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Have You Heard The Rumors From Saturday Night?
Author Message
TheBigKahuna Offline
Sexiest Man Alive

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

09-03-2017, 06:37 PM

Steve Sayers is backstage with The Big Kahuna after another thrilling Saturday Night Savage.

Steve: We're here again now with The Big Kahuna, one of the newest XWF superstars. Kahuna, you had an opportunity to see the action ringside tonight for the first time. What did you think?

Kahuna: Look, I respect anyone willing to get in that ring and fight for their livelihood. But I got more action ringside with the Hollywood honeys than any wrestler who actually fought tonight.

Steve: Well that's quite a claim, a helluva lot went down tonight. James Raven took on four men!

Kahuna: Is that more than you took on last night, Steve?You sound jealous! But let's not lose the focus here. You're right. In fact, I do believe a lot has transpired here tonight. I've been back here in the locker-rooms for 20 minutes and already there are crazy rumors about me swirling!

Steve: Rumors? What have you been hearing?

Kahuna: Well...

Kahuna ducks back slightly and looks to his left and right every so slowly before closing in on Steve. He almost whispers now.

Kahuna: I've been hearing that they've already set up matches for me. They're fighting over me.

Steve: They've already confirmed next week's schedule, you aren't fighting next week.

Kahuna: No, no. Steve. No. You misunderstood. Not that I'M fighting. It's the women. The women here in the XWF, they're already fighting over me. Just look at this.

Kahuna grabs next week's Sunday Night Savage schedule. He shows Steve the schedule after unfolding it and points to the match of "The Sugay Sisters Vs. Chris Chaos & Jenny Myst".

Kahuna: An all out brawl of four beautiful women fighting over me. It would be so sexy if it weren't so tragic.

Steve: Chris Chaos is most certainly not a woman. And I'm pretty sure that's a tag team match that has nothing to do with you.

Kahuna looks down at the schedule and furrows his brow, a bit perplexed now.

Kahuna: He is a....I didn't....Well anyways, I don't judge those sorts of things. But okay, three beautiful women. That's fine. That works too. I mean, I get here and that matches happens? Are you sure?

Kahuna looks further down the schedule.

Kahuna: Well here, look. The Bombshell Championship match. How could that not be about me? Two amazing buxom women, ready to slap themselves silly just for a shot at being with me.

Steve: Who have you been hearing these rumors from?

Kahuna: Oh all kinds of people, you wouldn't believe it. But when you walk by these wonderful women of the XWF...You get the look. Ya know?

Kahuna looks at Steve disapprovingly.

Kahuna: Well I get a look, ok? Maybe not you, but that's okay, it'll happen for you some day. But they give you a look, a smile. You can tell. They confirm it...Let me...Here...

Kahuna takes the microphone from Steve.

Kahuna: Let me just say...Ladies, please. You don't have to do this. I just...feel so terrible. I get here and there's already six sexy...

Steve: Five

Kahuna: Five sexy women who are fighting over me. Can you imagine? The broken nails. The hair pulling. The open hand slaps. What a waste! All because of me! I'm a torn man. On the one hand, I obviously hate to see women getting hurt. Yet I love to watch terrible women's wrestling matches...I just wish there was some way I could be a part of it. A way I could help, if there has to be this...Madness...just because of all this.

Kahuna motions up and down along his body.

Steve: What are you suggesting?

Kahuna: If these women are going to fight over me...and since as you mentioned, I'm not fighting next Saturday, I think I should be the referee for the Bombshell Championship match. Look, I think it's only fair! I caused all this, I will take responsibility for it. Who better to ref the bombshell match than a man that has slept with both participants? That way you know I wouldn't favor one over the other!

Steve: You've slept with these women now?!

Kahuna almost looks ashamed for a moment.

Kahuna: I personally can't confirm or deny anything about all that, it's just these damned rumors that keep going on back here! I mean, you can't believe everything you hear Steve. But no matter the rumors, I can be impartial. I love all women. I think the XWF and the two lovely ladies should give me a chance. I look even more amazing in the stripes.

Some chatter grows from a nearby hallway as some of the wrestlers are coming out of various rooms. Big Kahuna ends the interview.

Kahuna: Sorry Steve, I gotta run.

Kahuna walks the opposite direction of the hallways.

Steve: Well, there's some interesting new rumors around the arena tonight, as well as a referee...."proposal" I guess we'll call it. We're a short week away from another Saturday Night Savage and we hope you'll join us again. Have a great week everyone.
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