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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » TURNING POINT 2018 RP BOARD
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches
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Mandii Rider Offline
Eat Your Heart Out Bitches


XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

02-23-2018, 06:27 PM

Get out.

I said letting my backpack slump to the ground with a thud. Teakin turned around showing me her narrow face and piercing emerald eyes. She smiled pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear under her hood.

Is that any way to talk to an old friend?

She took a few steps forward but stopped at the sight of the bag on the ground. Bloody clothes and a polished black doctors bag protruded from the sides of a broken zipper on the leather backpack. Teakin let out a sigh then focused her condescending look on me.

What mess did you get yourself into this time?

I take it you haven't talked to Amaryllis? I thought you were her next line of "talking sense" into me.

Confusion hung on my face and now Teakins as well. She looked down at the backpack once more before picking it up. I took this time to make my way over to my bed and lay back on it. I let out a sigh as my body began to sink into the mattress.

What did you do?

Using my elbows, I propted myself up to look at Teakin. She was wearing a look of concern on her face as she held a blood stained shirt in her hand. Sarcastically, I smiled and sat all the way up on my bed, my hands to either side.

Oh those? I got my period and didn't bring a tampon. You should have seen the bathroom I used, it looked like a massacre.

I sarcastically laughed and slowly laid back on the bed. I layed smiling to myself until a large black bag was dropped next to my face.

And that?

I looked over at it and rolled my eyes. I let out a discussed grunt before forcing my back away from the bed using my elbows. I then pushed myself off the bed and looked Teakin deep in the eyes.

You keep asking questions that you really don't want answers to. Why do you think there are bloody clothes in my backpack and a doctors bag? I can tell you I wasn't playing naughty nurse...Ok maybe a little.

Mandii...What did you do?

Another sigh left my lips as I pulled the bag from my bed and dropped it at my feet. Out spilled a white lab coat with the name tag "Palmer" on it. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms tightly over my chest.


Murdered someone, yeah I kinda did.

I could see tears well up in Teakin's eyes as she studied the lab coat.

This is my fault...

Excuse me?

She didn't say anything causing me to furiously pull her to me. My hands gripped tightly at her arms as she looked at me, tears streaming from her face.

What exactly is your fault?

She pulled away forcing me to let go. Red hand marks laced her arms as she quickly made her departure from my room leaving me to my own assumptions.


After Warfare

My blood ran like fire in my veins as I sat on a barstool in the corner of a night club. I grabbed a shot glass of bourbon in my hand tightly trying to allow my body to heal but also to try to ease my mind. My annoyance could be felt across the bar as I tighten my grip on the shot glass causing it to crack. To be fair, I had already made the assumption that I would lose my returning match but not because of the two halves of a whole idiot I was facing. My frustration was toward my good for nothing waste of flesh partner. I let out a sigh as the match played back in my mind. If anyone were to ask me why I work alone that single match would be the prime example.


The familiar voice of Teakin rang in my ears over the music. I looked up to see her still dressed in her black hood that covered her facial features.

Get the hell out of here Teakin, I'm not in the fucking mood to put up with anyone right now.

I really need to talk to you.

I rolled my eyes but before I could muster up any words Teakin had pulled me to my feet and started to lead me toward the exit. I pulled my hand away from her and shoved her away from me. Her back hit up against the bar as the bartender was mixing some drink causing it to spill. He glared at me before asking if there was a problem. I shook my head and tried to walk past Teakin but was stopped by her hand on my arm. Annoyingly I followed her outside of the club.

Once we reached outside, the cold brisk air hit my face cooling me off for only a moment. I growled under my breath before crossing my arms over my chest.

I don't expect you to know this but I just lost my fucking match because I got paired with all gut and no glory. Right now is not the time to pull me away from drinking and it sure as hell is not the time to be fucking talking to me.

I let them take you.

My expression lowered from anger to confused. Teakin hung her head down and let out a sigh before looking back up at me.

Amaryllis told me about...everything. She told me you don't remember much of what happened to you...I was with you before they took you and instead of helping you I hid.

I growled again and forced Teakin's back onto the brick wall outside of the club. Her breathing lowered and her eyes showed signs of fear.

Mandii wait!

No, I'm in a really bad fucking mood right now Teakin so telling me this right now is a very stupid move on your part.

