost instant Tilt-A-Whirl DDT. Then he goes for the pin.



Broken up by Snow!

Snow caught Ezra with a Double Axe Handle to the back!

Ezra Blacwater rises and turns to face Sarah Gordon, electricity sizzling in his gaze. She backs up a bit, trying to attempt defiance yet clearly seems worried about Blackwater's unnatural abilities, that could mean a brutal electric shock. If she isn't quick to act and maneuver out of the way. Before Blackwater can attempt anything, otherworldly or otherwise. Reeve launches himself at Ezra from behind, grasping Electron by the hair, Rain tackles Blackwater to the canvas. Where Ezra's head is repeatedly smashed into the mat, over and over, again. Smiling up at his sister, Reeve gets up and stomps on the back of Blackwater's skull. Clearly inviting her to do the same; however, when she attempts to advance forward, she is swiftly spun about and Snow comes face to face, with Raphael Blackwater.

Waving his finger in a gesture that one might do when they're scolding a small child not to do something, Raphael seizes Snow by the throat and leads her to the ropes. One quick shove causes her to tumble from the ring. However, here comes rain, flying to his sister's defense. He collides into Raphael with a Spear! Raph crashes into the ring post and Rain immediately hits him with a Standing Senton! Followed by Glass Heart! In one fluid motion, Rain executed this by jumping over Raph, to the turnbuckle, spun around and performed the move. It was so quick, there had to be an instant replay of how it was enacted.

Distracted by Raphael Blackwater, Rain never sees Ezra coming. Catching him with a Clothesline. Rain slams into the canvas and Ezra rushes to the ropes, ascending them with ease, Ezra launches into Electric Dreams! Hooking the leg for the pin!



Shoulder up!


Both men rise....

Rain goes to strike but is countered with a swift uppercut charged with electrical energy! Rain goes down spasming on the ground. Ezra bounds over to the counter with a huge cheer from the crowd...


"The perfect swanton bomb crushes Rain! Ezra goes for the pin!"

The ref goes in for the count!






Winner - Ezra Blackwater!

Ezra and Rain are tired and worn out after their epic brawl... Raph and Snow enter the ring to check up on their respective brothers... Snow glares daggers at Raphael, who returns the look... when SUDDENLY, the lights cut out!!! Static appears on the screen... before a masked man fills up the x-Tron;

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-06-13-at-9.30.04-PM.png]

The figure speaks; "Rain...Snow? Allow me to introduce myself. The name............ is Anonymous. But it's not the name that matters, it's the goal. And my goal...OUR to transform the XWF back into what it was before. THE pinnacle promotion in the world. But, I have to apologize, as I should be down there, not speaking through a screen...... wait a sec, I'll be there in a jiffy."

SUDDENLY, the screen cuts to static, before blacking out. The lights return, and the Blackwater Bros. are long gone. Rain and Snow are left looking around nervously, watching out for this masked man.....when from over the fan barricade comes three men, all wearing the same mask;

[Image: 212023.jpg]

They surround The Perfect Storm from all four corners..... then? One last figure emerges through the curtains;

[Image: broken_hart_zpsfy7ianam.png?dateline=1478476306]

Broken Hart: Rain, Snow......I hope you've enjoyed the show so far.... because it's about to end for the two of you!!! We are legion, we are anonymous, we are here, and as long as we are here? We will be focused on making sure XWF'ers like the two of you are no longer here. We have the power, we have the strength, we have the numbers....and these four you see are certainly not the only men on this planet that are ready for a revolution. The XWF deserves better than the Gordon Siblings or the Brothers Blackwater.... you all make us SICK to our stomachs, and we will NOT allow for it any longer. We've arrived just as this company is at its worst, and it's thanks to people like the two of you. The XWF will no longer be flushed down the toilet, NO, we are here, and we WILL be the Saviors this federation has been needing for quite some time now. We. Are. One. And together? We will take you down.........boys? GET THEM!!!

