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Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'd please
Author Message
Jeremiah Njütsonja

XWF FanBase:
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07-21-2018, 04:27 PM

A fat fuck, wearing nothing more than a grey t-shirt and black shorts, as well as a generic Luchador mask, looks up at the camera and smiling slightly. He closes the book he was reading, before he moved his now free right hand moves to a mug with a string laying over the lip. He yanks on the string as the bag of herbs goes up and down.

"Hello, XWF. My name is Jeremiah Njütsonja. Consider me an interviewer. Nothing like Mr. Sayers. I would like to start interviewing you all. No video feeds, just, an old school podcast format of talking to one another. If you would like to be interviewed by me, you can contact me at or @njutsona on Twitter.

Welcome to...

Teabag Talk."

He takes a sip of his tea, before raising his mug to the air and the video feed cuts.
[-] The following 2 users Like Jeremiah Njütsonja's post:
Morbid Angel (07-21-2018), Snow (07-21-2018)

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