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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
Ways to win
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Jean Baptiste Le'Croix Offline
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(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

08-29-2017, 12:55 PM

Jean:heya chasm buddy pal, it's me Jean.
I saw your promo, and I heard that you don't know what the hell is a torture cell match is or how to win, sssssoooooo..........................
Um.....all I am here is to give you a brief message on what a torture cell match is and what to do in it in terms of how to win.
Since I told you what our match is and how to win and since I never told you what it actually is, here's a brief explanation of it, and hopefully this helps ya out, this time around.
A torture cell match is a match where it uses a hell in a cell cage like the one that the wwe uses but it is cover with barbed wire...every square inch of the torture cell cage is covered. inside and out.
It's also covered(inside) in every square inch of weapons that the xwf has, that are custom made by the xwf universe, and weapons that are legal and illegal.
You can use straps and strap your opponent and beat the shit outta him where he passes out due to the pain, you can repeatedly hit him with weapons or force him to say I quit while putthim in a submission move, a refs discretion, use what ever your heart desires.
Basically chasm what I'm trying to say is, to win you either force your opponent to say I quit, beat the shit outta him to where he passes out due to the pain and can't go any further, refs discretion, or massive blood loss due , or due do the injury substaind in the match.
The name of the game is to torture the hell out of your opponent, more the pain, suffering, agony, malice, more the blood, more the violence, more the better.
The easier the time you'll have to get the win.
I damn well except nothing but the best and the violence from you.
I ain't goin to be beating your ass in the torture cell for nothing.
.oh and by the way don't worry about the after math, every bit of what we do to each other is legal, and no one is held responsible for any of the shit that goes on.

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