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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Fighting Through Hell
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Robert "The Omega" Main Offline
Active in XWF


XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

09-24-2017, 07:07 PM

Fighting Through Hell Part #2

[Image: pZprvFg.jpg]

Robert watched as the solid steel door to his cell slowly came open, the hinges screeching out loudly as Robert backed up until his back was up against the concrete wall behind him! Slowly three Plague Doctors walked in one by one. Once each Doctor crossed the threshold of the doorway they each moved slowly towards Robert who was already backed against the wall! Each of the Doctors was dressed the same. Long black trench coats sealed shut from all incoming air, long black leather gloves sealed off at each of their elbows. Each wearing a leather mask with what looked to be a bird beaks. Their eyes glowed red through the thick glass covering each of their eyes! Robert looks around for something anything at all but quickly realizes it’s three on one! Robert runs his hands across the wall looking for anything, a crack, a seal, but the walls are completely solid surface. In this moment it becomes clear Robert must fight! The first Doctor reaches out for Robert, but it is Robert who makes contact first grabbing the first Doctors arm tossing him into the concrete wall. The Doctor falls to the tile floor barely moving. Robert is quickly grabbed from behind by the second Doctor. Surprised by the pure strength Robert drives his head back into the masked Doctor several times until the demon lets go. As the third Doctor tries to grab Robert, Robert ducks underneath grabbing the Doctor around the waist suplexing it onto the tile floor shattering the tile into a million pieces. Robert quickly gets to his feet sprinting for the door as it slams closed in Robert's face!

F……U…….C……..K…….!!!!!! A………..RRRRRRR……HHHHHH!!!!!

[Image: vYLknGM.jpg]

Robert tries valiantly to open the door, his bare hands pushing against the cool steel surface. Robert tries pulling the door open, ripping each of his fingernails off in the process. Blood dripping now from Robert’s hands as he continues pulling at the door but it will not budge. Everything he just attempted was all in vain. The door stood stubbornly in its place, as he slams his fists into the door, before laying his forehead on the steel staring at the tile floor beneath him. He notices an eerie feeling come over him when the hair on his neck stands up on end! Trapped. He was still trapped. Confined within the walls of this room. He began to feel a bit claustrophobic. As Robert slowly turned around there stood all three Doctors in his face. Each pointing at Robert. Robert crumbles to his knees clenching his stomach! Robert’s stomach began contracting so violently that he had no time to even think about what was really going on.What did you do to….. m…e? Chunks of food covered in the creamy stomach bile were propelled into the air splattering on the tile floor. Robert again heaved and once more as black liquid began pouring from his mouth. His throat felt as if he had swallowed a hand full of razors, then chased them with sandpaper. Robert let out a roar tossing black vomit all around him. Robert tried surveying the mess with watery eyes as he dry heaved time and time again before falling face first into the black vomit covered tile.

[Image: eRowlJI.jpg]

I cannot move!

My body is burning!

I hear screams! Of others!

What is going on?

The Doctors are above me! They have me strapped down!

Am I in a hallway?

Where are they taking me?

I feel tired and dizzy!

I’ve got to stay awake!

My eyelids keep falling!

We have stopped!

[Image: lqdw4X3.jpg]

Doctors! It seems Mr. Main is rather incapacitated at the moment. He looks terrible! The old bubonic plague is a killer isn’t it Mr. Main! I told you not to fight this! Unstrap him and dump him in the ninth circle!

I try to scream out! No words will leave my mouth!

I see The Devil!

They unstrap me!

I’ve got to stay awake!

There is an open door!

Nothing but darkness inside!


I cannot move! They are dragging me!

Robert fight!

They throw me inside the darkness!

I’m falling!

I’m still falling!

I’m giving in! I’m passing out! Still falling!

Robert awoke naked on a dark dusty road, rocks digging into his lower back and arms. Roberts quickly gets to his feet looking around for anyone or anything. He then notices the sky above him was blackened as if someone poured black ink. Robert remained silent staring into the darkness all around him.

[Image: GYVCKGh.jpg]

So here I stand naked on a dirt road, in hell someplace! Wonderfuckingful! At least my butt doesn't hurt!

