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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
Zombie {Pt. 1}
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-01-2018, 09:13 PM

[Image: djF3aMy.jpg]

Hey Jen Jen, it's so nice that you are finally getting serious about this match. Let's look at this week alone shall we? Who was the first person to give a shit about this match? Right, me. I was because I actually want to see this division thrive and grow. I want people to pay attention to this division and I would love it if more women joined the ranks of the XWF. The fact of how proud you are that you ruined it in the first place is disturbing. When I wrestle I don't have the goal of trying to make someone quit, my goal is to try to get the woman I face to step it up so the division can thrive. You want the bragging rights of making women quit but who are you really helping in that instant? Yourself, not the division. It's why management put me in this match because you were and still are a sorry excuse for a champion.

I do have to say you are the exception when it comes to not wanting my opponents to quit. The reason is exactly what I said during my last promotional, you hear the same thing from every woman you face because you do not improve. The reason people are rooting for you to lose isn't because they want to see me win, it's because they know if you win they have to listen to ignorance everytime the bombshell championship is on the line. You have zero respect for yourself or this division and people are sick of hearing about how you are the only reason this division is around when you admitted YOU KILLED IT.

Now, I don't understand why you have such a big stick up your ass when it comes to me telling you I didn't give my best. I have to admit I was expecting some backlash from that but come on bitch you act like I'm the only person who hasn't given their best in every match they competed in. Me not giving my best was me sending a message to management. Again, that doesn't make me a brat and shit, it means I know my worth in a company and if I get treated like shit management can deal with me not giving a fuck about that match. It’s similar to how you say you are going to make this division only as strong as you want it to be. I’m not going to let a company fuck me over with a match. It's easy for you to sit there and talk when you and Chris are supposed to be a power couple. Tell me the truth because I already know what it is, if you had to be my partner would you try or would you let me get my ass beat? You would walk away from the ring the moment I needed you and you can't lie through your teeth and tell me you wouldn't. You hate me because you envy me, your actions prove that in and out of the ring. The same goes for that stupid fucking match you just can't seem to get over. I'm not going to risk hurting myself and being out of the ring for someone who isn't trying in the ring. I don't give a shit if he's top 50 in the company and I sure as hell don't care that he held a championship and is a main eventer. If you aren't going to pull your fucking weight don't expect me to win the whole match for you and me. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only reason you won't shut the hell up about this already is because it is the only time you will beat me and you damn well know it. Also, I thought what you did doesn't matter, it's what you do that counts? So why is the fact he held a championship and is on the top 50 list important now when he didn't do anything significant for our match? Someone is a hypocrite Jenny, sounds like you only say something when it suits your needs AKA trying to make me look "bad". Get it? Got it? Good, now shut the fuck up about a match that doesn’t matter anymore.

So nothing I have done in the past matters? Every championship I have ever won doesn't matter? Every match I have ever competed in doesn't matter? Jenny, while I agree that what really matters is what you do now I don't agree that everything you've done in the past doesn't matter. You brought up Ric Flair so let's go with your example. He was a LEGEND in the WWE. When someone said his name you knew just who he was. It wouldn't have been that way if he didn't win championships and won matches. The reason people stopped caring is because he got hold, washed out and wrinkly. A new generation started watching and this meant a new roster was needed to keep them entertained. Ric didn't make the cut because again he was old and couldn't keep attention. I have been wrestling since 17 and I can still hold the attention of an adudance. People know my name in different federations because of matches I have won and championships I’ve taken. You want to know the real reason you want to say the past doesn't matter? It's because in the past, and not even to far in the past, you were a nobody. I was winning championships while you were deciding which pair of lacy underwear to wear while getting fucked in the ass. The past matters because all the matches I won and lost made me a better wrestler. With out those I wouldn't be where I am today and considering the time I have spend in the ring I have to say I know more and have seen more than you. I know this business because I grew up in it. I watched the greats wrestle inches away from me while you were sucking dick in the locker room of your high school. That is why I am a brat or whatever the fuck else you want to call me when I have an attitude. I have an attitude because I earned that shit. I lost matches and learned from mistakes and it made me a champion. You, you still have dues to pay and mathes to lose bitch. If my past didn't matter then why did you bring it up our first match anyway? Because even you know the past and what you did in the past matters today you just don't want to admit it because your past is full of shit you would rather forget than learn from.

