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The King in Rags, Finn Kühn
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Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

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(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

07-14-2017, 09:33 AM

~ Finn Kuhn ~
~ The King in Rags ~

[Image: tumblr_pu2yig3EX71r0vv2so1_1280.jpg]

~ Basic Information ~


Weight:200 lbs.


Date of Birth:September 9th, 1994 (27 years old)

Hometown:New York City, New York by way of Frankfurt, Germany

Pic Base:Tommy Flanagan

~ In-Ring Profile ~

Face-leaning Tweener

In-Ring Style:
Finn is an all-around expert, capable of adapting his game well depending on who he's facing. He's shown time and again he can grapple with the best of them, he's just as fast as he was in his prior run, and trading strikes with him is asking to practically have your face caved in. That being said, though he's a jack of all trades, one can say he's still a master of none. However, if one manages to push his mental state far enough, he can effectively 'snap,' shifting his in-ring style completely into a brutal, carnal affair, focused exclusively on only the hardest of strikes and absolute bone-breaking submissions as he almost prioritizes pain more so over a victory. Naturally, this makes utilizing mind-games against Finn a high-risk, high-reward system.

(+) Extremely adaptable in-ring style
(+) Above-average technician and grappler
(+) Vicious striking power
(+) Extremely rapid pace, very speedy
(+) Capable of fluidly chaining together moves to keep opponents guessing
(+) Excellent stamina, capable of holding himself well for long periods of time

(-) Prefers to fight with honor - will not cheat UNLESS his opponent attempts to cheat against him first
(-) Struggles with lifting power against larger opponents
(-) Fighting style while 'snapped' is a tricky situation - all offense, no defense, and can have his momentum turned against him. This makes mind-games a high-risk, high-reward strategy against him.
(-) Endurance is a question, can be caught by surprise by shock moves out of nowhere and take a loss off of them

~ Psych Profile ~





~ Move Profile ~
(Certain moves will have hyperlinks leading to visual examples for match writers.)

Core Moves:
(These don't quite have the 'oomph' of being a 'signature move,' but these are spots that still appear frequently in Finn's matches.)

Takedowns - Single Leg, Double Leg, Ura Nage (judo variant), Ankle Pick, Feints (can set up punches)
Cartwheels - Use these as an attempt to throw an acrobatic kick or knee, or literally vaulting over the opponent as a transition to another strike or move.
Dropkicks - Finn can bust a dropkick out of anywhere and to great effect. These can include variants for counter, running, rope-trapped, pop-up, to the top rope, missile, and springboard missile dropkicks, as well as a special headshot dropkick Finn refers to as 'CROWNED.'
Spinning Backfist - A commonly used strike to round off striking combos, use as a quick counter when ducking another strike or just used in general when Finn is being turned around from behind.

Jabs, crosses, hooks, uppercuts, haymakers, shin kicks, roundhouse kicks (head or body), spinning back kick, shoot kick (can be done as a barrage), thrust kick, question mark kick, teep kick, Pele kick, snap elbows (can be done as a barrage), 12-6 elbows, snap knees, lariat, shoulder tackle

Hammerlock, Hammerlock Back Suplex, Hammerlock Bodyslam, Chickenwing Armlock/Kimura Lock, Dragon Screw Arm Whip, Hammerlock Irish Whip, Leg Scissor Arm Breaker, Jumping Armbreaker onto Rail, Hammerlock Backstabber, Torbellino (sometimes multiple at a time)

Dragon Screw Leg Whip (can be done to a standing opp or laying opp), Heel Hold, Ankle Lock, Romero Kneebreaker, Knee Crusher, Cross Legbreaker, Kneebar (has a rolling and a leg feed rolling variant), Spinning Toe Hold, Achilles Lock (usually done as a counter if Finn catches a kick attempt by an opponent), Inverted Achilles Lock, Kneeling Indian Deathlock (as seen Finn can step onto the knee of the opponent with his free leg to apply more pressure)

