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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
The Debacle
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-26-2018, 05:39 AM

Continued From R.E.C.O.N.

The Debacle

How fitting! This song in a strip club! Cliche or what?

Oh, this is one of my favorites!

I bet it is darling, the guy looks like "The Lover Boy" Vinnie Lane! My boss!

Robert sat there bottle in hand watching as her curly brown hair falling in soft layers down around bare shoulders. She had a perfect physique and alluring brown hair! Robert looked into her dazzling blue eyes, like the sea, calming and emotionless, losing himself for a few moments as time stood still! He wanted to reach out and touch her red lips, so full and glossy red even in the fading strip club light. Her bare arms were toned from countless hours in the gym working hard to become something more! A money magnet! The stripper had confident, sexy dance telling the world she's one bad bitch! And she was!

Robert turned his attention towards the entrance of the strip club watching and waiting, like a cat waiting for the mouse! without warning a few men walk in dressed in suits followed by their mark Robbie, Roberts sisters soon to be husband! Robert's eyes gradually became more narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. Everything in the room suddenly became invisible to him full attention on Robbie! His blood drained from his heart, now hammering erratically out of Robert's chest! He was never afraid of his anger even when the fire burned hot and fast! He was though was deathly afraid of the ice running through his veins!

It coated Robert like a protective permafrost, there was no reaching him now. Even well-meant words would bounce off like the rain on a summers day! His lethal stare felt painful and piercing as if his glare was tearing through Robbie's heart killing him where he stood!

::::::The song Stops::::::

That's it, baby! Unless you want to go another round!

::::::Robert hands the stripper a hundred dollar bill motioning for her to lean in close::::::

What's your name?

Star Mr. OMEGA!

Listen sweet cheeks do me a favor! You see my two compadres over there by the main stage. Drew is the one laying on the stage with the two strippers on top of him! Jim is the one throwing hundred dollar bills in the air next to the girl on the pole Can you send them over here? I need to talk to um!

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Sure thing sweetheart

Thanks, Star!

Robert watches as Robbie takes a seat across the strip club in the only other V.I.P section! The music was as loud as thunder, the drinks began to flow like wine across the way! These simpletons were about to party like it is their last day alive! The music begins to move the bachelor party like puppets on strings, their heads smashing so remorselessly against their brains. Before too long these lone wolfs will be in total shut down mode. That is when Robert will strike! Nice and drunk willing to tell the world all their dirty secrets! Jim and Drew sit down as Robert points across the strip club! Drew slams his hand down on the table as the glitter falls from Drew's face and hair looking directly at Robert's face now covered in glitter as well!

Bob! That's a hell of a lot of glitter on your face!

Christ almighty, that's more glitter then Drew and I combined! Lucky son of a bitch!

Listen guys lets not get caught up in who has the most strippers hooter glitter on their face. It's clearly me because I'm awesome! Were in a strip club, if you didn't have glitter on your face from tits you'd be Erik Black! A Total Homosexual!

So I asked for "the special" and they didn't have it. Not sure what kind of Mickey Mouse operation this is. Never heard of a tit joint that didn't have "the special."

What in the fuck is tha special? Sounds interesting

Okay I was in this strip club a long time ago outskirts of Chicago. They had something called the special for 10 dollars so I said sure what the hell. Anyway, tl:dr version a pregnant woman about 8 months maybe 9 months gave me a lap dance! She rubbed a lemon wedge on her tits gave um a good squeeze got some milk going, ya know not really my thing but when in Rome. Then she poured sugar on her nipples and slapped those bad boys in my mouth. Damn near suffocated. But it tasted like sour patch kids and you know how I love those sweet and sour little bastards. She basically created them right there on the spot. I'm not ashamed to admit that after I got home I cried myself to sleep I was so happy. It was at that moment that I realized that God does exist.

Oh my God! Tell me you're lying to us! It's a joke right?

Call me George Washington because I never tell a lie.

Okay now that I am about to vomit from the picture you firmly planted in my mind forever now! Where the hell are these disguises man

Un momento por favor!