The four masked men slide into the ring, as Rain & Snow have no choice but to put up their dukes. BH rushes down, grabs a chair, and slides it under the bottom rope, into the ring. He then hops up onto the apron, as a multitude of officials run down the ramp, trying to take these men out of the ring... But BH grabs the chair and knocks them out, one by one, till they're all unconcious. He then tosses the chair to one of his men, who seems to be the leader of the four anonymous figures, and apparently he was the man on the x-Tron. The figure blasts both Rain and Snow with quick shots to the cranium, dropping them. The four men then begin attacking with boots pin-pointed at every part of The Perfect Storm's bodies..... The leader pulls Rain up, tossing him toward BH, who drops Rain with a belly to belly suplex! The leader then pulls Snow to her feet, before launching her toward Hart........ HEART BREAKER SUPERKICK!!!!! And Snow's out!!

BH: Let this be a lesson to the two of you, and EVERYONE who's a part of this company... We. ARE. In. CONTROL...........and it's only a matter of time before your time runs out. The XWF is dying, it's breathing its final breath.... and we are here with the cure to the cancer so many have brought to this once proud company. XWF........... we love you. TTFN.

The four anonymous men and Broken Hart lift their fists to the sky, the audience tossing trash into the ring, Rain and Snow rolling in the ring from the brutal beatdown... The four anonymous men take to the four corners, standing upon each top turnbuckle... Broken Hart stands in the center of the ring, Rain & Snow laid out on either side of him, as the camera fades to commercial.....

Destiny Graves
- vs -
The Italian Vampire

The camera pans on Vampire already standing in ring, waving to the crowd.

Destiny Graves plays on the X-Tron, and she walks down to the ring while she is giving high fives to the people on the ramp. Then she walks on the steel steps, and enters by the third rope. She taunts to the crowd, and looks across at Vampire.

As soon the bell rung, Vampire cheap shots her in the head, and he Snapmare’s her on the mat. He taunts to the crowd, and she surprises him with a Spinning Heel Kick on his chin, it made him groggy. Destiny then kicks him in the rib a couple of times, then she does a Double leg take down, and locks in a Leg Lock on his right knee, but Vampire reaches for the ropes. Destiny breaks the hold, and she starts to stomp on it.

Then she double knees his leg, and applies pressure with her thigh. She breaks it, and lifts him up on his feet, and she kicks him on the leg some more. Then she Irish whips him to the ropes, and she connects with a Spinning Heel Kick, and he wobbles as she transition into a waist lock and she gives him a triple German Suplex with a bridge for the pin…




Vampire kicks out, and Destiny poses to the crowd. She get mixed reactions, until she goes up to Vampire and he eye pokes her. Vampire is on his feet, and does a Wristlock, but she does a Luchador like reversal, and Armdrags him on the mat. He rolls back up on his feet, and Destiny punches his gut a few times, and she Irish Whips him to the ropes and hits a Drop Toe Hold, then she starts to lock his legs for the……


"Quite a fitting name."

In no time Italian Vampire taps!

Winner - Destiny Graves

"Strong win from Destiny."

"Almost as if it was Destined"

"Oh boy I'm starting to regret taking this job."

Donovan Blackwater
- vs -
Henry Roth
- vs -
Thaddeus Duke
Triple Threat

Henry Roth starts in the ring.

All three brothers emerge, with Donovan in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

"We might as well make Blackwaters theme Savage's anthem."



GUITAR! White light bursts through the darkness pointing straight up from the ring posts illuminating the vertical Illuminatus Iron Cross banners (white field, blue cross,) hanging from the lighting rigging above each corner of the ring. More guitar, the screen flashes to behind the curtain where Thaddeus is shown wearing a white Dolly Waters, Revolution Prime hoodie with the hood up, rocking back and forth in anticipation and excitement. The Xtreme title slung over his shoulder

Back to the mostly darkened arena. 'OKAY,' the arena lights pop on, strobing in blue and white colored lighting with Thaddeus Duke, hood up, standing on stage not moving.

