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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
The Spaceman -vs- The Defiant Champion
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Active in XWF


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

07-03-2018, 10:42 PM

Roswell, New Mexico

Azrael Erebus!

Shaking his head Robert felt the excruciating sun beat down his back, it's malevolent eye unblinking, the celestial sphere was its co-conspirator. Robert limps along on his sprained knee watching the lizards scurry about taking shelter in the shadows of the rocks where the sand was not hot enough to roast them! Each step Robert seemed to sink deeper into the searing sand, the air was impenetrably thick and hazy, each breath felt like drowning. Robert stopped for a moment taking a large gulp of water from his canteen then shaded his eyes and examined the broken wasteland.

One might ask themselves why I’m trudging along in this trackless desert. The answer isn’t all that complicated, to be honest! I for one am no fan of being in oppressive heat, and let me tell you right now it is sweltering! Nothing like swamp ass and a side of ball soup! After watching that promo Erebus, something struck me, like a bolt of lightning or some shit! Anyway, seeing how your otherworldly, or some alien. Funny you’re the alien and I’m the predator! Cheap plug, but you get the point! Predators generally win those fights! Sorry I keep getting off topic maybe it’s the concussion speaking up! Now then, I decided, against my better judgement, epically in my current condition, busted head and a sprained knee and all! Why not go to the birthplace of it all? Why not go to Roswell, New Mexico? So here I am looking for intelligent life or signs of it! Unfortunately, I stopped in town first, regrettably, I found no signs of any well-informed individuals capable of comprehending the English language let alone speak it!! So, before I got back on my motorcycle, I had a bottle of tequila and a Chimichanga with a side order of Churros with coconut sauce! Now I’m sure later out in the middle of nowhere I’ll get a mad case of the trots, I made that choice, but I digress! So now I’m out here looking for where your people crashed illegally I might add! Trump gets wind of this shit the space force will be on your ass!

Robert chuckles to himself briefly as the red-hot wind stirs up the wispy sand peppering him from head to toe! Salty sweat begins to roll off his nose and sting his tired eyes. Robert’s clothing is becoming overwhelmingly hot and sticky. The stiff, dry desert breeze blows sand once more as Robert reaches into his back pocket for his flask. His tongue feels as if it’s coated in fur and his lips are starting to become chapped and dry.

Good thing I have an unlimited supply of bourbon for occasions like this!

Off In the distance I see a man with long dirty blond hair and beard that matches. In his hand, a briefcase labeled 24/7! I begin trying to run falling to the desert floor, I pull myself along swimming through the sand like a shark. Eyes, mouth, beard and hair filled with sand as I quickly look up he is gone!

Was that J…….I…………..? No! Couldn’t be? That bottle of tequila isn’t treating me so well!

Over the past few years Robert has seen it all or at least he thought he had! He has wrestled through Chaos, danced with the Devil and even seen God! He’s watched as the next big thing turned out to be nothing more than a flop! He’s aligned with Dark Warriors and fought with Kings! Robert has taken Engineers to the limit! But something this time is different, something isn’t right! Something is off! Robert isn’t sure if it is because he is injured or if he knows deep down inside, his time as champion might be coming to a conclusion! For nearly seven months Robert has ruled the Hart Division with an iron fist! Always showing up giving the fans the show they rightfully deserved! There was no sick days or injuries that could stop him! He was there through thick and thin defending against all comers! No one has come close to taking the championship from him! Robert has already achieved every milestone there is, everything he had set out to do! He is after all the longest reigning Hart Champion in XWF history, with the most title defenses firmly under his belt! Is this the curtain call? The end of the road? Has the sand finally run out of the champions hourglass? Or the start of a new era?

Several aquamarine sparks churned in the air like a silent firework going down a whirlpool. But instead of disappearing when they reached the center of the turbulence, they began to clump together until they had formed a nebulous blob about the size of an average man. Then it began to spin around on an entirely different axis like a spinning top and the desert air filled with sand all around me then turned quite still. A voice spoke out to me!

Let it go!

What do you mean? Let it go? Let what go?

Follow your Hart! Robert!

I don’t understand!

In time you will! But first you must let it go, you will never unlock your true protentional until you let it go!

I’ll never unlock my true protentional? Unless I let it go?

Without warning it was gone, the desert around me became calm one more! As I scratched my head I wondered to myself what this could mean? Maybe I was just three sheets to the wind? I did drink an entire bottle? I sit there for a moment wiping away the sand from my face before speaking to the camera directly!

