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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
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XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

02-25-2018, 08:16 PM

Continued from
-----Meeting With An Old Friend-----


Hey, Robert in all seriousness! Thanks for taking me to your friend's gravesite tonight! For you to trust me with something so near and dead says a lot! By the way. I'm sorry for what happened to him! He sounded like an amazing person! Leukaemia, I couldn't imagine!

Ah, I always did talk about him. I just figured it was about time you got to meet him for the first time! Were family Jim, I don't have too many deep dark secrets or anything even close, but this needed to be done, man! And don't be sorry! It's not your fault! I honestly hold enough guilt for the both of us!

The guilt sat heavily inside Robert's guts like gasoline. He felt as if his insides were dying slowly from all the toxicity poisoning him from the inside out, needing only one spark to set him ablaze. The fire burnt him so badly there was nothing left but a shell oh the man he used to be, an outline of a person he once was.

Why the guilt Robert? There was nothing you could have done to help him right?

::::::I sigh loudly mumbling under my breath. I glance at Jim who looks concerned! I've got to tell him the truth. What really happened.::::::

It wasn't so much as there was nothing I could do about it, Jim! It's that I wasn't there to say goodbye to my friend! I went to Japan and wrestled as an 18-year-old kid, following my dream! I never thought he would pass away! I always thought he would make it through and battle on! That didn't happen. I was too busy winning my first Championship to realize anything beyond my own selfishness! By the time I was told I needed to get home. I hopped a flight! He held on as long as he could. But passed just as I was landing! I've been beating myself up ever since!

That's a tough pill to swallow! But look on tha flip side. You would not be here today if you didn't chase that dream brother! You are one of the most feared wrestlers walking God's Green Earth today!

It's a double-edged sword! I hold this close to my heart! I will say this though! If I could trade every Championship I ever won all of the success in exchange for 5 more minutes with him! I' do it in a heartbeat! What needs to happen is simple they need to find a cure for all cancers!

Jim lightens the mood

There's always weed my brutha!

::::::I laugh out loud with Jim.::::::

That there is Jim! That there is!

Do we know where Robbie is going to be for his big bachalor party bash?

The distinct smell of Maker’s Mark cigar fills the air all around Jim and Robert as soon as Robert removed the cigar from his cherry red lips, blowing the smoke into the air carefully as if it was the aftermath from the kiss of death it's self, aching to steal his life away. Robert gently flicks his cigar knocking the ashes off into the street, then seamlessly placed the cigar back into his mouth sucking the smoke deep into his already charred lungs remembering all the warnings he had been told about but not caring one single bit. He continued holding the cigar between his teeth, thinking to himself how his lungs must hate him depriving them of oxygen!

One day this smoking cigars shit will catch up with me! Oh, It’s just up here!

Nah, broski your gonna live forever! So why didn’t we drive bro?

Robert looks to Jim out of the corner of his eyes grinning from ear to ear!

Because here in Las Vegas, Jim we can walk down the street with this refreshing, ice cold APEX BEER in our hands. Drinking until our hearts are content! No need for a D.U.I.

True that! By the way, this beer is the shit! I cannot believe for one second we got this fat contract with them! We really owe it all to Drew! Plus all the beer we can drink! Oh shit, were on camera Rob! Let’s hit the watching audience with one of our many slogans!

Robert and Jim stop looking to the camera

If you’re not drinking APEX BEER you just like ERIK BLACK! A cheap imitation! Get the real deal, A Beer so Good it’s Bad! Don't be Erik Black!

That was perfect! One of many!

Agreed, and hell it’s the truth! He, I mean Erik! Is nothing more than a worthless imitation! How many billionaires we got running around the XWF?

Jim starts counting on his fingers shrugging

Hell he is a carbon cut out of so many others around here. Tough guy with lots of money! Hey, wait a second!

What you had that lightbulb moment!

This kid reminds me of Theo Pryce! He's an ass hole with lots of money who thinks his shit don't stink! I'm honestly surprised Pryce hasn't sent the kid a cease and desist letter!

