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Press Conference
Author Message
John Lewis Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

01-20-2019, 01:32 PM

The screen lights up to an almost empty auditorium. At tops 40 people. An eight foot table is set up on the stage in front of a backdrop littered with the logos of and Savage Saturday Night. The mutterings of onlookers and shuffling of bodies is evidence the crowd has been waiting for the main attraction to the press conference.

After a few more moments of inactivity on the stage the legendary XWF/DW interviewer Steve Sayors appears sitting behind the table directly in the middle.

Steve: Thank you everybody for coming and sorry for the delay. As you all know we are here today to present the newest acquisition to the Savage Saturday NIght show...John Lewis.

The scraping of chairs and a hushed silence follows as a man in a grey pinstriped suit appears from behind the curtain acknowledging the onlookers with only a head nod. He walks with the confidence of a man who's very sure of himself, back straight, head held high, stiff as a board, and cool as a winter's morn.

John Lewis takes his seat on the right side of Steve Sayors as his manager a man dressed similar to Lewis with a top hat that you'd likely see in Nineteen Seventies wise guys movies. This man's name was Robert Pearsell.

Steve: So now that everybody is here let's start with the first question.

Steve nods to a reporter who can't be seen on camera.

Reporter #1: Hello, this question is for John. How does it feel to be making your debut in professional wrestling and do you find the training to be different than your previous career in mixed martial arts?

John: It's been a long time coming. I've watched wrestling since I was a kid growing up in Arlington. Watching stars like Lee Stone, C2 Christian Connelly, Bigg Rigg John Gambino. The list goes on. I am proud to be part of the XWF storied twenty year history. As for the question about training. It is a little different as you may know MMA is based on the skills you already have and sharpening them. Here in professional wrestling you have to learn how to do it all. I plan on incorporating some of my MMA experience into my moveset for professional wrestling.

Steve: Next question?

He needs to another reporter off screen.

Reporter #2: This question is for the man on your left Steve?

Robert Pearsell nods for the reporter to continue.

Reporter #2: Now it's a big step to be stepping from an octagon to a wrestling ring. It's only been a little over six months since John's injury. Do you really think he's prepared to step in the ring so soon?

Robert: I have full confidence that John can step in the ring and defeat each opponent who is put in front of him until he reaches the pinnacle of success on Saturday Night Savage which is the Television Championship currently held by Mastermind.

Reporter #2: Now is John eyeing up a meeting with Mastermind?

Robert: As I've said that is his ultimate goal, but until that time he will gladly climb his way up the ladder of success until he finally dethrones the champion whomever it may be at the time.

His tone at the end of the sentence clearly said he was done answering that reporters questions.

Steve: You in the red. You had your hand up.

Reporter #3: This question is for John. To continue on the subject of your first match. Do you have a timeline for that and an opponent in mind?

John picks up his microphone looking bored, yet enthusiastic.

John: I have submitted my name for the February 2nd Saturday night Savage show. As for an opponent I would like to face off against the XWF journeyman Drezdin.

Audible noises and gasps can be heard from around the room while a satisfied looks falls over the face of Pearsell.

Reporter #3: What makes you want to choose Drezdin. The man is seven foot plus and has to weigh in around three hundred and fifty pounds, plus he is a tenured superstar.

Robert: Exactly. We don't want to step in there against some wishy washy nobody. We want somebody with whom John can share the ring and by defeating the giant of a Russian man who fights on all XWF shows he'll show that he is indeed ready for the big stars and will sooner than later capture the Television title and possibly move onto bigger, better things.

Steve: Any more questions?

Nobody speaks up so Steve bids farewell to the reporters and fans while John and Robert walk off awaitiing Drezdin's response.

[Image: 58Oole5.jpg]
Former 1x XWF Heavymetalweight Champion

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