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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
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ElPantera Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-06-2019, 08:31 PM

Director: "Two minute's everybody!"

Several people stand around a media room within the XWF headquarters. Amongst the small group is our long time interviewer STEVE SAYORS in a corner talking with XWF newcomer ALEJANDRO 'EL PANTERA' RIVERA.

Director: "Everybody in your places!"

STEVE and PANTERA walk over to their marks still laughing and talking away with each other. One of the crew members direct the two men into squares on the ground made of tape.

Director: "5...4...3...2..."

The Director gives the cue to go.

SS: "Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to (unnamed show). I am here tonight with my guest ALEJANDRO 'EL PANTERA' RIVERA."

The two men shake hands.

AR: "Thank you so much for having me. This has always been a dream of mine."

STEVE smiles patting PANTERA'S shoulder.

SS: "Well I am glad that I can make your dream a reality and may I mention how sharply dressed you are?"

PANTERA laughs returning STEVE'S shoulder pat. He does look nice though in his dark grey pin-striped suit with matching tie.

AR: "Well compliments to you as well Amigo."

After a few more minutes of banter STEVE gets down to the serious questions.

SS: "So you've been on the sights of XWF scouts for a while. We've all heard about your visit to this building earlier today. You were then signed to replace JOHN LEWIS in his match against both LUX and DREZDIN. How did that come to pass?"

EL PANTERA looks down at his suit for a moment before looking up his face grave.

AR: "It's cause I asked to be a replacement. While I didn't know JOHN personally I've followed him on social media for a long time and became a fan. He seemed to have pride and I knew that BOB WILLIAMS would bring me on if I asked. They were in a bit of a predicament and I'm sure everybody would agree that JOHN wouldn't want LUX' or DREZDIN's work to go unrewarded."

SS: "People are saying that you've put yourself in an awkward situation though. You as a warfare man also took over the match with LUX in South Dakota this weekend. Are you prepared for that as well?"

ALEJANDRO raises his eyebrows at STEVE SAYORS showing off those brilliant white teeth in a wide grin.

AR: "Of course I am. STEVE I am in the greatest shape of my life right now. I know the situation isn't ideal. It's something that has to be done though. The XWF needs to continue for the fans as strongly as it was..."

PANTERA hesitates, but STEVE prompts him on.

AR: "I'm sure that XWF universe would rather see somebody step up to fight LUX and DREZDIN instead of those matches just being wiped out even if I'm not at all prepared for a potential four matches in a five day period."

STEVE nods his head letting a look of concern briefly appear on his face.

AR: ', but if anybody could prepare for that situation in just two days time while promoting it's me."

The two men smile on as STEVE claps him on the shoulder again.

SS: Well sir it looks like our five minutes are up. I'm excited to see you compete in our XWF. Best of luck to you."

AR: "Thank you so much my friend. I'm a big fan of yours too."

The two men shake hands again.

Director: "...and we're clear!"

When the feed fades everybody scatters around with STEVE and ALEJANDRO walking out of the room together

SS: "Are you okay?"

PANTERA looks at STEVE a rare look of worry on his face.

AR: "Not really buddy. I expected to fight DREZDIN next wednesday in that two out of three falls match. The LUX situation came as a shock to me."

STEVE nods his head as the two round a corner to walk down the stairwell.

AR: "I wasn't so worried about DREZDIN because that match is a week away. Between having to fight LUX then him..."

His words trail off as they exit the stairwell into the building's lobby. ALEJANDRO smiles over at the receptionist who smiles back at him blushing. The pair continue their walk out the door.

SS: "So you were saying? You weren't prepared to fight two times in a five day period?"

ALEJANDRO shakes his head in response.

The two men stop and take a seat on the benches outside the doors of the headquarters.

AR: "I'm not prepared for It's an obstacle that I must conquer and if there's anything I can do is conquer obstables."

STEVE grins at PANTERA again liking his confidence.

SS: "You know a lot of people wouldn't have done what you're doing. The XWF has been in talks with you for some time. They would have signed you to a contract at any time. You could have got your own match, a full two weeks to prepare and a better shot of winning. So why didn't you?"

PANTERA scratches his chin a moment thinking of STEVE'S question.

AR: "It's brown pride my friend. I have to much of it. JOHN LEWIS and I are cut from the same cloth. He was this great wrestler in his local MMA circuit and came here. I know he was on his way to the Universal title within the next year, but some pendajo shot him"

STEVE and PANTERA both look away from each other not wanting their agony to be seen by the other.

After a minute or so of silence STEVE speaks up again.

SS: "You say you're not prepared and that is understandable. You took the match with DREZDIN for pure brotherhood, the fact JOHN was a lot like you in your opinion. Is that the same reason that stopped you from turning down the fight with LUX?"

ALEJANDRO lets out a short laugh looking over at STEVE with a smile on his face.

AR: "They didn't even tell me about that until after it was updated man. Smoking Bob told me this morning over private Twitter message. It's okay though. Whether I win, I lose, or it's draws I'm going to stand tall just like always and I may go down in flames, but bet buddy. I'm going to give them two a hell of a fight and then I'll be back and next time for blood."

STEVE nods his head surprised at the pure intensity that came over PANTERA.

AR: "Anyway my man I've gotta catch this Taxi. You wanna share?"

SS: "No, thanks. I have a few things to wrap up.

ALEJANDRO nods and walks off to the cab.

When he gets in STEVE turns towards the young man who'd been trailing the pair.

SS: "Did you get all of that?"

The boy grins and pockets his cell phone.

SS: "Good Boy, go ahead and send it to me. You've got my number."

Both STEVE and his lackey laugh as they head back into XWF headquarters.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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