GUITAR WINDS UP, CHORUS: The crowd cheers as he throws off the hood and walks to either side of the stage, pointing out toward the fans. He backpedals toward center stage and then heads toward the ring. Once he can reach fans, he slaps hands old school style, going from side to side. He runs up the steps and pauses, looking at his admirers before hopping over the top rope into the ring. He makes his way to each corner, giving the Bret Hart "I love you" pose with the Xtreme title held high. Once all four corner are done, he hops back to the outside and takes selfies with fans at ringside. Mostly kids and teens.

The bell rings. The three men stand their ground, watching their opponents carefully. Blackwater eyes over Thaddeus carefully, pacing somewhat, looking for a clear opening. The men stare each other down for a short while, preparing themselves. In a quick second, Roth rushes towards Duke, looking for a running lariat, but he's countered! Floatover DDT! Roth's body seems to immediately go limp as it hits the mat. Donovan gives a large smile, staring from across the ring. Thaddeus and Donovan rush towards each other, tying up in the center of the ring. Duke finally conjures up enough strength to press Blackwater towards the turnbuckle, but Donovan twists around, letting Duke take the majority of the impact.

In the corner, Blackwater attempts to get Duke on the top rope for a superplex, but Thad kicks him back, leaving Donovan stumbling. Adjusting himself, Duke leaps off the ropes, knocking Blackwater down with a missile dropkick! Seeing his opportunity, Thad locks him into the figure four! Pain shoots through Blackwater as his hands shake, but he's gritting his teeth, hands mere inches away from the ropes! Duke begins pulling him back to the middle of the ring, but it gives Donovan just enough leeway to escape. He picks himself up in a flash, sprinting towards Duke for a devastating looking spear! Blackwater hooks the leg!


KICKOUT BY DUKE! As Thad sits up, Blackwater looks none too pleased by his opponent's continued survival. He delivers a hard roundhouse kick to Duke's chest knocking him back onto the mat! Donovan's looking for the leg drop... he misses! Duke rolls out of the way, picking himself up with the ropes. He heads towards Blackwater and lands a swinging neckbreaker! As Donovan writhes on the ground, Duke stomps his chest, repositioning himself when a recovering Henry Roth distracts him with an attempted belly-to-back suplex! Unfortunately for Henry, Thaddeus chops Roth's hands to break free and hits him with a side Russian legsweep! Henry's down! Duke is about to go for the pin when Donovan blindsides him, lifting him up for a powerful Sit-out powerbomb onto Henry Roth! Duke's body is pinning Roth down!





"Caught Donnie by surprise."

Thaddeus appears to be back in control! He lifts Blackwater up, only to receive a quick strike to the gut. Bending over in pain, Duke leaves himself for Making Friends! He crashes into the ground, but Donovan can't quite get there in time for a pin. Both men pant for a moment, each doing their damndest to pull themselves together before the other. Donovan barely gets the edge, but it doesn't matter! He runs into a double A spinebuster from Duke! He's about to place his foot on Blackwater for a pin, but he abruptly appears to be pushed back! Stumbling only for a bit he dives for the pin, only to be met with a face full of mat as Donovan rolls away from him! Getting up quickly, Blackwater connects a leg drop to the back of Duke's neck! The two men stagger to get up, both leaning on the ropes for support. They make eye contact, Thaddeus sending a sadistic grin to Donovan!

Duke rushes in but Blackwater telegraphs an attack and pounces towards Duke right into-


Duke with an RKO out of nowhere, knocks Donovan down and out. Duke stands with a fire in his belly taunting to cheers from the crowd; Roth rushes towards Duke but Thaddeus is more than ready!




"What a kick!!!"

Roth head snaps up and his body seizes up as he falls to the mat.

"Duke goes for the cover!"




"Wait, Blackwater's up!"

"Barely, he doesn't know where he is!"

Blackwater jumps to stop the pin!


"A millisecond too late!"

Winner - Thaddeus Duke!

