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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Leap of Faith 2017 RP Board
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Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-12-2017, 07:55 PM

As the Uber rolled back towards the hotel, Jenny looked out the window, reflecting on what she had just seen. It had been so long since she had been in the business, and it was interesting to her to see it from the outside--customers point of view. It was interesting to her to see the girls from the opposite side of the stage. The girls, with the look in their eyes of overhwhelming sadness, covered with glitter and enough make up to register a weight on a drug testing scale. These girls, whose only option in life is to take their clothes off the enjoyment of others. The men sure seem to like it. Some women do, too. But the girls who do it? She was sure that nobody ENJOYED being a stripper. They did it because they had to, for whatever reason, at that time in their life.

There was this one girl that really stood out to her. Blaze. She just started at the club Jenny used to work at as 'Myst' back in the day. Exceptional pole work. Pretty face. A body to die for. Chest was a little smaller than what would normally be desired, but in Vegas you can have a few flaws as long as you can make up for them in other avenues.

Her voice had that seduction element to it, also. Her voice was enough to make someone melt. Jenny felt herself getting moist just talking to her, and she was the furthest thing from a lesbian. Or even bi. Eww.

But there was something about this girl that drew Jenny in, and caused her to think about her as she took her Uber back to her Vegas hotel. She would be leaving for Vancouver in the morning and she needed her rest.....but something told her she probably wouldn't be sleeping much.

Resting her head back on the fancy leather of the BMW she requested---only the best for the future Bombshell Champion--she let her mind drift for a moment.

"My name is Blaze." The girl had no shame, at least on the outside. Most of the time, the girls were hesitant to say anything other than the price of the chair dance they were about to provide. Some girls just weren't personable.

"I am Jenny. I used to work here under the stage name 'Myst'. Wayyyy back in the day."

The girl smiled, putting a hand on Jenny's leg.

"Oh, come on, you aren't that old!"

"You have to be what, 18, 19?"

"I am actually 20!"

"I was close."

"So, what can I do for ya? The owner told me to come over and say hi. Said you were sort of a VIP around here."

Jenny looked into this girls eyes. She saw so much of herself in her. Young, spunky, full of life......but dead at the same time. Nothing behind them, as wide and beautiful as they were.

"You don't need to do anything for me, Blaze. I just want to talk to you."

The girl had a bit of a frown. She went to get up, but Jenny pulled her back down.

"I will pay, of course. Your time will be taken care of. I just need to know a few things......."

"If he sees me not dancing....."

"It is me....he knows what I is fine, Blaze. Trust me."

The girl seemed to loosen a bit, and sunk into the leather chair, relieved that she could get off her feet finally in those heels. There were marks on her arms. She tried to keep them hidden. Jenny knew what they were from.

"You have quite the pole routine, you must have been doing this for a while."

The girl smiled. "Yes, about 3 years now. I started at 17, off the books, of course."

"Of course. Me too. They do that a lot. But you haven't been here that long?"

"No. I just started here."

"So, why stripping, if you don't mind me asking?"

"The money. Honestly. I got kicked out of the house in high school when I got pregnant and needed money. I am not even from Vegas. I moved here from the Carson City area because of where the money was. I go home with over a grand a night sometimes."

"Hustler, I like it."

"It wasn't always that way, and I have to put up with a lot of shit. Guys trying to finger me and what not, some guys who get mad I won't fuck them in the back room and get a little rough. I guess it is part of the life."

The way she said that last line......there was a certain level of defeat to it.....and complacency.

"Yes....I have been there girl. But did you have no skills? Did you graduate high school?"

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It is supposed to mean, you couldn't go anywhere else?"

"At the time, this was the quickest and the easiest."

The girl looked around nervously. Jenny did her best to calm her down. Her feet stuck to the floor a little--remnants of spilled liqour and god knows what else.

"Girl.....I was sold into sex slavery to the mob by my foster father at 14 to pay off a debt he owed the mob. I know all about how the life can suck. I was a stripper because it was a better alternative. I am sure there are better alternatives out there for a girl like you."

"Like me? A slut?"

"You aren't a slut, girl. Don't let them judge you, or stereotype you. You are beautiful in your own way. People are goin to judge you in life for your decisions, but you need to learn not to let them get to you and to love yourself for who you are on the inside."

