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A sit down with Rush
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Rocky Rush

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04-17-2018, 07:28 AM

The Tron cuts to Steve Sayors having a sit down interview with the newest member of the XWF Rocky Rush

Steve Sayors: Rocky, welcome to the XWF, How does it feel to finally be here in the biggest federation on the internet?

RR: Quite frankly it doesn't matter, The greatest of all time is here and you should be asking the XWF management how they feel to capture the hottest free agent in this business! This company needs Rocky Rush more than Rocky Rush needs this company! I could have went anywhere in the world I had offers from Japan. Massive money offers, but to me it's about where the best competition is and honestly I see the guys and girls here as the best competitors in the world so it was a no brainer!.

Steven Sayors: You proclaim to be the greatest of all time, What gives you the right to call yourself that? What has Rocky Rush achieved in his career

RR: How about I punch you in the mouth for your stupid questions you stupid son of a bitch! Listen I'm Here and I'm ready to beat the shit out of anyone who gets in my way of me becoming the XWF Universal Champion!
My history speaks for it's self, most of these millennial assholes won't remember me because they weren't even little sperms in their deadbeat fathers ball sacks. I don't need to say much more, soon the G.O.A.T will be in the ring and I'll show everyone why i am as great as I say I am!

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