"Woah! Was that a fast count?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

Duke's theme plays as Blackwater kneels in disbelief, the gears turning in his head. He's filled with rage as he pushes the ref; Duke turns away from celebrating to the crowd to intervene but is clocked with a sucker punch from Blackwater and is knocked down to the ground. Donovan leans in close to Thaddeus and whispers something before taking his leave with a cold stare to the ref.

Savage fades to commercial.

The camera opens up backstage, intrepid XWF interviewer Steve Sayors standing alone in the hallway fiddling with his microphone when suddenly the returning XWF original Destiny Graves storms past with her personal assistant. Steve’s face lights up as he calls after her to get her attention.

STEVE SAYORS: Excuse me! Excuse me, Ms. Graves! My name is Steve Sayors and I was wondering... would you mind chatting for a few minutes? That was an impressive return to the XWF ring, and I’d love to get some of your thoughts!

Destiny stops in her tracks and turns around slowly, facing Sayors and studying him carefully. Finally she nods indifferently and Steve jumps to her side immediately, making sure the duo is framed well in the camera shot before beginning.

STEVE SAYORS: What did it feel like to be out there again, Ms. Graves? Hearing the fans still roaring for you all these years later? Did you feel a little bit rusty out there or was it like riding a bike?

DESTINY GRAVES: It’s Steve right? Has it always been Steve? ... ya know it doesn’t matter, this is about me and not you. To answer your question it felt like home in that ring. Rust is a state of being out of it, and just because I wasn’t here doesn’t mean I wasn’t training.

She pauses for a moment, holding up a single finger in Steve’s face.

DESTINY GRAVES: One second Sammy...

Destiny turns to her personal assistant who is standing slightly off camera.

DESTINY GRAVES: Don’t just stand there like a fat cow! Get me a bottle of Evian and a power bar for gods sake!

She returns her attention to Steve.

DESTINY GRAVES: Sorry. It’s so hard to find good help. Anyways what were you saying... what was it again? Sven?

STEVE SAYORS: Um, no, it’s Steve. It’s always been Steve. Well, your training certainly showed out there tonight. What do you see up next for yourself? Any goals that you’ve set? Maybe a specific title belt that you’ve set your eye on?

Destiny smiles softly.

DESTINY GRAVES : I have something in the works at the moment that’s way bigger than a title, but I’m sure you’ll hear all about that when the time is right... umm Shane, right? Yah that’s your name. In the meantime it’s business as usual.

Destiny’s assistant runs up with the Evian and she snatches it out of her hand and takes a quick drink.

DESTINY GRAVES: Uhhh, Dianne? This is lukewarm ... go get me a cold one!

She throws the bottle at Dianne and turns back to Steve.

DESTINY GRAVES : Anythig else ... ummm ... Steven?

STEVE SAYORS: That about covers it, Ms. Graves. Congratulations on tonight’s performance and good luck with whatever you have on your plate moving forward... I’m sure the fans will be on the edge of their seats. Anything else you’d like to say to the fans before we wrap up?

DESTINY GRAVES: No, really but can you tell me the quickest way out of this arena? Smells like unwashed ass in here…

Steve points awkwardly down the hallway as Destiny nods in thanks and spins away from him without another word. The camera fades out slowly.

Tommy Wish
- vs -
Vita Valenteen
Standard Match - If VV wins, Tommy Wish will "leave her alone forever". If Tommy wins, VV must become his "slave" for the next 60 days.

The opening riffs of “Highly Strung” begin to play as the crowd jumps to their feet in excitement. VV runs out onto the stage and and postures for the adorning crowd. She makes her way down the ramp, slapping the outreached hands of her fans along the…



VV stumbles forward, dropping her 24/7 case as she topples over and falls down the ramp. Tommy stalks after her with the steel chair in hand. VV pushes up to her feet and turns to face Tommy, but he cracks her in the head before she can try to defend against it! VV falls to the ground like a sack of bricks as Tommy looks out to the booing audience with a twisted smile.

”What must be going through Tommy Wish’s mind right now? Why would he attack Vita Valenteen before the match even began?”

