Finn Kühn
Be the best, or be broken.
XWF FanBase: Mixed (loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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Joined: Fri Jul 14 2017
Posts: 271
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Hates Received: 15 in 13 posts
Hates Given: 11
Hates Received: 15 in 13 posts
X-Bux: ✘50,000
10-18-2017, 10:06 AM
"If you’re going through hell, keep going."
~ Winston Churchill
7 October 2000
Outskirts of Frankfurt, Germany
The camera pans into a dingy, run-down trailer home out in the middle of nowhere. A light rain can be seen outside, with the ceiling leaking in the family room as a result. No sounds can be heard outside of the light pitter-patter of the rain softly tapping the windows and top of the trailer shed and the droplets of water crashing on the soft carpet as the camera watches in the kitchen.
But of course, like all good things, the serene peace suddenly ends.
"Mmmmm..." a masculine voice could be heard, clearly in a deep sleep. Nobody seemed to move in the run-down house, and the sounds of the rain continued, only to be cut off again.
"Muh..." the masculine voice from before chimes in again, clearly being roused from his slumber. Another voice soon talks.
"Dirk, hol die verdammte Tür!" (Dirk, get the damn door!)
"Ja, ja, ich bin drauf, Frau." (Yeah, yeah, I'm on it, woman.)
The camera can pick up the faint squeal of the springs in a mattress being squished, and before long a pale, out-of-shape German male, who seems to be the aforementioned Dirk slowly makes his way to the door in a sleepy haze. His feet shuffles against the floor as he reaches for the door knob, and as he pulls it back...
Another male greets him, dressed in an Italian suit, sunglasses and a mean mug on his face. Dirk's eyes immediately widen as the new male begins to talk.
"Du hast gesagt, du würdest mein Geld haben." (You said you would have my money.)
Slowly, stammering as he does so, Dirk begins to respond. "Mein z-zahltag kam spät in dieser Woche." (My- my p-payday came late this week.)
The man in the suit's expression became cold and hard, grabbing Dirk by the collar of his shirt and pulling him close. "Keine Ausreden. Der Chef hat schon lange gewartet." (No excuses. The boss has been waiting for ages.)
Perspiration begins to make itself apparent on Dirk's face, beaming little droplets of sweat streaming down his face. "I- Ich kann dir eine An- Anzahlung geben!" (I- I can give you a d-down payment!)
"Nicht mehr gut genug." (Not good enough any more.) In one fell swoop, the man in the suit shoves Dirk into his home where his pudgy back collides with the kitchen counter, and the man whips out a gun, pointing it at Dirk's face. "Du hast drei Sekunden, um mir das Geld zu geben, bevor ich schieße." (You have three seconds to give me the money before I shoot.)
The debt collector's face flashed for a split second as the woman from before stood in between the door to the kitchen and the bedroom, wearing naught but a t-shirt and sweatpants. If one bullet was shot and Dirk was killed, it may be able to be passed off as a misfiring from the neighbors, no one would know Dirk was killed, no cops called. But two shots? No, too messy. Too much risk involved. The debt collector sighed before putting away his gun, saying, "Sag deinem Mann, dass er sein Geld an den Zemun-Clan zurückzahlen soll." (Tell your husband to pay back his money to the Zemun Clan.) With that, he stomped off towards the door, slamming it behind him.
The woman sighed as the soft sounds of the rain began to return. "Ich habe dir gesagt, du solltest kein Geld vom Zemun-Clan leihen. Wir sind ruiniert." (I told you not to borrow money from the Zemun Clan. We're ruined.)
"Nora, das habe ich dir schon erklärt. Ich werde den Zemun-Clan zurückzahlen, sobald ich bezahlt bin. Was sollte ich tun? Lass dich und Finn verhungern?" (Nora, I already explained this to you. I'm going to pay back the Zemun Clan as soon as I get paid. What was I supposed to do? Let you and Finn starve?) Dirk clutched his ribs as he wheezed his way back up to his feet. "Alles wird gut funktionieren. Ich verspreche." (Everything will work out fine. I promise.)