I can see that! Been there done that right! What's next? Him losing control and locking people in an ankle lock? I think I remember a guy like that......

Robert takes a moment looking to the Las Vegas strip which was now gridlocked parking lot. Every car and truck had turned off its respected engines, drivers wandered on the highway looking up and down for clues. Then came the sirens shooting up the service lane, police, fire and ambulance. A chopper flew low overhead and began to land a mile further up the strip, that's when folks settled back in their cars preparing themselves for the long wait.

Think it's something serious?

Nah, Uber driver wrecked or a drunken ass-hole! Nothing major, see it all the time here! Some idiot getting hit by a car because he can't hold his weight in liquor like he believes he can! If it was something serious we would have heard about it by now!

Robert leers at the camera for a few long moments taking delicious gulp of APEX BEER

I think I'm going to cut on black right here right now!

Get um bro, don't let me top you!

You know the discrepancy between you and me Erik? That was a big word let me ask you again! The difference! I stay hungry, match after match I remain unsatisfied! Thirsty for more, craving that top spot, a spot you'll never reach because of barbarians like myself! One would assume after several months now as your current and reigning Champion, I would have gotten comfortable! Getting comfortable is for amateurs and flunkees, like you Erik! Becoming complacent will only ever lead to one thing! The very moment you become cushy in this business everything that you pursued, fought, scratched and strived for disappears right before your very eyes! In one single second of time, one blink of an eye. Everything evaporates into thin air! As Champion, I must always keep my head on a swivel, knuckling down bracing myself for the next up and comer thinking they have a shot at my throne! The very moment you wrestle adequately, not on the very top of your game! All of the accomplishments and achievements are gone. All the hard work and implemented and carried out, merely a memory! To put it simply! You lose! That is why I keep my self-starved Erik!

I remain famished because one conquest is just never enough for a man like myself! One title defense, never enough to satisfy my deprivation, I always desire more! This Championship is only half of the equation, deep within the pit of my stomach, there is a yearning Erik! A hankering for something more than just this Championship I hold over my shoulder! I am a bottomless pit when it comes to perfection! Each and every time I step foot inside of a ring anywhere on this planet I chase excellence! I wage war with man after man, fighting for every legend that held this Championship before me! I battle to be what so few can be called around here! I want to be held in great regards! I want to be known as the man who bulldozed through each and every competitor I faced! I will knock off every man woman and child outshining and overcoming every single odd stacked against me! Why? Not because of this Championship! Not because I have to! I do it because it is ingrained in my D.N.A. The man know as Erik Black is just another stepping stone towards my ultimate goal! Being the very best Hart Champion in XWF history. Envy keeps me awake at night Erik, I must be the very best at what I do. Or what is the point in being here?

Robert pauses only for a brief second taking another sip of his liquid from the God's APEX BEER

Before I left XWF, for a while there was a motto and to this day it still somewhat rings true! You scratch my back and I'll stab yours! When I did come back I decided to take a good long look at the landscape around me! It had changed ten fold! I was fired up and pissed off tired of the way things had been! Before I had people in my ear telling me what they thought I could be! Telling me what I should be doing! Steering me in the wrong direction for their own personal gain! In that very moment, I realized something very important, I was the one driving! I was the master of my own seas, no one else! So I looked to, family! Drew and Jim! So why do I bring this up now? Erik because you have this distaste for APEX this hatred and bitter resentment! You despise what each of us stands for, three brothers always ready to head into battle with their swords and shields for one another! Fighting for what is right in a world filled with so much wrong! We live by the sword and damn sure die by it! We are all Champions looked up to and respected by our peers, yet you loathe the very ground we walk on! We are not the dirty players so many are used to, sure we bend the rules from time to time, but then again who don't!