Why did you join wrestling? There was truth to your comment that I am used to pain so of course wrestling would be an ideal job for me. You on the other hand, why not go into something you were good at from the beginning like porn? I have a theory that the reason you went into wrestling was so you could be eye candy and get attention but when you realized that only goes so far you actually decided to try in the ring. Sadly, you trying still isn't good enough to be considered any threat. Me on the other hand, I went into wrestling because fighting for my life, pain, and hurt was all I ever fucking knew Jenny. I get it, everyone has their demons and if you ask anyone in the wrestling business they will tell you they had big demons in their life at one point or another and it lead them to wrestling. The difference between me and you Jenny is that while this fucking piece of plastic championship is your life, wrestling, all of it, is mine. I have worked my ass off and put blood sweat and tears into this business because it was all I had. You came into this business because what? You thought you didn't earn the nice things in life? Good, because you probably didn't but don't tell me a bullshit story of how this is all you have. I've been through it all and seen it all bitch, I've been hung by my neck above the ring gasping for air by my lover to be where I am today. You don't want to play tit for tat because bitch I have you beat ten million times over, you understand me?

Something that irritates me is the fact you base everything around a championship you have labeled as useless. That in itself tells me that you think the only thing you are good for is a useless title. See, I might not give my all in a match because of enough respect for myself to do so but you don't have any respect for yourself. That is the reason you are no good to this company and no good for this division. You make yourself sound like a fool with the words you speak and the way you say things. Based on your words, not mine, when I take this championship away from you you have no reason to live. Without a championship you mean nothing in this business and that only shows your ignorance. If wrestling were to end I know I could move on and do something else with my life. You on the other hand have nothing to live for. So, when I win and you decide it's time to end it all I want you to think about me. I want you to remember I took everything from you and left you with nothing. I want you to see this match in your head as the last drop of life leaves your body. You want to brag about ending careers, I'll be the one to end your life and that's so much better than simply ending your pathetic excuse for a career. Get your shit together and learn what self respect is because before you have it you will never be worth anything in this division, company, business, or even in life. The fact you allow a championship to define your life makes you look pathetic. If this is really all that you have to live for I guess you really should consider taking the advice you gave me and slitting your wrists so the people who actually have a life can live it with more oxygen. That's all you are, a waste of oxygen.

Not that it has ANYTHING to do to with this match, I just have to ask, are you actually with Chris because you have feelings for him or the fact he used to be someone big? Are you with him to leech off the man he used to be or with him because you want to be? You honestly think it makes me impressed that you planned his leaving? No, all that shows me is that this XWF power couple is actually the most emo couple in this company. All this information you are telling me proves how shitty you both are in this business. Sure, I was abused by my husband and I have reasons why I didn't leave sooner. Do you know what it's like to have a man telling you your his and if you leave he will hunt you down? Do you know what it is like to live day to day in a house with your number one enemy? How about having your life threatened every day? I was raped by someone I gave everything to...I had no choice but to stay for the sake of mine and my daughters life. A man who promised to love me took a box of puppies and shot the box up in front of me and told me "That could be you." You made Chris leave because he started to suck. How pathetic are you and your "Power Couple." That's another reason why I'm so great in this business and you never will be. I know what to do in order to survive and it shows in the ring. Marcus and I were an actual power couple, better than you and Chris ever could be. We were the top of our divisions and part of the elites in companies. You and Chris, you both look like bugs compared to us. But I digress...