Let me explain!

I'm really not in the fucking mood to talk.


A stranger's voice called out from behind me. It was a male trying to muster up the deepest voice he could. I dropped Teakin and turned to meet him standing directly behind me.

You need to calm down.

I cocked my head to the side before grabbing his arm and pulling it behind me. He quickly went to his knees and began begging me to stop and let him go. I smiled before hearing the sound of his shoulder popping out of place. Adrenaline rushed over my body and it was as if I was getting a sweet sick pleasure from hearing him scream out in agonizing pain. What snapped me back into reality was Teakin pulling me away from the club and a group of people huddling around the man.

Let go of me!

I pulled myself away from Teakin causing her to stubbled back slightly.

Mandii, let's go home.

Home? I'm sorry I don't have one of those.

Please...We really need to talk...

I looked over my shoulder and noticed flashing blue and red lights. A sigh escaped my lips as I nodded in Teakins Direction.

The drive back to the forest was quiet. Neither Teakin nor I made much of a sound until we reached my room. I slammed the door behind Teakin before walking over to a small corner desk inside of the room.

You have five minutes to tell me what you need to tell me because I have things to do.

I watched Teakin's gaze slowly move to the files that had been neatly placed on the desk. She quickly shot her gaze back to me before speaking.

I was trying to make myself feel better when I came here. I thought you remembered that I was with you when they took you away and I came to say I was sorry but then I realized you didn't remember. After I talked to Amaryllis things made a little more sense...I'm sorry about-

Save it. What do you want?

Amaryllis told me you haven't been sleeping...At all. That was made obvious by how annoyingly irritable you are lately.


I wanted to help. It's the least I could do.

You're wasting your time because I don't want to-

Before I was able to speak another word the room went dark and my body felt cold.

The air around me felt cold and crisp causing me to slowly wake from my blackout. I could hear yelling but could only see black as I slowly pushed myself up from the ground. My veins felt like ice under my skin and the air around me made it hard to breath.

Teakin! I don't want to fucking sleep I've been sleeping for almost two fucking years! Wake me up!

Before I could say anything else the yelling became unbearable echoing through the darkness. It was a familiar yell...It was Jason yelling. I tried to cover my ears but the noise was still unbearable. I tried calling out for Teakin again but my calls were in vain and masked by the yelling.

When I opened my eyes I wished I hadn't. A water like substance flowed into my eyes causing them to burn. I tried to breath but instead of air rushing in my lungs water filled my mouth and lungs. I let out a cough before my eyes began to focus.

In front of me, only a few feet away, laid Jason on a table. Four people huddled around with blood stained lab coats on. I tried to yell, tried to scream, all I wanted was their attention for only a moment. I knew Jason was dead but I couldn't bare to watch them tear into him as though he was a science experiment. I banged on the glass in front of me but as I caught the attention of one of the lab coats my vision faded once again.

This time, when I awoke, I was laying face down inside of a cage. My body was on full display as I pulled myself up onto my knees. The coldness radiating off the cold concrete floor wrapped my body in ice. I felt furious but instead of feeling the heat I was used to all I felt was the ice cold chill of the air around me.


I called out once again with no response. My body began to shake profusely but before I could let out another word an electric jolt shocked my body causing me to fall forward. My raven black hair covered my face as I looked up, a mans face on display was all I could see through blurred vision. He smiled before sending another jolt through my body.

Where's Jason!...Where's...where is my brother...

I could barely get the words to come from my lips. My body shook from the shock and the air around me as I tried to pull myself up. Blood dripped from my nose and lower lip as I clenched my teeth.

Where is he!

I could barely lift my head to look up at the man. I noticed an electric cattle prod in his hand and a sick manipulative smile on his face. He placed his hand under my chin helping my lift my head before shoving something into my throat forcing me to swallow. Another jolt reverberated throughout my whole body and once again my vision faded to black.

My eyes steadily opened to the sun casting shadows on my bed from the blinds. The stiffness of my body wore my arms and legs down to the bed. I couldn't move for a matter of minutes nor could I speak. It was as though I was in some sort of Sleep Paralysis. When I was able to move, I shifted my head to the side to see Teakin with her back pressed against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest.

You bitch.