So you ambushed me from behind, blasting me into the candy machine! With your force field or powers! I’ll just go with you hit me with that trash can and slung me face first! Instead of this X-MEN shit! It’s cute! Nothing like getting assaulted from behind by a lower life forum! But hey I used to do the same thing trying to break bread way back when. Now if I have something to say or I’m going on the warpath, I want them to know that they are about to get blistered, I want second to none before I chop a man down! I want to see the uneasiness in their eyes, watching the cowardice creep over their shoulders sinking into their Hart! This behind the back game is anemic, it is below me! I knew going into Warfare I was a sitting duck, you wasted no time in pouncing on me like a wounded animal in the jungle! I bet you thought you were going to get an easy meal out of the deal! A trouble-free straightforward victory! New Champion, right?


That is until I knocked your ass for a loop with that steel chair, nothing changes a man’s mind like hitting him in the face with cold hard steel! The thing that is most amusing to me is you want everyone within ears reach to believe you thought this all up on your own! Little Will Robinson Lost in Space! Give us all a fucking break! Your feeble mind would break if you had to try and come up with something as complex as this attack! Maybe you can convince some of the misfits around here committed mass suicide, believing their souls would be transported to a spaceship trailing the Hale-Bopp comet? It’s worth a shot, right? You are the spaceman! Isn’t that right Marshall Applewhite? Just make sure everybody has on their black shirts and sweat pants and brand new black-and-white Nike’s! Oh, and you’ll need to pay that toll, make sure they each have a five-dollar bill and three quarters and their bags packed ready for the long journey! Problem is I won’t drink your Kool-aid!

You didn’t come up with anything! Pest gave you some motivation, he dropped a dime in your ear! The well-laid plan of mice and men, right? The only thing that you did was storm the castle when the guards were sleeping! You tried to jump down my throat and got walloped for your troubles! You think clubbing me from behind was a favor? Listen dumbass, I’ve got a broken head, a concussion and a sprained knee! It was therapeutic getting my stables replaced! I felt invigorated by adding to the collection of stitches that were already on my face! This whole making me whole angle is bull shit! Let’s call a spade a spade here huh? You wanted to take the easy way out, you wanted to walk in and just pluck the championship right from underneath my nose, didn’t you? Did you not think I had the strength to swing my Excalibur? See you thought I would be too fragile, there would be no struggle. Robert Main is never powerless even in a lackadaisical state! It seems you failed to recall who and what I can do! There will be no 100% on my end, hell you’ll be lucky if I’m at 50%!

The only thing that you did prove dip shit, is just how corruptible and cowardly you really are. You claim to be this higher intellect, a being from beyond the stars! Yet here we find you easily led and nervous, I thought your kind was supposed to be independent, iron-willed even self-assertive! But here we find you weak-willed and weak-kneed! You are nothing more than a bogus counterfeit moron, fabricating fictitious tales! What’s next? Are you from Cybertron? Or maybe you came from Adelphous IV? Cut the Star Wars bull shit before Hasbro or Disney sues the shit out of you! You can play this game of make-believe all you like, but you will never convince me you’re an alien or something more! Maybe less! Hell, I can’t even determine what fucking gender you are! Do you have a hearty breakfast in your pants? You know a sausage link and two boiled eggs? Or do you have a tuna taco? Nothing like being in a match with a transgendered person from space or some shit!

You know maybe I’ll put in a call to the F.B.I. saying I’m wrestling a rocket man! No That won’t work they will think I’m wrestling Kim Jong-un! Maybe I’ll tell them to put in a call into the men in black! Old Will Smith putting boots to alien asses since 1997! Do you know what would happen? No sooner than I hang up that phone they would track me down and lock me in a padded fucking room throwing away the key! It’s ludicrous, and not the rapper! You are the kind of freaking nut job David Bowie sang about! Now don’t get me wrong I have seen a lot of weird shit! XWF has provided me with a wealth of shit that I cannot blast out of my head with a perfectly placed shotgun blast! I’m just not one of these tin foil hat guys! You are just one of these little shits that need a story to make yourself interesting! What’s next? No, I mean really? Are you going to start offering people spots on your spaceship? For a price, I’d imagine! In the end, it always comes down to the almighty dollar! Seeing how we are way out there in left field and all! Any chance you know who killed JFK? That’s been bothering me for years, man! Years! That fucking move! Made me doubt everything! The bottom line is simple she-male! You're about as E.T. as Peter Gilmour! Wait he’s E.D.!