The girl was about to say something when the music turned down a bit and a PA announcer type voice echoed through the building.

"BLAZE! Come on over!"

"I have to go." She said with a level of urgency. Jenny knew what this meant. She walked over and sat at the stage, taking money out of her bag. 20's, not singles. She watched Blaze the entire time, as she spoke to the DJ. Then, she made her way to the mirrored stage.

"Yeah thats right, comin' to the stage we have Blaze everybody! Blaze! Take care of her!"

The girl had empty eyes as the lubed up the pole. She reminded her so much of her it was crazy. Even her mannerisms.

The girl began to spin on the pole, her hair twirling. Slowly at first, but then faster as the song went on. As the guys began to make their way towards the stage, Jenny watched their interaction with them. Smiles. All smiles. Most of which she could tell were forced. She wanted to help this girl help herself. Help her like she helped herself. When the girl made her rounds towards Jenny, she slipped four twenties into her G-String. Inside the twenties lay a ticket to Leap of Faith, and a plane ticket for Air Canada. The girl leaned down and Jenny whispered in her ear.

"Come to the show Saturday Night. In Vancouver. You have everything you need. Lets talk when you get there. I'll get you a room, take you to dinner. I am going to beat up on the same type of girl who looks at you like you are nothing and worthless. The same type of girl who doesn't accept our life, our culture......and I am goin to strip her down to our level."

The girl smiled, putting her long legs around Jenny's head.

".....and I'll buy you some feminine products too......" she said under her breath.

As she walked out of the club she once called home, she had a weird feeling come over her. She was going to be on top of the world on Saturday, and this girl was going to see what being the dominant female really was.

When the Uber rolled to a stop she was at her hotel.

Tipping the driver generously she made her way up to her room. She immediately turned on her webcam. She had watched Miss Michelle's promo earlier, and had to address it. She had to do this for all the girls out there like her and Blaze who were looked down upon by girls like this.

She slid her leggings off, exposing just pair of pretty pink panties as she sat on the bed. Her long tee shirt rode up, barely covering. She cleared her throat and smiled into the camera.

"Hello, my XWF family!"

"Boy....I guess I opened the sqwak box. Jesus, she went from having nothing to say to spewing out her same starry eyed nonsense that won her over in the hearts of these creatures we call XWF fans. Miss Michelle, Miss BeckyChelle, the Mean-Girls extra who claims she has been the one being picked on. Looks like she actually has a pulse after all! Hunny, I know you have been in the business a while--17 years according to you--but you haven't been HERE in a while. If you had, you would have known, the General Managers have nothing to do with actually running these shows unless it is in their best interest. Do you know how many times I was attacked my that big gorilla looking bitch Nemesis before she was finally banned from the XWF arenas? Too many. Hell, Roxy was allowed to come to the ring with a goddamn tattoo gun and brand my ass! My beautiful, perfect ass! Hell, I dumped a bucket of horse-cum on Roxy one week. It wasn't until I started winning and becoming a bit of a commodity, selling merchandise and tickets, that the attacks mysteriously stopped. Coincidence? So don't direct your anger towards them. Direct it towards someone more deserving--direct it towards someone who is going to strip you down to your granny panties and take your title on Saturday Night. 17 years in the business doesn't make you a grizzled veteran Michelle, it makes you damn near a grandmother. 17 years. Just how old are you?! Thank god for Sephora, huh?! And you have a birthday coming up on the 24th.....sheesh, another year tacked on. By the time this match is all said and done, Michelle, you may be hospitalized due to exhaustion. Hell, all of that exertion isn't good for a senior citizen!

But enough about your age, how about that big old mouth of yours. I see it is good for something besides Mark's micropenis. I see you have referred to the Bombshell Title as "prestigious" on several occasions. If your accomplishments are as far and wide as your thigh gap, as you claim, then how is it "prestigious" to you? Wasn't it you who claimed the you don't need this title to be considered great? Or was that Abigail? All of you loud mouth cunts bleed together. For someone who is an apparent "legend" in the women's division, such as you, this title should be just another notch in the belt. Why are you making such a big deal about it? Have you been lying to us about your resume? Tisk, Tisk. Lying is not very becoming of you. All I heard from Abigail was how she used to run roughshod in the "old days", when XWF had a different name. I haven't heard that from you. All I have heard is how great you are with no factual evidence to back it up.....hmmm....suspicious much?