Arm Drag, Belly-to-Belly Suplex, Brainbuster, DDT (also has an Inverted variant), Dragon Suplex, Half-and-Half Suplex, Neckbreaker, Snap suplex, Exploder suplex, Saito suplex,  Russian Leg Sweep

Crossbody, Moonsault, Suicide Dive, Asai Moonsault, Split-Legged Moonsault, 450 Splash, Shooting Star Press, Frog Splash

Signature Moves:

Breaker Solo

(Notes: Step-up axe kick to the head of a kneeling/hunched over opponent - A devastating strike capable of breaking through tough defenses. While the Breaker Solo requires set-up but is more powerful and can down almost anyone it hits, the Swan Song comes out of nowhere and works more as a stunning maneuver. Typically sets up for Fatalism.)

Dark Solo

(Notes: Octopus Hold/Manjigatame - A submission hold capable of restraining many against it and force them into a dire situation while applying pressure on the shoulders and joints.)

Swan Song

(Notes: Discus Elbow - A devastating strike capable of breaking through tough defenses. While the Breaker Solo requires set-up but is more powerful and can down almost anyone it hits, the Swan Song comes out of nowhere and works more as a stunning maneuver. Typically sets up for the Savagery of Angels.)

The Kaiser's Domain

(Notes: Destino - Finn's old finishing move. When in a desperate position, he'll bring this old move out, and it's still capable of finishing some matches.)

Victory Verse

(Notes: Wheelbarrow Victory Roll - A desperation tactic to use in a closely contested affair, capable of picking up wins in unlikely situations for Finn. After kickouts, Finn will commonly hold onto one of the legs to transition into an Ankle Lock.)



(Notes: Kamigoye - Finn's strongest impact maneuver and capable of causing knockouts in certain situations. Kickouts should be saved specifically for special occasions.)

Savagery of Angels

(Notes: Flying Armbar - A simple submission hold, but close to the best one in Finn's entire arsenal. It's an Armbar that can be considered among the best in the entire industry, and it's one Finn is mastering the art of being able to lock it in from wherever. Feel free to be very creative when coming up with ways to have him lock this in. If the opponent tries to roll over or lift to escape, Finn can also transition it into an Inverted Armbar.)

Super Finisher:


(Notes: Bicep Slicer - A unique transition from the Savagery of Angels given special distinction. If Finn cannot break his opponent's grip meant to block the armbar, he can hook his legs over the arm to transition it into a Bicep Slicer and guarantee a submission. It is easily Finn's strongest move, and even just remaining in the hold for a somewhat delayed period of time is certain to result in a broken arm.)

~ Entrances ~

Entrance Theme:

Entrance Description:

The strong beat of [i]Art of Blade[/i] begins to reverberate throughout the arena as the fans begin to get on their feet and cheer for who's about to come out. Before long, the sight of the King in Rags, Finn Kühn, comes out to a strong ovation. He looks out amidst the area, his [i]kingdom[/i] for tonight as he smiles.

His pace as he comes down to the ring is slow, even and measured. As the commentators discuss amidst themselves about recent events and the upcoming match, Finn surveys the area one last time as he steps into the ring.

As [i]Art of Blade[/i] reaches its chorus, Finn thrusts his arms up to the air, posing passionately for the fans as afterwards he settles into a game face, picking a corner and getting ready for what is to come.

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
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[-] The following 4 users Like Finn Kühn's post:
(07-14-2017), #MemeQueen Luca Torchwick (07-20-2017), Barney Green (08-06-2019), drezdin5788 (01-03-2018)
Finn Kühn Offline
Be the best, or be broken.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

08-06-2019, 07:10 PM

Reupdated as of August 6th, 2019 for Finn's return! Now with a new theme song, an updated movelist, an almost entirely new signature move moveset, and a new finisher!

[Image: d4Mq0D5.png]

January 2018 Star of the Month
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