You aren't a Queen, you are a jester. You're whole career is a joke and so are you. You are the person everyone laughs at and only pays attention to when they need a good laugh. I'm a fucking legend, something you will never be because even if you come close I will make damn sure to put you back in your place. You can't pick and choose who comes into this division because if you could I would have been gone already. You can prey on the weak minded but I'm not like any other bitch you've ever met before. I will not back down to a barbie with a big mouth. You wanted to fight with a bear? You got your wish bitch because I'm the bear that's going to rip you to shreds. I might not be apart of this companies top 50 just yet but give it time. I might not be the best here but I've only just started my reign of terror and you are my first victim. I will take this championship home and I will be the women's divisions best at Turning Point, and after, I will be bigger than you ever where or will be in this company.

I don't put up with shit Jenny. I don't run my mouth like this without backing it up. I've paid my dues in this business and I'll be damned to have a speck make me seem or look like I am less than what I am. You are nothing more than a cum stain on the sheets of this division...You had one job and instead of making it to the egg, or in this case the championship, you didn't even make it inside. You can hype yourself up and say whatever the hell you want about me. When we get in the ring that's where this bullcrap ends. The talk of this division will be how you got put in your place by Mandii Fucking Rider and how she kept you in your place. You are a mosquito that never goes away and is always buzzing in someone's ear trying to suck off people with actual talent. You are nothing Jenny Myst.

Just for your information Heart doesn't mean shit to me in this match. If she even shows up for this match she's already lost. I don't want to pin her to get a fast one over on you, I want pay back for managements mistakes in my returning match. I want you on your fucking back while I pin you. I want you to barely be able to move and it is my goal, no, my destiny to screw you out of this championship. (Wonder how many sexual jokes she’ll get out of those lines) If anyone is going to pin Hart to get a win it will be you because you know one on one you would never beat me. After all, you pinned the weakest link in our tag team match so if anyone needs proof of the words I speak go watch Warfare. You knew you couldn't pin me and so did Chris so you guys picked on my partner to get the win and this week I'll prove it. It's time to pay up Jenny and stop being a baby in this company. You are a spoiled piece of shit, not a fucking champion. It's time to kill the princess and replace her with a fucking Queen.

Your party is over, bitch.


After posting my promotional for my match, I drove out to where I knew I could find Teakin. She made her home near the Siren Veil in a small clearing near a cliff. I parked my '67 Camaro SS and got out before leaning back on the hood of the car. In front of me was a petite little house made from wood found from the forest. The door opened and Teakin stepped out smiling once she got glimpse of me. She walked toward me and the car before standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

You needed something?

I looked away from Teakin and let out a sigh. I slumped on the hood of my car and looked back at her.

I need you to help me remember...

Teakin laughed under her breath and dropped her arms to her side. She gave me a condescending smirk and nodded her head.

But, if you don't mind me asking, what made you change your mind?

I fell asleep...I know why Jason was in the lab with me. He was trying to save me but ended up being captured with me. One of the doctors, if she even is an actual doctor, was a witch I asked for help years ago. I didn't bother to dig into her background and even if I did I probably wouldn't have found out that I knew her. I need to remember the last three doctors so I know who I'm killing... I also need to know why this is the way I am remembering and why I forgot. I can't shake the feeling that everything that is going on traces back to that fucking lab...Including this prophecy everyone is so worried about.


Why would a lab that experiments on supernatural and mythical creatures have people on staff who aren't human Teakin? Why would they be running tests on things they already know about like vampires and shapeshifters? Something was off about that lab and I'm pretty sure me ending up in there was all planned out. Archy said something that hasn't left my mind. The head lab coat, Dr.Ashba, knew a lot about me even before they ran tests or dug into my past. These people are a danger, not to just me but possibly to us all.

Why do you think it has to do with the prophecy?

That part I have no proof to. I just have this feeling that if I can remember what happened in those two years I'll know more about this damn prophecy. After the first dream I felt like there was more I needed to know but I was scared. I don't want to remember what happens because I have to relive it. I thought the reason I couldn't remember was my brain trying to block all the pain, that's why I didn't want to sleep again. Now, I'm starting to think there's another reason I couldn't remember and why I am now when I sleep. Besides, I can't not sleep for the rest of my life.