You can feel a sense of sadness for me all you want, but my story is truly a happy ending story. I have made something of myself. I have gotten myself out of that life. I have worked my perfect little ass off to get to where I am today. You outlining my life, it only shows how bad my life was and how well off I am right now. Thank you for highlighting that further. I don't need your sympathy. I don't need you to feel bad for me. I don't need a damn thing from you.

BeckyChelle Said:The one thing that makes it incredibly hard to respect and like Jenny is how she looks at her competition.

How am I supposed to look at competition? Am I supposed to give a verbal rim job to every woman I face? Am I supposed to be all smiles and tell everyone how good they are? Sorry toots, that just isn't my style. If you suck, I will tell you that you suck. I don't pussy foot around the truth. What do I have to hide? I have been very open about my past. I have been very true to everything I have said. That is why I mean it when I say 'psssssht!' You paved the way for me? Come on, BeckyChelle. You didn't pave the way for me....I am self made. I was a model, then a valet, then decided I wanted to wrestle. You claim you paved the way.....THERE WAS NO WOMEN'S DIVISION BEFORE ME! And if there was, it was on life support, if not already dead. Kandi Washington, a name you seem to love bringing up, was here when I got here. I didn't know much about her other than she resembled Roxy and nobody liked her.....kinda like Roxy. God knows where she is now. I don't know nor do I care. All I know is that when I decided to wrestle, I have been the only constant on this roster until you and Abigail showed up. If you paved the way for me, why was there promotional add campaigns put out to bring in a little competition to take me out? This entire women's division was constructed in an attempt to keep that title out of my hands. You paved nothing in regards to me. So get that thought out of your head right now, sugar.

BeckyChelle Said:Truth is, Jenny without the likes of me in this business you wouldn’t exist. None of these women would exist. Women’s wrestling wouldn’t even exist.

"Whatever helps your ginger head rest at night. I am the conceded one, right? I am the one who is full of herself? I claim this division is mine, that this division wouldn't exist without me, and you go off and make a claim that women's wrestling wouldn't exist without you. I was going to leave that comment alone, let the stupidity flow generically....but I just couldn't. My mind was so blown that you'd go there of all places. God I hate fake bitches like you.

Personally, I think these fans are being cheated. They will get to see you in your dollar store lingerie concoction.....I may just strip down after I take the belt from you and give them the show they deserve! Hell, I might wear nothing under my wrestling gear, and give them a REAL show! When you have a body like mine, Michelle, why not flaunt it? I do think it is funny though, that the only fall I WON against Roxy will be the same stipulation I WIN at versus you. Ironic. Gotta love this business! I never did drugs in my life. Never once. Maybe the occasional bump of coke here and there, but I saw what drugs do to people. It is funny how privledged little girls like you have such a stereotype of dancers. Some of the best people I have ever met in my life were in that business. Some of the worst people lived in million dollar houses. Before you open your mouth about my past, do your research first. Crack! Ha! The only crack that has been in my past has been my perfect ass crack with the 'piece of dental floss' up it that you refuse to wear! I looked damn sexy too. You only wish you could look at sexy as I did and do!

Face facts, this belt was made for me. Now that you have me one on one, for once, you have nothing new to say. You have no witty punches and clever lines. It is the same old same old. Jenny is a spoiled brat with an attitude problem. Yippee. We have heard the story before, Michelle. Try again. Try telling a story...try captivating the fans. The fans you adore so much. Try pulling them in with something besides being faker than the leather on your bags!