Drew reaches underneath the table pulling up a large plastic garbage bag

Listen, this is it! We have to find Robbie either cheating on my sister or something so repulsive she won't want to marry him! This rehearsal dinner is going down in two days! I hate the guy and do not want him to be a member of my family. That being said we have to have solid, real evidence! Drew, I know you care for Kayla and you have my blessing to be with her! But it won't happen unless we get some dirt on this ass hole!

Thanks, Bob! Here we go put these on and make it snappy.

Robert and Jim looked down at the table top shocked! Drew pulls from his bag three pairs of thick black glasses, attached to them big noses and mustaches with big bushy eyebrows! Drew quickly puts his on grinning from ear to ear like he had just won the super bowl, while Robert and Jim sit there with theirs in hand mouths wide open!

This is insane! It's never going to work! But what tha hell! It's Vegas I'm sure they've seen more crazy then this! This is funny!

Jim places his on his face laughing hysterically looking to Robert who is now tapping his on the table still unsure!

Bobby get yours on he knows you. He won't spot Jim in the crowd. As for me, I'll be all stealth like. Oh shit! This is my jam! Not really! Kay let's go!

Let's go spy my brother! Let the games begin!

Drew bolted from the table with the best of intentions as Jim worked his way through the crowed strip club watching closely as the bachelor party went full bore! Robert leered again to the main stage as the girls continued their fully nude dance, and to the old pedagogue, every movement was full of naked beautiful poetry. They advanced, retreated, pirouetted with their arms waving from side to side then above their heads, their heads swaying to the music along with their alluring naked bodies as one of the strippers hits the splits Robert can do nothing but gaze in all her glory clapping his hands!

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Jim shouts from across the room

Holy shit did you just see that? I love Vegas! I'm going to come out here and party more with you bro!

Robert looks to the camera

Erik you know it's really adorable you believe you have a shot at taking what is my god given right! You can not and will not stop my reign as Champion! King's never fall to the peasant's sword in battle! This division is my throne! One I will continue to sit upon after this match! To beat me would put a sizable feather in your cap, the problem for you though Erik, I rarely lose any feathers! Your nothing more than another name off the list I'm flushing down the toilet! I just pray a turd of your size doesn't plug the bowl!

Robert looks at the bachelor's party making sure Robbie was still here and continues on

Erik Black nothing and I mean nothing that you have done in this lifetime will have prepared you enough to defeat me in the ring! Now let's dive back into you running you gigantic mouth! Your "Pure Torture" promo the one filled with your erroneous amounts whining! Let's talk about that, seeing how I have now dropped two promos on you and haven't even mentioned anything from this travesty! I noticed one thing right away though! You seem to complain just like Chris Chaos after a loss. He too is quick to run to the rooftops and begin bitching about how he was screwed! Are you sure you didn't get your talking points from him? What's next? Wikipedia? Black, I thought you would be better than this complaining and crying! Listening to you go on and on murmuring about needs to stop! No one screwed Erik Black, no one has it out for the pint-sized fighter! You just needed a scapegoat, you needed someone to blame your shortcomings on. Quick to point the finger, never realizing there is three pointing right back at you! So where do you start management, that always seems to work! Blame management for your lack you skill in the ring! Blame Vinnie Lane and all the top brass in the front office because you are an underachieving ass hole? Let's see how man times Vinnie listens to this hot pile of garbage before he sends you packing! No one in management wants to hear your baby nuts sobbing, though you do a great job at whimpering like a bitch!

Then you decide to go after our referees it's now their fault for your misfortune! Drew was out, the ref didn't ring the bell! This that and the other! Have you not for one fucking second thought that maybe Erik Black was just born a loser? Not one damn time have I ever came out and blamed anyone or anything when I lose, and that is few and far between! I Erik, suck it up like a man, I take it on the chin and pick myself up and go about my business! I don't go on a bitching spree and hope someone will hear me out! You blame the ref? Really? The ref? A man doing his job? Had you done your job tough guy the ref would have been an afterthought! The fact of the matter is you Erik could not get the job done! I've never left a match in a ref's hands, I go in and get the job done! I finish! There is no second guessing! There is no in-between or right and wrong! There isn't even an argument! Why don't you just be a big boy and blame the one single person who should be taking all of the criticism! Yourself! There is no one's throat to jump down but yours, Erik! You are the embarrassment the disappointment, no one but you! In the end Erik you can blow the whistle on whomever you'd like. You can say and do as you please, but the rest of us know the truth! We live in reality! You squandered away everything because your simply not good enough to win! You can't hang on the top, after this match if I were you I'd stick to the low hanging fruit on the bad ass tree! You need to remember your spot on the totem pole! Ground level, or the bottom!