We nauseate you don't we Erik? we make you shudder at the very sight of us! We are not the bullies you claim to be! We just got rid of a few bullies knows as the Mother Fuckers, now THE OMEGA get's to get rid of another bully, you Erik Black! Once the clock ticks down and Turning Point finally arrives, I Robert THE OMEGA Main along with my APEX brothers will change the face of the wrestling world once again! Now before you run your dick suckers telling me it cannot be done! Just remember one thing we were told the same thing at War Games! We walked out the victors, Turning Point will be no different! Drew will go into his Television Championhsip match and retain his Championship! You know the one you could not wrestle away throwing a grade A shit fit! Jim will win the Universal Championship again! But before Jim can do that the world will watch you and me! Two out of three falls, Erik you are in for the thrashing of a lifetime! I'm going to take every collective moment from the past few weeks, from the egotistical power trips to the temper tantrums after a loss! The broken promises and all the lies, and once again make you eat crow!

Nothing sets a man straight and arrow like a big gigantic piping hot serving of humble pie! And I'll make sure you devour every bit! Erik Black, the fact of the matter is you are not as well versed as me in the ring! You might believe you are this high-quality shoot fighter with amazing submission skills! Your merely satisfactory, where I am exceptional at everything I do! You will never even come close to beating me at Turning Point! By the end of the match you will hear "AND STILL XWF HART CHAMPION" ROBERT THE OMEGA MAIN! This is I promise you!

Bobby! Jimbo! Finally. What the hell took you guys so long?

You called literally 10 minutes ago!

Jim it was an hour ago. Are you high? I swear to God if you two were out seeing juggs again...

Drew, we were not out seeing tits okay! We were walking up the strip drinking. Heading here throwing back a few APEX BEER'S. Nothing more or less.

I think they put crack in that beer! It's like nectar from the Gods! So I got good news and some bad news, which you want first?

Robert and Jim both take a drink eyeing Drew, when Jim speaks up!

Okay good news!

This is where Robbie's bachelor party is.

Robert looks up at the neon sign

Treasures Gentlemen's Club? Are you fucking kidding me? What a loser. I'm not sure what the hell my sister sees in this moron! What's the bad news Drew?

You see the bouncer over there in the baby gap shirt? He says we're not on the list. Thus...can't get in!

No list no problem I'll handle this!

Robert crosses over the velvet rope jumping in front of everyone in line! Robert leisurely walks up to the bouncer who is intensely looking over his clipboard to even notice Robert standing in front of him! Robert clears his throat getting the bouncers attention

Bouncer: Name!

Robert Main!

The bouncer looks over his list of names looking down at Robert from his 6'8, 265 frame! Robert stone-faced stares back at the blad giant not moving a single muscle

Your not on the list!

No shit!

What did you say to me you little prick?

Oh, you must not have heard me! I said no shit you baby gap wearing, Mr. Clean looking sack of donkey dung! Hear me that time?

Jim and Drew move in closer unsure of what the large bouncer will do! Robert grins pulling a few hundred dollars from his pocket.


The bouncer slaps the money from Robert's hand. Jim slowly makes his way behind the bouncer with Drew!

I don't want your fucking money, Robert! No name on the list! You're not getting in!

The bouncer pokes his finger into Robert's chest a few times just as Drew and Jim are about to pounce the bouncer smiles with Robert shaking hands! Drew and Jim back off unaware of what just had happened!

I'm glad you called man! How are you doing you son of a bitch?

I'm good man thanks for getting us a V.I.P. table!

Wait you know this meathead?

Yeah! For a long time now!

So then why did I have to wait outside?

Oh, I did it to fuck with you Drew! I didn't want you seeing all of those tits without Jim and I! That would be un-American! Bro's before hoe's man!

This is clasic!

Your a bastard Bob! A son of a bitch bastard! So not only did you delay me seeing massive boobs but you two got to see them while I was asleep in your Jeep earlier today. Unbelievable. You know I'm a boob man!

::::::I nod my head laughing.::::::

Dick's pure dicks! I hate you two right now!

Let's get in there! Boob's, booze, and an R.E.C.O.N. mission all in one! This night is going to be an epic one!