Robert looks to each side of the dirt road there are charred black trees grown so closely together nothing could slip in-between them. Robert looked in both directions and shakes his head! He followed the road as far as his eyes would allow him! Nothing in either direction! The road went on, and on never-ending, it was infinite! Suddenly a sign appears next to Robert. One direction reads “heaven” the other reads “hell” pointing in the other direction! Robert smiles placing his hands on his head as he laughs out loud!

This is a joke, right? One way Heaven one way Hell! HA! To think I’m stuck in purgatory with a choice! I think I’ll walk towards heaven!

Robert takes a few steps in the direction of “heaven” and stops in the middle of the dirt road staring into the darkness just behind the charred trees. A dull spotlight is now on Robert, his once naked his body now in his ring gear. Robert takes a second reaching into his long black leather jacket pulling out a Makers Mark cigar and placing it into his mouth! Robert checks his pockets and cannot find his lighter anywhere.This really is hell. No lighter! each of the charred black trees ignite in flames. Robert glance over at the trees and smiles walking over lighting his cigar. As he does, Robert glances down at his hands and feet. Robert is now barefooted, the soles of his feet begin getting very hot. The hair on the back of Robert’s head quickly stands up. Robert quickly takes off in a sprint with each step his feet burning more and more as the trees filled with fire extinguish themselves as Robert stops because he cannot see! Robert is utterly horrified by this vast, wasteland surrounding him. Everything has gone pitch black. His eyes could not penetrate the darkness no matter which way he turned. This darkness started weighing heavily on his shoulders. The darkness felt as if it were brooding and rotating around him. Then, the loneliness and the sheer depth of his lonesomeness takes his fear to a level Robert never knew. The smell of sulfur surrounds him now. The pungent vapor filled his nostrils, turning his stomach. Robert begins to hear muffled voices all around him. Robert then hears a ripple of mocking laughter. Waves of rejection and hatred sweep through him. Robert tries to run away but is slammed into an invisible barrier. An evil unholy voice shouted from below Robert!

WAIT YOUR TURN! Mr. Main! This isn’t just about you! I have millions of souls to torture! In due time!

Hell was not for the run of a mill sins. It was not for the parents who lost their tempers in frustration, lashing out at their children or people struggling under the stresses of their everyday lives. It wasn’t for those struggling with money issues or people with debt they can never pay back. It was not for the mentally ill or those too damaged to know right from wrong. Hell was reserved for those who knew their actions were wrong and did them regardless, enjoying the pain and anguish of others, taking what was not rightfully theirs. Money, merchandise, or things that just didn’t belong to them. Ruining countless lives in the process. To reserve a one-way ticket for sure you had to do one of a few horrible things! Committing suicide was frowned upon in every way. But the number one thing that will punch your ticket would be taking another’s life!

Here I stand in the darkness waiting to be tortured or whatever else this whack job has in store for me! I’m starting to really believe this might actually be hell! Although in my version of hell I would constantly be hearing the Theo Pryce troll me for all eternity!

A Dark version of Theo Pryceappears behind Robert and begins pacing, screaming in Robert’s ear! Robert smiles turning around with a wild swing hitting nothing but a puff of black smoke. The dark version of Theo Appears off in the distance shouting at Robert once more.

[Image: jWZSjjc.jpg]