Robert sighs

But then you took it one step further you accused APEX of cheating! Of all the things I've been called, a cheater is not one of them! You are one low down dirty son of a bitch! You know that? You came up with a theory, stating that our money got into the ref's pockets! Now we're buying off refs? Erik listen to yourself even as half-brained as you are, you know better than this! If we were doing this "Lover Boy" Lane would have our asses suspended so damn fast our heads would spin. The three of us would be stripped of our Championships! Why would we risk all of that just to pull one over on the lonely Erik Black! A small fish in a huge pond? We wouldn't! But I'll take your ideology and go one step further. I'll poke a few more holes in your plot against the mighty Erik Black! If and I say "if"! Ref's could be bought off, why haven't you been buying them off? You're the big shot with all of the money around here. Am I right? You continuously pound us over the head with the money you have! Buying the refs off would fix your losing problem in a second! Kid the problem is you are coming off like you know everything and know nothing at all. You haven't earned a right to bitch about anything here! You need to know your place! You blame Vinnie who had nothing to do with you getting your ass handed to you! You blame the ref's, then you blame APEX, stating we have paid off the ref's! Listen son were not going to waste one single red cent on paying off anybody. We like our booze and women too much to waste it on something we don't need! Who will you blame when you lose to me? Aliens, Bigfoot, the Earth is flat! What excuse will it be this time?

Yo Robert! Robbie is on the move, looks like he is heading backstage! Want me to follow and see what I can find out?

Robert nods to Jim

Where did Jimbo go?

Backstage, Robbie went backstage with one of the strippers! My guess, Jim's going to catch him in the act!

Maybe Robbie got the "special"! God, I love the "special"!

Drew there is no special here!

Behind Robert, a stripper leans in quietly like an assassin she whispers softly over his left shoulder then licking Robert's earlobe. Robert jumps not realizing she is standing there!

Oh sug! There's a special! Show me the cash and I'll make your wildest dreams come true!

Drew eyes light up as his interest peeks

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Can you make those snuggle bunnies taste like sour patch kids?

Baby I can make anything happen!

Sold! Uh, big shot Bob! I'll be right back!

This is honestly insane! What else could go wrong? Speaking of us knowing you would drop the ball! Yeah, we kind of knew you would break down collapsing underneath the pressure! Do you know why we knew you would lose? Because Drew is the better wrestler, he is tougher than you! Case being he's Champion and your not! This time around you and I, nothing has changed! We all know I can win simply because I am more superior in every way! I know you're on the comeback trail and all kid, but that come-back is going to have to wait just a while longer! Turning Point you won't be blazing any saddles! It's actually sidesplitting and comical that you believed for one second that Drew was the weak link of APEX. The man has more talent in his right nut then you do your whole broke back mountain body! But again lets for a second go with that hypothesis, you seem to have a lot of them and none of them is correct but we will go with it for a second! So if Drew is the weak link, what would that make me? Hell, you said it yourself I'm one of the most aggressive, ferocious men wrestling today! You said I am a dangerous man! I mean I am a passionate bloodthirsty son of a bitch willing to do a lot of frightening things in the ring to succeed! But like I said if Drew is the weak link and I am this murderous savage! What in the fuck are you going to do when you can't even put him down?

