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Devil Inside: On the Horizon
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Broken Hart Offline
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04-11-2019, 11:16 AM

Devil Inside: On The Horizon

XWF House Show competitor Gruel Renshaw is outside the arena, munching away at an ant-covered donut, sitting on the ground after his match with The Drizzle, a parody of Rain and The Hurricane, Shane Helms. As always, the man known as The Ultimate Fighting Chickenshit has lost again. The former Mostly Moldy Asses Loserweight Champion looks oblivious when four men surround him, all four wearing anonymous masks;

[Image: guy-fawkes.jpg?resize=851,452]

?? 1: So, you're the guy with the mind of a two year old chimp with down syndrome?

?? 2: Well, let's introduce ourselves to you, how 'bout it? Our group goes by a name which has yet to be revealed.

?? 3: And we've yet to reveal our individual identities...

?? 4: But a simple-minded bloke such as yourself can just call us 'Your Superiors'.

Gruel seems lost, not understanding any of the fancy, big words these guys are spewing. He offers them the ant-ridden donut, but the leader knocks it away, as Gruel looks upset.... but he simply picks it right back up and continues to eating it, ants dropping into his open gullet.

?? 1: *rolls his eyes* Mr. Renshaw, we want you to be one of the first people to receive our gift.

G.R. looks surprised and happy, ready for his present...

Suddenly, Broken Hart walks on screen. BH glares at Gruel, lifting his thumb up...... before slowly moving his thumb down, giving the signal to his men. All four men close in on G.R., clearly ready to pounce, when from outta nowhere Rain and Snow attack the four lackeys. They stomp them down, Snow has a steel chair which she begins to smash over the heads of all four. Rain then raises one of the anonymous no names and pushes him into a Snow Plow [stunner] from Snow. He pulls up another and hits the Velvet Cutter [rko]. The tandem then both pick up the remaining two, before striking with simultaneous superkicks. All four anonymous members are laid out...... Broken Hart glares at Rain&Snow, then he looks at Renshaw...... wait, where IS Renshaw?!?!




........RENSHAW SMASHES BROKEN HART FROM BEHIND!!! Broken Hart topples to the ground!! Rain and Snow smile from ear to ear, as Gruel shakes their hands, telling them 'thank you'. The pair wave at Gruel, before walking off into the night. Gruel lifts up Broken Hart and goes for some kinda move, but instead, the four masked lackeys are back up and begin tearing G.R. apart in frustration from not being able to tear up The Perfect Storm. They then toss Gruel toward their leader, who hits a Rock Bottom. He laughs once again, horrendously, as the four men circle around the unconcious Gruel. Broken Hart speaks to the camera;

BH: Let this be a lesson to all of you watching. We are a force driven to get what we want, what we DESERVE, and we will not stop till we get it. All of you watching probably think this is a desperate cry for attention, someone looking to stoop to whatever level he can just to get noticed. Well....... You're right. We will do whatever it takes to get the attention we crave, the attention that should already be ours, the spotlight that should already shine upon us. We are THE team in XWF that will lead you all to a new day...... or, we will be the men that drive the final nail into the XWF's coffin. It's all up to you. The wrestlers, the management, the fans... you all have the chance to join the right side of this oncoming war. There is no hiding, no running. We own the XWF, and it is only a matter of time before your time runs out. Make the decision..... either you're with us, or you're against us. And in the end???


The five masked men take off, as the camera fades to black....

~ + ~

After the main event of another rockin' XWF house show, 'Drunk Ass' Austin Stevens and Olympic Shuffleboard Medalist Wright Angle are gathering their bearings, both of them tired from their epic battle. They slowly make it to their feet, before gazing across the ring at eachother..... they look as if they might shake hands after another hard fought ring-war, but suddenly, the lights cut. Dark purple and red lights then fill the arena, as 'Don't Fear the Reaper' by HIM plays over the speaker system, and the two men turn their attention to the entry-way.

They look bewildered, that is, until they see Broken Hart step through the curtains. Now they look pissed. BH slowly, methodically steps toward the ring, as Austin and Angle look to step out of it and hunt down Hart... but just as they do, the four anonymous men climb over the fan barricade and hook Stevens & Wright by the arms. They drag the two house show heroes toward the anonymous leader, The Broken One, Broken Hart. They toss both men toward BH..... Hart ddt's Angle, before dropping Austin with a HARD spinebuster. Both men are knocked out on the stage, as the fans are booing tremendously at these five men who just ruined a great match between two great competitors. They chant 'Broken Hart Sucks!!' over and over again, till the man grabs a microphone and speaks, all five men standing on stage, looming above Wright and Stevens....

BH: SHUT THE HELL UP!! [huge jeers fill the building] ...My name, atleast for now as far as you're all concerned, is Broken Hart. I chose that name because of how I see the this company. It used to be so, SO grand, but look at it now. Undeserving champions like Kid Kool, people who don't know how to run water from a sink much less how to run a wrestling federation, fans that don't know what they really want.....and worst of all? A man named Vincent Lane who doesn't give a DAMN about what matters most. The day Shane left is the day the XWF we all knew and loved died. was the man that saved this company from certain doom... and now that he's gone?? This promotion is left in shambles, no one willing to step up to save it, everyone enraptured with getting themselves over and nobody else. And that's what truly breaks my heart. You people, from the fans in the stands to the so-called 'wrestlers' in the back, to the big bad boss man in charge... NONE of you know what's best for the XWF.

"...That's why we're here."

BH: Give us your ears, your eyes, your attention. Allow us to guide you all to a whole new era of grandeur. Allow US to be YOUR saviors... the saviors of the XWF. We have the power, we have the ability, choose the right side, or you will be forever damned. We look across the field of 'talent', we check the website and see who holds the gold, we TRY not to change the channel whenever we watch Savage or Warfare...... this place has seen better days. And we, collectively, aim to bring those days back. It's great to see people like Centurion, James Raven & Roxy Nova return to the house they helped build. It's AWESOME to see new faces pop up that actually have a lick of skill. It's even better to see those with real talent stick around, but this place is STILL headed for the worst days of its existence. And again?

"...That's why we're here."

BH: Give us time, and we will turn this place around. We need your help, we need more hands and minds than we have already, but together? We can bring the XWF up from the doldrums and into the GREATEST period of success it has ever known. It is the dawning of a New Horizon, and you will all be forced to be WITH us.... or AGAINST us. Do not doubt us, do not look down upon us for we WILL prove you wrong. Align with us, and you will see first hand how far we are willing to go to save the XWF from itself. XWF.... #be_prepared. There is no escaping the future. And we ARE the future. We are the men and women that will either lift the XWF up to its pinnacle....... or we will be the ones to mark its grave, and lay down its tombstone. You are all on notice. In a handful of months, maybe September or October, maybe before or after, you won't know till the time comes... but WHEN the time comes, you will have to pick which road to follow. You MUST make the decision, each and every last one of you. We want a better XWF, we CRAVE one. We want to bring back the XWF all of these old-timers remember and loved. We want all of the newbies to realize how GREAT this place can truly be... and most importantly of all? We want Vincent Lane to pay for all he's done, driving away and flushing the XWF down the drain. We want a revolution......

"And that's why we're here."

BH: XWF....... we love you. TTFN.

Broken Hart and his boys lay in a few more boots to Wright Angle & Austin Stevens, before heading back out through the curtains. The two XWF House Show stars choke on their own blood, as the fans are rauceous and the camera fades...


[Image: black_heart_zpsnnlf1k63.png]

Tear it out. Move in for the kill.
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