I said feebly as I shifted my weight to the side of the bed. She didn't move or say a word. Instead, she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. I forced my body up and my legs over the side of the bed before speaking in an irate voice.


Those weren't dreams, I can control dreams and yes I can wake people up but I couldn't with you. I couldn't do anything after I put you to sleep. I think those were...

Her voice trailed off causing me to become more infuriated. I guess that much showed since Teakin used the wall to pull herself up and back away slightly.

Those were memories.

Teakin's voice was barely audible. I looked over in her direction before pushing myself off the bed and walking over to my black backpack.

Mandii we can-

I don't care.

I pulled a few things into the pack before making my way past Teakin and to the door.

Mandii I-

I spun around on my heel and placed my hand over Teakin's mouth to quiet her.

If that is what I am going to have to see, feel, and hear when I sleep I can promise you I will never use that bed again. Thank you for trying to help, against my will, but I don't want to remember anymore Teakin.

I uncovered Teakin's mouth before leaving her alone in the bedroom.
The perfect dark and brooding setting of an old slaughter house made into a secret gym makes up the back drop. Chains hang from the ceiling and blood stains blacken the floor around me. The inaudible sounds of animals in agonizing pain can still seemingly be heard through the echoing walls as I begin my promo.

Either someone high up in the XWF management team likes me or the women's division is sorely lacking in talented women considering my returning match was a bust. Judging by my opponents, I would have to say that the XWF is full of prima donna bitches who don't know how to fight. So, let me teach you ladies a little lesson and give you a little background. This is the first women only championship I have been apart of in a while. You might be thinking "Well duh, you dropped off the face of the earth for two years," but that's not the reason I haven't held gold solely having only to do with the women of a company. I'm someone who enjoys a challenge, someone who would rather get my ass beat than have an easy victory over eye candy. So, I ran with the men in most companies I entered. See, with men you don't have to worry about them holding back or just being in the ring to show off their small figures. Men have no need to be pieces of meat for women to look at, they want to be dominate and the worst thing you have to worry about them doing is measuring each others penises in the middle of the ring while circle jerking to each other. Then again, maybe I just enjoy being physically abused by men but that's a question you can ask my ex husband. Women on the other hand come in two different types in the wrestling world. You have the women like myself who enjoy wrestling and push themselves to the limits to be the best over all. Then you have women like Jenny Myst who are solely in the business to play lost puppy with their boyfriends and follow them everywhere they go. Out of these two types of women who do YOU think deserves to hold gold and be the face of a company?

With all that being said, I would like to make it perfectly clear that the reason I wrestle is to be the best. Both men and women are my competitors because I can handle the pain but I can also hand it out to those I face. I don't like things easy, I like a lot of pain and I enjoy putting on a show for people who get a satisfaction from watching grown men and women beating each other with in an inch of their lives for entertainment. I welcome a challenge but at Turning Point all I'm seeing is an easy victory over two blonde bimbos who belong in the back interviewing the real wrestlers.

I shrug and show off a confident smile as I look into the camera. The sound of chains clanking together can be heard behind me along with the sound of rats running across old worn beams.

Now that that is out out of my way, let's start with this useless ramble bullshit shall we? Jenny, I bet you are going into this match real confident in beating me. After all, you beat me in my returning match. Are you proud? Well, I wouldn't be considering that match was basically an unofficial handicap match. I knew walking into that match I wouldn't have a tag team partner and to be honest I'm glad I didn't give it my all. I was at a disadvantage thanks to booking but this week you don't have Chaos to hide behind. You don't have a man making up for your weaknesses, you only have yourself and that's not enough to beat me.

Before I didn't want to get to know Jenny because I could tell by how she carried herself she wasn't a threat. This week I did stop to ask myself, who is Jenny Myst? Want to know what I found out? Jenny Myst and her boyfriend are stalkers. Yup, ask them everything and anything about what someone is doing outside of the ring and they can tell you exactly what someone has been up to. That tells me that Jenny needs to spend a little less time stalking people and a little more time learning how to actually wrestle. Jenny is the dumb blonde that every jock has fucked in high school, the one that gets tossed around like an old jock strap. Jenny is that mean girl who likes to tell people to kill themselves only because she doesn't have the guts to do it herself. Jenny focuses on the bad in every person's past because she thinks she can get a raise. Well, yes I was a druggie. Yes, I had a husband who beat me bloody and I had a daughter with him. Yes, I was so weak that I couldn't get her back on my own. See, I'm not ashamed of my past Jenny, I embrace my past and move the fuck on and you should too. You should focus on the Mandii you will be standing face to face in the ring with, not the Mandii who was a weak piece of petty shit. That Mandii you talked about at Warfare is dead and has been dead for awhile now but I'm not going to be embarrassed she even existed.