As much as I think you are a total see you next Tuesday, I think you are excpetionally talented inside that ring as well. I never said you weren't good, I just said you aren't what you claim. Half of this business is how good you can be on a microphone, and right now, I am the best. I piss people off and I get under their skin. That is what makes a good heel! Don't hate on me because I do my job! Hate on me because you can't beat me one on one and have avoided trying to at every opportunity presented to you. You called ME out, then tried to take the easy way out when you realized I actually can pack a little bite with all this bark! Pathetic, Michelle. If you want to be sad about something, be sad about that. I sure am! If Chris taught me anything at all it was to pick my battles. I don't engage in mental combat with the unarmed. You aren't on my level in any way, shape or form. I am going to expose you at Leap of Faith. Your ass is writing multi digit checks that your gross, pock-marked ass can't cash. Sure, I talk a lot. Many people say I do the same thing. I'm blonde. What's your excuse? I just hope for the sake of the world that you and Mark don't concieve a child any time soon. You are so old, Michelle, you remember when emoji's were hyrogliphics. You said it yourself. You've been doing this for 17 years! Why not let the new era have a shot? Hell, you are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse! The female Benjamin Button. Sitting and sipping tea, waiting for your Meals on Wheels, with the brain of a toddler. You came back far too late. I am jealous of all the people who haven't met you! When I take that title that you don't deserve off your waist Saturday Night, it will be a breath of fresh air in this division and in this business. A true "Bombshell" will have the title and you can crawl back into the retirement hole you slithered out of! BeckyChelle, I'd give you a nasty look, but it appears you already have one!


I crack myself up sometimes. But for real though, you're gross. I am going to have to get that belt disinfected when I take it from you. Hell, XWF has enough money now because of Chris and I, I will just make Roxy order a new one altogether! Reason? This one has been tainted in mediocrity. I refuse to have mediocrity around my waist. This waist is too flawless for something like that! Michelle, you're so old that when you were a kid, rainbows were black and white! But you aren't in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. You are in the XWF. You are in MY company. The company that I am going to be the new face of. The new face of beauty, dominance, and grace. I have seen on ice skates with more grace than you currently bring!

I do not fear Mercy. I am not like you. You rambled on for five minutes about how Mercy can destroy this division and everything that I have worked for can be destroyed. I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Why wouldn't I be focused on you? I learned long ago that if I let my mind wander, it will not be in my best interest. I am focused on you and you alone for the time being, then I will let all of the pieces fall into place. Mercy is clearly on your mind, though. For your sake I hope you are focused one hundred and ten percent on me at Leap of Faith. Mercy is a big bitch, sure, but she isn't after me. Madison didn't cost me at King of the Ring, she just didn't help me either, like she said she would. She had a master plan, and she failed. She turned her back. And now, she knows she is on the outside looking in. She may be the only chick on this roster whose ovaries are more shriveled than yours. There is an underlying reason why you were cuffed to the ropes and I wasn't. This attack wasn't on me for a reason. Madison still has a soft spot for me, the one who put her in her place in the most brutal women's match in recent history. She still wants the one that beat her damn near into a coma to be at the top of this division. So, why not keep me fresh? Thanks Maddy! I always knew there was a heart inside that melting flesh! I never once thought the management had it out for me, at least this time. I know how the rules work. Tie goes to the runner. Draw goes to the champion. I was a little preturbed they would give me the belt and then take it, but I don't feel cheated at all. You did what I thought you would do, and I wasn't surprised by the decision at all. In fact, they did exactly what I wanted. They gave me the one on one match that I deserve. The one on one match that I earned! I am not butt-hurt at all. I am happy. I am relieved! I am overjoyed! I finally get to show the world the fraud you truly are! I just wonder if after I strip you down if you will disappear like Abigail did. If you will become an afterthought. So much for a Women's revolution, eh? Every new bitch they bring in seems to tangle with me one way or another, and I am the only one still here, standing tall---or as tall as I can, anyway. I would bank on the fact that you wither away into nothing after Saturday. That nobody will see or hear from you again.

I actually am jealous of you, Michelle. I never thought I'd say that in my life. I am jealous that you get the honor of stripping it all down and being seen half naked. I love it! I love showing it off! Maybe you are the one who is camera shy.....hmm? I wouldn't be surprised. You probably have a lot of irrational fears. I feast on them like a demon. I am going to feast on your career, your title and your...........


Ginger don't have souls.

Scratch that!

I am going to beat you and become the new face of this place, BeckyChelle! And there is not a damn thing that you or Madison or anyone else can do about it.

The Bombshell title comes home to the one, true, bombshell.


She blows a kiss at the camera as she takes her shirt off, exposing a shiny pink bra before it cuts to black. Her voice could be heard shuffling with something and the words cut through the darkness.....

"Dear Diary"


[Image: KO5Wnby.gif]

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