”Mind games Pip. Either that or he knew he couldn’t beat her legitimately, who knows.”

Tommy turn his attention back to Vita, who up till this point has barely moved. Tommy raises the steel chair high above his head, and crashes it down across the upper back of VV! She reacts to the chair shot by screaming out in pain and trying to roll away from the deranged Wish. Tommy stomps after her though, and delivers yet another chair shot to the downed VV, this time smashing the chair across her belly.

”This is brutal! Why isn’t anybody putting a stop to this!?!”

”Would you like to head over there and tell Tommy Wish to stop?”

”I’ll pass”

Suddenly there’s a pop from the crowd. Tommy turns his attention to the top of the entrance where he sees Lux running towards him, full steam ahead!

”It’s Lux!”

”And there goes Tommy!”

Tommy Wish drops the chair and jumps the barricade. By the time Lux reaches the bottom of the ramp, Tommy is already pretty far into the crowd. Lux contemplates chasing after him, but seeing the shape that VV is in currently, he decides instead to kneel down and check on her instead.

Suddenly Atticus Black storms out to the stage, looking pissed as he pulls a microphone up to his face.

”I bet you think you’re pretty smart huh Tommy? Well you’ve only delayed the inevitable here tonight. Next week we’re going to see the match that you robbed us of tonight, with one small change. Next week on Savage Saturday Night, it will be Tommy Wish - vs - Vita Valenteen in a steel cage match!”

At this point VV, with the help of Lux, has managed to sit up, but looks to be in pretty poor shape.

"And as for those stipulations that the two of you agreed to, they WILL be in effect for this match!”

The camera zooms in on Tommy who is watching on from the crowd. His facial expression twist and contorts to that of anger as Atticus heads back behind the curtain.

”Atticus Black said NO! You’re NOT ruining my show and getting away with it scott free!”

”You have to think that Tommy Wish didn’t want to follow through with the stipulations that he agreed to earlier in the show.”

”I think that’s pretty obvious Heather, but what can he do about it now? Atticus Black just re-booked the match to take place next week in a steel cage!”

”Well that’s next week Pip. This week we still have a Television title match, and it’s coming up next!”

Savage goes to a brief commercial break.

The camera opens backstage in a small locker room, a hulking figure sitting quietly in the shadows of the rear corner. The camera zooms in slowly, features of the shrouded figure slowly becoming visible to the fans. He runs his palm over the short stubble of his shaved head, then digs his fingertips deep into his trademark bushy beard.

It’s Bearded War Pig!

He takes a deep breath, eyes staring at his own reflection in the mirror hanging from the wall across from the bench he sits on. He studies himself, head to toe, and nods in approval. He looks ready. He feels ready. Ready for the biggest match he’s been in for quite a while, and ready to snatch the XWF Television title from around the waist of Lux and end the championship reign before its even really able to get started.

He kneels down and ties the laces of his combat boots, adjusting his wrist bands and smoothing out his beard.

BEARDED WAR PIG: Well… it’s time…

He stands up slowly and stretches, testing the straps of his combat gear as his bulging muscles nearly tear it free. He makes his way out of the locker room and we fade out slowly.

Godspeed BWP. Godspeed.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

[Image: 8K9Z08s.png]

Lux ©
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
15 Minute Time Limit
Lumberjack Match

A long line of wrestlers begin to come down the ramp, notable amongst them are EDWARD, Noah Jackson, Kuda, Tommy Wish, Ezra & Raphael Blackwater, Mini Morbid, the Chorus of Chaos (The plethora of Chaos clones), Rain, Snow, Chair of Mastermind and leading up the rear PT "Fatback" Filmour. The lumberjacks surround the ring, gathering at the bottom of the ramp.

"I thought Vita Valenteen was meant to be a lumberjack too?"

"After what Tommy Wish did, I don't think we'll be seeing her tonight."