See what I think happened to you in that match on Savage was, Drew put a few too many lumps on that thick head of yours, leaving some bruises on your brain! Your conspiracies are rubbish! A man will billions at his disposal, and yet has zero intelligence when it comes to anything wrestling related! Let's just make up shit right Erik! Let's just ramble on spinning bull shit someone someplace is bound believe it! Do you work for CNN or something? Why don't you take a bit of that cash you have stashed away and go get a fucking education! Dealing with someone that is so asinine starts to hurt my head! Just listening to these over-hyped, long-winded bull shit promos drops my I.Q.! You can build all of the wrestling schools you like! In the end, it won't matter because you cannot teach a dunderheaded halfwit who is out to lunch stupefied to beat Robert Main! You can say you have trained with every Gracie on planet Earth, I don't care one fucking bit. You may or may not be a great fighter Erik! But you are not a great wrestler! That's where I step in! If you were so great maybe would have won more matches by now! You want to try and submit me, go ahead and try. Robert Main bends he don't break! The best way out of a submission is a devastating punch to the face!


Now where in the hell did that bastard slip off too?

Jim stared down the hallway lined with purple velvet curtains not sure what private room Robbie might be in! He runs his hands through his beard like Zeus pondering to himself what he should do next! Jim smiles shrugging his shoulders opening the first curtain

Fuck it! Here we go!


Now the next!

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Sorry, Jesus!

Here we go again! Holy shit three beautiful women making out naked? Paydirt! Ladies, Big Dick Daddy will be right back!

Where in the hell did this guy go!

Jim checks the remanding private rooms not finding his mark! He ran through the list of places Robbie could have gone in his mind, checking off the ones he had just searched. As he gazed around the backstage area he notices a man filming him. Then it occurred to him he was the one being watched! Jim quickly turned his back heading back to find Robert very uncharacteristic of Jim. Who generally would have smashed the guys head right where he stood! Jim makes a B line to Robert who is still scanning the strip club for Robbie!

Robert we have a problem!


We are not the ones watching, They've been watching us the whole time man! There was a guy filming me backstage! Look they are filming us now on their phones! This is either blackmail or a setup!

Are you sure?


Set us up how? As far as they know we are here having a good time!

We need to bounce or find out what in the hell is going on right now! Robbie was nowhere to be found backstage!

Interesting, what's their move?

Drew enters the conversation his mouth covered in what looks like sugar

Where were you and what in the fuck is all over your mouth?

Sugar Jim! I had the "special"

No shit? Robert, we have to come back here, bro. I love candy too! You ever had red hots! Now that would be amazing right there!

No.. Just no! Sour Patch or nothing! That would burn their nipples, Jim! Come on!

There that mother fucker is! Fuck this come on were going over there.

Robert becomes reckless walking up to the V.I.P. section still being filmed by Robbie's friends Jim and Drew follow suit! Robert smiles slapping the phone out of the man's hand and stomping it with his snakeskin cowboy boot!


Robbie: Robert, Drew and a big lumberjack!

Wait how in the hell? He knows who I am! I have a disguise! How?

Drew it's didn't work buddy!

Well shit tits! Hey Robbie! I told you if you didn't break it off I would tell Robert!

What's this I hear about you cheating on my sister?

Robbie: Listen, Robert, I don't want any trouble alright! We are here just trying to have a good time! It's a bachelors party why don't you guys join us and we can talk things over! Drew did come to my house and threatened me. I never let Kayla know about it! Stuff like that would really upset her! But I haven't done anything wrong! Drew is just jealous he will never be with Kayla! He is trying to ruin our wedding Robert! Can't you see this? Plus Robert you hate me too! I'm not cheating! I would never do such a thing to your sister! I love her! But I see you guys are angry! Listen we will leave! Okay? Guys cut the cameras okay!

Robbie's friends turn their phones off placing them in their pockets. Robert then motions to the camera crew to cut their cameras!


Robbie: Now that all of the cameras are off! Let's cut the shit! Robert first and for most fuck you and the horse you rode in on! Trying to save the day for your whore sister! Drew is right! I have been cheating on your sister and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it! I have been banging her bride's maids for weeks. I ride them hard and put um away wet! The wedding is set! She will never believe any of you! She knows you hate me! Plus I just got everything on camera! I begged I didn't want any trouble! Fuck you! Keep it up Robert and I'll fuck another Main your Mom! What's a matter, Robert? Cat got your tongue Your a bitch just like your sister! I own the three of you!

