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The Rise of Amber Dawn
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Amber Dawn Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

04-11-2018, 12:37 PM

The huge Victorian home which had obviously been neglected for years sat alone, surrounded by a black rusty aleko prague style metal fencing. The color, once white had now turned dingy grey over the years as the paint flaked away. The windows and doors were smeared with aged dirt and mud, as its brick work was slowly crumbling away. The entrance to the home was over ran by weeds and bushes that hadn’t been trimmed or cut for months. Children now sat outside of what they dubbed “The Horror House” daring each other to open the gate and go inside of the home, a dare that everyone resisted. Whispers and rumors around town were that screams could be heard coming from the interior of the rundown home constantly, but when investigated by the police they found no evidence of foul play from within or its owner.

Many of the older residents of the town remember the house during its more illustrious times, and the owners Anthony and Darlene Porter who were well respected. Both Anthony and Darlene were both well-known architects in Hollow Way Missouri and were responsible for many of the buildings and businesses throughout the large town. Once a month they would hold charity events at their house and try and give as much back to the community as they possibly could, they even had a huge party announcing that after years of trying the couple were expecting their first child, something the towns people remember Darlene Porter bragging and smiling about every chance she had. Shortly after September of 1995, the day their daughter Amber Dawn was born people began noticing a change in the once respected couple.

Many thought it was the trials of new parents, things like the baby crying at night and the couple not getting enough sleep and then having to work long hours throughout the day. Then Darlene started getting out less and less, and when she was seen around town she would occasionally be wearing sunglasses to cover up black eyes, or long sleeve shirts during the summer months to hide bruises. Some of Darlene’s closest friends said that Anthony had become violent and abusive after their daughter was born, swearing up and down that Amber Dawn was pure evil. People had thought that Anthony just wasn’t prepared for a child and took his frustrations out on Darlene and everyone in the town, some had even though he had gotten into Satanism after he began changing the exterior of their home adding statues of gargoyles and other small gothic touches, giving the once beautiful home the threat of sinister evildoings within.

Six years later the family had yet another daughter, Tabitha Porter which was Darlene’s pride and joy and a complete opposite of their first born Amber Dawn. Amber Dawn was close with her father, both seen in public wearing dark clothing and sticking to themselves, and hardly ever being seen with Darlene. As the years passed and Tabitha got older she on the other hand was smart, witty and always seen in bright colored sun dresses smiling and grinning ear to ear. It almost seemed as if the family were divided, Anthony and Amber, and Darlene and Tabitha all four never seen together in a public setting. It was in 2003 that Anthony had died after falling down a flight of stairs, which was considered an accident after an autopsy showed a significant amount of alcohol in his blood work, others believed that Darlene had finally had enough of her husband and was finally pushed to the edge killing him and making it look like an accident.

In 2005 Tabitha was found dead in an upstairs bathtub, supposedly from drowning. This took its toll on Darlene, especially since she was the one who found her favorite daughters lifeless body. Only a few months passed until Darlene ended up taking her own life, leaving Amber Dawn to social services and foster homes for the next several years. Some of Darlene’s friends mentioned the day Amber Dawn was taken out of the home, not a single emotion depicted on her face.

It didn’t seem to matter where Amber Dawn went trouble seemed to follow. The first foster home she was placed in a fire ensued shortly after her arrival, leaving the family homeless and Amber back in the system. The second foster home she was placed in constant fights broke out between her and the other children in the home and was kicked out after hospitalizing one of the children with a broken arm. The problems only continued until no home would take her in and she would finish the rest of her younger years in an orphanage home. There she met Sarah, possibly the first person she ever met that she could actually call a friend. The two were inseparable and were thick as thieves constantly finding themselves in trouble with the headmaster.

In 2013 Amber Dawn had finally turned 18 years old and was visited by a lawyer at the orphanage. There he had delivered the news that she would inherit her families home, properties throughout Hollow Way and a large undisclosed amount of money rumored to be in the hundreds of millions. This was everything that Amber Dawn needed to start a new life, one on the road and doing what she loved to do the most, fight and inflict as much pain on people as possible. Her true calling was professional wrestling and over the years she honed her skill becoming one of the greatest in the business in the underground scene.

The year is now 2018 and a new challenge has arose, the XWF.

[Image: mXCAgy1.png]
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