The crowd murmur in anticipation and erupt into a chorus of deafening cheers when none other than Taco the Pig, waddles quickly down the ramp wagging his little tail like the adorable creature he is. The crowd cheer his name and the front row reach in for gentle pets as Taco passes. Satisfied, Taco lies down near the announcer table to receive a tickle under the chin from Heather. What a good boy.

"Well ain't you just the cutest thing I've ever seen."

"Focus please, Heather."

Once the vocals hit in “Between Now and Forever” BWP emerges from behind the curtains fierce and swift. Headbanging in a power stance his head almost smashing into the rampway, he really gets excited. Sprinting down toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. Combat rolling to his feet he throws up one arm with his hand forming the “shaka” symbol. His thumb and pinky sticking out while the rest of his hand is knuckled up into a fist. Pig then chooses a turnbuckle, which he sprints toward. Turning last second slamming his back into the buckles before sliding down until his ass hits canvas where he sits kind of like Raven from WCW, awaiting the bell.

The lights dim and all the screens in the arena become a wall of green code. As the opening scream of “We Appreciate Power” is heard, the code starts to slowly twist and bend into the outline of a woman's face, interspersed with shots of Lux in action ruining people's shit with brutal kicks and strikes. Lux appears at the top of the ramp, looking determined and ignoring the crowd. He runs towards the ring before being stopped by the gang of lumberjacks blocking his path; 2 of the Blackwaters staring intensely at Lux. Mockingly shoving the champ towards the ring; Lux enters the ring with jeers from a few of the other wrestlers. He then goes to his corner and mean-mugs his opponent.

Tig O'Bitties, our resident ring announcer, introduces the competitors.

"The following is a Lumberjack Match scheduled for one fall!"


"Introducing first, the challenger hailing from Lake Station, Michigan, weighing in at 240 pounds! Bearded Waaaaaaaaaaaarrrrr Piiiiiiiigggg!!!"

BWP gives the crowd the gun show to a respectable round of applause.

"And finally, the champion, hailing from 'A World on Fire', weighing in at 162 pounds! She is YOUR TELEVISION CHAMPION! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUUUUUUXXX!!!!"

Lux raises her arms with the title held high to a huge cheer from the crowd before she hands the title over to head referee Chaz Bobo.

"I love the way Tig rolls her tongue."

"Oh behave yourself."

Chaz Bobo calls for Nipsey Russel to ring that bell!


Lux and BWP begin to circle around the ring as the crowd stomp their feet in rhythm and the lumberjacks begin to slap the apron to join the hype-building beat. The circling continues until building into a crescendo and Lux sprints towards War Pig with a belly full of fire, taking him by surprise with a lightning-fast running helluva kick!

Lux rocks BWP who stumbles against the ropes; the lumberjacks begin to crowd behind BWP who shakes the cobwebs only to be attacked again with a strong side kick to the ribs. BWP clutches his side and moves away from the ropes with a disappointed sigh from those outside the ring. Lux throws a fast kick to the shin and BWP flinches; Lux throws another kick against his knee and moves in close with a sharp elbow to Pig's jaw.

Lux grabs BWP's arm and tries to whip him into the opposite corner but BWP plants his feet to the mat and doesn't budge! BWP brings Lux in with raw power and gets him in a clinch from the Muay Thai position! BWP begins to throw knees against Lux's thighs and stomach; Lux tries to counter but every strike from BWP knocks the wind out of Lux causing her to only get in quick knee strikes to BWP's thighs.

"Terrifying strikes from Bearded War Pig! Lux is searching for an opening!"

Time Remaining: 12:30

War Pig lifts the clinch and goes for a huge knee strike aimed at Lux's chin but with a burst of speed she drivers her elbow down into BWP's leg! Pig growls in agony and drops to one knee, clutching his leg. Lux makes some room.

"He's sizing BWP up! This could be over!"



BWP lifts an arm and hooks Lux's leg pushing her onto her back and goes to mount. Before Lux realises what's going on BWP throws a mean right hook against Lux's temple!

"I think that knocked some screws loose!"