Another pair of footsteps, much lighter this time, can be heard as the young, six-year old version of Finn Kühn can be seen in the doorway. His blond hair is still extremely noticeable as he's dressed in blue footie pajamas, clutching his teddy bear. "Mama, Papa, was ist los? Ich hörte Schreien, und ich bekam Angst." (Mom, dad, what's going on? I heard screaming and I got scared.) Finn clutches his teddy bear closer to him.
Dirk sighed loudly, getting on his knees in front of Finn so that they were eye level. "Finn, mach dir keine Sorgen. Ein gemeiner Mann kam, aber er tat nichts." (Finn, don't worry. A mean man came, but he didn't do anything.)
"Und was machen wir jetzt? Warten Sie, bis der Zemun-Clan unsere Türen niedergeschlagen hat? Du hast von ihrem Ruf gehört, sie werden uns töten." (And what do we do now? Wait for the Zemun Clan to bust down our doors? You've heard of their reputation, they WILL kill us.)
Dirk's face paled, he knew that was coming, and his paycheck wasn't coming until next week. Something needed to happen, and it needed to happen now.
"Wir müssen nach Amerika ziehen." (We need to move to America.)
"WAS?!" (WHAT?!)
"Bist du verrückt?! Wir haben kein Geld!" (Are you insane?! We have no money!)
"Dad, das ist nicht fair für mich! Ich will meine Freunde nicht verlassen! Ich möchte keine neue Sprache lernen müssen!" (Dad, that's not fair to me! I don't want to have to leave my friends! I don't want to have to learn a new language!)
”Haben wir eine Wahl obwohl? Nora, du hast es selbst gesagt. Der Zumen-Clan wird uns töten, wenn sie kommen.” (Do we really have a choice though? Nora, you said it yourself. The Zumen Clan will kill us when they come to collect.)
Silence. After a long pause, Dirk spoke again. ”Ich muss einige Strings ziehen, wenn ich bezahlt werde, was ich tun kann. Machen Sie keinen Fehler: Frankfurt ist für uns nicht mehr sicher.” (I’ll have to pull some strings when I get paid, see what I can do. Make no mistake, though: Frankfurt is no longer safe for us.)
18 October 2017
Kathmandu Eco Hotel
Kathmandu, Nepal
"Oh, Cadryn. You poor, simple, naive fool. Do you think this is a game?!"
"I find it funny, honestly, that you would consider me awful in that ring. I find it funny that you consider yourself to be one of the big boys in that group full of you hang out with. I find it funny you're even here, honestly."
"The name says it all myself, do I really need to make fun of you? A jester such as yourself has zero place in the sport of KINGS. You may have obtained a couple of wins recently, but those were flukes. Lucky. When you step into the ring with me, when I truly give it my all, I challenge you to find a better superior athlete, a better ring general, just a better all-rounder in that ring with me. I'm the best on the microphone, I'm the best in that ring, and every. Single. Fan. Knows it."
"You, however? You're a laughing stock. You sit there with the Kings, trying to be like one of the cool kids, when in actuality you're one of the special children they take pity on, and decide to make you feel like you matter, but if they ever had to they'd dump you to the curb in a heartbeat."
"You might be asking, 'Finn, why do you care if a reject like Cadryn likes to hang out with the Kings?' Well, viewer, I'm glad you asked."
"This, simpleton, likes believing that he's a worthy champion, that he is a suitable representation to hold the belt that was created as a homage to arguably one of the greatest wrestling families of all time! Bret, Owen, Jim Neidhart and more were honored with that championship, and this JOKE believes he's a good representative. Get real. You're not good enough to lace my boots, let alone hold one of the most prestigious titles this federation has to offer."
"We know what's going to happen, you're going to *POOF* in, you're going to try and say some shit, you're going to keep choking on the Kings' dicks throughout the entire promo, and all in all it'll look like a garbled mess of garbage."
"Let's face it: you can't compete. At all. I'm going to walk into Warfare on the twenty-fifth, and I'm going to do what your mother should have done all those years ago when you came out. I'm going to kill you and do this federation a great service. After all, a lion cannot walk with insects beneath him."
January 2018 Star of the Month
- Win | Loss | Draw -
- 2 | 2 | 0 -