Teakin walked over next to me and leaned on the car as well. She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest looking out over the clift. Not a cloud was in the sky and the sun glistening off the ocean below.

So, when do we do this?


What if we can't stop this prophecy?

It won't matter because we'll all be dead.


I made it back to the Sirens veil and to my room. Helen was there to meet me with question after question, ones that I ignored. I sat down at my desk and noticed a glimmery piece of paper. The calligraphy decorating the page let me know it was from Serena.

Serena dropped that off while you were gone.

Did she see the files?

No, she asked where you were and I said you went into town. She didn't ask many questions, just dropped that off. What is it?

The names of the Siren's I'll be training.

I turned around in my seat and draped my arm over the back.

I also took this seat in the court so I can prepare them for this prophecy. If you aren't the Original to bring the world to an end then that means as soon as I kill off these two love birds one of your sisters is going to be a god. I'm the key in all of this so I need to make sure I have an army to stop what I've started if it goes to far. I need those Sirens to be as strong as we were when you went off the deep end. If I die this time, I need you to do me a favor.


Sage is coming here, I need you to take care of her.

And if the world ends?

It won't, not with you as a leader if I die. I can make people look up to me but you've made them fear you. While I don't agree with your methods, you can lead them. I need you to show Sage who she is if I can't. She deserves to choose her path in life instead of me intervening because I want to give her everything I lost. I haven't been her mother and I might not get the chance...But if you would do me this last request I would be able to rest easy knowing Sage is taken care of.

Helen laughed taking away the seriousness in the moment. She crossed her arms and leaned back on the wall while shaking her head side to side.

No, because no one is going to die. No one that matters anyway.

Our conversation was cut short by the door of my room swinging open and a winded Amaryllis standing in the doorway.

Knock much?

Blair is missing.

The panic in her voice reverberated between the two of us. Confusion crossed over my face before looking over at Helen. Her eyes were locked on Amaryllis so I turned my attention back to her.

What do you mean Blair is missing? I saw her along with the rest of the court last night.

Serena sent Miranda and Hadassa out to find her, she's been missing since this morning and no one knows where she went.

Why should we worry about that?

Blair is clairvoyant, she's the one Serena has been getting information from. She's the one who saw I had a hand in the prophecy. I'm shocked she hasn't seen anything about you yet. The fact she left could mean she saw something she didn't like.

Or she's the original who it's about! Think about it, she put the blame on my mom to get eyes off her. Mandii, we need to find her.

Ok calm the fuck down, we don't know if either of those are true. She could just be taking a stroll around humans or trying to repair our treaty with the hollows.

Both Helen and Amaryllis looked at me with confusion.

What? It was in the letter.

She wouldn't have just left without telling anyone. We need to figure out where she is.

Ok, look, I don't think chasing after Blair is where our focuses need to be right now. Teakin is on her way here and I'm sure Miranda and Hadassa will find Blair.


Mandii's right, we don't know why she left and even if it is suspicious it's nothing Miranda and Hadassa can't handle right now.

Besides, even if it is her I'm not killing the two doctors until I get my hands on Ashba and find out what he knows about everything going on. Until those two are dead she won't have the overwhelming power to killing everyone.

Wait, you said Teakin was coming here. Why?

I need to remember as much about this Ashba guy before I kill him. Palmer was being watched by the government and Archy was a witch so they didn't expect her to need help. I don't know anything about this guy because there is nothing in his file, literally nothing and apparently he knows a lot about me.

Then you and Teakin do whatever it is you need to do. Amy, ask around and see if anyone at all has seen Blair or knows where she might be. See if she talked about going anywhere to anyone.


Amaryllis walked into the room long enough to give her mother a hug but was gone as soon as Helen released her grip around her daughter. Helen looked over at me. We both knew something was going on but didn't want Amaryllis to investigate too much. Her attachment with her mother could be the thing to ruining everything for us and both Helen and I knew it.