Lux's eyes roll in his/her skull. BWP switches to a left hook and cradle's Lux's dome and goes in with some stiff right hooks to her face!

"This isn't MMA! Go for the pin, you big idiot!"

But BWP doesn't relent; he reels back for a huge haymaker and nails Lux! Chaz Bobo comes between the two competitors and forces BWP to break the hold; Bobo looks to Lux who is staring at the lights to see if she can continue. Lux responds and Chaz gives the signal for the match to continue; BWP is in the corner catching his breath and shakes his head in disbelief as Lux slowly stands.

"Lux getting up like a newborn deer. Gotta admire the heart of this champion."

"Or his or her stupidity."

Lux stands and says 'come on' to BWP, egging him on with his hands. The crowd erupt into cheers.

BWP laughs to himself and sprints Lux, turning mid-run with a discus clothesline! But Lux dodges!

BWP turns to Lux and...


"A hellacious and stunning kick to Pig's head!"

BWP falls in slow motion and crashes to the mat, Lux goes for the pin!






BWP is pulled out of the ring by Ezra and Raphael!

Time Remaining: 8:45

The Blackwaters disperse glaring at Lux in the ring whilst the others gang around BWP and stomp on the fallen competitor. Lux kneels in the ring and looks on, somewhat displeased but appreciates the moment's reprise. Kuda grabs BWP and picks him over his shoulder and running him into the corner before dropping him onto the comfy form of Chair of Mastermind. CoH angles BWP and "Fatback" waddles towards BWP as fast as he can and splashes BWP against the chair!

"... This is ridiculous."

"How are you enjoying it, Taco?"

Heather asks with a tickle to Taco's belly, who replies with an oink.

Lux watches as BWP is ganged up on by the Chorus of Chaos, each trying to get themselves over in their own special way and Noah Jackson trying to outdo every maneuver.

Tommy Wish grabs a baseball bat from under the ring and just stalks the ring.

Suddenly, Ezra and Raphael blindside Lux from inside the ring!

"What a cheap shot from The Brothers Blackwater!"

Raphael knocks Lux down with a vicious clothesline from behind! The ref tries to intervene but he's simply pushed aside by Ezra and the pair begin to beat down Lux in the centre of the ring!

Ezra with strong strikes while Raphael holds Lux in place before throwing him down against the canvas with terrifying power.

As Raphael keeps a knee firmly placed on the back of Lux's neck, Ezra calls to the others to throw BWP back into the ring in which they abide. Chaz Bobo tries to keep order but is bullied into submission by the Blackwaters.

The lumberjacks throw a barely conscious War Pig back into the ring.

Ezra and Raphael pick up Lux who struggles to fight back, Raph throws a strong knee into Lux's sternum and the two look to end it.

"This is just barbaric! Can we get security or someone in here?"

"It's VV!"

Vita with a few bandaged body parts sprints down the ramp, the Blackwaters drop Lux and turn to face Vita; Valenteen runs up the steel steps, Ezra cockily goes to stop Vita but...


"Gorgeous springboard dropkick! Ezra didn't expect that!"

Time Remaining: 5:49

Ezra is knocked down and rolls to a fall out of the ring, Raphael shocked seeing his brother fall is caught by surprise with a superkick! Raph stumbles into the corner and VV advances but is met with a headbutt!

VV staggers and Raphael is back on her as the two grapple! Lux finally gets to his feet looking at the two and just in time he turns to see BWP sprinting towards him, frothing at the mouth with wild eyes! Lux quickly drops and BWP crashes against Raph and VV like a freight train! Sending the two outside!

BWP turns and lets out an onslaught of punches and kicks towards Lux! But this time Lux doesn't look for an opening, he brawls his opponent and the pair trade kick after kick, punch after punch. Until BWP pulls Lux in close and whips Lux into the corner!

Lux crashes against the turnbuckles and BWP rushes him with a stinger splash!

But Lux rolls away and BWP eats the turnbuckle but no sells that shit!

Bearded War Pig leaps up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off towards Lux!