How had something so fun and exciting come to this? Was Robert bored defending his prized passion? Or did he want more? The sound of it used to warm his soul, the scent of the white leather strap made his heart race and the touch of the cool gold sent tingles down his spine. That was only once defense ago. Now the title has become bloodstained and a painful reminder or what it takes to be a reigning champion! Now defending has become humdrum, lackluster! Heavy is the head that wears the crown they say! It used to be like an addiction! Robert’s addiction was such that he cared for nothing else. He just wanted nothing more than to be the very best champion he could, and would do so by any means! Everything he had once held dear fell by the wayside. He would lie, cheat and steal for it. He became someone else, someone many once loved but now feared. This addict he was, this champion with a dream quickly became a demon wearing Robert’s skin, talking with his voice, crushing so many souls along the broken path. He has manipulated his way into so many without conscience he then deceives them and extinguishes their hope! Was Robert’s dream dying in the wind? Did he not have enough energy to fix things? He had become unhappy, spending idle moments thinking maybe the grass is greener on the other side?

It was sunset. I watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, the threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as stygian darkness took over the sky. Sequin-silver stars like the glowing embers of a dying fire winked down at me, illuminating the tremendous curtain of the sky, and then suddenly the clouds parted, and I found myself looking at a lustrous, argent disc casting brilliant rays of moonlight onto the dark grounds.

The desert quickly cooled turning to silver transformed by the light of the moon Robert just watched on as the moon hung like a great luminous pearl on the radiant breast of heaven. The moon was now under siege by stars they seemed to lighten the night even more so bringing forth the light that hung in the inky black sky! After a few moments the glitter in the sky looked like Robert could scoop it up in his hands and let the stars swirl and touch one another keeping them for his own, but they are so distant, so far apart that they cannot feel the warmth of each other even though they are made of burning fire!

I would call them beautiful, but even that wouldn’t do each one of these bright diamonds in the sky justice. This is something you can’t describe or tell anyone about to share the experience, this is not even something you can capture in a photo. You should be here, hear silence, smell the desert, feel the sand with your hands and gaze into the unknown seeing them through your eyes will you only be able to see their true beauty. Stars are just shiny silvery-blue dots in the sky, what makes it different than dots of light shining through little holes on a black paper? The mystery of space!

The eerie darkness of the night would never escape my memory. I clearly remember the pitch-black curtain draped over the sky and the twisted, warped shapes that the stars made against the blackness. The milky speckles twirled and danced along the sky in various patterns, tugging at the corners of my lips in a way that almost made me smile. It was hard to shove aside the worries corrupting my mind, but eventually, I stopped walking over the soft sand below my feet and just... stopped thinking. I was alone. Nothing from my life could touch me. Not right now! Not a single thing could harm me. I stared up at the sky and studied the silver glow of the moon. He smiled down at me with love so intense it warmed my soul like a fireplace on a cold winter's night. And there I was, standing in the middle of the desert at midnight to escape my life, even if it was just for a few moments in time!

The look that the moon gave me didn't cause the storm to go on inside of me. Instead, a hot blue fire flickered in my heart and soon started to grow, eating at all the dark emotions in its path. My worries burned away, and the tears for my fallen comrades Jim Cadeus and Drew were starting to form at the corners of my eyes as a few melted down my cold face with a rush of relief. They were more like the feeling of joy, relief, happiness and freedom streaming away from my hurt eyes. They were temporary cleaners to wash away the pain. I never cried, it just wasn't me. But tonight, under the protection of millions of stars and the beautiful moon, I felt like I could let the floodgates open with a single snap of my fingers. But I won’t I stared up at the sky and continued to let my pain run away for the moment.

Robert takes a seat on the sand looking up into the sky watching waiting wondering! Is there really life out there someplace?

You know I’ve been humbled, over the past month I haven’t known which way is up or down! I’ve lost myself someplace and I’m not sure if I can ever really get back who I was. Is this just the next level for me? Who knows really? I don’t! Here I sit beaten battered and damn near broken. My mind a mess and I’m barely breathing! Being wrecked would be an understatement! Maybe I’m sad, knowing I’m going into a match where I am injured and unsure! It will be a first for me! Or maybe the time has finally caught up with “The Omega”! Soon everything will be answered! Can I or can’t I! Is it time to pass the torch? Who knows really! Time will tell my story! Now then as far as my search for intelligent life out here where it supposedly all started! Nothing! Just desert, stars and me! Well, not just me!