Yup! This is hell! I believe it now! If I have to listen to this brash ego too much longer I might just hang myself. His dark version of himself is just as much an ass hole as him! I am stuck down here or where ever, hell is on a map! I need to be out in the world cutting promos! I need to be attacking Robbie head on! God knows, what the hell he has been saying about me or what he has been doing! Nothing very impressive I’m sure! Although he is getting that shot at the Universal Championship! Impressive? Meh… Nah, not so much! He is the number one guy around the XWF! Funny how that all went down though! He was running with the greatest wrestler of all time James Raven! The G.O.A.T! So Robbie attacks him? I guess the spotlight wasn’t on Robbie enough and he just couldn’t take it anymore lashing out! Jealousy is a pure utter bitch! Just like every other Ponzi scheme that has been ran, Robbie’s plan imploded all around him. I’m sure he will say that was the plan from the moment this team all joined forces. I know better! Nothing like a cheap shot on the Champion, or a blindside to make you think you are the next Champion! Robbie isn’t going to be the next Champion at anything other than an all you can eat wing contest at a local Hooters! James Raven is going to kick the living shit out of Robbie in the ring. A guy like James Raven makes guys like Robbie Bourbon look like they do not know what they are doing in the ring! But before Mr. Raven can get his hands on this greased up hog, he’ll have to get in line behind me! After it is all said and done James Raven might not have an opponent to face! But Robert you need to be fair here and play DEVILS advocate! What if Robbie actually for some reason after I beat James Raven a man “with a list of accomplishments longer than my dick” and wins the Universal Championship? I mean after I beat him! I will have beaten the number one guy in the company! I will have beaten a man in the top 50 greatest of all time, I will have beaten him for the second time and the new Universal Champion to boot! I think that will put me right in line for a shot at that, strap I deserve! Listen to yourself man! Deserve? You sound like Chris Chaos! Talking to myself in hell! I do deserve it though and I will prove it against Robbie! The third time against Robbie will be a charm, because just like everything else that I have taken from Robbie like the Hart Championship! I will take the Universal Championship from him as well! If anyone and I mean anyone stands in my path I will disembowel them, rip their heart out and shove it right up their ass! No more of this bull shit! I am going to do what I want when I want to do it and there isn’t a man on this fucking roster that will stop me! I don’t care if it is Neville Sinclair who has made history in the XWF! Or the Kings! Each will fall one by one by my hands! Payback is a bitch!

What Robbie fails to realize in this match is he is the man under all of the pressure. I am fresh off of an extended vacation in Mexico/Hell! He is the next in line for the Universal Championship! Everything that he claims he is, will be on the line! I have nothing to lose in this match, and everything to gain! Take on the number one guy beat him and move right back to the top of the mountain where I belong! I might only have one match but I can damn sure make an explosion! Robbie just had to have this match, now that he has it. I really don’t think he realizes the gravity of the situation he has placed himself in! Now for the second time in a few months, I will hand Robbie what he rightfully deserves! I will be the one to leave Robbie Bourbon in misery! Every time he looks at himself he will hate what he has become! A shell of his former self. A big man with big dreams, all taken away by me! If there is one damn thing that anyone on the roster should have learned about me by now is. You can most certainly take to the bank, I am more than willing to burn the entire fucking Earth down to get what I want! I can only hope that heaven will open up and help Robbie because I am bringing hell with me! By hook or crook, I will win this match! I am going to pull out every damn stop there is along the way! No looking back! On Robbie’s best day he could not lace my wrestling boots! Facing me is like getting a free ride but you’ve already paid! I just hope Robbie Bourbon is ready to take a full dosage of his own medicine! Because I will be force feeding him my fists! Lots of guys all over the internet, twitter, and backstage was real quick to say that this is going to be the demise of Robert The Omega Main! All I can say is this here in hell to myself! If for some reason if this match is going to be my demise! I’m taking everybody down with me and I am going to go out in a blaze of glory! I just cannot wait to choke the life out of Robbie and watch the end of his career through his dying eyes. All Robbie will be when he is dead and gone is a faded memory. They won’t remember anything other than him being a bully. A fake! A fraud! Robbie has been flying too close to the sun for a long time now! Getting by, just by the skin of his teeth! This time! Flying this close to the sun is going to get him burned! He had to have this! Now that it is here I am going to make his life a pure living hell from here on out! I will do what I did last time! I will own the ass of Robbie Bourbon! He likes to claim he has others balls in his pocket! Some guys he actually can say that about! After this match, I will be the one that owns Robbie Bourbon’s balls!