Shortly, Teakin showed up to my bedroom. There was no words as she walked into the room and I laid on the bed. She softly pressed her hand on my forehead and in no time i drifted to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened to reveal a dark room. I could feel a cold presence on my back but was stuck in sleep paralysis. When I could finally move my body, I lifted my back off what I could only assume was a morgues table. The room around me was pitch dark and I couldn't make out anything. My feet dropped to the floor as I noticed I had nothing to cover my body. My back began to burn on either shoulder blade as I stood covering my chest. I tried to feel around the room before coming across a light switch. I flicked it on and the room lit up to bodies on tables and blood being drained from them.

My breathing lowered and I could feel my body coming down from an adrenaline rush. The pain on my back started to become unbearable as I reached a hand to touch my left shoulder blade. I could feel the stitching and dry blood on my finger tips.

What the hell...

Before I could investigate the room I felt a sharp pinch in my neck before blacking out. When I awoke once more I was on the same table as before but tied down with restrains. A man with a surgical mask over his face towered over me. He ran his hand through my hair before running it down my cheek. I struggled under his ice cold touch before stammering his through my lips.


It seemed to have caught him off guard because he began to choke me with both of his hands. I could barely breathe and it felt like my body was on fire. My veins ran with fire as I let out a shrill ear piercing scream that sent him across the room. My breathing grew faster as I pulled on my restrains until they broke away from the table. I sat up realizing I was now in a hospital gown. In a matter of moments my head darted to the other end of the room and focused on the man. My blood felt like brimstone as my arms changed to wings and my body darted across the room. I pinned him against the wall but before I could remove his mask I felt a splitting headache rush over my brain. I dropped him to the ground to hold my head before yelling out.


Once again I blacked out and when I awoke I was standing over Jason's body. Dr.Ashba was opening his chest but paid no mind to me. I watched as Ashba cut and removed things from Jason's body and placed them on a metal sheets. I tried to peel my eyes away from my brothers body but I couldn't look away. Tears streamed down my face as I watched Ashba dismember my brother before hearing a faint voice.

Mandii! Pull his mask off Mandii!

I looked up at Ashba and reached out to grab his mask before a decayed hand gripped my wrist. My heart dropped as my body ran cold and a cold sweat washed over me. Jason pulled himself up, his face peeling away from the bone. My breathing got louder as he showed a decaying smile. His skin was brown....Green...Roting...



He screamed in my face but before I blacked out I noticed a man and woman behind Ashba. They were not wearing masks but dressed in black clothes similar to Teakin's. The last thing I remember was a shrek before waking up in my bed.

She still breathing?

Mandii? I think she's waking up. Mandii?

I felt a slap across my face causing me to jolt awake. Taekin stood over me with concern written all over her face.

Who screamed?

You, you stopped breathing and started fighting some imaginable thing and Teakin over here looked like she was being possessed. She said for you to take a mask off and then she woke up. You on the other hand, you look like you died and came back.

Mandii that part with your brother wasn't a memory. There's someone else in your head.

I propted myself up on my bed by my shoulders feeling my head pound with pain. I took my right hand and ran it over my left shoulder blade. My skin felt patchy from stitches. I dropped my hand back down on the bed with a sigh and speaking sarcastically to Teakin.

Duh, I thought only mindwalkers could get in someones head like that.

Teakin, still concerned, nodded her head.

But that's impossible because I'm the last one. Helen killed the rest after our treaty was broken. The only reason I made it out-

I don't give a shit right now Teakin, who the fuck were those two people before I blacked out?

I- I don't know I woke up before you did.

Is it even possible to get into someone's mind without touching them?

I've read about ones of us that could do it from afar as long as they had something belonging to the host but it had to be something personal. Besides, it would take two mindwalkers to do it and like I said I'm the last one.

I wouldn't go claiming you are the last one just yet.

Helen, with a smug look on her face, looked over at both Teakin and I. All color drained from Teakins face.

W-What do you mean?

I mean I warned a couple of the people before I raided the camp for a friend.

What friend?

Your father.

To be Continued...


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