At this point, Robert's brain had shut down. He was clammy and there was the glisten of a cold sweat beading up on his forehead. His eyes were as wide as half-dollars! He ground his teeth seething, he remained trapped in his own psychosis, a living nightmare one, tailor-made by Robert himself! Jim and Drew step forward to each side of Robert! Robbie's friends backed away frightened!

Their watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on their necks now stood on end. A gaggle of goosebumps lined their naked skin. There was nothing worse than being scared. When scared you lose all rationality and became a monster that would do anything to survive the oncoming encounter. Your thinking becomes distorted. All the adrenaline in your system makes you stronger, like a superhuman. You feel less pain! Like a firework, either safe and in its box, or exploding, and the fuse is doused in gasoline! The only thing needed now was a spark!

Robbie: So you pussies going to do any......

There was stillness on both sides for a few moments. The tension building to a boiling point! The hatred was now visible. Then suddenly movement to Robert's right, as Drew lept across the table still in disguise knocking beer bottles to the floor, as the table turned over Drew got Robbie to the ground and began raining down the thunder! There was so much force in every blow each shot could be heard like thunder. Drew rained blows down like skud missiles trying to smash Robbie's head into the strip club floor! Robert feels a bottle break over the back of his head. He looks around confused shaking off the cobb webs turning around grabbing one of Robbie's friends by the throat! Robert waste no time in tossing the man head first through a pane glass window out onto the Las Vegas strip.

Jim calmly takes Robbie's two other friends clanging their heads together dropping them both to the floor. Robert pulls Drew off of Robbie walking through the broken window out onto the strip Jim follows the pair as Robbie crawls out onto the strip flipping the three men of. Rober kneels down throwing a few hard shots knocking Robbie out cold! Off in the distance sirens can be heard screaming out, closing in quickly on the three!

Can you believe that mother fucker! He's lucky I don't kill him right here! Fuck another Main! Then this dick friend hit me in the head with a bottle!

I hate Robbie but in his defense, your Mom is a fox!

Not helping!

Well this went well! Where in the hell is the camera crew?

Worst part about it is we look like the dicks! We look like the bad guys! We have no proof of anything! Oh look our XWF camera crew is here on their white horse after the big fight broke out! Thanks for all the help guys! Oh, and here just in time to start filming the fuzz showing up! Robert, Jim I cannot get arrested I'm on prole!

Arrested again I might add!


Well this is going to be a real long as night! The went over like a lead balloon Who's up for resisting arrest on top of the destroying private and public property.

And assult!

And attempted battery!

Fuck it

Guy's I've got to split like pronto!

Okay Drew go now! I'll hold the cops up long enough for you to get away! Get my sister!
She can get us out of this mess! I hope!

Are you sure?

Go, bro, we got this! Get Kayla!

Robert points to the camera

Erik one final thing before I get arrested. For me, it's not about the Hart Championship! It's about something more. It's not enough ruling the ring! It's about dominating this division, ruling with an iron fist! I've handed you the golden ticket, a shot of a lifetime! You just won the Robert Main lottery. I'm sick and tired of these down low fights! I'm tired of the Gilmours and Mc Brides! Mez! I needed a step up in competition so I turned to the man who had been running his motor mouth! Although not a huge leap in athletic ability I signed on the dotted line! This is a pay per view after all. I had to defend my Championship! I put peoples asses in seats! I defy all the odds! Turning point I'm going to be the raging bull in a China shop, charging ahead full speed! Now for the first time in your career, you are going to feel what it is like to be in a real rodeo! At our little showdown, I'm going to walk right out into the center of the ring stick out my chest and dare you to do something! You want to put me to the test? Go ahead squirt, there will be no more words after I draw my cannons, and when all the smoke clears. I'll be the last man standing! Oh, look the boys in blue! Well, Black, I'm about to go to jail. But rest your pretty little head comfortably. I'll be talking to you real soon!

I gotta go!!!

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[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
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Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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