I’m going to expose Robbie for what he is! See Robbie did, in fact, show his true colors to me one time. I saw the snake for what he truly is. I watched and seen everything that I needed to figure Robbie out! I think back to Lethal Lottery, while I was out busting my ass cutting promos for the pay per view, doing promotional interviews, photo ops and meeting fans! Signing countless autographs and taking pictures with every hot woman I could get my hands on. My number one question was where was Robbie Bourbon? Was Robbie too damn good to get out and do the things the company asked? After all, they do sign his checks. Or was it he was just above all of that? He wouldn’t come down from his ivory tower and do the right thing. In the end, though we are talking about Robbie Bourbon! Maybe it was he just got lazy and decided to let someone else carry the ball for a while jumping back in when things were ripe for the picking! Coward!... I understand we all need time off! We get banged up. We need to see our families. Some need to take care of their children. Others get sick of the endless cycle of bull shit! I just got back from a two-month leave. I had a tag team match scheduled. What happened? I didn’t return a few phone call and text messages and you would have thought the world had ended with me standing firmly on it. People started spreading the rumors that Robert Main could not cut it in the XWF. I left because I was pissed off because I lost the Hart Championship! Generally, when there is some smoke there is fire. This wasn’t the case though. Sure I was upset I lost the Championship, from my own doing none the less! Nothing like shooting yourself in both feet! But that was not the reason at all. Things have been so twisted up once I left for a few weeks! The web of lies grew larger and larger! So I came back! I had enough of my name being dragged through the mud! I come back to me being called a coward and a bitch. The wolves started circling once I hit the door. Including Robbie Bourbon! What pissed me off, was I was pulled from a card. I never said I was not going to show! I was pulled. The people around me didn’t trust me enough to show up. That is when I got pissed off and decided to take an extended vacation! I won’t allow this oversized maxi pad use it against me. I show up. I come to fight I defend Championships when I hold them. If I say I am going to be there I am there no matter what is happening outside this business. It’s a respect thing! If you don’t have respect you don’t have anything at all! I go by my word and I die by it as well. After all the work I put in for Lethal Lottery Robbie decided, spitting in the face of every wrestler that has ever stepped foot through the curtain was more suitable for him and his standards!

He was spitting in the face of every wrestling legend there is on the planet! Giving the middle finger and not looking back! He spat in the faces of each and every wrestling fan all around the world! No to mention he gave management in the XWF the big fuck you! See Robbie committed the cardinal sin! He no-showed! He didn’t cut one damn promo for our match where he was the defending champion! A champion of a championship that actually means something in the XWF! He disgraced the Hart Championship and everyone that held it before him! He disrespects me and everyone in the business. He didn’t greet one fan! He didn’t show up for anything! While I carried the heavy burden! When the going got tough Robbie Bourbon was no place to be found! Now he believes in this match he has an opportunity to right a wrong! I don’t think so! Once our match started I was surprised that he even showed up. In the end, I beat him and in this match, I will do the same thing once more. It amazes me that this man could maybe become the next Universal Champion. He could do the same thing again. XWF would owe a lot of people money if they came to see a Universal Champion and they never showed up! The very second I opened my mouth Robbie Bourbon strategically struck running his mouth countlessly until I accepted a match! See what Robbie is looking for is a layup, an easy win! He picked the wrong guy! An easy win will never come! Neither will a win. Once this match goes down, and all of the dust settles my name will gown down in the record books with a second win over Robbie Bourbon! That’s just the facts! It will happen this way and this way only! When it’s Robbie Bourbon or Robert Main! Robert fucking Main wins every single time. In the end, Robbie will have wished he had never asked for this match! I will beat the number one to the Universal Championship! I will pick the pieces of my supposedly broken career, picking up right where I left off. Beating people’s asses and taking their Championships! You know something else I hate more than anything! Ice Water! Drinking a tall glass of ice water would be terrible right now! Aggggghhhhhhhhhh! Ukkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

Mr. Main I do not know whom you think you are talking to but it is getting rather annoying! To think I brought you to hell for a purpose, and here you are torturing me! Now silence!

Robert hands quickly move up towards his neck trying to pull the hang man’s noose away from his neck, the more Robert would pull at the thick rope the tighter the rope seemed to get! Cutting and burning Robert’s neck in the process! Robert clawed away at the rope fighting for every single breath, as each breath becomes shorter and much more difficult to take in. Violently Robert is jerked down to the dirt road! For a brief few seconds, the rope loosens up, as Robert gasps for air still trying to remove the rope from his neck. Again he is violently tugged towards the charred tree line. He reaches out for anything to grab ahold of but there is nothing there! He continuously pulls up clumps of dirt. Just as Robert gets underneath the trees he is pulled from the ground into the air. Robert is being hung! Robert slowly feels his life slipping away, draining away from his body. He again tries desperately to push his fingers up in-between the rope and his neck as he begins losing conscious. Robert was screaming silently gasping for what might just be his final breath! Warm ragged short breaths were leaving his body as his throat closed taking in no more air. Robert’s lungs started to ache, his eyes wide with fear, bulging from his skull! The immense pressure only grew as Robert’s mind began to fade! A familiar voice rang out from behind Robert!

