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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Volume 1, Chapter 5 - Dethroned
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Damon Tyler Offline
Pittsburgh's Prodigal Son

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-11-2018, 08:09 PM

"Take us away underneath,
Cause you could die if you take it alone..."

Your personal throne. The grandeur-ed seat you choose to place yourself on because you view yourself as being superior than to all of those around you in whatever industry or field of specialization you're apart of. A place where you park yourself all because you have this visualization that you're just bigger and better than everything around it. You as an individual will raise yourself on this particular pedestal for various reasons. Perhaps you do it as an accolade so you can rise above whatever drifting, cesspool of darkness has begun to encompass everything around you and below you so you can rise above that darkness and not be confined to a global and eternal crusade of morbid damnation.

For others, it's because it's a way of gratitude. A way of self-accolade that will operate and substitute itself as a way of compensation. Now what that could be compensating for? Well that could be a number of various things. For some individuals, it's away of making themselves feel bigger than they actually are in an attempt to not deal with the fact that they're just bottom-dwelling night in and night out in a myriad of pointless and useless back and forth debauchery that is what society is completely based on in this day and age. On the other hand, they do it because they're compensating for something about themselves...not because of their position on their charted hierarchy that society depicts and assigns them too, but because it is something that they are personally trying to hide. Insecurities, mental demons to torment and feast on every decision they make...various things but sitting on top of that high throne makes them feel that they have conquered whatever weakness constantly nitpicks them on a daily basis.

Some stand on top of the proverbial mountain because they deserve that position. They have worked hard and clawed through everything they have ever done in their life time and now they're reaping the rewards, ushering in the accolades and they have finally after what might have felt like almost an eternity of escalation to this point, have finally earned their rightful spot, seated on that throne and they have finally reached solstice. They have accomplished everything they have set to accomplish and at this point in time, there is now no where else to look, but certainly and unconditionally up.

And finally you have those who are the inverse. Those who are on this proverbial throne but have nothing of value or significant contribution to warrant their positioning to be seated on it. That's facts. Throughout their whole life or the whole professional career, they've wallowed on, got opportunities handed, manipulated and glitched the system that their industry operates in and on top of that, have bent, misguided and have manipulated every rule to create a torrent of loopholes, that allow them to deceive all of those around them - sometimes as they're accompanied by a series of pathetic, haphazarded minions - as they curve their way to the top.

No matter how they get there, those that sit on that proverbial throne will time and time again, get knocked off it. William The Conqueror knocked King Harold of the Saxons in 1066 in order to become the King Of England. Louis XVI was overthrown along with Marie Antoinette in 1793 and they were both executed and were subjected and thrown to the guillotine. People get dethroned. It's the nature of the fucking beast. Competitors walk in. Challengers arrive. And above all CONQUERORS. FUCKING. DESTROY.


[Image: libertyandfifth.jpeg]

The Old Town district of Pittsburgh was respected. Light rain echoed throughout the city, the sound of the water pattering down on the older, colonial-era buildings acted as an almost calm wave of serenity. It was night but not overly late, perhaps around about 10PM. And one man stood in the middle of the district, staring at the views in front of him, which was none other than the proclaimed, "Pittsburgh's Prodigal Son", Damon Tyler. He took in the views in a very, calm manner. After his continuous mental demons constantly swirl and torment him, in his mind, these timely escapes to the Old Town District were a way for him to clear his mind...well at least momentarily.

"Cate Indigo...Azrael Erebus...the weird girl and the spaceman. What did I say would happen to you two? That you two would be defeated right? Well guess what? That's exactly. What. Fucking. Happened. Myself and Jenny walked in that match with adrenaline and destruction in minds and that's exactly what we walked out with but I digress. That match is over. The war is over. The fight is over so right now, I have bigger fish to fry. This coming Wednesday night, I'll be making my debut for Warfare in Colombia where I have to take on the one...and the only...a man who is currently holding one of the XWF Tag Team Championship belts, Sebasstian Dyke.

"Now last time you all asked me on my various thoughts on this conniving, depraved individual, I told you my exact thoughts about him. I told you that I knew I'd be going into that ring with the upper advantage, because I knew for an absolute fact that his mind would be distracted because of his anger issues...and now the fact that he didn't just get to control the career of Michael Graves this past Friday, but fired him, too? Another shot of gasoline has just been poured into the fucking fire. His mind is now even more pre-occupied than before, which means he is going to make more mistakes than he did before, which mean he is going to give me more opportunities to strike and attack than before. But now, after seeing your actions, after seeing the way that you Sebasstian chose to carry yourself, it has ultimately made something just so much, more, clearer...and that's the undeniable fact that you view yourself as being so much bigger than you actually are."

The rain begins to get a bit heavier now, the sound of the raindrops just hitting and barreling down the buildings as Damon began to light up a cigarette, inhaling that first, initial, puff as the smoke just echoes around him, a dented aura of sorts, before he continued on.

"So here I stand looking at you, the way you carry yourself, the way you have this undeniable, warped, perception about yourself and who you think you sickens me. It truly does. Truly. Fucking. Does. When people carry themselves in the way that you and your associated cronies do, it's because they've accomplished various things of spectacle. Various accolades that are of such high renown, and are of such high regard that they have the right to view themselves openly in that manner. They have risen from what ever abyssal and verdant depths have circled and shut them down, and they are now just on one step higher than everyone else. Viewing themselves as kings of the mountain. Viewing themselves as being the ultimate emperors on whatever empire that they viewed themselves as having more or less, effectively conquered...and to me? To myself? The way you carry yourself with your absolute, pathetic, attitude, antagonizing various different individuals just because you and your minions get kicks out of it? Because it makes the group of you feel bigger and badder than everyone else? Because it places YOU on top of that MOTHERFUCKING throne? Well you give me one option, and one single option only Dyke...I have to dethrone you from it.

This coming Wednesday night in Colombia...well I'm just going to break the news to you. I'm going to break this news to you as precisely and as properly diplomatically as I possibly can. I'm going to destroy you. I'm going to pulverize you. I'm going to ensure that when the night is over, the various support staff of XWF are going to be wiping up the canvas with your blood, guts and whatever other fucking remnants there are off you in the center of that ring. I am going to beat you to a bloody pulp so I can knock you off your high-horse and ultimately dethrone and your goddamn minions to finally put you all in your damn place...perhaps so the group of you can go forward from this experience with a bit of humility in your minds, and on top of that a bit of I have no interest in claiming your throne. I have no interest in knocking you off the top of your...I dare say now dirtied pedestal and replacing it with myself seated above everything...besides if I did that I'd just be stooping down to your level, and stopping down to your level, at least in my mind, is even worse than disgracing a legend of this company, humiliating him in public for your own self-worth and then on top of that firing him, disgracefully all because it once again compensates for something you're missing...oh wait a fucking second there....

This Wednesday night I'm going to make an example out of you. Not just to the XWF Locker Room but to every single OTHER FUCKING PERSON ON THIS FUCKING PLANET who thinks they can act like you do. It sickens me. It disgusts me. To me Dyke, you're nothing more than a scuttling, cascading, disease and it is my job to eradicate the virus that you have become. Buckle up and see you on Wednesday night...champ."

[Image: Image1.jpg]
"Pittsburgh's Prodigal Son" Damon Tyler
Win Loss Record - 6 | 0 | 0

1 x XWF Television Champion (Current - Won 8/18/18)

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