The camera pans to Robert’s right revealing a middle-aged man lying naked on the desert floor, he’s painted green and wrapped in tin foil!

That’s about as intelligent as it gets out here! A drunk naked red neck painted green and wrapped in Reynold’s wrap! What the fu………..dge?

Suddenly Robert picked up an unpleasant scent, week-old socks or rancid cheese!

What in the fuck is that smell?


Drunk guy dressed as an alien shit himself! Someone needs to put a probe in his ass! Plug that thing!

A bright light appears from nowhere shinning on Robert

I cover my eyes trying to make out where the origin of the light source was coming from! I’m shocked, there is intelligent life out here!

Robert stared as if a rhinoceros appeared out of thin air.

I feel the sparks in my brain, desperately trying to connect the dots and instead just causing a short circuit.

Jesus Christ it’s………..

Robert turns the camera around revealing the camera crew behind him. The three-man team turned their spotlights on

My film crew! I know how anti-climactic! But that’s the point I’m trying to push here. Erebus it’s basically what you are in a nutshell! Anti-Climatic, uninteresting and that’s to start! All talk, and even less action! My question to you is this if you can just snap your fingers and have whatever in the hell you desire! Why face me? Why even walk down the ramp? Just snap and your fingers and bam Hart Champion! Simple! Hell, I’d have everything! Unlimited booze, hot and cold puss on tap, a yacht the list goes on and on from there! Hell, I’d have an amazing watch collection! Rolex’s, TAG’S you name it! I’d have it! Speaking of watches, I was flipping through the channels the other day and see that dick Floyd Mayweather, oh shit who’s he going to fight now, right? I hope he gets his ass beat, I’m thinking! Nope! Had not one damn thing to do with fighting! This is why no one watches ESPN you fucks! They showed his latest buy! An 18-million-dollar watch! Who in the fuck needs an 18 million dollar watch anyway? How’s this dick going to read the big hand on it anyway? He can’t read the menu at Mc fuckin Donald’s! This guy needs a tutor to read a pop-up book! Sorry went off on a rant there! But if you wanted one you could have it! Better yet why not just snap those fingers there THANOS and have all the belts in XWF? Or wipe out half the universe? For a man….. Wait I mean being, uh….. Whatever you are, that can have whatever it yearns for you sure as hell don’t seem to have much!

And as far as me owing you something, you are right I do owe you something and I’ll be handing it over to you July 4th! With a pink bow! I owe you one hell of an ass whipping! Erebus, you have caught me at an impeccable time in my championship reign! You’ve caught me for the first time with my pants down around my ankles! I will walk down to the ring still injured and fight maybe for my last time as champion! But make no mistake about it, I will never lay down for you! I’ll never admit defeat or back down, there will be no cease-fire and I’ll never cave in! If you want what is mine come pry it from my cold fucking hands! Make me surrender, show me my time is no more! What I will do is battle you with an aggressiveness you’ve never seen! Even in my injured state, I will wage a war, unlike anything you have ever been up against! I’ll show you a brash boldness I’ve shown so many others! As I hammer away on you, pushing forward with my fight! I might not walk of Warfare asHart Champion! I may lay once more in a pool of my own blood! But know this, you will never be Robert “The Omega” Main, you’ll never be the champion I am or was! Once this championship leaves my shoulder the dark days will fall on the division once more!

Robert pauses for a moment pointing at the camera then lowers his head

Erebus, you mentioned that I was full of hate and to be completely transparent with you! Your right, 100% correct! I am! My hatred of you is nothing but a transformation of your shame and insecurities. Those two things I just mentioned shame and insecurities those are the things that you hate about yourself yet lack the courage to face me like a man. It is far easier to lose yourself in your Deadpool theatrics, casting yourself as the victim and the leading whatever the hell you claim to be than it is to swallow even an ounce of pride. All you have done is beat a person down who's already had more than their soul can take several times over. Warfare we will see if my animosity and hostility towards you makes a difference! Like I’ve said I don’t hate you for what you did! I have a certain loathing for anyone who crosses my path! This match isn’t about retaining my championship anymore it’s about reprisal! Avenging last week’s attack from behind with my own counterblow! I will do whatever it takes to settle the score between you and me! It’s been tit for tat! Warfare I take a piece of you with me win lose or draw! I’ll take something you can never get back, and once I have it checkmate!

Robert looks up with the moon and stars behind him

I may not be a spaceman, but I am your Champion!

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Robert "The Omega" Main's post:
Azrael Erebus (07-04-2018), Darius Xavier (07-04-2018)

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