[Image: R2u6gg1.jpg]

Mr. Main I really do not think you understand the predicament that you currently in! Do you believe I will not end you? I could just take your sorry good for nothing soul right now and move on torturing you forever! I could just leave you here for all eternity hanging! Look at you now gasping for air! You are weak! You are a failure! If this is the man that is going to face Robbie Bourbon I should just end it right here to save us both the disappointment! Use the darkness, Robert! Give in! Let it out! Right now you are in the ninth circle of your own personal hell. It is only going to get much worse from here. Oh, the pain I am going to show you next will be nothing short of breathtaking!

EVERYTHING IS….. Fading…..

This is……It!

I can’t!

With my last breath, I speak!



I see you still have some fight in there Mr. Main! I like that!

Robert falls from the tree to the dirt road below him. He doesn’t move, Robert just lays there face down on a dirt road in hell. Robert stares off in the distance tears falling from his eyes from being almost choked to death. Robert slowly gets to all fours wiping the dirt from his face and beard. He rocks back to his knees still starring off in the distance. He delicately removes the hang man’s noose from his neck dropping it in place. Roberts’s neck is bruised from the hanging and bleeding from the rope burn! Robert takes one deep breath and begins coughing violently, spitting up blood in the process!

Ugh!.... Being dead would be much easier at the point! What point is he trying to prove here? Use the darkness? Unleash the darkness? What the hell is the darkness instilled inside of me? Is it I cannot be killed? Or is it I can take insurmountable amounts of damage and keep on going? What is it? Where is this gift!

Robert watches the dirt road ignite slowly moving towards him. Robert stands up slowly dusting himself off. He holds both of his arms out to his sides watching the deep flames of enraged fire move closer towards him through blurry eyes! As the fire moved closer to Robert he noticed there was less air to breathe. The only thing Robert can hear is his own heartbeat now racing inside his chest. The smoke dark black smoke rolling off the top of the deep amber fire smelt like gasoline mixed with motor oil. The fire slowly dances all around Robert, there is nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. He closes his eyes leaving his arms out to his sides! Robert's mouth gapes open for a few long moments as the fire begins burning the hair off of his arms and legs, grinding his teeth in pain! As the fire comes closer Robert’s beard and the hair on his head burn down to the bone. Boiling and blistering his skin, each burn more harsh than the last, more painful- leaving a greater black burn each time. Robert can feel the fire pulling his life away, refusing to fall to his knees. Robert opens his eyes becoming fixated on the fire as it danced around his burning body. His eyes began to dry and blister and bleed, as crimson tears begin to fall from his eyes with one last deep breath his throat burned from the supercharged hot scalding air blistering his insides! The incredibly intense pain grew so strong Robert lost the ability to even think. Dropping down to his knees his arms still out accepting the flames and all their pain! Robert looks at his hands seeing the bones of his fingers now exposed. He sees his Maker’s Mark cigar picking it up off of the ground with his bare-bones placing it in-between his teeth. The skin has melted away from his lower jaw now. Robert takes in the rich cigar taste as the fire completely engulfs him!

[Image: 0ybopw0.jpg]









The Awakening

[Image: 6x9xFnQ.png]
[Image: nLYNvyj.png] x2
[Image: fMJwa5h.png] x2
[Image: WPoUWuI.png]

Longest Reigning Tag Team Champions in modern history. W- Drew Archyle & James Raven
Longest Reigning Hart Champion in modern history:280 days
2nd longest reigning Universal Champion :269 days
Tag Team Champions W- "Chronic" Chris Page as Cataclysm
Trio's Champion W- AX3
2020 May Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team Wargames 2020
Winning Team War Games 2019 W- APEX PROPHECY
2019 Feud of the year W- "Chronic" Chris Page
2019 Tag Team of the Year W- Drew Archyle & James Raven as APEX
Roleplay of the Month February 2019 "Junkyard Dog"
Leap Of Faith Winner 2018
July 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2018 Superstar Of The Month
December 2017 Superstar Of The Month
Winning Team War Games 2017 W- APEX
Mr. 24/7
[Image: Qfgvjya.png]
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