The strip club is filled to the brim with enjoyable vibes flowing through like a virus. There's love in the air but not the normal type of love! The love for money fills the air! The dancers are all hyped up and ready to give anyone us a good time as long as the price is right. Jim weaves through the crowd from center stage where he has been for some time now, like a pro, his smile wider than the grand canyon! As Jim approaches the V.I.P. section Robert and Drew notice Jim's hair face and beard is covered in glitter! Jim takes his seat sliding two APEX beers across the table to Robert and Drew!

They sell this beer here now too?

This shit's gettin huge! We've plugged it a handful of times and look! It's everywhere!

Jim weird question! Where did all of that glitter come from?

The strippers Drewski! They rub their tits in your face!

Wait what? You mean you have been up close and personal with these tits?

Laughing Jim nods

We need to go back up there Jim! Like right now! Oh and once again here you are seeing fuzz without me! When is it going to stop?

Let's go brother!

Guys keep a lookout for Robbie he should be here any second according to my sister! You see him get back here! The problem is he will notice us!

Nope! No! Notta! He won't! I've got some disguises! They are perfect. We'll be right back!

Jim winks

He loves tits! We did keep him away from them for a while now! It's only fair!

Jim and Drew bolt towards the main stage while remains in the V.I.P. section calm, cool and collected!

Erik I want you to know something about me when I make a promise or guarantee I follow through! Unlike a man of your stature, you've promised the world time and time again and in the end, you always fell short! Now I am about to make a promise to you right here right now! In the middle of this strip club, as God and all of these beautiful strippers as my witnesses, I'll promise you this, you'll be sorry you ever decided to sign on that dotted line! You should have stayed in your lane like a good little billionaire! You made the mistake of shooting your mouth off and placing my name in your mouth! A sin you'll pay dearly for! Saying my name never goes unnoticed! You speak ill of me, I make you pay a high price, a price you will regret! Once all the smoke settles and those tears in your eyes dry up you have learned the lesson so many others had learned the hard way before you! You should have steered clear and taken your half pack of Rolaids you call a dick someplace else! Stupidity at it's finest!

You come off as the type of guy who would pay for a prostitute then brag about getting laid! I bet you are one of these morons running around eating TIDE PODS! But then again from what I hear you've always been good at butting light loads and dark loads in your mouth! Haven't you? People like you are supposed to be smart! A cut above the rest. eating TIDE PODS what's wrong with you! I bet Willy Wonka is rolling over in his grave right now! Well, Gene Wilder anyhow!

I bet within the next few years because of boneheads like your self their won't be TIDE PODS! Maybe it's because you like the sensation of something bursting in your mouth. Or your tongue turning more colors than a queer flag! Why don't I save you the trouble and use a condom and tie a not in it after I'm finished? Look on the bright side when XWF management ask why in the hell your eating TIDE PODS you can always say because your trying to get clean! Look on the bright side when you shit your pants in the ring against me at least they will be spotless and fresh! These are jokes, Black. I'm sure you'll have a three-hour promo about how you don't eat TIDE PODS now! You'll tell us there is no TIDE POD tough enough to slide down your razor like throat. What you need to do is lighten up! Tell a joke or two, we all know I'm going to wreck you, come Turning Point. There is no need of being as serious as dick cancer! Crack a smile! Enjoy your time, while you have it! Live a little!

Hey there all cosy up here in the V.I.P. section would you like a dance?

Yeah, darling! When In Rome right? Just give me five will ya?

Sure thing OMEGA!

Known worldwide baby! Now, where was I? Oh yeah, Now after Drew gave you that wrestling lesson a few weeks ago give or take! I find it very ironic you still want to continue on this path! But here we are! Hey has anyone ever told you, Erik, you are living and breathing proof that anybody and I mean anybody can ACT TOUGH!

Robert points at the camera raising one eyebrow

You ready sugar?

Absoutley! Show me what you got baby!

Be Ready For The Debacle

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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