Jenny enjoys playing games like a little girl. Also like a little girl she has to hide behind her daddy, Chaos, to win anything. Jenny is so pathetic that she can't stand on her own to feet and has to resort to having men fight her battles. Tell me Jenny, what will you do at Turning point? Are you going to sleep with Jessalyn so you can have another handicap with me? I see right through your bullshit. I see the woman who can't win on her own. I see the woman everyone hates. I see the woman who doesn't belong in a ring. Know what else I see from Jenny? I see that she is terrified to be alone. She puts on this facade that every person here can see threw and she really believes she's fooling everyone. Jenny isn’t a threat, Jenny is an ignorant insecure child. Jenny is scared of women like me who can hold their own and she even knows she's scared of me. Why else does she grasp at any little thing she can when it comes to me? Feel threatened much Jenny?

Come Turning point no one is going to be able to help poor defenseless Jenny Myst. When Jenny steps into that ring she’s going to understand what true pain is. She’ll put on her big girl pants and pretend like she’s better. She’ll brush everything I say off and take it with a grain of salt...I welcome that. I welcome her to try to pretend she is better than me in every way. I welcome her to try to make me seem like a mouse in her presence because it makes me kicking her skinny bitch ass that much more of a pleasure. I plan to play on how inexperienced she is and how weak she really is. Jenny, I suggest you call the nearest hospital and make sure they have a bright pink room ready for you because when I’m done with you, you won’t have to worry about killing yourself anymore. When I’m done with you I’m going to make sure you are wide awake so you can watch me hold that bombshell championship high over my head. I want you to watch as I take the very thing that keeps you together. Then, when you see that you have lost everything, the last thing you will see before being in that hospital bed is the bottom of my fucking boot because all you are is a cockroach that should have been mushed a lot time ago. You might have believed you were number one while I was gone but I’m back bitch and I’m taking my god damn throne back.

A smirk crosses my mouth as I rest my arms over my chest. If there was one thing I couldn’t stand about women in this company it was how entitled the majority of them seemed. Wrestling had changed and I was realizing it with every woman I came in contact with in the ring. Instead of working for your shit all you have to do is be a whore to have a championship. Time’s need to change.

Now Jessalyn Hart, who are you? No really who the hell are you?A rookie? I’m not that interested in watching you fight but have you even won here? Have you won ever? Let me guess, you are one of those women who just sticks around for a filler right? How did this depressingly under average woman manage to make it into a championship match at all? I guess this will be the Mandii Vs. Jenny match because I don’t even think Jessalyn will even find the ring. I do see that her "expertise" seems to be in trying to take 24/7 championship on a not regular basis. Other than trying to make a sneaky win what talent does Jessalyn have? I mean, she even admits it herself that she’s not that strong and being able to bend backwards in a match only takes someone so far.

So far, I’m seeing this match as kind of a disappointment. I mean, what happened to Madison? She was someone I was actually interested in going up against and now her name is gone? Did she die? Is she leading the KKK now? Maybe she’s busy killing jews...I mean...No that’s what I meant.

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

Well this match seems to be kind of a let down but I’ll do my best to keep it entertaining. After all, after Turning Point I’m going to be the bombshell champion meaning every match I enter I’m going to have to keep entertaining because the women here are pathetic. I’m not surprised honestly, I mean you can look at XWF top 50 and see few if any women’s names on it. It’s time XWF has a woman that it can be proud of, one who isn’t here to show off her ass and tits. Coming back to XWF reminds me of wrestling before Whisper, Kera, and Jessica or what I refer to as the dark times in womens wrestling. It’s time that wrestling actually has women competitors. Come Turning Point I will have MY championship and XWF will finally have a woman worth calling a champion.

C'est la vie....adiós....good riddance....and fuck you both.


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