Lux counters and the two drop to the canvas but quickly get back to their feet! They meet each other once more and...


The flurry knocks BWP to the mat!

Lux hooks the leg!







Thank you to all the writers that helped on this show.

"Notorious" Ned Kaye
The Brothers Blackwater
John Black

And to everyone who RPed this week.
Everything you all do is highly appreciated, I can't thank you enough.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 11 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-21-2019), Corey Smith (04-20-2019), Darius Xavier (04-21-2019), DestinyGraves (04-20-2019), Eric Polulu (04-20-2019), James Raven (04-22-2019), Ned Kaye (04-20-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-21-2019), Rain (04-25-2019), Scully (04-21-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (04-20-2019)
Eric Polulu Away
XWF's Busy Body

XWF FanBase:

(boring as fuck; promos act as sleeping medicine; never recognized in public)

04-20-2019, 05:20 PM

Ever since the show ended, and people started to leave. Eric finally gets into the building, but gets mobbed out by the crowd. He suddenly bumps into Tommy, who was heading into his car, and interviews him.

"Hey Tommy, I hear that you are booked next week Saturday. How do you feel about that?"

"What's it too you? Who let you in this place?"

"Just answer the question, I need to get back on trail to the next city."

Tommy ignores him, but he stops Tommy from opening his car door.

"Man, I hear that some Reggie guy is wanting to take her on, how do you feel about it?"

"Are you really trying to piss me off, alright look, I made a deal where if she beat me in that steel cage, I will leave her alone. I also included a stip, where if she was my slave if I bea-- .. didn't you watch the damn show?"

"Nah man, I was struggling to get in earlier tonight, but..."

Tommy pushes him across the cars in the parking lot, and enters his car. He starts the engine, and reverses on Eric, who barely moved out of the way. Eric looked mad, but got over it quickly.

"Man, I wanted an interview someone...who else can I see around here."

Eric's uh....uh....fuck it, just tell em what he did:
~Had Three most over wrestlers on his show!
~Managed to bare his soul to the world!
~Had a brief (mostly forgettable) Podcast with now "retired" Tommy!
~Was Not even officially the Federweight Champion (despise what that sex machine Greggo says!)
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[-] The following 2 users Like Eric Polulu's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-21-2019), The Brothers Blackwater (04-20-2019)
The Brothers Blackwater Offline

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-20-2019, 09:24 PM

"Fuck yeah!"

"Electric Wind God Fist!"

"I just did that in real life!"

Ezra exclaims this as Donovan and Raphael look on with slight confusion. Luckily Ivan Vaust is there as well, with the answer.

"He's been playing a lot of Tekken 7."

(OOC - Totally adding Ezra's electric uppercut to his finishers.)

[Image: vp1uvfb.jpg]

[Image: iNVRm0X.jpg]

Donovan Blackwater
Former 1x...

[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: OZdvB4F.png]

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[-] The following 3 users Like The Brothers Blackwater's post:
Atticus Gold (04-21-2019), Griffin MacAlister (04-26-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)
Corey Smith Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-21-2019, 06:08 AM

OOC: Just wanted to say the shows have been looking great. I loved the ME, from the accurate use of Lux's fighting style, to the use of the lumberjacks to TACO!!!! was a treat! Very well done.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 5 users Like Corey Smith's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-21-2019), Atticus Gold (04-21-2019), Darius Xavier (04-21-2019), Rain (04-25-2019), Tony Santos (04-21-2019)
Darius Xavier Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

04-21-2019, 07:06 AM

(04-21-2019, 06:08 AM)Lux Said: OOC: Just wanted to say the shows have been looking great. I loved the ME, from the accurate use of Lux's fighting style, to the use of the lumberjacks to TACO!!!! was a treat! Very well done.

[Image: Ck6sTJW.jpg?1]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Darius Xavier's post:
Atticus Gold (04-21-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-21-2019, 10:29 AM

Taco was thoroughly exhausted by his very big day and is now sleeping on the couch.

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Rain (04-25-2019)

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